13:00:45 <amoloney> #startmeeting CPE PO Office Hours 13:00:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 2 13:00:45 2020 UTC. 13:00:45 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:00:45 <zodbot> The chair is amoloney. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cpe_po_office_hours' 13:00:57 <amoloney> #meetingname CPE PO Office Hours 13:00:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cpe_po_office_hours' 13:01:08 <amoloney> #info About the CPE team: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/ 13:01:18 <amoloney> #topic Open Floor 13:02:44 <siddharthvipul> hellooww 13:03:11 <siddharthvipul> amoloney: hey, was dnf counting part of CPE projects in Q2? 13:04:48 * bcotton waves while spinning around in his chair 13:04:54 <amoloney> It was :) it was an additional project we were able to action which was a bonus! 13:05:26 <amoloney> Hi Ben! 13:06:17 <pingou> ó/ bcotton 13:06:22 <bcotton> whoa! if you're going to start verbing nouns, I'm out of here :p 13:06:46 <smooge> hello amoloney 13:07:09 <smooge> so I was bcottoning an idea yesterday 13:07:22 <bcotton> smooge++ 13:07:22 <pingou> did you reach a bconclusion? 13:07:30 <amoloney> Mr Smoogen! Lovely to see you (in a sense) my friend! 13:07:46 <amoloney> how do you bcotton an idea??? 13:08:04 <bcotton> yeah, i'm really interested in seeing where this goes ;-) 13:08:05 <amoloney> do you need help wit ha bplan? 13:08:06 <pingou> you bgrow it, bnuture it and finally bharvest it! 13:08:13 <amoloney> OR IS IT A PLAN B!!!!! 13:08:40 <amoloney> pingou: 🤣 13:09:23 <smooge> pingou, I bspin it a lot 13:10:21 <amoloney> bseriously, can we bhear the bplan? 13:15:37 <nils> And I thought you were feed up with Bs, amoloney. 13:16:37 <amoloney> hahahaha 13:16:43 <amoloney> they are inescapable! :) 13:16:50 <pingou> it's the final bcall! 13:18:47 <nils> https://i.imgur.com/dkfuvrb.jpg 13:22:13 <amoloney> 🤣 13:25:40 <mboddu> So, whats the final bplan? 13:38:34 <bcotton> https://media3.giphy.com/media/rmP9lWX54hJ60/giphy.gif 13:45:01 <nils> https://i.imgur.com/hnGNH.gif 13:45:23 <pingou> playing meme battles? 13:47:13 <nils> Looks rather like collaboration than a battle to me. 13:47:24 * nils afk 15m 13:48:41 <smooge> beem me up 14:04:40 <amoloney> quiet one today! See you next week! :) 14:04:44 <amoloney> #endmeeting