15:01:20 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2018-12-19) 15:01:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 19 15:01:20 2018 UTC. 15:01:20 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:20 <zodbot> The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2018-12-19)' 15:01:22 <mattdm> #meetingname council 15:01:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 15:01:24 <mattdm> #chair jonatoni bex contyk dgilmore dperpeet langdon mattdm sumantrom tyll bcotton pbrobinson 15:01:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton bex contyk dgilmore dperpeet jonatoni langdon mattdm pbrobinson sumantrom tyll 15:01:26 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 15:01:29 <contyk> .hello psabata 15:01:30 <mattdm> Let's see who we have today :) 15:01:30 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Ĺ abata' <psabata@redhat.com> 15:01:50 <dgilmore> hi 15:01:52 <jonatoni> .hello2 15:01:53 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 15:01:58 <langdon> .hello2 15:01:59 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 15:02:34 <bcotton> .hello2 15:02:35 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 15:02:38 <mattdm> oh good. I was afraid everyone would already be off on vacation 15:02:50 <mattdm> do we have sumantrom[m]? 15:03:25 <mattdm> i guess not :) 15:03:44 <mattdm> #topic Agenda 15:03:52 <mattdm> This is nominally the objectives update meeting 15:04:17 <mattdm> we said we were going to make contyk and sumantrom[m] do summaries 15:04:31 <mattdm> but maybe it's best to start that in a coordinated way in the next year 15:04:55 <mattdm> I have some other topics in mind too.... 15:05:11 <mattdm> 1. reporting out on the hackfest (status) 15:05:25 <mattdm> 2. the idea we had for a mentorship summit (tag jonatoni) 15:05:26 <contyk> yeah, I still need to figure out how to approach that 15:05:37 <mattdm> 3. money, spending it 15:05:47 <langdon> just fyi i have to leave at about 15m before meeting end 15:05:59 <mattdm> I think that's a pretty good set up for a meeting. does anyone else have anything to discuss? 15:06:09 <mattdm> langdon: we can try to make it a half-hour meeting :) 15:06:42 <langdon> +1! 15:06:48 * dgilmore has nothing else today 15:06:49 <mattdm> okay let's get started then 15:06:56 <mattdm> #topic Hackfest reporting 15:07:12 <mattdm> bcotton drafted up a commblog post which i am in the process of rephrasing 15:07:38 <mattdm> particularly, i don't want the whole thing to get lost in a "the fedora council wants to switch fedora to using proprietary software!" misunderstanding 15:07:47 <mattdm> So I am carefully wording the part about github 15:07:55 <mattdm> I hope to have that ready to post this afternoon 15:08:06 <mattdm> There was already some discussion on my initial post 15:08:22 <mattdm> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedoras-strategic-direction-an-update-from-the-council/ 15:08:28 <tyll> .hello till 15:08:29 <zodbot> tyll: till 'Till Maas' <opensource@till.name> 15:08:37 <mattdm> hi tyll! 15:08:46 <mattdm> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/LWIJRBR7A3CSUFO6QNXSYFLNZCEG566K/ 15:09:07 <mattdm> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedoras-strategic-direction-an-update-from-the-council/796 15:09:14 <mattdm> speaking of split communication :) 15:09:37 <mattdm> the mailing list thread generated some good questions, and bcotton and i are going to work those into a sort of slowly-played back FAQ 15:09:44 <mattdm> with commblog posts weekly 15:09:49 <mattdm> starting in the new year 15:10:16 <mattdm> The discourse discussion went pretty heavily into "fedora must be pure". If members of the council want to weigh in there, that'd be nice 15:10:50 <langdon> ack 15:10:51 <mattdm> so that's my update. comments, questions? :) 15:11:21 <dgilmore> mattdm: what is a summary of the feedback? 15:11:40 <mattdm> dgilmore: I'd say: generally positive, but people want more details and clarity 15:12:14 <langdon> me too :) 15:12:19 <dgilmore> mattdm: okay, I had personal feedback and they said things were too vague and not enough substance 15:12:33 <mattdm> dgilmore: yeah that sounds about right. so, this next post will help 15:12:43 <mattdm> and then that's also part of the idea of continuing communication 15:13:05 <mattdm> ok next topic? 15:13:21 <tyll> I noticed in a discourse discussion on CoreOS that someone used Building Block for GItHub 15:13:33 <tyll> it seems that it is not completely clear what a building block is 15:14:05 <mattdm> tyll: ok, that's useful feedback. clearly that's not what we meant 15:14:26 <mattdm> github is, like, a crane or scaffolding or something 15:14:35 <mattdm> to keep with the metaphor 15:14:38 <langdon> ha 15:15:11 <mattdm> so, okay, in the interest of short meeting, next topic 15:15:18 <mattdm> #topic Mentor summit idea 15:15:37 <mattdm> this is an idea jonatoni, bexelbie, and I had when we were sitting at the airport on the way home 15:15:46 <mattdm> jonatoni do you want to take this or should i keep talking? :) 15:16:16 <jonatoni> would be great if you can do it :/ I'm still in a work meeting and haven't finished it yet :( 15:16:26 <mattdm> jonatoni: ok 15:16:27 <jonatoni> sorry 15:16:29 <mattdm> np 15:16:49 <mattdm> We were talking about ways to actually increase involvement in the project 15:17:01 <mattdm> and one of the things that kept coming up is: not enough mentors 15:17:24 <mattdm> Which made us think about ways to encourage the mentors we do have and to help build more 15:17:31 <mattdm> so, the idea of having a Fedora Mentor's Summit 15:17:43 <mattdm> and putting it somewhere nice. like, EVEN NICER than Minneapolis 15:17:46 <tyll> do we have a clear list of mentors? 15:17:55 <mattdm> so it's a little bit of a reward 15:17:57 <bcotton> or even what "mentors" means? 15:18:04 <langdon> ooo.. like pittsburgh!!?!?!? 15:18:08 <mattdm> tyll: no. well, there are ambassador mentors 15:18:20 <mattdm> but also people who have been active in GSOC and Outreachy 15:18:39 <mattdm> and there are some people who are just... generally good and helpful at it 15:18:46 <mattdm> Join SIG, Fedora Classroom 15:19:03 <mattdm> So, we'd shoulder-tap some invitees. Especially for the first one 15:19:11 <langdon> i think this is a VERY good idea.. almost like a sales kickoff/summit .. bring everyone together to talk about what things like "building block" means, reward contributors, etc.. although i struggle with the overlap with flock.. 15:19:38 <mattdm> And then the idea woudl be kind of like the CLS -- community leadership summit. with some guest speakers and then breakout sessions 15:19:44 <mattdm> maybe even specific mentorship training 15:19:59 <mattdm> langdon: it *could* be something associated with flock 15:20:29 <mattdm> I see flock as more of the sales kickoff meeting and this more focused on leadership building (and leadership specifically in the area of mentorship) 15:21:30 <mattdm> Any thoughts? 15:21:35 <mattdm> jonatoni: did I represent that well? 15:21:49 <langdon> ok.. i would like to see a bit more in flock of "sales kickoff" then.. i think it is a bit too focused on "future strategy" and not enough on "implement current strat" 15:21:54 <jonatoni> mattdm: definitely yes :) thanks 15:21:58 <tyll> mentorship training sounds like a good idea, however it is something that aspiring mentors need most and not established mentors I guess 15:22:28 <mattdm> langdon: *nod* yeah that's good feedback too. 15:22:52 <dgilmore> what langdon said 15:22:52 <mattdm> tyll: yeah the idea was to start with the established mentors, and maybe we could ask those people for suggestions for others to invite 15:23:22 <mattdm> and then maybe in the next year we can build on that -- or more specifically, the people at the conference the first year can build what they think will be most helpful the next year 15:23:34 <dgilmore> mattdm: I like the general idea. need some more specifics 15:23:41 <mattdm> dgilmore: that's a familiar phrase :) 15:24:25 <mattdm> At this point it's just a general idea. it'll take some time to put together 15:24:29 <langdon> well... i think we need to name the "lead of mentors" and have them write this up.. is that jonatoni? 15:24:39 <tyll> I wonder if we actually need something were we invite potential contributors and bring them together with good mentors to convert them into actual contributors 15:24:50 <langdon> tyll: +1 15:25:49 <mattdm> tyll: yeah, that's kind of a second thing. maybe this could be a multi-day thing with the first part for mentors and the second part for potential new (or new-ish) contributors 15:25:52 <tyll> I am not sure if the outlook of being rewarded with a mentorship summit is a good incentive to get the mentors that we need 15:26:08 <mattdm> tyll: open to other ideas for sure 15:26:18 <mattdm> tyll: do you think it's a bad incentive, or an insufficient one? 15:26:57 <bcotton> i think it could attract people who want the reward but who would be bad mentors 15:27:19 <bcotton> i don't have a good way to address that off the top of my head 15:27:22 <mattdm> bcotton I'm thinking it'd be an invite-only event 15:27:27 <tyll> mattdm: I fear that it could attract mentors who will not stick around when there is no reward anymore 15:27:44 <mattdm> tyll: I think it's not a big enough reward to cause that problem :) 15:27:54 <jonatoni> bcotton: that's why would be invite-only, to prevent that or that's how we thought about it 15:28:07 <mattdm> and we would *see* through the next year how active people are 15:28:25 <jonatoni> +1 with mattdm 15:28:38 <tyll> can we maybe pick a university group or similar and have an intenvise mentoring event there with top and aspiring mentors 15:28:47 <mattdm> to answer the "who is filling out this idea" question, yes, mainly jonatoni but with support from me and bex and mindshare 15:28:55 <mattdm> tyll +1 university connection is a good idea 15:29:01 <bcotton> that makes sense. but is that why people aren't doing more mentoring? in other words, are we addressing the wrong problem? 15:29:06 <tyll> then the aspiring mentors can learn from the top mentors and the top mentors can share their experience by live mentoring 15:29:25 <bcotton> my concern is that we'd get people excited to be mentors, then they'd hit the same constraints they already have that keep them from doing more mentoring 15:29:25 <mattdm> tyll: *nod* 15:29:39 <bcotton> which isn't a reason to *not* do the experiment, but... 15:29:48 <mattdm> bcotton: having a place to talk about those challenges together can be a step in solving them, too 15:30:01 * mattdm looks at clock. Let's continue this discussion more later 15:30:03 <dgilmore> I kinda like the idea of a Aspiring Mentors Program, would we have any resources to run virtual classes? 15:30:12 <mattdm> dgilmore: yes. yes we would. 15:30:21 <contyk> AMP 15:30:30 <mattdm> contyk: yes :) 15:30:38 <langdon> we actually have virtual classes already 15:31:00 <mattdm> langdon: yeah -- definitely want to get that group of people involved. 15:31:02 <langdon> i would propose that we ask the mindshare committee go come back with a solid proposal and move the discussion to their meetings 15:31:22 <tyll> bcotton: I am also wondering, maybe the problem is that there are not enough people who would like to be mentored 15:31:25 <mattdm> langdon: sumantrom[m] isn't here, so... jonatoni can you work with mindshare on this? 15:31:32 <langdon> i would like to see it with a "general mentorship program" .. as just one piece 15:31:35 <jonatoni> mattdm: sure 15:31:38 <dgilmore> langdon: agreed 15:31:39 <mattdm> jonatoni++ 15:31:39 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for jonatoni changed to 6 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:31:49 <mattdm> ok so 15:31:52 <mattdm> #topic FY19 budget 15:31:53 <dgilmore> I think at this point we need conrete proposals from mindshare 15:32:03 <langdon> mattdm: is there no "action" on last? 15:32:07 <mattdm> #undo 15:32:07 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7fe54b949e10> 15:32:12 <mattdm> langdon: fine fine fine 15:32:16 <langdon> :) 15:32:21 <mattdm> #topic jonatoni to work with mindshare on concrete proposal 15:32:24 <mattdm> there :) 15:32:33 <langdon> thats a topic :) 15:32:35 <mattdm> #topic FY19 budget 15:32:54 <mattdm> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY19/overall.html 15:33:01 <mattdm> FY19 ends at the end of February. 15:33:13 <mattdm> We have a huge amount of unspent cash 15:33:22 <mattdm> this is not really a good problem to have :) 15:33:25 <contyk> ah, that's sooner than I thought 15:33:47 <contyk> well, I'd like to hold a lifecycles hackfest, apparently in February now 15:33:52 <dgilmore> mattdm: how much are we looking at not having spent? 15:34:06 <mattdm> DiscordBridge: current bottom line is $66,846.40 15:34:07 <langdon> i have two proposed actions for last if we can jump back to that topic after this 15:34:09 <contyk> I talked to bexelbie about it yesterday; just need to figure out the details (who, where, the agenda) 15:34:13 <mattdm> uh, DiscordBridge ? no 15:34:19 <mattdm> dgilmore: current bottom line is $66,846.40 15:34:22 <mattdm> there :) 15:34:34 <mattdm> but there are some outstanding things 15:34:40 <dgilmore> mattdm: okay, what is scheduled to be spent? 15:34:41 <tyll> here is also a ticket to spend some money on a Badges hackfest 15:34:43 <mattdm> We were hoping to do a gigantic order of new-logo swag 15:34:51 <mattdm> like, a really really good chunk of that 15:34:57 <langdon> contyk: lifecycles? or modularity? or both/combined? 15:35:08 <mattdm> but the design team feels like that would be too rushed for something as important as a new logo 15:35:19 <contyk> langdon: both; modularity implements aspects of the lifecycle objective 15:35:34 <langdon> ok.. just checking 15:35:39 <dgilmore> mattdm: looks live diversity, mindshare and us have not done their jobs 15:35:44 <mattdm> oh this reminds me of one more topic to stik in 15:35:55 <mattdm> dgilmore: spending money responsibly is hard 15:36:01 <jonatoni> dgilmore yeah 15:36:19 <mattdm> this is why I had the "mindshare needs 100 $150 events next year" goal 15:36:26 * langdon looks at mattdm for the invite for the f29 release party in bos 15:36:37 <langdon> :P 15:36:37 <mattdm> langdon: looking for you to organize it 15:36:50 <langdon> pfft... i *attend* parties 15:37:10 <mattdm> anyway, if we have hackfests that are in the spring *after* the end of the FY, we might be able to pay for them upfront 15:37:19 <mattdm> we are also looking at moving some of next summer's flock costs that way 15:37:31 <mattdm> let me get in my next topic before we end meeting 15:37:39 <mattdm> #topic Packager Experience objective proposal 15:37:46 <mattdm> this came in on the mailing list. 15:38:02 <mattdm> I think it's an interesting idea. 15:38:07 * langdon hasn't had an oppty to really read it 15:38:10 <mattdm> plus, I love to see them coming in from non-redhatters 15:38:16 <langdon> been a busy couple / 3 weeks 15:38:19 <langdon> mattdm: +1 15:38:24 <mattdm> I'm wondering if this should be merged with the updated modularity proposal 15:38:40 <mattdm> because I think a lot of the remaining modularity work *is* packager workflow 15:38:42 <contyk> what list was that? 15:38:48 <mattdm> but that's just my first impression 15:38:51 <mattdm> contyk: hold on a sec 15:39:01 <tyll> it was intiially on the devel list 15:39:02 <mattdm> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproje 15:39:08 <dgilmore> mattdm: I would like to see it go much further than proposed 15:39:22 <contyk> link broken 15:39:33 <mattdm> contyk: ugh stupid super-long hyperkitty links 15:39:35 <mattdm> i 15:39:47 <mattdm> #undo 15:39:47 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7fe565ff1b10> 15:39:50 <mattdm> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/3HKTJMWOU7RPVOXCXID22GPTFYOE3CAI/ 15:40:00 <langdon> mattdm: i think your argument of merge with modularity is kinda rough.. if you think about it *everything* in fedora is about packager workflow.. you could easily make the same argument for lifecycles+workflow+modularity 15:40:38 <mattdm> langdon: I look forward to seeing proposal for new modularity objective then :) 15:40:42 <dgilmore> I would like to see it move things forward to a mostly automated packagr workflow, not just get things back to how they were before pkgdb went away 15:40:43 * contyk wonders why it didn't land in his inbox, at all 15:41:08 <mattdm> dgilmore++ 15:41:08 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for ausil changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:41:23 <mattdm> yes -- ties in with dperpeet's work, and the "source git" proposal 15:41:26 <langdon> dgilmore: +1 15:41:37 <mattdm> everyone put this feedback on the list message 15:42:33 <mattdm> okay, and with that, I'm gonna end the meeting 15:42:40 <mattdm> so langdon can go to his next one 15:42:50 <dgilmore> cheers mattdm 15:42:51 <mattdm> and so i can grab some breakfast before bcotton's next meeting 15:42:55 <mattdm> #endmeeting