16:00:19 <james> #startmeeting fpc 16:00:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 22 16:00:19 2021 UTC. 16:00:19 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:19 <zodbot> The chair is james. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 16:00:19 <james> #meetingname fpc 16:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 16:00:19 <james> #topic Roll Call 16:00:29 * limburgher here 16:00:33 <tibbs> Hey. 16:00:38 <james> #chair limburgher 16:00:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: james limburgher 16:00:40 <james> #chair tibbs 16:00:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: james limburgher tibbs 16:00:41 <decathorpe> hello o/ 16:00:47 <james> #chair decathorpe 16:00:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: decathorpe james limburgher tibbs 16:04:27 <james> Well on the upside we don't have much to talk about with tickets/PRs tagge with meeting. 16:05:15 <james> #topic Open Floor 16:05:20 <tibbs> I actually tagged a few yesterday. 16:05:26 <tibbs> And merged a few. 16:05:29 <james> Anyone want to talk about anything with just the four of us? 16:06:06 <james> Ahh, yeh, PRs have changed a lot since I did the email. 16:06:10 <decathorpe> I don't have anything FPC related 16:06:33 <james> tibbs: Anything you thin we can deal with? 16:07:39 <tibbs> I would just have merged 1085 but I thought it would be good for someone with more systemd experience to ack it. 16:07:50 * james looks around 16:07:56 <james> Anyone qualify? 16:08:30 <tibbs> It just mentions %_userunitdir. Currently the guidelines don't talk about user units at all. 16:08:47 <james> decathorpe: Didn't you used to own syncthing? 16:08:48 <limburgher> I know a fair amount, but nothing about that. 16:09:09 <decathorpe> james: still do 16:09:26 <tibbs> Another major question that occurred to me is what we need to do to adapt to the autorelease and autochangelog stuff. 16:09:31 <james> Doesn't that use userunit? 16:09:44 <decathorpe> it does 16:09:44 <decathorpe> I can look at the PR. 16:09:50 <james> 👍 16:11:12 <james> tibbs: where did that question come from? 16:11:25 <tibbs> Me when catching up on the devel list. 16:11:39 <james> ahh 16:11:54 <tibbs> I noticed it was enabled but nothing came to us about it so I figured we would have to adapt. 16:12:19 <james> I mean it should "dtrt" as if the maintainer did things manually. 16:12:30 <james> So maybe we don't need to do much. 16:12:42 <james> But the policy should probably mention it soewhere. 16:12:52 <limburgher> Maybe "use this, but if you don't, do X" 16:12:57 <tibbs> Yeah, it would be worth it to at least mention it. 16:13:26 <tibbs> I don't know enough of the caveats to say whether we want to mention, suggest, recommend or mandate it. 16:13:50 * james nods 16:14:03 <decathorpe> I've used it for a fair amount of my packages already, I can look at the guidelines and check where it can be mentioned 16:14:05 <tibbs> I suspect that eventually it will be the way to do things but right now, probably not. 16:14:18 <tibbs> I also am sad that %autochangelog doesn't include the %changelog line. 16:18:41 <james> Ok, unless there is anything else I'll give you all 40 mins. back. 16:19:14 <decathorpe> +1 16:19:42 <tibbs> Thanks, folks. I will try to hit some more of the open PRs. 16:20:01 <james> #endmeeting