15:30:36 <dustymabe> #startmeeting fedora_cloud_meeting 15:30:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 31 15:30:36 2020 UTC. 15:30:36 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:30:36 <zodbot> The chair is dustymabe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:30:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:30:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_meeting' 15:30:41 <dustymabe> #topic roll call 15:31:02 <dustymabe> otubo: cyberpear: we're back! 15:31:10 <dustymabe> mhayden can't make it today 15:31:12 <otubo> .hello2 15:31:13 <zodbot> otubo: otubo 'Eduardo Otubo' <eterrell@redhat.com> 15:31:22 <cyberpear> .hello2 15:31:23 <zodbot> cyberpear: cyberpear 'James Cassell' <fedoraproject@cyberpear.com> 15:32:14 <jdoss> .hello2 15:32:14 <zodbot> jdoss: jdoss 'Joe Doss' <joe@solidadmin.com> 15:32:26 <jdoss> I am alive. 15:32:35 <dustymabe> #chair otubo cyberpear jdoss 15:32:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: cyberpear dustymabe jdoss otubo 15:32:41 <dustymabe> we're glad you're alive jdoss 15:33:58 <dustymabe> #topic Action items from last meeting 15:34:05 <dustymabe> looks like there were none 15:34:46 <dustymabe> #topic fedora cloud test day 15:34:58 <x3mboy> .hello2 15:34:58 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 15:35:00 <dustymabe> looks like the test day went well. we did find a smallish issue 15:35:43 <dustymabe> #link http://testdays.fedorainfracloud.org/events/79 15:35:55 <dustymabe> only found one issue with dnf makecache failing 15:36:01 <dustymabe> other than that we looked pretty clean 15:36:21 <dustymabe> as we get closer to final we will need to periodically test to see if any regressions have popped up 15:36:33 <dustymabe> anybody willing to help with that? 15:37:18 <otubo> dustymabe, I'm gonna try next time 15:37:21 <jdoss> That really could be part of the release cloud image updates story 15:37:38 <jdoss> but I am getting my butt kicked at work so I haven't had time to work on that as much as I want 15:37:41 <dustymabe> jdoss: indeed - automated testing 15:38:00 * dustymabe goes to look when the next freeze is 15:38:18 <dustymabe> on the 7th 15:38:34 <dustymabe> so two weeks 15:38:48 <jdoss> I already had Ben Cotton punt my change request to F33. 15:39:01 <dustymabe> otubo: can you give the latest images a spin next week maybe ? 15:39:11 <dustymabe> I can link you to them when you're ready 15:40:01 <otubo> dustymabe, sure. I'll check if our cloud-init rebase is stable 15:40:26 <dustymabe> thanks! 15:40:38 <dustymabe> #topic backlog of cloud-init BZs 15:40:49 <dustymabe> otubo: have you had a chance to comb through the open BZs yet? 15:40:56 <otubo> dustymabe, yes 15:41:10 <otubo> dustymabe, so, basically we have two BZs that are already fixed: 15:41:20 <otubo> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1798729 15:41:27 <otubo> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1798732 15:42:04 <otubo> The other ones doesn't look like they have a fix upstream (or downstream on RHEL). I'm gonna check again but I doubt it. 15:42:33 <otubo> I propose we close them as CURRENTRELEASE and if the issue comes again we give them proper attention this time. 15:42:46 <dustymabe> so we can close two of them as fixed 15:43:01 <dustymabe> do the other ones look like they should be reported upstream ? 15:43:40 <otubo> dustymabe, no these two I'll backport the fixes to Fedora, they're not included in the 19.4 cut. 15:43:55 <dustymabe> ahh, got it 15:44:19 <otubo> dustymabe, the other ones I'll check if they already have an open issue on Launchpad or Github, if not I'll manage to open 15:44:26 <dustymabe> in that case (assuming they're not super risky) we can get them in to f32 before stable 15:44:46 <otubo> dustymabe, next freeze is in two weeks? 15:44:59 <dustymabe> otubo: yes, april 7th 15:45:12 <otubo> dustymabe, I guess I can do it. 15:45:23 <dustymabe> basically we need to get a new build and have a few people test it and it will get into stable before the freeze 15:45:41 <otubo> dustymabe, I'll ping you guys to review the PR. But for RHEL they were clean cherry-picks, nothing really special. 15:45:49 <dustymabe> sweet 15:46:02 <dustymabe> thanks otubo for the hard work on this 15:46:10 <otubo> thank you :-) 15:46:13 <dustymabe> #topic open floor 15:46:21 <dustymabe> anyone with anything for open floor? 15:46:25 <jdoss> Wash your hands. 15:46:27 <dustymabe> thanks cyberpear and jdoss for coming! 15:46:39 <dustymabe> jdoss: and stay at home 15:46:50 <jdoss> For real! 15:46:57 <cyberpear> nothing fancy here... stay safe 15:47:09 <otubo> Last time I was outside was 13th of March :-( 15:47:18 <dustymabe> :( 15:47:38 <dustymabe> i still go outside a bunch for exercise - just stay away from people 15:49:09 <cyberpear> I also ran into the dnf-makecache service failure, fwiw, on OpenStack 15:49:18 <dustymabe> cyberpear: good to know 15:49:29 <dustymabe> yeah I submitted the bug as a blocker 15:49:49 <dustymabe> ok going to end the meeting now 15:49:52 <dustymabe> #endmeeting