16:30:04 <nasirhm> #startmeeting fedora_coreos_meeting 16:30:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 12 16:30:04 2020 UTC. 16:30:04 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:30:04 <zodbot> The chair is nasirhm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:30:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:30:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_coreos_meeting' 16:30:16 <nasirhm> #topic roll call 16:30:21 <nasirhm> .hello2 16:30:22 <zodbot> nasirhm: nasirhm 'Nasir Hussain' <nasirhussainm14@gmail.com> 16:30:26 <bgilbert> .hello2 16:30:27 <zodbot> bgilbert: bgilbert 'Benjamin Gilbert' <bgilbert@backtick.net> 16:30:30 <darkmuggle> .hello2 16:30:31 <zodbot> darkmuggle: darkmuggle 'None' <me@muggle.dev> 16:30:37 <dustymabe> .hello2 16:30:38 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 16:30:39 <slowrie> .hello2 16:30:41 <zodbot> slowrie: slowrie 'Stephen Lowrie' <slowrie@redhat.com> 16:30:42 <jlebon> .hello2 16:30:47 <zodbot> jlebon: jlebon 'None' <jonathan@jlebon.com> 16:30:49 * cyberpear listens in the background, busy w/ other tasks 16:30:54 <davdunc> .hello2 16:30:55 <zodbot> davdunc: davdunc 'David Duncan' <davdunc@amazon.com> 16:31:44 <nasirhm> #char davdunc jlebon slowrie dustymabe darkmuggle bgilbert 16:32:03 <nasirhm> #chair davdunc jlebon slowrie dustymabe darkmuggle bgilbert 16:32:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: bgilbert darkmuggle davdunc dustymabe jlebon nasirhm slowrie 16:32:40 <nasirhm> #topic Action items from last meeting 16:32:50 <lucab> .hello2 16:32:52 <zodbot> lucab: lucab 'Luca Bruno' <lucab@redhat.com> 16:33:06 <nasirhm> #info bgilbert to summarize discussion from last week's meeting in ticket 16:33:06 <nasirhm> https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/586 16:33:19 <nasirhm> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/586 16:33:21 <bgilbert> #action bgilbert to summarize discussion in #586 16:33:23 <bgilbert> :-( 16:33:25 <nasirhm> #chair lucab 16:33:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: bgilbert darkmuggle davdunc dustymabe jlebon lucab nasirhm slowrie 16:33:53 <nasirhm> bgilbert: No worries :) 16:34:07 <nasirhm> #info dustymabe to send an email to coreos@ about the coreos/enhancements repo 16:34:21 <dustymabe> email sent - let me grab a link and #info it 16:34:55 <dustymabe> #info dusty sent email to coreos@ list about coreos enhancements repo https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/coreos@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/2UDDDU2M32DG6P52MPIVOAFA6YPIRVQT/ 16:35:03 <dustymabe> #undo 16:35:03 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by dustymabe at 16:34:55 : dusty sent email to coreos@ list about coreos enhancements repo https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/coreos@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/2UDDDU2M32DG6P52MPIVOAFA6YPIRVQT/ 16:35:10 <dustymabe> #info dusty sent email to coreos@ list about coreos enhancements repo 16:35:13 <dustymabe> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/coreos@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/2UDDDU2M32DG6P52MPIVOAFA6YPIRVQT/ 16:35:28 <nasirhm> dustymabe: Am i using the right meetbot command to info the action items for previous meeting ? 16:35:54 <dustymabe> nasirhm: for action items from previous meeting i don't usually #info them 16:36:07 <dustymabe> i just bring it up and then usually people will bring information to the table about what they've done 16:36:10 <dustymabe> and then we #info that 16:36:35 <dustymabe> we're good for today, though. :) 16:36:48 <nasirhm> Ah, Thank you. will do that for the next meeting. 16:37:29 <nasirhm> #topic New Ignition provider for OpenNebula 16:37:50 <nasirhm> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/166 16:38:19 <lucab> ah, I should have retitled the ticket 16:38:30 <lucab> anyway 16:38:39 <nasirhm> lucab: We can undo and rewrite it if needed. 16:38:49 <lucab> nasirhm: no worries 16:39:18 <lucab> context is: we got an external PR to Afterburn adding some support for OpenNebula 16:39:25 <lucab> #link https://github.com/coreos/afterburn/pull/478 16:39:57 <lucab> that flow is a bit different than usual, as Afterburn is usually the last step to be done 16:40:43 <lucab> from what I can see in the FCOS ticket, the platform is not really straightforward as it even lacks DHCP 16:41:22 <lucab> so my feeling is that we won't reach a point anytime soon where we can claim full OpenNebula support 16:41:53 <jlebon> huh hadn't heard of OpenNebular before. anyone have a sense of how popular it is? 16:42:06 <lucab> but at the same time I don't want to stall the Afterburn PR, as I guess the submitter wants to use it outside of FCOS context 16:42:10 <dustymabe> i've heard of it before, but never used it 16:42:25 <darkmuggle> In a prior life, I used it :) 16:42:29 <dustymabe> :) 16:42:37 <dustymabe> darkmuggle: with knowledge of all the cloudx 16:42:40 <dustymabe> clouds* 16:43:23 <lucab> my gut feeling at this point is that we could maybe just agree on the platform ID, even without doing the rest of the integration work in the ticket 16:43:33 <dustymabe> lucab: +1 16:43:50 <nasirhm> lucab: I have similar feelings, +1 16:43:57 <jlebon> i wonder if at this point, we should just add support for new cloud platforms in ignition and afterburn, but don't build another image and instead just document instructions for how to stamp the qemu image 16:44:04 <lucab> that would unblock Afterburn without committing to the whole work on FCOS side 16:44:16 <darkmuggle> +1 to jlebon's idea 16:44:25 <jlebon> it's not a great UX, but also adding every cloud in the sky is not scalable 16:44:45 <darkmuggle> As upstream projects, Ignition and Afterburn can support more Clouds than FCOS. 16:45:27 <bgilbert> it's also possible to use the install flow. coreos-installer knows how to override the platform ID. 16:45:57 <jlebon> yeah, that's a nicer UX for the bare metal platforms 16:46:18 <lucab> it's somewhat unrelated, and also depends on whether the specific platform needs the image in some peculiar format 16:46:40 <dustymabe> our strategy for additional cloud images is probably a separate topic 16:46:41 <darkmuggle> to bgilbert's point, some cloud providers could self-publish by taking a published image and then using the installer to override to a supported platform 16:47:14 <bgilbert> we opted not to ship a Packet image for example 16:47:15 <darkmuggle> s/supported/{Ignition/Afterburn} 16:47:19 <lucab> ok, it looks like I can proceed with just reserving an ID. The submitter picked up `one`, but I'm not very happy with that 16:47:38 <dustymabe> lucab: should you do a proposed? and then we can bikeshed ? 16:48:12 <lucab> darkmuggle: do you maybe know if `one` is some preferred nickname in OpenNebula context 16:48:33 <jlebon> lucab: the repo at least is named one: https://github.com/OpenNebula/one 16:48:35 <darkmuggle> I reserve the right to be wrong, but I think "one" is OpenNebula Enterprise. 16:49:04 <bgilbert> there's precedent for not using the provider's internal abbreviation for itself 16:49:31 <nasirhm> darkmuggle: I think you're right, the link shared by jlebon says the same thing https://github.com/OpenNebula/one 16:49:32 <lucab> #proposed proceed with reserving a platform ID for OpenNebula, without committing to full support nor producing images at this time 16:49:45 <jlebon> the CLI is called `onehost` 16:50:15 <dustymabe> ack 16:50:37 <bgilbert> lucab: I guess you don't want to bikeshed the name here? :-) 16:50:43 <bgilbert> +1 to proposal if not 16:50:52 <jlebon> +1 to proposal 16:51:09 <lucab> we can if we want 16:51:15 <slowrie> +1 16:51:22 <darkmuggle> +1 16:51:27 <davdunc> +1 16:51:34 <lucab> I was just going to propose `nebula` or `opennebula` to the reporter 16:51:46 <lucab> #agreed proceed with reserving a platform ID for OpenNebula, without committing to full support nor producing images at this time 16:52:37 <lucab> how do you folks feel about `one`? 16:52:50 <nasirhm> We don't have other tickets marked as meeting, Does anyone have any ticket they would like to discuss 16:52:51 <jlebon> not great either 16:52:54 <lucab> (I may be the only one not happy with it) 16:53:03 <dustymabe> originally I didn't like it, but it at least has an actual meaning 16:53:32 <jlebon> i like the two counter-proposals 16:53:34 <bgilbert> lucab: not great 16:53:34 <dustymabe> `opennebula` works, `one` seems OK. We'd just document it on our platforms page eventually 16:53:53 <bgilbert> `one` seems likely to lead to perpetual confusion by anyone who doesn't know the name 16:54:11 <darkmuggle> On one hand its no worse than `aws`, but `aws` has universal understanding. I'd vote `nebula` 16:54:15 <lucab> bgilbert: which one? that one! 16:54:26 <bgilbert> hard to Google 16:55:01 <bgilbert> in CL times, we opted for `oracle-oci` rather than just `oci` 16:55:02 <nasirhm> nebula seems like a better idea. 16:55:03 <lucab> bgilbert, jlebon: any preference between the two? 16:55:10 <dustymabe> is there a difference between open nebula enterprise and something else ? 16:55:22 <dustymabe> i.e. could there be two things ? 16:55:50 <dustymabe> i.e. would someone really want the term "open" in front of nebula if we were to go with `nebula` 16:56:13 <lucab> (I'm ok with the full `opennebula`) 16:56:23 <davdunc> dustymabe: I would go with one. better not to give yourself too much to keep track of in alias tables. 16:56:33 <bgilbert> any relationship to the defunct Nebula company? 16:57:00 <lucab> dustymabe: it looks like it's exactly like openstack :) 16:57:00 <bgilbert> they built a private cloud appliance 16:57:10 <davdunc> they get sedimented into internal systems. 16:57:56 <lucab> #proposed propose `opennebula` as the actual platform ID for OpenNebula 16:58:01 <bgilbert> +1 16:58:12 <davdunc> +1 lucab 16:58:15 <dustymabe> +1 16:58:28 <nasirhm> +1 16:58:35 <jlebon> +1 16:58:42 <darkmuggle> +1 16:58:47 <lucab> ack 16:58:48 <lucab> #agreed propose `opennebula` as the actual platform ID for OpenNebula 16:59:07 * bgilbert should have said "+one" 16:59:27 <lucab> (that's all on this topic from my side) 16:59:31 <lucab> bgilbert: ah! 16:59:53 <dustymabe> 🤣 16:59:55 <nasirhm> Any one would like to discuss any other tickets for today's meeting ? 17:00:00 <bgilbert> nasirhm: could mention https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/390 briefly 17:00:34 <nasirhm> #topic Publish the initrd and rootfs images separately for PXE booting 17:00:41 <nasirhm> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/390 17:00:55 <bgilbert> this is starting to land in today's releases 17:01:00 <bgilbert> a coreos-status post just went out 17:01:14 <bgilbert> all three channels now have three PXE artifacts: kernel, initramfs, rootfs 17:01:45 <bgilbert> anyone who's booting the PXE live image will have to start specifying the rootfs in their PXE config. 17:01:45 <jlebon> very nice work on this bgilbert! 17:01:48 <bgilbert> :-) 17:01:58 <nasirhm> bgilbert++ 17:02:00 <bgilbert> currently, in all three channels, the rootfs doesn't do anything yet 17:02:12 <bgilbert> FCOS will complain if you don't specify it, but will still work 17:02:19 <miabbott> huge thanks to bgilbert for seeing this through 17:02:24 <miabbott> bgilbert++ 17:02:24 <zodbot> miabbott: Karma for bgilbert changed to 7 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:02:44 <bgilbert> but over the next couple months we're going to switch channels over, so the initramfs returns to being a normal-sized initramfs, and most of the bits are in the rootfs instead 17:03:22 <bgilbert> the change provides more flexibility in how PXE systems are provisioned 17:03:37 <bgilbert> in particular, not having to fetch 700-800 MB from the PXE preboot environment 17:04:03 <bgilbert> for more info and migration advice, see 17:04:05 <bgilbert> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/bare-metal/#_pxe_rootfs_image 17:04:21 <dustymabe> +1 very nice work 17:04:50 <bgilbert> (also, the ISO images in next and testing now contain bit-for-bit copies of the PXE artifacts, for those who find that useful) 17:05:34 <bgilbert> s/channels/streams/. wow, old habits. 17:05:48 <bgilbert> that's all I have 17:07:00 <nasirhm> Thank You bgilbert, We've still got time, Would anyone like to discuss another ticket ? 17:07:46 <dustymabe> None from me that I can think of, other than open floor 17:07:50 <lucab> for anyone looking for low-hanging stuff, this one just got in: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/601#issuecomment-672997972 17:08:13 * nasirhm is going through the ticket 17:08:39 <dustymabe> nasirhm: let's switch to open floor 17:08:55 <davdunc> lucab do you want to reuse the code in ec2-utils there? 17:08:58 <nasirhm> #topic Open Floor 17:09:12 <nasirhm> #info for anyone looking for low-hanging stuff, this one just got in. 17:09:23 <nasirhm> #undo 17:09:23 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by nasirhm at 17:09:12 : for anyone looking for low-hanging stuff, this one just got in. 17:09:46 <lucab> davdunc: do you have a pointer to that? I guess it still uses `nvme` at some point no? 17:09:57 <nasirhm> #info AWS Fedora CoreOS missing /dev/xvd* symlinks 17:10:12 <nasirhm> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/601#issuecomment-672997972 17:10:22 <nasirhm> I would like to work on it. 17:10:23 <davdunc> I don't have a real link it's in the src.rpm for Amazon Linux. 17:10:40 <davdunc> https://github.com/davdunc/ec2-utils 17:10:51 <lucab> nasirhm: it was just about "we forgot to ship the nvme utility", to be clear 17:11:20 <jlebon> hmm, probably cleaner to just make it part of the existing PR which adds the dependency on it (https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-config/pull/476) 17:11:36 <nasirhm> lucab: Ah, I'm trying to find some good first issues to get started. :) 17:12:28 <dustymabe> jlebon: we put a hold on that PR to see what davdunc could come up with 17:13:37 <jlebon> dustymabe: ahh ok. so if makes it into systemd, then we can close that PR? 17:13:48 <dustymabe> yeah, that was the idea 17:13:51 <davdunc> dustymabe: I am pushing for the systemd changes. 17:13:58 <jlebon> ack 17:14:14 <dustymabe> lucab: so is the real question "do all sets of existing udev rules use the nvme utility?" 17:14:20 <dustymabe> If so then we should ship the utility? 17:14:39 <dustymabe> or maybe we should even ship it independent of that 17:14:55 <lucab> I think the answer is yes 17:15:14 <lucab> (or they are python programs) 17:16:42 <dustymabe> Added: 17:16:45 <dustymabe> nvme-cli-1.10.1-1.fc32.x86_64 17:16:51 <davdunc> lucab yea. they are python applications. 17:16:52 <dustymabe> seems like only one pkg was added when I layered it 17:17:27 <dustymabe> so at least `nvme-cli` doesn't have a dep on python 17:17:50 <lucab> yes, I'd be for shipping it regardless of the AWS discussion 17:18:27 <dustymabe> any opposed? 17:19:39 <jlebon> what does it do exactly? 17:20:58 <lucab> jlebon: it's a small CLI utility to interact with NVMe disk (e.g. detaching them). The udev rules in CL used it to get the aws-friendly-disk-name embedded in the vendor-metadata area 17:22:01 <jlebon> ahh ok. so it's something that sysadmins would find useful on its own 17:22:25 <nasirhm> I found this link to know more about it : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/managing_storage_devices/overview-of-nvme-over-fabric-devicesmanaging-storage-devices 17:22:27 <lucab> jlebon: that'd be my feedback, yes 17:22:33 <davdunc> and in setting up the volumes at boot. 17:23:20 <jlebon> sanity-checked size in koji. it's tiny 17:23:53 <jlebon> SGTM re. including it 17:24:12 <nasirhm> So, It's a +1 ? 17:24:22 <davdunc> with multi-attach support in EBS 1.4 is a necessary 17:24:52 <dustymabe> haha I read "multi-attach" as "multi-arch" - I need a break 17:25:14 <dustymabe> so I don't hear anyone opposed to including it 17:25:42 <dustymabe> nasirhm: would you want to open a PR to add it? (I can help show you how) 17:26:01 <nasirhm> I would love to. 17:27:02 <davdunc> nasirhm: I am around to help you with anything you need from the AWS side. 17:27:05 <dustymabe> cool. when we do that let's add the context from this meeting about its usefulness 17:27:30 <nasirhm> #action nasirhm to add nvme-cli for udev rules. 17:27:35 <nasirhm> davdunc: Thank You. 17:28:10 <nasirhm> dustymabe: Sure, I will summarize things from here and add it on the PR. 17:29:09 <nasirhm> Good to Close ? 17:29:17 <dustymabe> +1 from my side 17:29:29 <bgilbert> +1 17:29:36 <jlebon> +1 17:29:38 <davdunc> +1 17:29:52 <nasirhm> Thank You everyone for joining today. 17:29:56 <nasirhm> #endmeeting