16:30:39 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Mobility SIG 16:30:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 10 16:30:39 2022 UTC. 16:30:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:30:39 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:30:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:30:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mobility_sig' 16:30:39 <nirik> #meeting_name fedora_mobility_sig 16:30:39 <nirik> #chair torbuntu pbrobinson _Yoda_ 16:30:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: _Yoda_ nirik pbrobinson torbuntu 16:30:39 <nirik> #topic init process 16:31:07 * nirik waits for folks to wander in 16:31:33 <torsh[m]> 👋 16:35:29 <nirik> ok, I guess it's just us... 16:35:35 <nirik> #topic remix status / issues / plans 16:36:20 <nirik> dec 15th was the last compose... should probibly do a new one. 16:36:32 <torsh[m]> Status is about the same as usual. Callaudiod had a lot of action lately trying to help the pipewire/wireplumber fiasco. So that seems to be more in progress now! Hopefully a solid fix soon. 16:36:42 <torsh[m]> nirik: I'll add that to my list. 16:37:08 <torsh[m]> Mmsd is also approved (thank you!) So soon folks can install that (I'd like it in the new image though) and start playing with mms support 16:37:17 <nirik> and... I guess we need to think about what we want to do moving forward for number of images... 16:37:56 <nirik> because theres: pp/phosh, pp/kf-mobile, ppp/phosh, ppp/kf-mobile 16:38:26 <nirik> but it might be the ppp stuff works with fedora kernels/uboot before too long 16:39:09 <nirik> and we still do have some plasma stuff to get reviewed, etc.... so for now the current image is probibly fine 16:40:18 <torsh[m]> Somewhat related njha mentioned packaging Mobian kernel for our use. That would support pp and ppp 16:40:23 <torsh[m]> And eg25manager 16:40:50 <nirik> yeah, would still be a remix, but still might be worth doing depending 16:41:16 <nirik> the next step for ppp is getting uboot / dtb stuff upstream 16:41:59 <nirik> anyhow, anything else remix related? 16:42:37 <torsh[m]> nirik: Well we eventually will need eg25manager no matter what. Using mobian kernel will allow us to get that over with 16:42:47 <torsh[m]> nirik: Not from me I don't think. 16:43:20 <nirik> eg25manager needs kernel patches/drive from megi right? 16:43:34 <torsh[m]> It needs megi's patches removed 16:43:41 <torsh[m]> It is a userland version of megi's modem driver. 16:43:47 <nirik> ah right, ok, cool. 16:43:53 <nirik> #topic fedora mainline plans 16:44:03 <nirik> I think here on pp we are as stuck as always. 16:44:12 <torsh[m]> yup 16:44:21 <nirik> on ppp we need more kernel and uboot upstreaming to happen... which hopefully it will once they open wider orders 16:44:58 <nirik> the ppp is sure a lot zippier than the pp... :) 16:45:03 <nirik> #topic council issue #380 - pinephone pro for developers 16:45:03 <nirik> https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/380 16:45:19 <nirik> This is somewhat stalled because pine wasn't offering orders yet... 16:45:32 <torsh[m]> I was wondering how that would play out. 16:45:32 <nirik> I guess we wait and see when they do if the council can still swing this 16:46:24 <nirik> I can ask on the ticket too for any status. I did submit the list of folks I had... 16:46:50 <torsh[m]> Sounds good. 16:47:01 <torsh[m]> did you happen to pick up a keyboard case? 16:47:05 <torsh[m]> (sorry for unrelated, I didn't squeeze it in on the other topic) 16:47:09 <nirik> also... the council was wondering if we could come to a video meeting and talk about the current state of things, etc. 16:47:29 <torsh[m]> Oh wow, that would be pretty awesome. 16:47:50 <nirik> I'm not sure I have time to work on that anytime soon, but if someone(s) would like to put together a presentation for them that would be great. 16:48:14 <nirik> yeah, I did order one... hasn't arrived yet (or might have arrived at my mailbox in town, but I haven't gotten my mail there in a while) 16:48:42 * pbrobinson is sort of here 16:48:54 <torsh[m]> 👋 hey 16:49:07 <nirik> hey pbrobinson. Hope you had a good holidays... 16:49:23 <nirik> #info nirik will update ticket on council tracker 16:49:37 <nirik> #info nirik will ask for folks to do a presentation for the council. 16:49:52 <nirik> a sugguested topic: 16:49:56 <nirik> #topic Any new upcoming devices 16:50:15 <nirik> I guess the keyboard case is sort of in here. ;) I'll do a review when I get mine. 16:50:31 <nirik> I also got a wireless charging cover... 16:50:32 <torsh[m]> I'll post pictures and such when mine arrives too :) 16:51:09 <pbrobinson> nice. I got a PocketPC over the break too, I've started to look at how we can support that too over the break 16:51:11 <nirik> In other phone news, there was a new fairphone I think out late last year. 16:51:54 <torsh[m]> The 3+? 16:51:56 <nirik> fairphone4... it's quite pricy tho... ~1200 I think. 16:51:58 <torsh[m]> oh 4 already dang 16:52:34 <nirik> oh, it's less... https://shop.fairphone.com/en/buy-fairphone-4 16:53:56 <torsh[m]> That is pretty beefy 16:53:58 <nirik> pbrobinson: have you seen any upstream uboot/dtb stuff for pinephonepro yet? 16:55:18 <pbrobinson> nirik: not yet, but I do have kernel forks around with them 16:55:25 <nirik> #topic Open Floor / AOB 16:55:53 <nirik> cool. I am running arch on mine... seems to work ok and sure a lot faster than the pinephone 16:56:23 <nirik> Oh, there's a matrix of plasma packages that need reviewing/sponsoring people. I will try and work on that as time permits... 16:56:28 <nirik> would be good to get that all in. 16:57:07 <pbrobinson> nirik: I'll look at a U-Boot firmware build for PPP when I can get one and then we can just use FW provided DT there 16:57:49 * nirik nods. cool. 16:58:10 <nirik> I'm hopeful a large number of things will just work with fedora kernels there... but time will tell 16:59:19 <nirik> ok, anything else to go over? 16:59:26 <torsh[m]> Not from me. 17:00:15 <nirik> ok, thanks everyone! back to #fedora-mobility 17:00:18 <nirik> #endmeeting