16:30:05 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Mobility SIG 16:30:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 13 16:30:05 2021 UTC. 16:30:05 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:30:05 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:30:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:30:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mobility_sig' 16:30:06 <nirik> #meeting_name fedora_mobility_sig 16:30:06 <nirik> #chair torbuntu pbrobinson _Yoda_ 16:30:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: _Yoda_ nirik pbrobinson torbuntu 16:30:06 <nirik> #topic init process 16:30:18 <nirik> morning. 16:30:22 <torsh[m]> Hey there :) 16:31:42 <nirik> lets wait a few for folks to wander in 16:32:46 <torsh[m]> Sounds good. *waves from Pinephone* 16:33:05 <nirik> nice. 16:33:36 <nirik> chatty's matrix support is actually working? will have to check that out... 16:33:44 <torsh[m]> Latest chatty has working xmpp and matrix again yeah 16:34:05 <torsh[m]> Matrix is still under the experimental flag though 16:34:22 <torsh[m]> Took some tinkering to get it working with encryption 16:34:51 * nirik nods 16:35:40 <_Yoda> hey, sorry i'm a bit late 16:35:48 <torsh[m]1> tinkering being: sign out of device from another session (Element), manually remove the .purple/chatty/db/matrix.db file in the phone. Then sign in again. Then manually verify via text on another session. 16:36:14 <nirik> #topic remix status / issues / plans 16:36:36 <nirik> so, I see there's not been a release for a while... ? 16:37:16 <torsh[m]1> Yeah I'll remedy that soon. There have been some problems I ran into generating the images but I should be able to do it. I'm waiting for Phosh's newest update to reach the mirrors first. 16:37:49 <nirik> ok. That was a few days ago right? I recall reading about it. 16:38:22 <torsh[m]1> I just got the update to 0.14.1 pushed last night. Had to get a patch in libhandy 16:38:35 <nirik> ah, ok. 16:38:59 <torsh[m]1> So by next weekend I'll make it a goal to get a new image out on github. 16:39:05 <torsh[m]1> (before next weekend I mean) 16:39:30 <nirik> one weird remix question: we are using emgi's kernel, is that just the pp patches in it and he's got another tree for ppp, or does he have a kernel/tree with both? 16:40:36 <torsh[m]1> Don't quote me, but I think the ppp would be a separate kernel tree 16:41:03 <_Yoda> well, same tree just different defconfigs 16:41:06 <nirik> ok, thats what I would suspect, but don't know. it might be nice if it was one tree so we could have the remix do both 16:41:23 <torsh[m]1> https://xff.cz/kernels/ 16:41:44 <torsh[m]1> If we were to manually build a kernel from the patches we could make a kernel for both 16:42:00 <_Yoda> thats not easy - they need different uboot setups too 16:42:11 <nirik> I'm not sure how important it will be... depends on how usable ppp is with fedora/vanilla kernels. 16:42:11 <torsh[m]1> ah right 👀 16:42:34 <nirik> ok, anything else on the remix? 16:42:41 <_Yoda> but yes - kernel could be common, by mixing the 2 defconfigs 16:43:05 <torsh[m]1> Nothing exciting outside of package updates for anything on the remix. 16:43:16 <nirik> #topic fedora mainline plans 16:43:46 <torsh[m]1> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 16:43:52 <nirik> nothing I am aware of here sadly 16:44:15 <torsh[m]1> I saw a message by a postmarketOS developer mentioning working with other projects on upstreaming kernel stuff 16:44:36 <nirik> that would be nice... gonna be some heavy lifting tho. ;( 16:44:51 <torsh[m]1> https://fosstodon.org/web/@bart@mastodon.fam-ribbers.com/107415920589835048 16:45:01 <_Yoda> yeah, they are trying to get the devs to work together on a common kernel under pine64 git 16:45:28 <_Yoda> both for pp and ppp 16:45:30 <nirik> greeat! 16:45:38 <_Yoda> to get more stuff upstreamed 16:45:49 <nirik> ok, on to the fun topic... 16:45:52 <nirik> #topic council issue #380 - pinephone pro for developers 16:45:52 <nirik> https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/380 16:46:32 <nirik> I'm not sure how to collect this info... I guess I'd be happy to collect in email and send to the council? 16:46:49 <torsh[m]1> Email works for me. 16:47:12 <_Yoda> email is fine 16:47:20 <nirik> I am somewhat aside from it, as I already ordered my ppp and it is supposed to arrive today. ;) 16:47:40 <torsh[m]1> Is it weird that I'm excited to know how your experience is with it? 16:48:18 <nirik> so, I would need: name, address, phone number, what you do/plan to do with it? 16:49:17 <torsh[m]1> 👍️ Sounds good 16:49:40 <torsh[m]1> (Would we just send to your fas email?) 16:49:46 <nirik> and we will need kde sig folks to also make a list 16:49:53 <nirik> sure, sounds good. 16:50:03 <nirik> do we know when they plan on opening up for orders? 16:50:38 <torsh[m]1> I don't, but we may find out in 2 days (the 15th update) 16:51:02 <nirik> ah yeah. 16:51:16 <nirik> it sounds like the council wants to spend before end of year... might be close. :( 16:51:29 <_Yoda> I think they planed opening for it this month - so they can be produced before chinese new-year 16:52:18 <nirik> 🤞 16:52:31 <nirik> sadly, it's pandemic times, so hard to say 16:52:47 <_Yoda> yeah, all is crazy again 16:52:51 <torsh[m]1> Indeed. 16:53:03 <nirik> #topic all other business 16:53:21 <nirik> any other items to talk about? 16:53:57 <torsh[m]1> Not from me unfortunately. 16:54:09 <torsh[m]1> (just remembered I need to do a kernel update for the megi kernel package on copr. whoops) 16:54:10 <_Yoda> nothing from me 16:55:20 <nirik> I'm on vacation until jan... so I hope to have time to play with the ppp and find out a lot more info on it. ;) 16:55:30 <nirik> (of course I have a bunch of other projects too. ;) 16:55:40 <torsh[m]1> 👍️ this is the way 16:56:00 <torsh[m]1> I've got a large amount of free time too so if I can help with anything during December let me know (or whenever too, but I am mostly free December) 16:56:35 <nirik> oh, I saw the mms-tng review, and meant to review it... will try and do a bunch of reviews soon too. 16:57:05 <torsh[m]1> 🥳 awesome. I think I did a fix for a response on there. 16:57:06 <_Yoda> there is some waiting from Onuralp too for plamo packages 16:57:40 <nirik> yeah. 16:57:49 <nirik> I am also eager to see how plamo looks/works... 16:58:09 <_Yoda> We need all packages updated to latest gear 16:58:13 <torsh[m]1> Anyone know how the shift to ModemManager is going? 16:58:23 <nirik> its suposedly done 16:58:26 <_Yoda> they finally rewrote the dialer to use MM 16:58:34 <torsh[m]1> Awesome! 16:58:37 <nirik> ophono is no more. ;) 16:58:43 <nirik> well, it is, but not used... 16:59:24 <nirik> so all thats good news. ;) 16:59:24 <_Yoda> Lomiri still uses it 16:59:53 <nirik> ok 17:00:33 <torsh[m]1> Oh! I was going to mention I've been trying to package some key apps with flatpaks in fedora (chatty and calls) but have been running into a lot of Python blowing up 17:00:52 <torsh[m]1> Is there a central spot for documentation on how to make that work? (packaging flatpak) since the places I've been reading seem broken. 17:01:01 <_Yoda> btw, I noticed that spacebar for plamo has full MMS support 17:01:10 <nirik> I thought there was stuff on docs.fedoraproject.org around it... 17:01:32 <nirik> other than that, kalev or otaylor would be the ones to talk to about it. 17:02:01 <torsh[m]1> 👍️ cool. I'll check again (since updates in rawhide) and see if it works. If not I'll try and find answers :) 17:02:27 <nirik> sounds good. 17:02:46 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone 17:02:50 <nirik> #endmeeting