14:00:38 <bcotton> #startmeeting Council (2019-04-10) 14:00:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 10 14:00:38 2019 UTC. 14:00:38 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:38 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2019-04-10)' 14:00:40 <bcotton> #meetingname council 14:00:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 14:00:49 <bcotton> #chair jonatoni bexelbie contyk dgilmore dperpeet langdon mattdm sumantrom tyll bcotton pbrobinson stickster 14:00:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton bexelbie contyk dgilmore dperpeet jonatoni langdon mattdm pbrobinson stickster sumantrom tyll 14:00:51 <bcotton> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 14:01:08 <dgilmore> gday 14:01:12 * contyk is confused about the time again; thought this was in an hour 14:01:20 <contyk> but hi 14:01:27 <bexelbie> .hello bexelbie 14:01:30 <zodbot> bexelbie: Sorry, but you don't exist 14:01:30 <dgilmore> contyk: it is at the time it has always been 14:01:32 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:01:33 <contyk> .hello psabata 14:01:34 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bexelbie@redhat.com> 14:01:37 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Šabata' <psabata@redhat.com> 14:02:19 <mattdm> dgilmore: well, it's at the same US clock time 14:02:25 <langdon> .hell02 14:02:29 <dgilmore> mattdm: right 14:02:29 <langdon> .hello2 14:02:30 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 14:04:23 <bcotton> okay, well we have 1/4 objective leads here at the moment 14:04:35 <bcotton> so i guess langdon gets to go first 14:04:40 <langdon> ha 14:04:43 <bcotton> #topic Modularity objective 14:04:58 * langdon must collect his notes 14:05:26 <langdon> arggh.. which seem to have deleted themselves :( 14:05:39 <langdon> ok.. so .. doing dnf bug fixes/rfes 14:06:10 <langdon> scratch module builds in progress.. very close to complete .. deployment will take a bit longer as we need some other upgrades on the builders AIUI 14:06:30 <langdon> finally put to rest the naming conventions question 14:06:47 <bcotton> #info Scratch module builds are in progress and near complete. Deployment still has some dependencies on the builders 14:06:47 <langdon> #link https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/128 14:07:03 <bcotton> langdon: can you #info a summary of that resolution? 14:07:16 <bcotton> (the naming conventions) 14:07:31 <langdon> i can cheat! 14:07:36 <langdon> #info There will be two streams named "rolling" for the user-focused builds and "unstable" for the preview/master/pre-release things, and this will be just a suggestion to the packagers, but using whatever is established upstream is also a good option. We'll not rename nor enforce renaming of anything, we'll leave it to packagers and mandate a good use of the description summary field for this purpose. +4 0 -0 14:07:44 <bcotton> yay! 14:07:49 <langdon> thats the #agreed from the meeting yesterday 14:08:35 <langdon> #info various bug fixes/enhancements to dnf still ongoing 14:09:03 <langdon> one more thing... digging 14:09:56 <langdon> ohh right.. 14:10:16 <langdon> #info we have also put to bed the scoping/agreement on EOL articulation for modules 14:10:25 <langdon> let me see if i can find a quote 14:10:26 <bexelbie> as? 14:11:00 <langdon> bexelbie: i am not sure i understand your question 14:11:21 <bexelbie> what was the final answer on EOL scoping/agreement 14:11:40 <langdon> ahh.. yes.. thats what i was looking for a quote for 14:11:41 <langdon> #info We'll store the information as a metadata to module branches in dist-git — a functionality that we'll implement as a Pagure plugin. We'll provide a computed value for package branches as an API call. 14:11:56 <langdon> #link https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/131 14:12:12 <langdon> thats about all i have unless there are more questions 14:12:56 <bcotton> i have one that we don't necessarily need to answer today 14:13:42 <bcotton> the objective as written is for F28/F29 timeframe. what's the plan for the future of this objective? Is it essentially done, or do we need an updated objective to cover whatever the next steps are? 14:13:58 <bcotton> (i feel like we talked about this at the hackfest, but I apparently didn't take specific enough notes) 14:14:16 <langdon> bcotton: we need an updated one.. there was a proposal to do that over a hackfest.. but that didn't happen.. 14:14:29 <langdon> so I don't think any of the new objectives have been written 14:15:12 <bcotton> ah yes, that was it :-) 14:15:20 <bexelbie> I am worried that the objective writing is being viewed as a formal writing exercise 14:15:43 <bexelbie> I think we want the data, the formality is less critical - do we know what we want to do next? Perhaps we can start with that in a ticket and build it the unanswered questions that way? 14:16:17 <langdon> bexelbie: well.. for the modularity one.. it isn't "formal writing" it is "formal thinking".. thats what needs some time 14:17:07 <bcotton> the existing modularity objective is fairly informal. an updated set of deliverables in list form is probably all we need, but like langdon said that takes some thinking 14:17:19 <tyll> .hello till 14:17:20 <zodbot> tyll: till 'Till Maas' <opensource@till.name> 14:18:19 <langdon> i can try and prioritize it for the next update.. however, this is a VERY busy time for me... as we have a big conference coming up 14:18:26 <bexelbie> ok 14:19:26 <bcotton> langdon: i don't think there's a rush necessarily, but we'd probably want it sometime reasonably after the f30 release, i'd think (mattdm might have other opinions) 14:20:29 <langdon> bcotton: yeah... i am concerned, as i was when I proposed the hackfest, that there is a lot of overlap with the other objectives.. so that is another wrinkle.. but Ill see what I can come up with 14:21:03 <bcotton> it's a little bit of a chicken and egg problem. we need to know what the other potential objectives are thinking, but no one wants to write it out until it's coordinated 14:21:11 <bexelbie> langdon, feel free to use your writing as a forcing function for others :D 14:21:38 <bcotton> i wonder if an hour or two on a bluejeans session would be enough coordination to shake things loose? 14:22:36 <langdon> bcotton: maybe? but i doubt it.. maybe if we all had strawmans first 14:23:16 * bcotton sings "do you want to build a strawmaaaaaan?" 14:23:20 <bcotton> anyway 14:23:34 <langdon> lol 14:23:35 <bcotton> any other questions or comments for langdon? 14:23:47 <mattdm> +1 to the thing bex said at 10:15 14:24:35 <bexelbie> dude that was 6 hours ago :P 14:24:49 * bexelbie notes that timezone jokes are NEVER out of date 14:25:02 <bcotton> okay, did dperpeet or stickster sneak in while I wasn't paying attention? 14:25:12 <bcotton> i know pbrobinson_PTO is, as the nick implies, on PTO 14:25:31 <mattdm> yes, much deserved 14:26:01 <bcotton> anyone want to speak on behalf of the leads re: Lifecycle, CI/CD, or IoT? 14:26:27 <bcotton> pingou: can you be dperpeet for a few minutes? 14:28:31 <bcotton> okay, i guess that's all the updates we get this time 14:28:33 <bcotton> #topic Open floor 14:29:06 <bcotton> #info Still need another +1 for the channel-specific bans policy 14:29:08 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/247 14:29:36 <bcotton> #info Docs FAD for internationalization is approved with in-ticket votes 14:29:44 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/250 14:30:22 <bcotton> we need to settle on a timeline for the logo rollout. do we want to discuss that now or continue to discuss in-ticket? 14:30:33 <bcotton> and does anyone else have business that needs to be brought up today? 14:30:39 <mattdm> on the logo.... 14:30:39 <bexelbie> I think we need to wait on some clearances on the logo first 14:30:46 <bexelbie> lets get that settled before we try to put a calendar on it 14:30:47 <bexelbie> imho 14:31:00 <dgilmore> bcotton: consider the channel specific bans approved 14:31:01 <mattdm> Legal tells me that filing all the trademarks is going to be quite expensive. This may mean we need to push back until FY21 14:31:18 <dgilmore> mattdm: that sounds not fun 14:31:33 <bcotton> that....stinks 14:31:36 <bcotton> dgilmore: ack 14:31:43 <mattdm> Yeah. Like, at least an order of magnitude more than I had blithely assumed. 14:31:59 <mattdm> Ben you're invited to a future meeting about this :) 14:32:13 <bcotton> mattdm: yes! i love meetings! 14:33:51 <bcotton> okay, so we'll leave the logo to the side for now 14:33:59 <bcotton> anything else for this week? 14:34:18 <mattdm> I see we canceled the prioritized bugs meeting 14:34:28 <bcotton> we did 14:34:40 <mattdm> excellent. :) 14:35:22 <bcotton> okay, i think we'll call that a meeting. 14:35:34 <bcotton> #info Next week's meeting is Tickets and Ongoing 14:35:44 <mattdm> thanks bcotton! 14:35:51 <bcotton> thanks for coming, everyone! 14:35:56 * bcotton bangs gavel 14:36:00 <bcotton> #endmeeting