16:31:53 <jlebon> #startmeeting fedora_coreos_meeting 16:31:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 9 16:31:53 2020 UTC. 16:31:53 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:31:53 <zodbot> The chair is jlebon. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:31:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:31:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_coreos_meeting' 16:32:00 <jlebon> #topic roll call 16:32:09 <aoei> .hello2 16:32:10 <zodbot> aoei: aoei 'Joanna Doyle' <jjadoyle@gmail.com> 16:32:24 <cyberpear> .hello2 16:32:25 <zodbot> cyberpear: cyberpear 'James Cassell' <fedoraproject@cyberpear.com> 16:32:42 <miabbott> .hello2 16:32:43 <zodbot> miabbott: miabbott 'Micah Abbott' <miabbott@redhat.com> 16:32:56 <bgilbert> .hello2 16:32:57 <zodbot> bgilbert: bgilbert 'Benjamin Gilbert' <bgilbert@backtick.net> 16:33:11 <jlebon> #chair aoei cyberpear miabbott bgilbert 16:33:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: aoei bgilbert cyberpear jlebon miabbott 16:33:17 <skunkerk> .hello sohank2602 16:33:18 <zodbot> skunkerk: sohank2602 'Sohan Kunkerkar' <skunkerk@redhat.com> 16:33:44 <jlebon> #chair skunkerk 16:33:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: aoei bgilbert cyberpear jlebon miabbott skunkerk 16:33:53 <jlebon> let's give it another minute 16:34:48 <lucab> .hello2 16:34:49 <zodbot> lucab: lucab 'Luca Bruno' <lucab@redhat.com> 16:35:12 <jlebon> #chair lucab 16:35:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: aoei bgilbert cyberpear jlebon lucab miabbott skunkerk 16:35:17 <jlebon> alrighty, let's begin! 16:35:21 <jlebon> #topic Action items from last meeting 16:35:39 <jlebon> looks like there are none 🎉 16:36:28 <jlebon> moving on to tracker issues, it seems like just https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/608 is tagged 16:37:03 <jlebon> but i think it's meant for the last meeting before the end of sept 16:37:39 <jlebon> so, no planned topics it seems -- does anyone have anything they want to bring up? 16:39:15 <jlebon> i'll start: we finally have a new clevis release! which means this will unblock the root-on-LUKS work. planning to push that through soon 16:39:18 <darkmuggle> .hello2 16:39:19 <zodbot> darkmuggle: darkmuggle 'None' <me@muggle.dev> 16:39:28 <jlebon> #chair darkmuggle 16:39:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: aoei bgilbert cyberpear darkmuggle jlebon lucab miabbott skunkerk 16:39:37 <lucab> (nothing from my side) 16:40:45 <jlebon> ok, let's just officially move to open floor then 16:40:54 <jlebon> #topic Open Floor 16:41:29 <cyberpear> Is there a plan for the merging of RHCOS and FCOS luks-on-root methods? 16:41:42 <jlebon> yes 16:42:11 <jlebon> they will use the same mechanism (i.e. specified via Ignition) 16:42:46 <jlebon> has anyone worked on anything interesting? or looking for feedback? 16:43:54 <jlebon> i'll note something that came up yesterday: the f33 rpmdb change to sqlite is likely going to impact FCOS users with layered pkgs 16:44:14 <jlebon> https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/609#issuecomment-688977962 16:44:40 <jlebon> thankfully i think there's an easy workaround we could use, though i haven't tested it yet 16:44:55 <bgilbert> jlebon: what's the failure mode if we do nothing? 16:45:12 <jlebon> the upgrade across f32 -> f33 will fail 16:45:23 <jlebon> (again, only if there are layered pkgs) 16:45:30 <bgilbert> I guess it doesn't auto-fallback to bdb? 16:45:57 <jlebon> the issue is that old rpm doesn't know about the new db which is part of the new OSTree commit 16:46:07 <bgilbert> ah, okay 16:46:08 <jlebon> so it fails at deploy time, not at reboot time (which is good) 16:46:48 <jlebon> my suggested workaround is to keep the first f33 commit on bdb, make that a barrier, then flip to sqlite 16:47:08 <bgilbert> +1 16:48:32 <jlebon> not sure if this came up in the meeting last week, but we're making good progress on the extensions mechanism 16:48:57 <jlebon> see https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/pull/2125#issuecomment-681947014 for details 16:50:35 <jlebon> alrighty, will close this a minute or two if no one else brings up anything 16:52:45 <jlebon> #endmeeting