13:01:04 <amoloney> #startmeeting CPE PO Office Hours 13:01:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 25 13:01:04 2020 UTC. 13:01:04 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:01:04 <zodbot> The chair is amoloney. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cpe_po_office_hours' 13:01:22 <amoloney> #meetingname CPE Project Owner Office Hours 13:01:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cpe_project_owner_office_hours' 13:01:36 <amoloney> #Info About the CPE team: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/ 13:02:43 <amoloney> #topic Mostly Open Floor, with an update on CPE Quarterly Planning Session for Q3 13:03:20 <amoloney> Hi Everyone! 13:03:57 <siddharthvipul_> amoloney: heyy \o 13:04:24 <amoloney> Hi siddharthvipul_ ! 13:04:41 <amoloney> Im going to post a few updates from the quarterly planning session the CPE team had last Thursday to plan our work for Q3, which is the months July, August & September 13:04:54 <amoloney> If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask 13:05:27 <amoloney> And the meeting transcripts will be included in the CPE Weekly email this weekend too in case you want to read it there 13:05:46 <amoloney> An update will also be part of the email, but I will have the link to this chat too :) 13:07:03 <amoloney> Last Thursday 18th June, the CPE team management, PO (thats me! 😇) team leads and respective team stakeholders met to discuss and prioritize initiatives that the team could work on in Q3 13:08:22 <cverna> hello 13:09:24 <amoloney> Stakeholders to our team included mmiller, bcotton & mnordin for Fedora, rbowen & kwade for CentOS and bex, primarily to represent business interests 13:09:57 <amoloney> Our wider team was also invited to join in a viewing capacity for transparency 13:13:55 <amoloney> Note: We are still working on ways to be even more transparent with our planning sessions and I hope that by providing updates to you here after they wrap and perhaps a dedicated email to the list will aid that 13:17:10 <amoloney> Happy to take feedback/suggestions on how you would like to hear about our quarterly planning 13:21:31 <cverna> It is quiet here today, for info I got an haircut earlier today :D 13:22:56 <defolos[m]1> cverna: this ain't a video call :-P 13:23:17 <siddharthvipul_> cverna: I need to get one too, with the amount of hair I am seeing on pillows and floor, I am confused how I am not bald yet :| 13:23:40 <defolos[m]1> I actually got a question about koji & builders 13:24:15 <defolos[m]1> how high are the chances that we can increase the amount of them by a factor of two or three and increase the size of the storage backend? 13:24:50 <defolos[m]1> I'd wish for koschei being able to run real builds and not just scratch builds, but that will cause a lot of load on koji 13:24:53 <siddharthvipul_> hmm, I think it might need to be answered by someone else 13:25:14 <siddharthvipul_> defolos[m]1: we can wait for amoloney if she has idea, otherwise fedora-infra meeting today would be a good place 13:25:24 <cverna> yeah would be better to ask on https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org/ 13:25:54 <cverna> but generally as I understand it is difficult to get more hardware 13:26:38 <defolos[m]1> like everywhere, that's a pity 13:27:42 <cverna> the more likely scenario is to have builders provisioned on demand in a cloud provider but that open a different can of worms 13:29:03 <defolos[m]1> as long as that's not AWS, it could save money 13:29:27 <bcotton> cverna: i need a haircut 13:29:28 <cverna> why not AWS ? 13:29:55 <defolos[m]1> expensive as hell and no way to abort if the bill gets too large 13:30:59 <cverna> defolos: yeah we have a community account that is kindly sponsored, but yeah I guess that has a limit if we were to abuse it that might change :) 13:31:22 <cverna> bcotton: if you can you should go it feels great after :P 13:32:05 <bcotton> i probably will before i record my devconf.us talks. part of me is curious to see how long i can let it go before i totally lose it 13:32:06 * cverna goes grab something to drink 13:35:46 <amoloney> Oh sorry guys I have no insights to offer on hardware, cvernas suggestion to ask on the mailing lists 13:36:25 <amoloney> * Oh sorry guys I have no insights to offer on hardware, cvernas suggestion to ask on the mailing lists is a good way to find out more. Thanks cverna ! 13:44:15 <amoloney> Regarding updates on the CPE quarterly planning session updates, during the meeting we reviewed the projects in our Scoped Backlog column on our taiga board https://tree.taiga.io/project/amoloney1-cpe-team-projects/kanban?epic=null 13:44:53 <amoloney> This column is now in priority order 13:45:20 <amoloney> The four shortlisted projects to work in in Q3 were: 13:45:33 <amoloney> data centre move (no surprise, its a hard requirement) 13:45:39 <amoloney> CentOS Stream 13:45:50 <amoloney> Noggin - this is the FAS2 replacement project 13:47:25 <amoloney> Packager Workflow Healthcare - this is an investigation project where the team will write a script that will try to identify how often something breaks in the packager workflow 13:48:19 <amoloney> And Fedora Messaging Schemas 13:51:58 <amoloney> The team were asked to submit a preference vote against the projects they want to work on in Q3 to aid management in assigning the project teams 13:52:34 <amoloney> This is an agile method for self-organizing teams and it was very interesting! 13:53:17 <amoloney> The Q3 project teams and plans will be in place and launched on Monday 6th July to mark Q3 kickoff 13:53:51 <amoloney> Our taiga board cards have a pdf attached to each with the project briefs for more details 13:53:53 <defolos[m]1> side note here: why do you use taiga.io and not teams.fedoraproject.org? 13:55:01 <pingou> I think the person who originally created that board got confused 13:55:04 <pingou> taiga vs taiga :) 13:55:11 <amoloney> honestly I didnt know there was a difference when I created it haha 13:55:20 <amoloney> Thanks @pingou! You ratted me out :) 13:56:26 <siddharthvipul_> hehe 13:57:12 <amoloney> Also though when I think about it, our team has CentOS members too so I suppose taiga.io is more domain neutral than teams.fedoraproject.org 13:57:25 <amoloney> Were not just a Fedora team 13:57:33 <amoloney> We are so much more 🙂 13:57:51 <pingou> < trumpetts > 13:57:57 <siddharthvipul_> there is centos, there is fedora and then there is Vipul 13:58:05 <pingou> < double rainbow > 13:58:06 <amoloney> 🤣 13:58:28 <amoloney> guys were at a 2 minute warning for any last questions? 13:59:09 <amoloney> Otherwise keep an eye out for the CPE Weekly email for additional Q3 initiative updates :) 13:59:57 <amoloney> #endmeeting