15:04:43 <smooge> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2019-05-30) 15:04:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 30 15:04:43 2019 UTC. 15:04:43 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:04:43 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:04:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:04:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2019-05-30)' 15:04:43 <smooge> #meetingname infrastructure 15:04:43 <smooge> #topic aloha 15:04:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 15:04:43 <smooge> #chair nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink cverna mizdebsk mkonecny abompard bowlofeggs 15:04:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard bowlofeggs cverna mizdebsk mkonecny nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink 15:04:46 <relrod> morning 15:04:47 <mizdebsk> .hello2 15:04:48 <zodbot> mizdebsk: mizdebsk 'Mikolaj Izdebski' <mizdebsk@redhat.com> 15:05:07 <nirik> morning 15:05:09 <smooge> hello 15:05:52 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez 15:05:53 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <michal.konecny@packetseekers.eu> 15:06:06 <tflink> morning 15:06:19 <smooge> #topic New folks introductions 15:06:19 <smooge> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 15:06:19 <smooge> #info Getting Started Guide: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 15:06:28 <smooge> any new people this week 15:06:38 <cverna> hi all o/ 15:07:17 <smooge> #topic announcements and information 15:07:18 <smooge> #info bowlofeggs will be going on extended leave in June 15:07:18 <smooge> #info nirik will be on leave from 2019-06-03 to 2019-06-07 15:07:18 <smooge> #info many people will be at a community platform engineering f2f 2019-06-10 to 14 15:07:18 <smooge> #info Flock2Fedora 2019-08-08 -> 2019-08-11 15:07:19 <smooge> #info bodhi 4.0.0 was deployed to production. There is a known incompatibility between the bodhi 3 client and bodhi 4 server: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2137 15:07:31 <smooge> congrats to bowlofeggs for getting bodhi-4.0.0 out the door 15:07:52 <mkonecny> \o/ 15:08:50 <cverna> #info cverna will be going on extended leave in June too :) 15:09:02 <smooge> any other announcements this weke? 15:09:06 <smooge> cverna will add 15:09:12 <nirik> hopefully we keep the lights on in june. ;) 15:09:29 <cverna> :) 15:10:00 <mizdebsk> hopefully the servers won't be on extended leave 15:10:48 <mkonecny> They don't deserve the leave? 15:11:09 <cverna> mkonecny: depends if they behave well or not :D 15:11:20 <relrod> #info broke up the s3 mirror sync into a bunch of smaller syncs and we've gone from 48 hours per sync to about ~5 minutes per individual portion synced. 15:11:22 <bowlofeggs> .hello2 15:11:23 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <rbarlow@redhat.com> 15:11:37 <smooge> congrats relrod! 15:11:41 <nirik> relrod: great news. ;) Might make the cron less chatty when you have a chance... 15:11:47 <cverna> relrod++ 15:11:48 <zodbot> cverna: Karma for codeblock changed to 8 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:11:48 <mkonecny> relrod: Great work 15:11:53 <smooge> relrod++ 15:11:53 <zodbot> smooge: Karma for codeblock changed to 9 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:12:01 <mkonecny> relrod++ 15:12:01 <zodbot> mkonecny: Karma for codeblock changed to 10 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:12:10 <cverna> cookies :D 15:12:20 <relrod> :) 15:12:22 <bowlofeggs> congrats to all of the bodhi contributors for getting bodhi 4 out the door ☺ https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/docs/user/release_notes.html#id2 15:12:22 <relrod> nirik: will look 15:13:35 <smooge> any other announcements? 15:13:44 <smooge> #topic Oncall 15:13:44 <smooge> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Oncall 15:13:44 <smooge> #info relrod is on call from 2019-05-23 -> 2019-05-30 15:13:44 <smooge> #info smooge is on call from 2019-05-30 -> 2019-06-06 15:13:45 <smooge> #info no one is on call from 2019-06-06 -> 2019-06-20 15:13:47 <smooge> #info pingou is on call from 2019-06-20 -> 2019-06-27 15:13:49 <smooge> #info Summary of last week: (from relrod ) 15:13:51 <smooge> relrod anything oncall this week? 15:14:13 <relrod> Just a bunch of smaller pings, not anything major... 15:14:51 <relrod> Couple of infra stg tag requests, was asked to add a var to private, things like that 15:15:17 <smooge> zodbot: oncall_take_us 15:15:17 <zodbot> smooge: Kneel before zod! 15:15:30 <smooge> you are off duty 15:15:30 * linuxmodder late 15:15:50 * relrod runs off, muahahahah 15:15:57 <relrod> kidding ;) 15:16:28 <smooge> #topic Monitoring discussion 15:16:28 <smooge> #info https://nagios.fedoraproject.org/nagios 15:16:28 <smooge> #info Go over existing out items and fix 15:17:22 <nirik> storinator down just needs the playbook run? 15:17:33 <smooge> yeah.. doing that 15:17:37 <smooge> I thought I did it last night 15:17:47 <nirik> the busgateway01 bodhi messages also should clean up? 15:17:55 <nirik> ppc8-02 and vh18 have disks out 15:18:06 <smooge> virthost18 needs to be called in. will work on that now that I am on call 15:18:49 <smooge> virthost05 and other Dell systems needs to have newer bios/drac installed and check to see if fan problems being reported are real or crap 15:19:06 <smooge> will put in tickets shortly on those to track 15:19:47 <smooge> I don't know about the busgateway one.. I guess that will need a further track down and find. will do so after meeting 15:20:06 <nirik> I think I fixed it in ansible... 15:20:14 <nirik> bodhi 4 just changed the message it was looking for 15:20:41 <smooge> ok will see when this run finishes 15:22:08 <bowlofeggs> is that the s/masher/compose/ on the message topic? 15:22:59 <nirik> yeah 15:25:49 <smooge> #topic Tickets discussion 15:25:50 <smooge> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/report/Meetings%20ticket 15:26:02 <smooge> Any tickets that need focus or comments this week? 15:27:01 <nirik> we have been having a pretty steady flow of tickets... 15:27:12 <nirik> but I think we have been handling them well, so kudos to all. 15:27:29 <cverna> we had pbokoc having an issue with pagure earlier today 15:27:38 <cverna> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7855 15:27:49 * nirik hasn't looked at any new tickets today yet 15:28:45 <cverna> and I tried to look at the flatpak build failure but there is nothing much I can do on OSBS side ( https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7846 ) 15:29:47 <nirik> it really sounds like it might be not using fast upload there, but that was checked I guess. ;( 15:31:03 <cverna> yes and the stack trace goes into koji fastupload method too 15:31:23 <cverna> so i guess we are using it 15:32:18 <nirik> the thing that changed is that we are using 2 koji frontends now... 15:32:34 <nirik> but the fast upload path fixed mbs and nothing else seemed to have a problem... untiil now. ;) 15:33:29 <cverna> yes not sure how to debug more 15:34:48 <nirik> osbs upload is where it's failing? 15:34:52 <nirik> is that from the master node? 15:36:25 <nirik> anyhow, needs further investigation... 15:36:48 <smooge> ok anything else? 15:36:53 <smooge> #topci Open Floor 15:36:57 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 15:37:39 <nirik> and it's in the upload of the log file... weird 15:38:09 <cverna> nirik: yes it looks like a race condition maybe 15:38:39 <cverna> nirik: it is happening on the OSBS nodes inside the container buildroot 15:41:38 * bowlofeggs looks around and notes how open this floor is 15:42:55 <smooge> ok the floor is now closing 15:43:39 <smooge> thank you all for coming and I hope you have a good week. See you next week 15:43:43 <smooge> #endmeeting