13:00:41 <cverna> #startmeeting Container SIG 13:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 3 13:00:41 2018 UTC. 13:00:42 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:00:42 <zodbot> The chair is cverna. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'container_sig' 13:01:00 <cverna> #Topic Roll Call 13:01:03 <jcajka> .hello2 13:01:04 <zodbot> jcajka: jcajka 'None' <jcajka@redhat.com> 13:01:08 <lorbus> .hello2 13:01:08 <cverna> Hello everyone o/ 13:01:09 <zodbot> lorbus: lorbus 'Christian Glombek' <cglombek@redhat.com> 13:01:14 <bhavin192> .hello2 13:01:15 <zodbot> bhavin192: bhavin192 'Bhavin Gandhi' <bhavin7392@gmail.com> 13:01:15 <cverna> #chair jcajka lorbus 13:01:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: cverna jcajka lorbus 13:01:16 <lorbus> o/ 13:01:23 <cverna> #chair bhavin192 13:01:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: bhavin192 cverna jcajka lorbus 13:02:39 <cverna> Waiting a minute or two for people to join 13:04:21 <lorbus> .fas Eliska Slobodova 13:04:22 <zodbot> lorbus: eslobodo 'Eliska Slobodova' <eslobodo@redhat.com> 13:04:40 <eslobodo> .hello2 13:04:41 <zodbot> eslobodo: eslobodo 'Eliska Slobodova' <eslobodo@redhat.com> 13:05:34 <cverna> #chair eslobodo 13:05:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: bhavin192 cverna eslobodo jcajka lorbus 13:05:38 <cverna> hello :) 13:05:55 <cverna> ok let's move to the updates 13:06:07 <cverna> #Topic General Updates 13:06:13 <lorbus> o/ eslobodo :) 13:07:08 <cverna> So on my side I have been mostly busy with OSBS multi arch and we can now build containers on aarch64 in stg 13:07:39 <cverna> I hope that we will have soon the hardware in prod so we can start make aarch64 build in prod too 13:08:36 <cverna> We have some couple of good first tickets for people who are interested https://pagure.io/ContainerSIG/container-sig/issues?status=Open&tags=good+first+issue 13:09:04 <jcajka> cverna: awesome, I haven't yet tested it as I bit struggle with the STG infra, notably kerberos... 13:10:04 <cverna> yes I hope it that it will not take too long for the prod cluster to be available ( before the end of the year) 13:10:52 <cverna> I don't have much more, I saw that we start to have some container updates in bodhi which is great :) 13:10:53 <cverna> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/releases/F29C 13:11:47 <cverna> Ah yes there is a new Product in bugzilla for Fedora container images that can be used now 13:12:00 <cverna> for example --> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1655068 13:12:32 <lorbus> cverna++ very cool! 13:12:32 <zodbot> lorbus: Karma for cverna changed to 12 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 13:13:24 <cverna> I think that's all on my side for updates, does anybody else have something to share ? 13:14:41 <cverna> Ok lets move to tickets then :) 13:14:46 <cverna> #topic Tickets 13:14:46 <jcajka> still working through all of the OpenShift Origin images for f29/3.11, just created updated for origin-base 13:14:51 <cverna> oops :P 13:15:36 <cverna> #link https://pagure.io/ContainerSIG/container-sig/issues?status=Open&tags=meeting 13:16:12 <cverna> #topic Request ownership of projectatomic/container-best-practices - https://pagure.io/ContainerSIG/container-sig/issue/21 13:16:40 <lorbus> So, what you think? 13:16:50 <lorbus> this was discussed a bit in https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/85 13:17:09 * cverna reads all the comments in github :) 13:17:16 <lorbus> eslobodo is here, because she has been mainting some of the info 13:18:19 <lorbus> I think we should clearly separate the Fedora Container Packaging instructions (how to manage dist-git) from the best-practices 13:18:39 <cverna> so do we want to add a Container SIG team here --> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/engineering/ 13:18:49 <cverna> and move these under ? 13:19:11 <lorbus> this is why I propose to move all info re building containers from the wiki (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Container:Guidelines#Container_Guidelines) to the best-practices 13:19:54 <cverna> yes we can link the best practices in the guidelines 13:20:04 <lorbus> I do not know whether this is necessary (the Packaging Committee isn't listed there either) 13:20:52 <lorbus> but it might be a good thing to ask FESCo for an official mission to maintain it 13:20:59 <lorbus> cverna, that was my idea 13:21:17 <eslobodo> just one thing to note - although we've given CBP a refresh a few months ago, it hasn't really been activelly maintained and might need someone to review it again 13:21:47 <lorbus> also, I"d like to move the repo from the GH org to either pagure or a different GH org owned by this SIG 13:22:04 <lorbus> eslobodo: I would like to take this on 13:22:22 <eslobodo> lorbus: lovely, that'd be great! 13:22:36 <lorbus> now just want to pave the path to have one canonical place for all of this, were other people can reliably find this in the future 13:23:09 <cverna> so I think we need a new repo that works with how the docs.fp.o is generated and we can move the content there 13:23:28 <lorbus> the ex-Atomic/now-CoreOS teams at RedHat (where I intern currently) is looking at dissolving the projectatomic GH org 13:23:33 <cverna> that way when we move content we can review it also 13:23:47 <lorbus> so there might be a few other project that are tangential to Containers 13:24:27 <lorbus> cverna, I'd be fine with that where would that live? 13:26:10 <cverna> I think it can still live under the container SIG, but the repo requires a particular setup 13:26:29 <cverna> it might be good to ask in #fedora-docs or to asamalik 13:27:22 <cverna> oh it seems that there is --> https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/containers/tree/master 13:27:34 <cverna> maybe we can add to that 13:28:12 <cverna> we should ask sanja what she has in mind for this 13:28:14 <lorbus> #action lorbus to setup a container-best-practices repo at pagure/ContainerSIG 13:29:24 <lorbus> I met sanja on Friday in Scotland actually, I don't think she was opposed 13:29:53 <lorbus> but yea, if she has a specific plan, let's get her feedback, too! 13:30:27 <cverna> yes, but it might be good to have all the containers related stuff at one place :) 13:30:50 <cverna> ok anything else on this ticket ? 13:31:20 <lorbus> so do we all agree on moving this to pagure.io/ContainerSIG/container-best/practices ? 13:31:29 <lorbus> yes I do have something else 13:31:40 <cverna> I am +1 13:31:57 <lorbus> but this is more a "dissolving projectatomic GH org" thing 13:32:07 <eslobodo> yep +1 13:32:19 <cverna> lorbus: go ahead 13:32:26 <jcajka> yup +1, or some collected docs repo 13:32:28 <bhavin192> yes 13:32:36 <lorbus> What is the future of OSBS and atomic-reactor? 13:33:25 <lorbus> there is a proposal and a lot of talk to re-work the Fedora Build Infra, and I think these tools will need to be looked at, too 13:33:57 <lorbus> architecturally moving from Docker to Buildah/Podman maybe 13:34:18 <lorbus> and they will also need a new place to live, with projectatomic going away 13:34:39 * jcajka is too interested what will happen next(in Fedora (CoreOS) with it) 13:34:55 <cverna> so OSBS/atomic-reactor etc is managed and developed by a Red Hat team , I am not sure what is there plan regarding the GH organization 13:35:24 <cverna> I am not even sure someone told them that we want to delete the projectatomic org 13:36:18 <lorbus> so in Fedora CoreOS there is no plan to use neither OSBS nor atomic-reactor 13:37:04 <cverna> lorbus: ok but if I understood correctly Fedora CoreOS will not release containers ? 13:37:34 * cverna did not follow too much Fedora CoreOS lately 13:37:45 <lorbus> they might deliver the ostree update in a container, but this is build differently 13:37:56 <lorbus> (using rpm-ostree) 13:38:42 <cverna> ok I think these are different use cases, OSBS is really dedicated to building layered images (ie applications) 13:38:56 <lorbus> so I want to have a look at all repos in the GH org and see whether they can be moved to a meaningful new place, or depreceted 13:39:33 <lorbus> but OSBS could certainly use buildah for that as a backend? 13:39:35 <cverna> I ll ask the OSBS team if they have any plans or even heard about that 13:40:12 <cverna> so OSBS supports docker and imagebuilder (https://github.com/openshift/imagebuilder) currently 13:40:44 <lorbus> they might not have heard about that. this isn't an order from above, but rather a topic FCOS people like me want to talk about, bevause we are moving out of there, too, with our repos 13:40:47 <cverna> In fedora we should be able to use imagebuilder but I have not tried it yet. I am not sure buildah is on the roadmap currently 13:42:17 <lorbus> do you know what team that is so I can reach out to them> 13:42:18 <lorbus> ? 13:43:26 <cverna> Yes there are only on internal irc, on the containerbuildsystem channel 13:43:47 <lorbus> ok I'll ping them there, thanks cverna! 13:44:05 <cverna> np 13:44:36 <cverna> ok good to move on ? 13:44:57 <lorbus> yes, thanks :) 13:45:29 <cverna> #topic Bodhi Update policy - https://pagure.io/ContainerSIG/container-sig/issue/19 13:46:07 <cverna> so jcajka added a proposal there, which I am +1 with 13:46:40 <cverna> please have a look at it, and if we agree with it, I ll open a fesco ticket for it 13:47:42 <lorbus> yup +1, and for putting (batched) gating on the roadmap 13:49:19 <jcajka> I would add that we should also eventually support multi-image(some base image and all images that depend on it) updates 13:50:13 <cverna> jcajka: can explain what that would do ? 13:50:20 <cverna> you* 13:50:46 <jcajka> just release all the images at the same time(and clearly show that they are depended) 13:51:17 <jcajka> it also might make sense for automatic rebuilds 13:51:26 <cverna> ok so that's might be worth an RFE for bodhi 13:51:27 <lorbus> I think he means once the base image is updates, all images that use it are rebuilt, too 13:52:09 <jcajka> lorbus: yup, IIRC that is something that is worked on, right? 13:52:10 <cverna> jcajka: automatic rebuilds are available currently in OSBS, it needs to be configured in you dist-git repo 13:52:31 <cverna> jcajka: we can try to make it work together if you want 13:53:16 <jcajka> cverna: great I will definitively try that out/help with that as I will be working through the origin images 13:53:27 <cverna> once we have something working we need some docs :) 13:53:45 <cverna> jcajka: https://github.com/projectatomic/atomic-reactor/blob/master/atomic_reactor/schemas/container.json#L20 13:53:48 <jcajka> :) 13:54:03 <cverna> jcajka: ^^ we need to define this in the container.yaml in dist-git 13:54:11 <jcajka> ack 13:54:38 <cverna> I ll try to send a PR to the origin's dist-git 13:55:07 <cverna> ok approaching the end of the meeting let's move to open floor 13:55:15 <cverna> #Topic Open Floor 13:56:21 <jcajka> cverna: fell free to play with the f28 branch of the origin-* images(not that you are only interested in ones that have it ;)) 13:56:36 <jcajka> s/not/note.... 13:57:05 <cverna> sure 13:58:26 <cverna> ok then closing the meeting in 5s 13:58:39 <cverna> thanks all for coming :) 13:58:44 <lorbus> thanks all for joining! thanks cverna for hosting! 13:58:51 <cverna> #endmeeting