15:02:26 <cverna> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2020-05-07) 15:02:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 7 15:02:26 2020 UTC. 15:02:26 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:02:26 <zodbot> The chair is cverna. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2020-05-07)' 15:02:26 <cverna> #meetingname infrastructure 15:02:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 15:02:38 * cverna sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/ixjCwoWgrWchRowUalCzxwLl > 15:02:45 <pingou> cverna: failed :) 15:02:49 <siddharthvipul> hehe 15:02:54 <pingou> amoloney: just had the same :) 15:02:56 <nirik> morning 15:02:59 <austinpowered_> .hello austinpowered 15:03:00 <zodbot> austinpowered_: austinpowered 'None' <fedoraproject@wootenwilliams.com> 15:03:01 <siddharthvipul> .hello2 15:03:02 <zodbot> siddharthvipul: siddharthvipul 'Vipul Siddharth' <siddharthsurfing1@gmail.com> 15:03:04 <nils> .hello nphilipp 15:03:09 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com> 15:03:12 <pingou> .hello2 15:03:13 <zodbot> pingou: pingou 'Pierre-YvesChibon' <pingou@pingoured.fr> 15:03:13 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez 15:03:15 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <michal.konecny@packetseekers.eu> 15:03:22 <mboddu> .hello mohanboddu 15:03:23 <zodbot> mboddu: mohanboddu 'Mohan Boddu' <mboddu@bhujji.com> 15:03:37 <mobrien[m]> .hello mobrien 15:03:38 <zodbot> mobrien[m]: mobrien 'Mark O'Brien' <markobri@redhat.com> 15:03:45 <cverna> pingou: what failed ? 15:04:12 <cverna> #topic New folks introductions 15:04:12 <cverna> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves 15:04:12 <cverna> #info Getting Started Guide: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted 15:04:14 <siddharthvipul> cverna: I think chair 15:04:30 <cverna> ha 15:04:32 <cverna> #chair nirik pingou smooge cverna mizdebsk mkonecny abompard 15:04:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard cverna mizdebsk mkonecny nirik pingou smooge 15:04:41 <austinpowered_> where do I change my name fron 'None' to my name in my .hello message? 15:04:47 <cverna> :) 15:04:54 <smooge> austinpowered_, fas 15:04:56 <austinpowered_> where do I change my name from 'None' to my name in my .hello message? 15:05:07 <cverna> austinpowered_: in fas you have to uncheck the private setting 15:05:23 <smooge> you need to put it in the irc nick setting in fas after you uncheck privacy 15:05:29 <siddharthvipul> lrossett|lunch: ^I remember you asking this as well 15:06:04 <cverna> any new folks that would like to say hi or more ? 15:06:24 <siddharthvipul> me 15:06:26 <mboddu> Hi cverna :) 15:06:27 <siddharthvipul> hello :) 15:06:32 <mboddu> Haha :) 15:06:53 <cverna> mboddu: hi, do you want to introduce yourself ? 15:07:11 <cverna> siddharthvipul: nice to see you here, same feel free to introduce yourself :) 15:07:25 * cverna is happy to see new faces this week 15:07:39 <clime> hi again 15:07:55 <clime> was reading the past discussion sry 15:08:14 * cverna sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/wjIsEUFGEOeptZVaGOVgqLEI > 15:08:15 <mboddu> Actually, I never introduced myself in this meeting ever, I always followed the meeting (whenever I could) 15:08:28 <siddharthvipul> cverna: sure, well, hello all (for those who don't me) I am Vipul, and I work on CentOS CI primarily and am around a couple of other Fedora apps and community :) 15:08:32 <mkonecny> cverna is sending long messages 15:09:04 <mkonecny> Hi siddharthvipul, nice to meet you :-) 15:09:13 <cverna> mkonecny: yeah :( with matrix I need to send smaller messages :P 15:09:16 <siddharthvipul> mkonecny: :P 15:09:19 <cverna> #topic Next chair 15:09:20 <cverna> #info magic eight ball says: 15:09:20 <cverna> #info 2020-05-14 - siddharthvipul 15:09:32 <cverna> #info 2020-05-21 - mkonecny 15:09:34 <siddharthvipul> cverna: noted in why not to use matrix list (item 8) 15:09:58 <siddharthvipul> :P 15:10:07 <cverna> siddharthvipul: or why not to use IRC 15:10:11 * cverna ducks 15:10:21 <siddharthvipul> cverna: no curve balls please, easy ones only 15:10:32 <mkonecny> cverna: We can still see you :-D 15:10:32 <cverna> I think we are good with next meetings 15:10:34 <cverna> so moving on 15:10:50 <cverna> #topic announcements and information 15:10:59 <cverna> #info CPE Sustaining EU-hours team has standups on Tuesday and Thursday at 1400 UTC in #fedora-admin - please join 15:11:03 <cverna> #info CPE Sustaining NA-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-admin 15:11:09 <cverna> #info Fedora Infrastructure will be moving in 2020-06 from its Phoenix Az datacenter to one near Herndon Va. A lot of planning will be involved on this. Please watch out for announcements on changes. 15:11:13 <cverna> #info Fedora Communishift move has started but will take longer than expected. Current estimate for bringing back into production is TBD 15:11:19 <cverna> #info What's next in Fedora and CentOS infra https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/whats-coming-up-next-in-fedora-and-centos-infrastructure/ 15:11:35 <cverna> anything else ? 15:11:46 <nirik> #info we have a number of virthosts and a few vm's running in IAD2 now. 15:12:08 <cverna> 🎉🎉🎉 15:12:20 <cverna> nice :) 15:12:25 <mkonecny> \o/ 15:12:37 <nirik> Yeah, it's great to see things starting to come together... 15:12:55 <siddharthvipul> ※\(^o^)/※ 15:13:19 <cverna> lol 15:13:34 <cverna> #topic Oncall 15:13:35 <cverna> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Oncall 15:13:35 <mboddu> cverna: I dont know how to edit the matrix config, but - https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/blob/master/config.sample.yaml#L354 15:13:45 <cverna> #info ??? is oncall 2020-05-07 -> 2020-05-14 15:13:53 <cverna> #info ??? is oncall 2020-05-14 -> 2020-05-21 15:14:05 <cverna> any volounteer ? 15:14:30 <nirik> I can if no one else... 15:14:53 <amrmzaki> okay 15:14:59 <siddharthvipul> it's not really a lot of work. If you all don't feel it's a terrible job done, maybe the next week (I mean 14-21) 15:15:03 <mboddu> Well, I have never done this before, I can take one as well 15:15:11 <siddharthvipul> ah perfect 15:15:14 <siddharthvipul> mboddu for the go 15:15:27 <cverna> mboddu: can you take this week, I ll take next week ? 15:15:34 * King_InuYasha waves 15:15:38 <mboddu> cverna: Sure 15:15:46 <cverna> so that we leave nirik free to have fun with the move :) 15:15:57 <siddharthvipul> fun 15:16:07 <mboddu> cverna: Totally agreed 15:16:17 <nirik> fun! 15:16:25 <King_InuYasha> shame about communishift taking longer :( 15:16:26 <cverna> #info mboddu is oncall 2020-05-07 -> 2020-05-14 15:16:26 <cverna> #info cverna is oncall 2020-05-14 -> 2020-05-21 15:16:35 <King_InuYasha> hopefully it goes smoothly 15:16:48 <cverna> #info Summary of last week: (from current oncall ) 15:17:01 <siddharthvipul> very peaceful :) onthing worth reporting 15:17:02 * mboddu also wants communishift working asap :( 15:17:05 <cverna> siddharthvipul: anything you want to share ? 15:17:12 <siddharthvipul> either this, or I was bypassed 15:17:23 <siddharthvipul> s/onthing/nothing worth reporting 15:17:40 <cverna> thanks :) 15:17:42 <nirik> we will try and move it forward, but IAD2 has been taking the most attention... we have a deadline there and it's much higher pri 15:17:52 <King_InuYasha> no worries 15:18:00 <cverna> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik] 15:18:01 <cverna> #info https://nagios.fedoraproject.org/nagios 15:18:12 <cverna> #info Go over existing out items and fix 15:18:12 <mboddu> nirik: Sure, its understandable, thanks for your help 15:18:27 <nirik> lets see 15:18:54 <nirik> the low swap thing, which is supposedly fixed in 8.2, we just need to udpate/reboot those 15:19:45 <nirik> the retvalconsumer queue thing is because openqa-stg can't login to the wiki... 15:19:55 <nirik> (there is a ticket on that if anyone wants to try and solve it) 15:20:16 <nirik> torrent02 disk space I suppose might be solved with f30 eol and deleting those isos. ;) 15:20:33 <cverna> openqa-stg ticket --> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8381 15:20:54 <nirik> that looks like mostly it. Although one nagios related thing: we need to tell noc01/02 to not try and monitor any of the hosts I am adding to iad2... 15:21:11 <nirik> they are still not easily reachable (ansible gets them via a ssh link that might change) 15:21:11 <smooge> nonagios ? 15:21:28 <smooge> let me look at that after meeting 15:21:30 <nirik> or something in the templates to say 'if contains iad2 ... skip''' 15:21:42 <cverna> nirik: next topic is the data center move update, do you have more to share or should we skip it ? 15:22:39 <nirik> not too much, we have virthosts, we have some vm's we have ansible against them... we need to finish sorting out vlans for interfaces. I'd like to try and get all the virthosts set this week and a few more infra service vm's up... 15:22:45 <nirik> like a batcave and a noc 15:23:01 <nirik> then hopefully we can get firewall rules and start building out. 15:23:04 <cverna> cool thanks :) 15:23:18 <nirik> we may want to try and meet up next week sometime 15:23:30 <nirik> and discuss bringup plans and who can help with what 15:23:49 <cverna> +1 15:23:52 <nirik> but lets see how today/tomorrow goes I guess first 15:24:16 <mboddu> nirik++ smooge++ for their help on dc move 15:24:32 <cverna> nirik++ smooge++ 15:24:32 <zodbot> cverna: Karma for kevin changed to 12 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:24:50 <cverna> #topic Open Floor 15:24:52 <smooge> of course I had to come up with a different variable.. 15:25:40 <mkonecny> The floor is now opening bellow us and we see the bottomless pit bellow 15:25:53 <smooge> nagios_Can_Connect is the variable 15:26:11 <nirik> mkonecny: glass floor? cool! 15:26:42 <mkonecny> nirik: I know a few people who are afraid to stand on something like this 15:27:27 <amrmzaki> mkonecny i'm here ;D 15:27:28 * cverna is definitely afraid of standing on something like this 15:27:29 <nirik> there's one in the US over the grand canyon... 15:27:30 <mkonecny> And it was even funnier when they have fake ruptures on the glass floor on some road in the mountains in China :-D 15:27:32 <nirik> I would never go on that 15:28:10 <nirik> https://www.reviewjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/skywalk_20110413_p.jpg 15:28:13 <mobrien[m]> I've been on the grand canyon one, its terrifying 15:28:23 <siddharthvipul> I have fear of height.. and I can relate >:| 15:28:28 <mkonecny> nirik: Nice :-) 15:28:51 <amrmzaki> nirik interesting 15:29:49 <cverna> ok closing the meeting in 1 min 15:29:49 <austinpowered_> no fear of height here. just fear of falling 15:29:51 <mboddu> nirik: I went on it and it was amazing 15:29:55 <mboddu> I walked on it* 15:30:08 <austinpowered_> .hello2 austinpowered 15:30:09 <zodbot> austinpowered_: Sorry, but you don't exist 15:30:26 <mboddu> mkonecny: And I want to do that, walking on the glass floor that fake cracks :) 15:30:50 * nirik will pass on that 15:30:57 <mboddu> The most scariest thing I have done - https://www.google.com/search?q=edge+walk&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwii6aj_iKLpAhUQlHIEHXrLAigQ_AUoAXoECBQQAw&biw=1920&bih=917#imgrc=kuXQbtVcWFTOgM 15:31:14 <mboddu> mkonecny, nirik : ^ 15:31:39 <smooge> nirik, nagios may do the right thing now 15:31:41 <mkonecny> mboddu: This looks scary, but if you like the adrenaline :-) 15:31:52 <nirik> ugh. wow. 15:32:02 <nirik> smooge: thanks! 15:32:16 <smooge> .hello austinpowered 15:32:16 <cverna> thanks all for joining 15:32:16 <zodbot> smooge: austinpowered 'T.C. Williams' <fedoraproject@wootenwilliams.com> 15:32:18 <mboddu> Again smooge++ :) 15:32:26 <cverna> #endmeeting