13:00:22 <bcotton> #startmeeting FPgM office hours 13:00:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 25 13:00:22 2019 UTC. 13:00:22 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:00:22 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpgm_office_hours' 13:00:24 <bcotton> #info This is an open floor meeting to discuss anything program management related (elections, changes, schedule, etc) 13:00:33 <bcotton> #topic Announcements 13:00:50 <bcotton> #info Red Hat Summit CfP is open through 22 October — https://www.redhat.com/en/summit/speakers/submit-a-session 13:01:01 <bcotton> #help Let me know what projects we can highlight for Hacktoberfest: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/TGCKY25ERSG7ZKP2U6MZYKADQV4JEEMP/ 13:01:13 <bcotton> #help Friday is Modularity test day — https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/9627/?from_date=2019-09-27 13:01:14 <bcotton> #help Fedocal and Nuancier need new maintainers — https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/GH4N3HYJ4ARFRP666O6EQCHDIQMXVUJB/ 13:01:25 <bcotton> #info DevConf.CZ CfP is open through 1 November — https://cfp.devconf.info/submit/14 13:01:43 <bcotton> #info Open TestCon CfP is open through 31 October — https://opentestcon.org/updates/cfp/ 13:02:13 <bcotton> #topic Open floor 13:09:17 <alciregi> .hello2 13:09:18 <zodbot> alciregi: alciregi 'Alessio Ciregia' <alciregi@gmail.com> 13:09:22 <alciregi> hello bcotton 13:09:30 <bcotton> hello alciregi! 13:10:48 <alciregi> just to end the topic of the last week, the qa team newcomers question 13:11:44 <alciregi> at the end of the day there is not a specific issue, I mean, looking at the data, my conclusion is that newcomers doesn't have a specific problem but it is a common attitude 13:11:49 <bcotton> yes, i saw you did some research. i haven't looked at the numbers closely, but i was impressed :-) 13:12:59 <alciregi> as you wrote (if I remember well), it is a common issue in any team, that is, of the community as a whole 13:13:04 <alciregi> any community I think 13:13:21 <alciregi> people jump in: hey I want to contribute 13:13:29 <alciregi> then they disappear 13:13:55 <bcotton> yeah, i definitely see it across a lot of teams in fedora. i suspect it's not fedora-specific issue, although i wonder how we compare 13:14:07 <bcotton> i doubt there are stats we could measure ourselves against 13:14:29 <bcotton> some degree of disappearing is just human nature, i'm sure 13:14:29 <alciregi> because from such data I was expecting something like: ok, QA is not for me, I will look for some other task around the community 13:14:35 <alciregi> but it is not like that 13:15:08 <alciregi> some degree of disappearing is just human nature, i'm sure -> oh yes :-) 13:15:30 <bcotton> hopefully the new join sig process will help with this 13:15:33 <alciregi> it's not fedora-specific issue -> yes, I was saying the same thing 13:16:51 <alciregi> hopefully the new join sig process will help with this -> I believe it can be 13:17:06 <alciregi> I believe it can be helpful 13:17:34 <bcotton> that would make a great article and/or conference talk if we can show success with it 13:31:24 <bcotton> alciregi: if you're still around, how easy would it be to package up what you did for QA and let other teams run the numbers for themselves? is it fairly scriptable or would it require a lot of manual effort? 13:31:46 <alciregi> uh no 13:32:03 <alciregi> I wrote a couple of python scripts 13:32:34 <bcotton> not to ask you to do *more* work, but i'm going to ask you to do more work :-) 13:33:09 <bcotton> could you put those in the commops repo and write a commblog post about what you did and what you found from QA? that way others can do the same for areas they're interested in 13:33:35 <alciregi> I can work on it, yes 13:34:43 <bcotton> alciregi: thank you so much 13:35:48 <bcotton> i've already given you a karma cookie for this release, and you're too far away for me to buy you a beverage, but if i think of some way to rain thanks upon you, i'll do it :-) 13:37:11 <alciregi> :-) 13:45:29 <alciregi> btw I'm not a developer, so the python code could look weird :-) 13:45:48 <alciregi> or in other words, improved 13:47:17 <bcotton> hehe, you've clearly never looked at my code :-) 13:49:15 <alciregi> uh uh, but I'm sitting on Basic :-D if then else goto 13:54:27 <bcotton> :-D 13:59:30 <idf31> hello 14:01:15 <bcotton> hi idf31, do i need to get out of the room for another meeting? 14:01:50 <idf31> I think there will be the fedora minimization team meeting now 14:01:57 <idf31> thats why I joined 14:02:01 <bcotton> .nextmeeting 14:02:01 <zodbot> bcotton: (nextmeeting <channel>) -- Return the next meeting scheduled for a particular channel. 14:02:09 <bcotton> .nextmeeting #fedora-meeting-1 14:02:13 <zodbot> bcotton: In #fedora-meeting-1 is Minimization Team Meeting (starting in an hour) 14:02:16 <zodbot> bcotton: In #fedora-meeting-1 is Minimization Team Meeting (starting in an hour) 14:02:18 <idf31> an hour 14:02:19 <zodbot> bcotton: In #fedora-meeting-1 is Fedora CoreOS Group Weekly Meeting (starting in 2 hours) 14:02:22 <zodbot> bcotton: - https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/location/fedora-meeting-1%40irc.freenode.net/ 14:02:25 <idf31> woops 14:02:32 <idf31> sorry 14:02:32 <bcotton> not yet, but i'll go ahead and #endmeeting since my time is up :-) 14:02:35 <bcotton> #endmeeting