13:00:37 <bcotton> #startmeeting FPgM office hours 13:00:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 10 13:00:37 2020 UTC. 13:00:37 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:00:37 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpgm_office_hours' 13:00:38 <bcotton> #info This is an open floor meeting to discuss anything program management related (elections, changes, schedule, etc) 13:00:45 <bcotton> #topic Announcements 13:00:56 <bcotton> #info The GNOME Community Engagement Challenge is accepting applications through 1 July: https://www.gnome.org/challenge/ 13:00:57 <bcotton> #info The Fedora Social Hour is tomorrow: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#fedora-social-hour:matrix.org 13:00:58 <bcotton> #info Fedora 32 elections voting is open through 23:59 UTC on 11 June: https://elections.fedoraproject.org 13:01:00 <bcotton> #info Latest datacenter move update: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/L3MAYSUM52C4G6PFVDZ6SEFKHCHGUUZS/ 13:01:28 <bcotton> #info The Fedora Council monthly video meeting is in one hour. This month's guest is the Modularity team: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council/Video_Meetings#Upcoming_meetings 13:01:39 <bcotton> #topic Open floor 13:21:21 <sysoplab> Only you here bcotton. Kind of a sad meeting so far. 13:22:12 <bcotton> :-) that implies the existence of not-sad meetings 13:23:03 <sysoplab> The magazine one we just had was pretty productive. 13:23:29 <bcotton> this is true :-) 13:24:11 <sysoplab> I have a question since it's open floor 13:25:03 <bcotton> go for it 13:25:13 <sysoplab> Why is voting for fedora 32 it's half way to 33 by now..a bit behind 13:25:44 <bcotton> it's a little arbitrary 13:25:49 <sysoplab> Shouldn't voting be for the future.... 13:25:55 <bcotton> but we name the elections for the development cycle they're at the end of 13:26:13 <bcotton> mostly because the dates are anchored to the release 13:27:50 <sysoplab> Ok. Sorry for the inane question. 13:27:50 <sysoplab> Just trying to understand things as I can 13:27:50 <sysoplab> Which reminds me need to go make another card or two as Adam said he +1 them. 13:28:00 <bcotton> so this way, we always start the elections *after* the release, so that people aren't distracted, etc 13:28:00 <bcotton> there's also the matter of "when goes Fedora N+1 development begin?" we already have change proposals in for Fedora 34 13:28:01 <bcotton> so basically, since it's on the fedora 32 schedule, it's called the fedora 32 election 13:28:01 <bcotton> we could call it 33, we just haven't historically 13:28:18 <bcotton> it's not insane at all. it's a good question, and honestly one i've never thought about 13:32:18 <sysoplab> Thanks for the answer makes sense For the ML-Pack proposal do you want me to make a draft article as well as card and copy paste the proposal in it since it seems author just started writing it in there? 13:33:21 * bcotton looks 13:36:26 <sysoplab> Same question for cpulimit. With asamali adding +1s both need cards but also have drafts in the proposal writing themselves. 13:36:47 <bcotton> yeah, you can add them in directly if you want or just tell the author to add it 13:37:13 <bcotton> if you add it yourself, make sure you update the author (and if they're not in the list, they'll have to log in to wordpress first) 13:37:36 <sysoplab> Ok will take care of those shortly 13:38:52 <bcotton> awesome! 13:39:03 <sysoplab> Should I close the finance one 13:39:29 <sysoplab> Since proposer hasn't responded in 2 months 13:40:38 <bcotton> yeah, i think we've given them enough time to respond 13:42:49 <sysoplab> Going to leave 1 proposal on human modeling and that's it that we didn't process 13:43:18 <bcotton> great. thanks for keeping up on the queue 13:43:53 <sysoplab> Yep I said I'd do it...kind of have to keep on it or I won't be relied on to get anything done. 13:44:24 <bcotton> very true 13:44:55 <sysoplab> Adam seems to like doing his +1s mid meeting 13:46:47 <bcotton> probably because that's when he thinks about it. i know i tend to forget about it until i get reminded 13:47:28 <sysoplab> Oh the mac address manager one...leave it or ? Personally i think it should either be three articles on those things and then one on mac addresses but none of it as pointed out has anything to do with fedora 13:48:41 <bcotton> link? i can't find that one 13:49:08 <sysoplab> FreeIPA alone could be a ton of articles.https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine-proposals/issue/62 13:49:46 <bcotton> ah! 13:50:13 <bcotton> yeah, i think this can be done as a single article, but it would help to have articles about the pieces published beforehand 13:50:57 <bcotton> i'm not opposed to it, but it's not thrilling me 13:51:31 <bcotton> i think if we had articles about the pieces, i'd feel a lot better about a not-fedora-specific article tying them together to solve a problem 13:52:11 <sysoplab> Want me to comment that since nobody has replied to proposer in almost 3 weeks they probably think we're ignoring them 13:52:28 <bcotton> sure! 13:52:47 <bcotton> if you're +1 to it, you should comment that too. we don't have to be unanimous 13:54:45 <sysoplab> I'm indifferent on it. I'm against Mac filtering in general just creates headaches and doesn't solve anything...it takes almost no time to bypass if you're doing it for security as well. 13:55:22 <sysoplab> I would like to learn more on FreeIPA and stuff though so if it results in more articles on those topics.... 13:58:41 <bcotton> agreed 13:58:45 <bcotton> okay, time for the council meeting 13:58:52 <bcotton> thanks for stopping by :-) 13:58:55 <bcotton> #endmeeting