14:59:23 <decathorpe> #startmeeting Stewardship SIG Meeting (2019-09-17) 14:59:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 17 14:59:23 2019 UTC. 14:59:23 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:59:23 <zodbot> The chair is decathorpe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:59:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:59:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'stewardship_sig_meeting_(2019-09-17)' 14:59:28 <decathorpe> #meetingname stewardship-sig 14:59:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'stewardship-sig' 14:59:31 <decathorpe> #topic Roll Call 14:59:38 <decathorpe> hello :) 14:59:45 <decathorpe> #chair cipherboy 14:59:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: cipherboy decathorpe 15:00:48 <cipherboy> As an aside, I'll be on #fedora-meeting-3 on top of my usual video-chat meeting too. 15:00:58 <mhroncok> hey 15:02:40 <decathorpe> hey Miro 15:02:45 <decathorpe> #chair mhroncok 15:02:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: cipherboy decathorpe mhroncok 15:03:55 <decathorpe> #link https://pagure.io/stewardship-sig/issue/49 Agenda 15:04:31 <mhroncok> I'll be AFK for ~5 minutes, sorry 15:04:42 <decathorpe> o/ 15:04:57 <decathorpe> sillebille: are you here? ;) 15:05:24 <sillebille> decathorpe, yes!! Good afternoon/evening everyone!! \o 15:06:04 <decathorpe> hi :) 15:06:08 <decathorpe> #chair sillebille 15:06:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: cipherboy decathorpe mhroncok sillebille 15:06:28 <decathorpe> alright, is there a topic you guys want to talk about first? 15:07:27 <decathorpe> I think the resteasy / dogtag topic is covered pretty well with cipherboy 's comment on the ticket 15:07:48 <cipherboy> decathorpe: Yeah, I don't think there's any rush to give it to the SIG, until we can update it and get it in a good state. 15:07:53 <sillebille> yes. We have taken over that package 15:08:06 <sillebille> we have plans to look into cutting down the dep tree, next month 15:08:28 <decathorpe> great. that sounds like a good plan forward 15:09:09 <decathorpe> I checked the list Bugz assigned or CC'd to the SIG, and I think we have now covered everything except version updates 15:09:20 <decathorpe> can somebody verify that? 15:09:34 <decathorpe> #topic Review open RHBZ issues 15:09:46 <decathorpe> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&email1=stewardship-sig%40lists.fedoraproject.org&emailassigned_to1=1&emailcc1=1&emailtype1=substring&list_id=10502570&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced Bugz 15:10:08 * mhroncok is bacl 15:10:10 <mhroncok> *back 15:12:07 <mhroncok> jackson CVEs, package updates and felix-bundlerepository FTBFS 15:12:30 <decathorpe> I pushed updates to fix jackson-databind CVEs to f29+ a few days ago 15:13:06 <decathorpe> the only thing that's left is the felix-bundlerepository FTBFS, and that one needs to be ported to OSGi Core 7.0.0 (maybe mbooth can help with that) 15:16:58 * mbooth appears 15:18:02 <decathorpe> oh, great. Hi mbooth! 15:18:31 <decathorpe> have you seen the issue I've mentioned? with felix-bundlerepository not building against osgi-core 7.0.0? 15:20:33 <decathorpe> according to koschei, it fails with a couple of missing symbols and incompatible types ... 15:20:33 <decathorpe> https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/work/tasks/177/37530177/build.log 15:21:31 <mbooth> Hmm, let me take a look 15:26:50 <decathorpe> alright, should we move on to the next topic in the meantime? 15:28:42 <decathorpe> #topic Open PRs 15:28:46 <decathorpe> #link https://decathorpe.fedorapeople.org/stewardship-sig-prs.html 15:29:25 <decathorpe> only two of them are push-button ready (snakeyaml dropping base64coder dep, and weld-parent update) 15:29:54 <cipherboy> I can review those two if you want 15:30:41 <decathorpe> cipherboy: that would be great. both are pretty simple 15:30:56 <cipherboy> ACK, will do. 15:31:03 <decathorpe> snakeyaml has a test suite, and everything still passes with my patch 15:31:11 * decathorpe shrugs 15:31:43 <decathorpe> the two maven-doxia* PRs are blocked by a missing rebase, but are fine as well. 15:32:29 <decathorpe> and I see that the list of open PRs is finally getting shorter :) 15:33:02 <decathorpe> #topic Review SIG leaf packages 15:33:04 <decathorpe> #link https://pagure.io/stewardship-sig/issue/46 15:33:58 <decathorpe> cipherboy: have you unretired all missing resteasy deps yet? 15:34:16 <decathorpe> I fear that some of those leaf packages will no longer be leaves once that happens 15:34:59 <sillebille> The ones that were "about" to be retired were taken over by cipherboy 15:35:19 <sillebille> the ones that were "already" retired, we haven't unretired... We will be looking into that next month 15:35:23 <mhroncok> I'm afraid they were actually retired 15:35:26 <cipherboy> decathorpe: I've already unorphaned, but not unretired. 15:36:04 <decathorpe> alright. can you let me know once that's done? then I'll regenerate the data for the leaf cleanup 15:36:30 <cipherboy> ACK. But, I reviewed the leaves that you wanted to orphan and I didn't find any that resteasy depended on... 15:36:59 <cipherboy> decathorpe: And dogtag-pki -> dep -> resteasy, so they would've been excluded already, well, the ones we needed. 15:37:18 <decathorpe> not if the dep chain was interrupted by a recently retired package. 15:37:28 <cipherboy> Ah ok, never mind then. :) 15:37:52 <cipherboy> I checked both rawhide and f30 I think, but I can check again. 15:38:09 <decathorpe> alright, I'll just wait with actually orphaning any packages until that's cleared up. 15:41:03 <cipherboy> ty! :) 15:42:15 <decathorpe> well, that's everything from my side. 15:42:20 <decathorpe> #topic Open Floor 15:48:55 <cipherboy> I think that's all I have. 15:50:35 <mhroncok> decathorpe: let's end? 15:50:40 <decathorpe> yuo 15:50:43 <decathorpe> *yup 15:50:46 <decathorpe> thanks guys! 15:50:49 <decathorpe> #endmeeting