15:00:22 <cverna> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2019-09-12) 15:00:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 12 15:00:22 2019 UTC. 15:00:22 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:22 <zodbot> The chair is cverna. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2019-09-12)' 15:00:31 <cverna> #meetingname infrastructure 15:00:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 15:00:40 <cverna> #topic aloha 15:00:50 <cverna> #chair nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink cverna mizdebsk mkonecny abompard bowlofeggs 15:00:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard bowlofeggs cverna mizdebsk mkonecny nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge tflink 15:00:51 <mizdebsk> .hello2 15:00:52 <zodbot> mizdebsk: mizdebsk 'Mikolaj Izdebski' <mizdebsk@redhat.com> 15:00:53 <nirik> morning. 15:01:02 <cverna> morning all 15:01:31 <cverna> let me try to get this right :-) 15:02:02 <cverna> #topic New folks introductions 15:02:13 <cverna> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 15:02:22 <cverna> #info Getting Started Guide: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 15:02:55 <cverna> anyone new this week that would like to say hi ? :-) 15:03:43 <cverna> I ll give it couple more minutes before moving to the next topic 15:05:04 <cverna> ok let's move on 15:05:08 <cverna> #topic announcements and information 15:05:23 <cverna> #info smooge is on PTO 2019-09-07 -> 2019-09-15 15:05:23 <cverna> #info we are in F31 beta freeze 15:05:23 <cverna> #info We are looking for people to maintain Fedocal and Nuancier - mkonecny 15:06:12 <cverna> do we have anything else to add in this section ? 15:06:36 * nirik ponders 15:07:34 <nirik> probibly, but I can't think of it. :) 15:07:59 <cverna> :-) 15:08:05 <cverna> moving on then 15:08:21 <cverna> #topic Oncall 15:08:35 <cverna> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Oncall 15:08:35 <cverna> #info nirik is on call from 2019-09-05 -> 2019-09-12 15:08:35 <cverna> #info ?????? is on call from 2019-09-12 -> 2019-09-19 15:08:35 <cverna> #info Summary of last week: (from kevin ) 15:08:55 <cverna> Any major fire nirik you would like to share ? 15:09:17 <nirik> Nothing too major, lots of oncall pings... 15:09:24 <nirik> we also grew a lot of tickets this week. 15:09:49 <nirik> who would like to take oncall for the next week? ;) any takers? 15:10:10 <relrod> I can if needed 15:10:20 <nirik> thanks relrod! 15:10:41 <cverna> #info relord is on call from 2019-09-12 -> 2019-09-19 15:11:20 <cverna> oh I should probably have mentioned in the info section, that pingou and I will mostly afk next week. We are both going to a training in Ireland 15:11:48 <cverna> too late :P 15:11:58 <relrod> .alias add oncall "echo relrod (Rick Elrod) is oncall. If not around, please file a ticket: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues" 15:12:00 <zodbot> relrod: Kneel before zod! 15:12:09 <cverna> #topic Monitoring discussion 15:12:09 <cverna> #info https://nagios.fedoraproject.org/nagios 15:12:10 <cverna> #info Go over existing out items and fix 15:12:41 <cverna> osbs is still on me, I had no time to work on it this week :( 15:13:21 * nirik looks 15:13:53 <nirik> oh yeah, I meant to look at the arm SOCs... they all just dropped off. Might be that chassis is just history now finally. 15:14:22 <nirik> we still need to fix fas fedmsgs. 15:14:50 <nirik> and I still don't know why notifs has those alerts. :) 15:15:45 <cverna> do we have a ticket for the fas fedmsgs ? we could tag that with the backlog tag and try to prioritize it 15:16:16 <nirik> already done and done. :) 15:16:22 <nirik> .ticket 7919 15:16:23 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #7919: Fix fas fedmsg sending in openshift - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7919 15:16:48 <bowlofeggs> .hello2 15:16:49 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <rbarlow@redhat.com> 15:16:54 <bowlofeggs> (but i might disappear again) 15:17:11 <cverna> nirik: cool :-) 15:17:17 <cverna> bowlofeggs: o/ 15:18:02 <bowlofeggs> wooo 15:18:07 <dustymabe> .hello2 15:18:08 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 15:18:09 <cverna> ok moving on to the next topic ? or do we have more for monitoring ? 15:18:24 <cverna> dustymabe: o/ 15:18:24 <nirik> move on. 15:18:28 <cverna> #topic Tickets discussion 15:18:28 <cverna> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/report/Meetings%20ticket 15:19:11 <cverna> We don't have anything tagged but feel free to bring something up 15:20:52 * nirik has nothing specific. Lots of things to do... 15:21:35 <dustymabe> is this open floor ? 15:21:53 <cverna> i will be in a sec 15:22:20 <cverna> #topic Open Floor 15:22:29 <cverna> dustymabe floor is yours 15:22:44 * dustymabe waves 15:22:55 <nirik> if the floor is open, does that mean we all fall through it? :) 15:23:11 <dustymabe> nirik and I (but mostly nirik) have been trying to figure out the invalid cert setup on communishift 15:23:16 <dustymabe> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8124 15:23:24 <dustymabe> it's causing various issues throughout the cluster 15:23:40 <nirik> the problem there is that the cert-manager project is in 'terminating' 15:23:48 <dustymabe> is there anyone with some openshift expertise that might be able to help us figure out why a certain project won't finishing terminating? 15:23:52 <nirik> I haven't had time to dig more... but nothing I have tired has fixed it. 15:24:01 <nirik> tried 15:24:19 <nirik> yeah, if anyone can assist, that would be lovely. 15:25:16 <cverna> we could reach out to lgriffin, I think he mentioned that a few OpenShift SRE are sitting not far from him 15:25:29 <nirik> oh yeah! good idea. 15:25:33 <dustymabe> nirik: if we can't fix it do we have to hose the hole cluster? 15:25:39 <dustymabe> whole* 15:26:10 <nirik> probibly re-install yeah... which wouldn't take too long, but would mean everyone would have to setup their stuff again. 15:26:11 <cverna> oc apply -f nuke.yaml 15:26:50 <dustymabe> do we have a process for notifying people of maintenance on communishift ? 15:27:11 <dustymabe> i.e. send direct email to anyone with access 15:27:37 <nirik> yeah, I was planning on anytime we do that sending to communishift-members@ which should get everyone with access. 15:27:53 <dustymabe> +1 15:27:55 * nirik will reach out to leigh and see if he has anyone who can help us. 15:28:40 * dustymabe really wants to start using communishift 15:28:49 <dustymabe> but hasn't been able to get it to work so far 15:29:40 <nirik> due to the cert? or ? 15:30:02 <dustymabe> yeah cert 15:30:10 <dustymabe> at least i'm having some issues related to the cert 15:30:16 <dustymabe> and some that may or may not be related to that 15:30:28 <dustymabe> only one way to find out on that last part 15:30:29 <dustymabe> :) 15:30:43 <dustymabe> any other open floor topics? 15:30:48 <cverna> one problem at the time :) 15:31:10 <cverna> yeah we will reach out for help and update the ticket with any progress on that 15:32:53 <cverna> ok I guess the next topic is who runs the meeting next week :-) 15:32:53 <nirik> email away 15:33:17 <cverna> #topic next week meeting host 15:33:29 <dustymabe> I vote bowlofeggs 15:33:42 <dustymabe> he's my favorite leader 15:33:49 <cverna> bowlofeggs once 15:33:51 <nirik> follow the mullet! 15:33:55 <cverna> bowlofeggs twice 15:34:10 <cverna> #info bowlofeggs to run the meeting next week :P 15:34:18 <relrod> +1 15:34:27 <cverna> #undo 15:34:27 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by cverna at 15:34:10 : bowlofeggs to run the meeting next week :P 15:34:36 <dustymabe> haha - bowlofeggs might get a vote 15:34:39 <cverna> not sure if he is available tho :P 15:35:26 <cverna> I will not be around next week, otherwise I would have been happy to run it 15:35:51 <nirik> I can do it if bowlofeggs is not available. 15:36:16 <dustymabe> either way I think we should give a shoutout to smooge for running the meeting for so long 15:36:28 <cverna> #info bowlofeggs to run the meeting next week, if not available nirik will cover :-) 15:36:46 <cverna> yeah and nirik before that :-) 15:37:02 <nirik> indeed. props to smooge! 15:37:12 <cverna> we should let you guys rest a little :-) 15:37:57 <cverna> ok any last word ? before I close this ? 15:38:08 <tflink> I have 2 questions for open floor 15:38:08 <nirik> I think it''s great to rotate things... people learn and it's new and fun... 15:38:23 <cverna> tflink go ahead 15:38:36 <cverna> #topic Open Floor the return 15:38:51 <tflink> there was talk about upgrading the centos ci openshift cluster at flock. is there a ticket tracking this work or an ETA on when we might see it happen? 15:39:07 * tflink couldn't find one in the fedora-infrastructure pagure 15:39:24 <cverna> I think siddharthvipul is going to start looking at that 15:39:28 * dustymabe would like to follow that ticket as well 15:39:58 <cverna> I don't think we have a ticket in fedora-infra but maybe there is something in the centos world of trackers 15:40:11 <nirik> yeah, not sure... siddharthvipul or bstinson might know more. 15:40:24 <tflink> I was also hoping for some clarification on communishift - is kubevirt going to be supported and is that the only method for running VMs in communishift? 15:40:48 <nirik> tflink: yes and yes... 15:40:52 <tflink> we're looking to start getting some new stuff running and would prefer to avoid reworking some base tools for managing VMs 15:41:36 <tflink> the current bits we have use qemu-kvm directly and I'm not sure if that's possible outside of running privileged containers 15:41:46 <nirik> There's a bug in the 2.0.0 version that makes networking not work with masq (the default) 15:41:56 <bstinson> wrt apps.ci.centos.org, we will open a ticket soon. we're still gathering some information 15:42:11 <tflink> bstinson: could you cc me on the ticket once it's created? 15:42:19 <nirik> I would have thought they would have a 2.0.1 out by now, but I haven't seen mention of it. 15:42:37 <tflink> nirik: is there a ticket I can follow for that issue? 15:43:17 <nirik> well, lets see... there's a bug on it, but it already got fixed upstream. let me see if there's one on the product... 15:43:23 <bstinson> tflink: sure 15:43:46 <tflink> bstinson: thanks. any guesses on when we could expect seeing changes? 15:43:55 <nirik> tflink: I did get it to boot and appear to work, just couldn't ssh into the instance. ;( 15:44:29 <tflink> nirik: yeah, that's what I recall from your presentation at flock. I was just hoping it had been fixed or that there was another option that wouldn't require large changes to our tooling 15:46:15 <nirik> I am digging on it... could also file a infra ticket for tracking the issue if you like. 15:46:51 <tflink> nirik: that works, I just figured that you'd prefer to have something other than me poking people from time to time to see if there's been a status change :) 15:46:51 <bstinson> tflink: there are some management decisions involved, so at this point i can't guess 15:47:00 <bstinson> once those are resolved, i'll be in a better place 15:47:24 <tflink> bstinson: ok, thanks for the explanation 15:47:32 <nirik> tflink: this is for taskotron? or ? 15:47:42 <tflink> nirik: some of the bits to replace taskotron 15:47:49 <nirik> ok 15:48:26 <nirik> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1725848 is the upstream bug but it's kinda a mess... 15:48:40 <nirik> (multiple issues in it, and they used it for documentation changes too) 15:48:42 <tflink> I'm proxying some concerns and issues with the apps.ci.centos.org instance, we figure that starting the new stuff on communishift would be a better place for us 15:49:07 <tflink> knowing that we'd have to move it eventually 15:49:50 <nirik> I'll try and find out latest status out of meeting... 15:49:55 <tflink> thanks 15:51:11 <tflink> nirik++ bstinson++ 15:51:12 <zodbot> tflink: Karma for kevin changed to 32 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:51:15 <zodbot> tflink: Karma for bstinson changed to 6 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:51:23 <tflink> since I tend to forget about cookies :) 15:52:04 <tflink> those were my questions, they sound like they've been resolved for the meeting 15:52:49 <cverna> ok going to close the meeting then 15:52:57 <cverna> thanks all for joining 15:53:19 <cverna> #endmeeting