14:00:03 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2019-06-19) 14:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 19 14:00:03 2019 UTC. 14:00:03 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:03 <zodbot> The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2019-06-19)' 14:00:04 <mattdm> #meetingname council 14:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 14:00:06 <mattdm> #chair jonatoni bex contyk dgilmore dperpeet langdon mattdm sumantrom tyll bcotton pbrobinson 14:00:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton bex contyk dgilmore dperpeet jonatoni langdon mattdm pbrobinson sumantrom tyll 14:00:08 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 14:00:11 <mattdm> Good morning everyone! 14:00:36 <bcotton> #chair asamalik 14:00:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton bex contyk dgilmore dperpeet jonatoni langdon mattdm pbrobinson sumantrom tyll 14:00:46 <bcotton> (even though i think he's out today) 14:00:50 <pbrobinson> morning o/ 14:00:59 <mattdm> oh yeah. need to update the council meeting wiki pgae 14:01:06 <bgilbert> hey! 14:01:08 <bgilbert> .hello2 14:01:09 <zodbot> bgilbert: bgilbert 'Benjamin Gilbert' <bgilbert@backtick.net> 14:01:11 <contyk> hey 14:01:13 <contyk> .hello psabata 14:01:14 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Ĺ abata' <psabata@redhat.com> 14:01:15 <mattdm> #chair bgilbert 14:01:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: asamalik bcotton bex bgilbert contyk dgilmore dperpeet jonatoni langdon mattdm pbrobinson sumantrom tyll 14:01:20 <jonatoni> .hello jonatoni 14:01:21 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 14:01:59 <mattdm> cool good crowd this morning :) 14:02:23 <mattdm> This is our "open floor" meeting, although we've asked Benjamin to give an update on Fedora CoreOS as the first item 14:02:46 <mattdm> I'll wait another minute for others to show up and then start collecting agenda itemss 14:04:26 <mattdm> #topic Today's Agenda 14:04:40 <mattdm> As mentioned, item #1 is Fedora CoreOS. 14:05:00 <mattdm> Maybe pbrobinson could give a few minutes after that updating on Fedora IoT, too? 14:05:08 <mattdm> any other items, anyone? 14:05:39 <mattdm> flock updates, I guess. 14:05:44 <pbrobinson> sure 14:06:15 <mattdm> thanks. 14:06:18 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:06:19 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bexelbie@redhat.com> 14:06:22 <mattdm> oh hi! 14:06:30 <mattdm> bexelbie: anything to add to agenda before we get started? 14:06:35 <bexelbie> will CoreOS be video or IRC? 14:06:39 <mattdm> irc 14:06:48 * bexelbie has no additional agenda items 14:06:51 <mattdm> we didn't give bgilbert enough time to put together a slick presentation :) 14:07:00 <mattdm> #topic Fedora CoreOS launch update 14:07:06 <mattdm> take it away bgilbert 14:07:11 <bgilbert> hi all! 14:07:15 <mattdm> hi! 14:07:21 <bexelbie> hola 14:07:44 <bgilbert> I'm not sure how much everyone knows about Fedora CoreOS, so w 14:07:52 <bgilbert> ...I'll start with a brief overview. 14:08:23 <mattdm> sounds good 14:08:38 <bgilbert> Fedora CoreOS is intended as a minimal-ish operating system for running containers. we don't expect that users will run things in the host, except for e.g. services to interface with hardware 14:08:44 <mattdm> bgilbert: feel free to mark things with #info so they show up in the summary log 14:08:52 <bgilbert> import network storage, and so on 14:08:54 <bgilbert> mattdm: +1 14:09:07 <mattdm> #info Fedora CoreOS is intended as a minimal-ish operating system for running containers. We don't expect that users will run things in the host, except for e.g. services to interface with hardware 14:09:09 <mattdm> like that :) 14:09:17 <bgilbert> :-) 14:09:27 <bgilbert> the folks working on it mostly come from a background in CoreOS Container Linux and in Atomic Host. 14:10:10 <bgilbert> #info We're building Fedora CoreOS to work as an immutable host: you provision a node once and then leave it alone. 14:10:30 <bgilbert> we won't prevent you from SSHing in and doing sysadmin-y things, but it's not the preferred model. 14:10:53 <mattdm> This seems similar to both Container Linux and Atomic Host 14:10:56 <bgilbert> think "appliance for running containers". 14:10:58 <bgilbert> yep 14:11:12 <bgilbert> to do this, we're focusing on a few elements: 14:11:52 <bgilbert> #info Fedora CoreOS is provisioned via Ignition. We're shipping support for the new Ignition config spec 3.0.0. 14:11:54 <langdon> .hello2 14:11:54 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 14:11:57 <langdon> sorry im late 14:12:32 <bgilbert> #info Ignition allows users to provide a declarative configuration to a node: it should have X file, Y systemd service, Z partition and filesystem. 14:12:49 <langdon> re: agenda, i have a draft of an new modularity objective 14:12:50 <bgilbert> in the cloud, that's provided via userdata; on bare metal, it's provided via e.g. HTTP. 14:13:20 <mattdm> does that mean no cloud-config? 14:13:25 <bgilbert> we will not provide other config mechanisms: there's no cloud-init, and configuration management integration is something users would need to work out for themselves. 14:13:26 <bgilbert> yep 14:13:39 <mattdm> (good question, mattdm :) ) 14:13:59 <bgilbert> #info Fedora CoreOS updates itself automatically. We expect that users won't have to think about OS versions. 14:14:14 <bgilbert> in particular, we want updates between Fedora major versions to be seamless. 14:14:23 <bgilbert> that implies carefully managing backward compatibility 14:14:38 <bgilbert> to make this work, 14:14:55 <mattdm> Yeah that seems like the biggest challenge in a lot of ways. I mean, biggest challenge to using Fedora as a base for this 14:15:18 <mattdm> Is there a CI suite to test expected compatibility? 14:15:18 <bgilbert> #info Fedora CoreOS will have multiple channels: "stable", "testing", "next". Most production nodes will run on stable, but we want users to run a small % of nodes on testing and next. 14:15:39 <bgilbert> mattdm: there is CI, but our experience with Container Linux is that CI will not catch everything 14:15:59 <mattdm> what, it's not a magic silver bullet? :) 14:16:09 <bgilbert> #info Updates will go to "testing" first, allowing users some time to tell us about regressions before they promote to stable. 14:16:31 <bgilbert> #info "next" is for providing a longer soak period before new Fedora major versions promote to "testing" and "stable". 14:16:43 <mattdm> this seems like a very good plan to me 14:16:45 <bgilbert> last major point, 14:17:16 <bgilbert> #info Fedora CoreOS will support bare metal, popular VM systems, plus a number of the major clouds. 14:17:26 <bgilbert> we want it to be available as broadly as possible. 14:17:50 <bgilbert> that's the background. questions before I go on to status? 14:18:03 <bexelbie> What is the expected container management model? 14:19:18 <bgilbert> we want to support different approaches there. we're looking at OKD. upstream k8s would be great. moby swarm too. individual moby or podman containers launched by systemd units. 14:19:47 <mattdm> is there a default "here's what we expect to get started" model? 14:19:49 <bgilbert> we want FCOS to be opinionated in many ways, but running containers is the core goal, and we know people do that in different ways. 14:20:33 <bgilbert> mattdm: it seems likely that that will be OKD eventually, but not right out of the gate. I'd guess the getting started guide will initially talk about individual containers with podman. 14:21:09 <bgilbert> to be clear, an initial priority is providing ~equivalence with CoreOS Container Linux so we can get that userbase migrated over 14:21:28 <bexelbie> Are there specifics of that feature set that Fedora users may not be aware of? 14:21:42 <bexelbie> and/or could you summarize briefly any additional opinionation that brings? 14:21:45 <bgilbert> and Container Linux didn't really provide a recommended approach either. right now we're focused on getting the primitives in place. 14:21:56 <mattdm> I think most Fedora users outside the small set of Fedora Atomic (and CentOS Atomic) users are unaware of the whole thing. 14:22:11 <bgilbert> bexelbie: the Container Linux feature set? 14:22:15 <bexelbie> yes 14:22:26 <mattdm> So my next question was going to be about plans for bringing CL users across 14:22:33 <bexelbie> Alternately is there a PRD that we can link to so people can read about the feature goals? 14:22:35 <mattdm> I guess specifically: what are those plans? and how can we help? 14:22:45 <bgilbert> bexelbie: the high-level points are the ones I mentioned. declarative configuration, automatic updates. it's not so much about tooling as management approaches. 14:22:58 <bexelbie> ok 14:23:04 <bgilbert> there is a PRD: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CoreOS/PRD 14:23:13 * bexelbie wants to hear how pbrobinson compares this with the IoT approach 14:23:20 <bexelbie> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CoreOS/PRD 14:23:27 <bexelbie> thank you 14:23:27 <bgilbert> maybe I'll move on to current status, rather than addressing it piecemeal :-) 14:23:42 <mattdm> yes that's fine :) 14:24:20 <bgilbert> we're planning to ship a preview release next month. the goal is to get users to start kicking the tires. 14:24:38 <bgilbert> it will support a subset of the targeted cloud platforms, and not all functionality will be in place. 14:24:55 <bgilbert> we don't want people running it in production yet, and we reserve the right to make breaking changes during the preview period. 14:25:23 <bgilbert> during the preview period, we'll work on filling out the missing bits (e.g. more clouds) and building migration tooling for Container Linux users. 14:25:50 <bgilbert> (that tooling will consist of docs + a program that will take an Ignition config from Container Linux and do its best to convert it for FCOS) 14:26:04 <bexelbie> no bare metal support in preview? 14:26:15 <bcotton> #info Planning to ship a Fedora CoreOS preview release next month. the goal is to get users to start kicking the tires. 14:26:23 <bgilbert> plus, of course, addressing user feedback. 14:26:31 <bgilbert> bexelbie: ah, sorry, I was speaking loosely. yes, there will be bare metal support. 14:26:59 <bgilbert> bexelbie: there will probably not be live-PXE support in preview, though that part will come later 14:27:11 <bgilbert> ~6 months after the preview release, we plan to declare Fedora CoreOS stable. 14:27:25 <bgilbert> there are no technical consequences of that change; it's just the point where we encourage users to run FCOS in production. 14:27:47 <bgilbert> after that, we want to give Container Linux users ~6 months to migrate before we pull the plug on Container Linux maintenance. 14:28:23 <bgilbert> I'm planning to write a Fedora Magazine post in the next couple weeks that introduces FCOS to the Fedora community. 14:28:46 <bgilbert> what it's for, how it works, what the plan is. 14:29:01 <bgilbert> to hopefully run around the time of the preview release. 14:29:28 <bgilbert> #info Fedora CoreOS stable release ~6 months after that 14:30:03 <bgilbert> #info The preview release will not be feature-complete; additional functionality and more cloud support will come during the preview period. 14:30:16 <bgilbert> aaaand I think that's about it. thanks for listening, all. questions? 14:30:44 <mattdm> Thanks bgilbert 14:31:06 <mattdm> I've been talking to the CPE team -- that's the "community platform engineering" group at Red Hat 14:31:28 <mattdm> do we have a sense of what we need from them for this launch? 14:31:34 <mattdm> both the preview and the stable release? 14:33:21 <bgilbert> there will be some infrastructure needed for FCOS, such as the update servers, an S3 bucket, etc. we've mostly gotten the basic resources provisioned at this point. 14:33:51 <bgilbert> we have some unusual needs for the getfedora edition page. the ticket for that is 14:33:53 <bgilbert> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issue/964 14:34:30 <bgilbert> Mo has produced a design, and AIUI the current plan is for FCOS folks to produce the page 14:34:38 <bgilbert> help there would be welcome, though 14:34:52 <mattdm> yeah, working on figuring that out. 14:34:57 <bgilbert> off the top of my head, I don't think there are other hard blockers atm 14:35:12 <mattdm> Is there an overall document for the infrastructure needs so I can show CPE management the big picture? 14:35:31 <bgilbert> no, but there should be. I'll get one together 14:35:33 <bexelbie> Who on the FCOS team is doing the web work? I'd like to pull them into the larger web conversation around that ticket 14:36:00 <bgilbert> bexelbie: at the moment it's sbonic 14:36:49 <bexelbie> ok, I'll talk to her about hte work she is doing - thanks 14:36:53 <bgilbert> bexelbie: +1 14:36:57 <mattdm> bgilbert++ 14:36:58 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for bgilbert changed to 4 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:37:12 <mattdm> thanks getting that together would be _really_ helpful. 14:37:18 <bgilbert> mattdm: sure thing 14:37:30 <mattdm> anything else, anyone? 14:38:02 <mattdm> okay. thanks bgilbert! 14:38:08 <mattdm> #topic Fedora IoT 14:38:25 <mattdm> pbrobinson: hi! how's things over in our other new edition? :) 14:38:34 <pbrobinson> we're getting there 14:39:06 <pbrobinson> took a bit of a breather after f30 came out with all the fun of RH summit and then I got sick 14:39:08 <bexelbie> one tiny machien at a time eh :P 14:39:17 <pbrobinson> starting to ramp up now and move towards edition 14:40:29 <pbrobinson> so in the next week or two I'm cleaning up a bunch of our process around releases and then we'll do another f30 based release and go for edition 14:40:44 <pbrobinson> I think that should all be done by the end of June 14:41:53 <pbrobinson> we have a taiga instance on teams.fp.o and I'm working out how best to use that as part of the WG 14:42:27 <pbrobinson> we'll be ramping that up over the next few weeks and using it a lot for F-31, plus the F-30 cycle 14:42:54 <pbrobinson> that's about all I have that I can think of off the top of my head 14:43:16 <mattdm> cool thanks. 14:43:28 <mattdm> End of june is very soon :0 14:43:47 <mattdm> I have the same question I asked bgilbert :) ... 14:43:48 <pbrobinson> yes 14:43:56 <contyk> whole 11 days 14:44:06 <contyk> well, not anymore 14:44:06 <mattdm> Is there an overall doc of the plan that includes CPE needs from a high level? 14:44:10 * pbrobinson needs to read back on that discussion as I was running another meeting 14:44:52 <pbrobinson> mattdm: not that includes CPE, the big thing we need there is container build pipeline for all our intended architectures 14:45:02 <pbrobinson> that's been a request from the outset 14:45:22 <mattdm> is there a ticket for that request, or a document showing it? 14:45:31 <mattdm> I need this stuff to be able to help :) 14:45:45 <pbrobinson> there's been tickets around aarch64 support 14:46:32 <pbrobinson> but I've had discussions with people a lot for some time so it's not unknown to them, although no doubt it'll be denied because their process has probably changed 14:46:46 <mattdm> Yeah this is why I need an overall document 14:47:18 <mattdm> I won't argue about the past and what they should have known, just say "here, this is the plan" 14:48:13 <pbrobinson> mattdm: all our docs are in docs.fp.o and there's some high level docs there 14:48:32 <pbrobinson> mattdm: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/iot/prd/ 14:49:01 <bexelbie> I love that the PRD is in docs.fp.o and hope that bgilbert will put the Fedora CoreOS one there as well 14:49:03 <pbrobinson> mattdm: in particular the Edition Objectives mention containers 14:49:22 <mattdm> bexelbie++ 14:49:33 <pbrobinson> to quote "The base edition will support multiple architectures, initially including x86_64, aarch64 and ARMv7, and include the ability to produce supported containers across all architectures for various IoT use-cases and verticals." 14:49:36 <bgilbert> bexelbie: +1 14:50:01 <bexelbie> for that matter ... /me looks at desktop, server, etc. 14:51:14 <mattdm> pbrobinson: so basically that prd plus 14:51:18 <mattdm> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/Fedora_IoT 14:51:22 <mattdm> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/iot/prd/ 14:53:10 <pbrobinson> mattdm: right, do you need any more from me for that then? 14:53:10 <mattdm> okay, thanks pbrobinson 14:53:31 <pbrobinson> we should probably also merge that wiki page into the PRD in docs.fp.o? 14:53:39 <mattdm> I think a one-page write-up focused on the edition launch and CPE needs, referering back to those would be really helpful 14:53:52 <mattdm> pbrobinson if its not just obsolete at launch 14:54:00 <pbrobinson> OK 14:54:46 <mattdm> okay let's use the last five minutes for flock :) 14:54:52 <mattdm> #topic Flock updates 14:54:56 <mattdm> bexelbie: hot seat for you! 14:55:08 <mattdm> The call for talks is in progress 14:55:13 * bexelbie has disconnected 14:55:15 <bexelbie> j/k 14:55:23 <langdon> ha 14:55:37 <bexelbie> CfP and Funding decisions are both in progress 14:55:39 <mattdm> #please share this blog post: 14:55:48 <mattdm> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/flock-talk-session-proposal-reminder/ 14:55:56 <mattdm> lol #please is not a command but should be 14:56:00 <bexelbie> CfP notifications for initially accepted talks shoudl go out this week 14:56:08 * bexelbie looks at mattdm and notes calendar is back up :P 14:56:22 <bexelbie> round 1 funding notifications went out yesterday and round 2 is in progress 14:57:14 * langdon just shared it out 14:57:40 <bcotton> mattdm: #help is a command :-) 14:58:40 <mattdm> okay, I guess that'll do for this week :) 14:58:42 <mattdm> thanks everyone! 14:58:46 <mattdm> #endmeeting