13:00:13 <cverna> #startmeeting Container SIG 13:00:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 14 13:00:13 2019 UTC. 13:00:13 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:00:13 <zodbot> The chair is cverna. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'container_sig' 13:00:37 <cverna> Hello everyone, this is the first meeting of the year :) 13:01:06 <bhavin192> .hello2 13:01:07 <zodbot> bhavin192: bhavin192 'Bhavin Gandhi' <bhavin7392@gmail.com> 13:01:50 <kalev> 3 13:02:15 <lorbus[m]> .hello lorbus 13:02:18 <zodbot> lorbus[m]: lorbus 'Christian Glombek' <cglombek@redhat.com> 13:02:21 <jcajka> .hello jcajka 13:02:22 <zodbot> jcajka: jcajka 'None' <jcajka@redhat.com> 13:02:49 <lorbus[m]> o/ all! =) 13:03:33 <cverna> #chair bhavin192 kalev lorbus[m] jcajka 13:03:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: bhavin192 cverna jcajka kalev lorbus[m] 13:04:08 <cverna> Ok I am not sure we have anything particular here we can go with some quick updates 13:05:11 * lorbus[m] also has some small updates 13:05:18 <lorbus[m]> cverna, you want to go first? 13:05:28 <cverna> lorbus[m]: you can go first :) 13:05:44 * cverna needs to think about his updates :P 13:05:49 <ttomecek> .hello 13:05:51 <zodbot> ttomecek: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 13:06:04 <cverna> #chair ttomecek 13:06:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: bhavin192 cverna jcajka kalev lorbus[m] ttomecek 13:06:12 <ttomecek> (close enough) 13:06:21 * cverna waves at ttomecek 13:06:51 * jcajka has also some update on the https://pagure.io/ContainerSIG/container-sig/issue/19 13:07:05 <lorbus[m]> There are disussions around new docs for Fedora CoreOS and Silverblue, and the container related tooling & libs. So I'd like to invite everybody who will be at DevConf and/or FOSDEM to join the discussion 13:07:06 <ttomecek> (I'd love to discuss our devconf meetup) 13:07:22 <lorbus[m]> Once there is a formal proposal, I'll send this out asap :) 13:07:29 <cverna> ttomecek: yes we can do that after the quick progress updates 13:07:52 <lorbus[m]> also, I started work on a buildah backend for atomic-reactor 13:07:52 <jcajka> lorbus[m]: looking forward to that :) 13:08:19 <cverna> lorbus[m]: good luck :) 13:08:21 <lorbus[m]> https://github.com/projectatomic/atomic-reactor/pull/1151https://github.com/projectatomic/atomic-reactor/pull/1151 13:09:01 <lorbus[m]> that's it from me 13:09:22 <cverna> jcajka: want to jump in ? 13:09:28 <cverna> thanks lorbus[m] 13:09:31 <jcajka> sure 13:09:44 <jcajka> I have opened fesco ticket as noted https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2049 13:10:24 <jcajka> it seems that bowlofeggs has worked on something in past that would enable us to do "buildrootoverride" for containers 13:10:48 <cverna> yes but we don't know when this gonna be available 13:11:16 <cverna> I don't think this is on his roadmap of important things but I might be wrong 13:11:30 <jcajka> because of that I would like to have the policy changed until we have it 13:11:44 <jcajka> I hope that this will be one of the topic for our meetup in Brno 13:12:00 <jcajka> topics 13:12:19 <cverna> I ll add some comment, to specify that we don't really want feedback on container since we aim to have CI to do that automatically 13:12:29 <jcajka> thanks 13:12:37 <jcajka> that is all from my side then 13:12:47 <cverna> also a broken container is not a big deal, it will not crash someone system 13:13:00 <cverna> jcajka: thanks for starting the discussion 13:13:17 <jcajka> yeah and all packages, kind should be already tested, but this is yet another integration test 13:13:47 <cverna> on my side Aarch64 cluster in prod is still block waiting on networking in datacenter to allow box to talk to each other 13:13:55 <cverna> I hope that will be done this week 13:14:41 <cverna> I will also start looking at building the base image in OSBS 13:14:53 <cverna> using this at the beginning https://pagure.io/osbs-fedora-container-base/tree/master 13:15:18 <cverna> I am not 100% sure how it will work so that will be a trial and error kind of work :) 13:16:48 <lorbus[m]> nice 13:17:44 <cverna> The long term benefit of building the base image in OSBS is that we will be able to automatically rebuild all dependent images when the base image change 13:18:07 <lorbus[m]> where is it built right now? 13:18:30 <ttomecek> that will be very nice; how would you get the rootfs? 13:19:36 <cverna> lorbus[m]: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=26387 13:20:13 <jcajka> IMO only thing blocking it will be, that we don't have yet OSBS cluster on all arches, or will be the "hybrid" situation ok for you until we have all the clusters? 13:20:15 <cverna> ttomecek: OSBS can start a kickstart build and get the rootfs from it 13:20:48 <cverna> jcajka: yes I am thinking to keep the old process for the arches that are not yet in OSBS 13:21:06 <jcajka> cool :) 13:21:07 <cverna> jcajka: the bigger problem for mutli arch being the lack of hardware for now 13:21:14 <ttomecek> ah, okay 13:21:49 <cverna> ttomecek: if you see the Dockerfile is a bit special https://pagure.io/osbs-fedora-container-base/blob/master/f/Dockerfile#_1 13:21:52 <jcajka> cverna: I hope that we will be able to scrape/ask for some, where it will be missing 13:22:11 <cverna> jcajka: yes that might be some good discussion to have during devconf 13:22:29 * jcajka nods 13:22:31 <cverna> Moving to devconf meeting topic ? 13:23:12 <ttomecek> sounds good 13:23:47 <ttomecek> all I really want to discuss is that how do we start collecting topics? do I just create an etherpad? 13:24:23 <cverna> ttomecek: we could use https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/ and create a new thread there 13:24:25 <lorbus[m]> sgtm 13:24:33 <cverna> that might be more visible 13:24:47 <lorbus[m]> even better! yes 13:24:47 <ttomecek> oki, I'll start it 13:24:57 <lorbus[m]> ttomecek++ 13:25:21 <cverna> How long is the meetup ? 1 hour ? 13:25:48 * cverna should know since his is co speaker :P 13:26:05 <cverna> https://devconfcz2019.sched.com/event/K8nC/fedora-container-sig-meetup 13:26:47 <ttomecek> 2 hours, pfiew 13:27:05 <cverna> so 1 hour 45 min, we could add things we want to hack on, also I ll be happy to talk through our OSBS setup and deployment 13:27:10 <cverna> if people are interested 13:27:25 <cverna> maybe we can add a DevConf tag to the tickets 13:30:23 <jcajka> +1 13:30:54 <ttomecek> do we want to meet before the meetup to polish the schedule? 13:31:05 <cverna> Ok so let's start a thread at https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/ and create some tickets in pagure 13:32:00 * cverna will be in Brno from next Monday, but might be quite busy with his team 13:32:09 <ttomecek> https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/devconf-cz-2019-container-sig-meetup/955 13:32:50 <cverna> I think let's give it a few days and we can coordinate on #fedora-containers 13:32:58 <ttomecek> oki, sounds good 13:33:09 <cverna> We can try to arrange a quick in person meeting next week 13:33:24 <ttomecek> I'm okay then discussing the topic 13:33:45 <ttomecek> cverna, yes, we can do that, but it may be tough to find a good slot; we can do a lunch if you want 13:34:35 <cverna> ttomecek: yes that sounds like the best time slot :) 13:34:50 <jcajka> or just meet somewhere, we don't really need a meeting room for this 13:35:43 <cverna> yes we can sort something out 13:38:16 <cverna> ok do we have something else to discuss about ? 13:38:20 <lorbus[m]> anything else? Otherwise I'm off to lunch! :) 13:38:39 <lorbus[m]> looking forward to seeing you all in Brno! 13:39:30 <jcajka> nothing from me 13:39:37 <cverna> lorbus[m]: Bon appetit :) and see you in Brno 13:39:50 <cverna> give it another min before closing the meeting :) 13:40:13 <cverna> jcajka: I added a small comment on the fesco ticket 13:40:14 <lorbus[m]> Thanks! tty soon! :) 13:41:08 <ttomecek> thank you and see you next week! 13:41:25 <jcajka> cverna: thanks, unfortunately we will most probably miss today's fesco meeting, I have replied too slowly :) 13:41:40 <jcajka> see you all next week 13:41:54 <cverna> jcajka: yeah, will have to wait for another week :( 13:42:04 <jcajka> 3mins.... sorry 13:42:09 <cverna> thanks all for coming 13:42:22 <cverna> #endmeeting