15:03:16 <decathorpe> #startmeeting Stewardship SIG Meeting (2019-05-14) 15:03:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 14 15:03:16 2019 UTC. 15:03:16 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:03:16 <zodbot> The chair is decathorpe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:03:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'stewardship_sig_meeting_(2019-05-14)' 15:03:22 <decathorpe> #meetingname stewardship-sig 15:03:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'stewardship-sig' 15:03:30 <decathorpe> #topic Roll Call 15:03:36 <decathorpe> #chair cipherboy 15:03:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: cipherboy decathorpe 15:03:40 <decathorpe> #chair jstanek 15:03:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: cipherboy decathorpe jstanek 15:03:52 <mhroncok> hey. I'm here but I have meetings for several hours straight, need to go stretch for a bit 15:04:01 <mhroncok> *had 15:04:02 <decathorpe> #chair mhroncok 15:04:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: cipherboy decathorpe jstanek mhroncok 15:04:11 <decathorpe> don't worry, I don't have much time today either way 15:04:53 <decathorpe> hey, four people. we've never been this many before ;) 15:05:26 <jstanek> 🎉 15:05:54 <cipherboy> Cool! As a heads up, I'm also on another meeting. 15:06:10 <decathorpe> cipherboy, I saw your Pull Requests, but I wanted to leave some comments later 15:06:35 <decathorpe> I just haven't had the time yet 15:06:38 <cipherboy> Sure, no rush. 15:07:17 <decathorpe> having to prepare a presentation that's meant for three people alone is no fun :( 15:08:07 <cipherboy> Agreed. So first order of business is the open PR? 15:09:05 <decathorpe> #link https://www.pagure.io/stewardship-sig/issue/22 15:09:40 <decathorpe> #topic Review Open Pull Requests 15:09:57 <decathorpe> it's not urgent, it's not important, and it's a minor update. I am inclinded to just merge it 15:11:05 <cipherboy> decathorpe: Same, I'd probably build one or two deps in a COPR with it just to quick sanity check it. 15:11:30 <cipherboy> decathorpe: Is it a leaf or a node package, btw? 15:11:36 <decathorpe> https://decathorpe.fedorapeople.org/stewardship-sig.html#bcel-deps 15:11:57 <decathorpe> (I added some aptly named html anchors to the report 😉️) 15:12:35 <jstanek> decathorpe:+1 for the reports, they look really nice 15:12:55 <decathorpe> you didn't see them when they were plain ugly html :D 15:13:07 <cipherboy> Cool, thanks for that. I can take that PR as an AI, I'll build ant with it. 15:13:24 <decathorpe> ok, good idea! 15:13:28 <decathorpe> thanks 15:14:19 <decathorpe> anything else regarding the open PRs? 15:16:17 <cipherboy> Not off the top of my head. What's the procedure for the backlog? Pick a PR ever week, review it? 15:17:04 <decathorpe> nothing so formal 15:17:19 <decathorpe> if we have the time, we look at the PRs, and if they look good, we merge them 15:17:33 <decathorpe> but version updates (particularly major versions) are definitely not a priority 15:17:48 * jstanek have no comments as new-ish member which did not take a proper look yet 15:17:57 <cipherboy> Should I take a look at automating the "check this PR in a COPR with some of its deps"? 15:18:13 <decathorpe> if that's not too hard to do, that would be nice 15:18:32 <decathorpe> you can query a list of dependent packages from the "package_dep.json" file in our repo 15:19:40 <cipherboy> decathorpe: I noticed that, looks nice. 15:19:52 <decathorpe> pushed the latest data, including ant 15:20:15 <decathorpe> ok, then next topic 15:20:21 <decathorpe> #topic Review SIG Leaf packages 15:20:27 <decathorpe> #link https://decathorpe.fedorapeople.org/stewardship-sig.html#sig-leaves 15:21:02 <cipherboy> decathorpe: Is apache-commons-daemon 15:21:20 <cipherboy> a leaf? I thought we depended on it eventually through other packages, but perhaps those have gotten updated? 15:21:33 <cipherboy> ^ sorry, copy/paste fail. 15:21:48 <cipherboy> s/we/Dogtag/ -- 15:22:29 <decathorpe> maybe the data is a bit off today, since you assigned the sig to these packages while I was generating the data for the report :) 15:23:15 <jstanek> decathorpe: nodejs-util is required by nodejs-sinon, as stated in the report below 15:23:25 <cipherboy> Ah sorry, that might be. 15:23:50 <decathorpe> I need to regenerate the report tomorrow, with accurate data 15:24:04 <cipherboy> decathorpe: I see apache-commons-daemon deps on tomcat. 15:24:25 <cipherboy> Er, reverse that. Tomcat BuildRequires: on apache-commons-daemon 15:24:43 <decathorpe> _shrug_ I'll regenerate the report tomorrow 15:25:40 <jstanek> 👍 15:25:47 <cipherboy> ty. :) Tomcat seems like a package we don't want to break. 15:26:22 <decathorpe> regardless, I will orphan checkstyle and json_simple later today. none of our packages needs them, and nobody wants them 15:27:36 <cipherboy> Sounds fine by me. I think gson sounded better when I was reviewing Java JSON libraries several years ago. 15:27:54 <decathorpe> good 15:28:00 <decathorpe> is there anything else we need to talk about? I need to run soon 15:28:08 <jstanek> not from my side 15:28:35 <cipherboy> Not from me. Thanks all :) 15:28:55 <decathorpe> thanks for showing up, and for joining the SIG :) 15:28:58 <cipherboy> Oh, scratch that. We did get some CVE updates. Do we want to assign an owner? 15:29:06 <cipherboy> c3p0 was the package. 15:29:33 <decathorpe> ah yeah 15:29:35 <decathorpe> no idea 15:30:08 <cipherboy> I'll take a look at upstream and report back. Is ML the preferred channel for these? 15:30:19 <decathorpe> yes, probably 15:30:24 <decathorpe> thanks! 15:30:51 <cipherboy> Ok, will do. 15:31:02 <decathorpe> cipherboy++ 15:31:02 <zodbot> decathorpe: Karma for cipherboy changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:31:32 <decathorpe> guys, I need to run now. thanks, everybody 15:31:38 <decathorpe> #endmeeting