16:29:24 <travier> #startmeeting fedora_coreos_meeting 16:29:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 20 16:29:24 2022 UTC. 16:29:24 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:29:24 <zodbot> The chair is travier. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:29:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:29:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_coreos_meeting' 16:29:30 <travier> #topic roll call 16:30:38 <bgilbert> .hi 16:30:39 <zodbot> bgilbert: bgilbert 'Benjamin Gilbert' <bgilbert@backtick.net> 16:30:41 <jbrooks> .hello jasonbrooks 16:30:42 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <jbrooks@redhat.com> 16:30:43 <jaimelm_> ./hello2 16:30:46 <dustymabe> .hi 16:30:47 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 16:30:56 <lorbus> .hi 16:30:56 <zodbot> lorbus: lorbus 'Christian Glombek' <cglombek@redhat.com> 16:30:59 <jaimelm> ./hello2 16:31:00 <jlebon> .hello2 16:31:03 <jaimelm> .hello2 16:31:03 <zodbot> jlebon: jlebon 'None' <jonathan@jlebon.com> 16:31:06 <zodbot> jaimelm: jaimelm 'Jaime Magiera' <jaimelm@umich.edu> 16:31:42 <saqali> .hi 16:31:43 <davdunc> .hello2 16:31:43 <zodbot> saqali: saqali 'Saqib Ali' <saqali@redhat.com> 16:31:46 <zodbot> davdunc: davdunc 'David Duncan' <davdunc@amazon.com> 16:31:48 <jlebon> #chair lorbus jaimelm saqali davdunc 16:32:14 <travier> .hi siosm 16:32:15 <zodbot> travier: Sorry, but user 'travier' does not exist 16:32:22 <travier> .hello siosm 16:32:23 <zodbot> travier: siosm 'Timothée Ravier' <travier@redhat.com> 16:32:46 <jlebon> travier: can you #chair me? 16:32:53 <travier> #chair dustymabe lorbus bgilbert jbrooks jaimelm jlebon 16:32:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: bgilbert dustymabe jaimelm jbrooks jlebon lorbus travier 16:33:09 <travier> #chair saqali davdunc 16:33:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: bgilbert davdunc dustymabe jaimelm jbrooks jlebon lorbus saqali travier 16:33:10 <jlebon> #chair saqali davdunc 16:33:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: bgilbert davdunc dustymabe jaimelm jbrooks jlebon lorbus saqali travier 16:33:15 <jlebon> heh 16:33:59 <jlebon> let's give it another 45s 16:35:25 <jlebon> #topic Action items from last meeting 16:35:30 <jlebon> -ENOENT 16:35:37 <jlebon> great! 16:35:52 <gursewak> .hi 16:35:53 <zodbot> gursewak: gursewak 'Gursewak Singh' <gurssing@redhat.com> 16:36:05 <jlebon> let's move on to ticket issues 16:36:12 <jlebon> #topic tracker: Fedora 36 changes considerations 16:36:14 <jlebon> #link 16:36:17 <jlebon> #undo 16:36:17 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7fccadd892e8> 16:36:20 <jlebon> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/918 16:36:28 <jlebon> dustymabe: want to take this one? 16:37:37 <dustymabe> jlebon: actually I should probably remove that one from meeting agenda 16:37:47 <dustymabe> podman 4.0 - no complaints so far 16:37:52 <dustymabe> DNS over TLS got moved to F37 16:38:07 <dustymabe> and we'll get updates about the ppc change from ravanelli as they come 16:38:15 <aaradhak> .hi 16:38:16 <zodbot> aaradhak: aaradhak 'Aashish Radhakrishnan' <aaradhak@redhat.com> 16:38:21 <dustymabe> i'll drop the meeting label 16:38:38 <jlebon> dustymabe: ack thanks 16:38:44 <jlebon> let's move on then 16:38:52 <travier> #chair aaradhak gursewak 16:38:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: aaradhak bgilbert davdunc dustymabe gursewak jaimelm jbrooks jlebon lorbus saqali travier 16:38:53 <jlebon> #topic New Package Request: nmstate-libs and nmstate 16:38:56 <jlebon> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1175 16:39:16 <jlebon> does someone want to introduce this? 16:39:45 <travier> (I should have asked the team to join this meeting) 16:39:59 <travier> I'll make a short intro but I don't have the full context 16:40:29 <travier> The nmstate team is asking us to include nmstate as part of FCOS 16:40:44 <travier> nmstate is a project to declaratively configure the network 16:41:34 <travier> Having that as part of FCOS would enable easier network configuration in a fashion that would be similar to what systemd-networkd offered 16:42:07 <travier> Previously this was written in Python so the discussion was over. Now this is Rust thus this can be considered again 16:42:14 <travier> EOI 16:42:19 <travier> (End of intro) 16:42:30 <jlebon> travier: thanks 16:42:33 <bgilbert> as I mentioned in the ticket, we'll need to discuss how nmstate would integrate with the OS 16:42:50 <bgilbert> the proposal claims that no services would be shipped, but that's not exactly useful when provisioning via Ignition 16:43:25 <bgilbert> I'm hoping there's some service we can ship (maybe enabled by default, maybe not), so that Ignition can write an nmstate config and it'll be auto-applied 16:43:36 <dustymabe> agree ^^ 16:43:37 <jlebon> i should really know this but: does nmstate just produce NM keyfiles underneath, or does it directly drive NM through its APIs? 16:43:45 <travier> bgilbert: +1 16:43:50 <dustymabe> jlebon: I don't know the answer to that question either 16:43:57 <bgilbert> jlebon: I seem to recall it's the latter, but don't quote me 16:44:19 <dustymabe> i'd also like to know how nmstate config intersects with NM keyfiles (if they both exist) and what not 16:44:25 <bgilbert> +1 16:44:28 <jlebon> bgilbert: or maybe better, have nmstate ship that service 16:44:29 <dustymabe> travier: let's try to get the team into our next meeting? 16:44:46 <jlebon> since it'd be equally relevant in other provisioning systems 16:44:47 <travier> dustymabe: +1 16:45:16 <jlebon> bgilbert: i think that's the same thing you said, so disregard :) 16:45:47 <jlebon> so should we revisit this in a future meeting with the right folks attending? 16:46:10 <dustymabe> +1 from my side - can we action someone to followup with the team and make sure they can make it? 16:46:53 <jlebon> travier: would you like to take that? 16:47:38 <travier> I'll be out for 2 weeks so someone else should probably work on that 16:48:30 <jlebon> ok I'll take it 16:48:32 <dustymabe> I can.. but also if someone new wants to see how things are done.. feel free to volunteer and I'll show you the way :) 16:48:41 <dustymabe> or jlebon can show you the way :) 16:48:48 <jlebon> :) 16:49:09 <jlebon> #action jlebon to reach out to nmstate team to make sure they can attend a future meeting to discuss this ticket 16:49:13 <jlebon> ok let's move on 16:49:24 <jlebon> #topic develop strategy around organization and naming for our containers in quay.io 16:49:27 <jlebon> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1171 16:49:33 <jlebon> dustymabe: want to introduce that one? 16:50:40 <dustymabe> yeah, basically let's figure out what all containers we have, what containers we want to have in the future, what organization we want them under, and what name we want to give them 16:50:59 <dustymabe> there's a few topics to unpack here 16:51:20 <dustymabe> 1. where do we thing coreos-assembler container should be long term? do we need to keep the coreos-assembler org? 16:51:38 <dustymabe> 2. where do we think the new kubevirt container should go? what should we name it so it's clear what it is? 16:52:06 <dustymabe> 3. where do we want the ostree container of FCOS (the basis for CoreOS Layering) to go? what should we name it so it's clear what it is? 16:52:51 <dustymabe> also 4. Is Fedora going to move containers from registry.fedoraproject.org to quay.io/fedora eventually? 16:53:14 <dustymabe> EOF 16:53:40 <jlebon> i think 2 and 3 really should be in the same registry 16:53:59 <dustymabe> jlebon: same registry or same org? 16:54:39 <jlebon> having cosa under coreos/ would be nice, but it's been useful for our team to have admin access to the org, which I'm not sure we'd have with coreos/ 16:55:00 <jlebon> and i'm not sure if it's worth the churn. we'd probably have to keep mirror it there for a long time 16:55:03 <dustymabe> does anyone know the answer to 4. or have any more information about it? walters? 16:55:31 <jlebon> dustymabe: same registry and org, yeah 16:55:35 <dustymabe> jlebon: ok 16:56:23 <walters> is it really that it's just bgilbert has admin access to coreos/ ? 16:56:36 * bgilbert doesn't have it either 16:56:51 <walters> btw this container thing also includes our containers for butane and coreos-installer I think 16:57:15 <dustymabe> walters: those are listed in the ticket (under coreos/ org already) 16:57:27 <bgilbert> walters: eh, maybe. the upstream components are arguably separate 16:57:35 <jlebon> i think those makes sense to keep under coreos/ 16:57:42 <bgilbert> butane, coreos-installer, ignition-validate 16:57:53 <bgilbert> and mkpasswd I suppose 16:58:31 <dustymabe> ok so i'm seeing a theme - let me see if I can pull away some conclusions and re-focus the discussion 16:58:54 <dustymabe> for 1. we're fine leaving coreos-assembler where it is for now and figuring out if we want to move it later 16:59:07 <dustymabe> we don't yet know the answer to 4. 16:59:25 <dustymabe> for 2. and 3. we think they should go in the same registry/org (live in the same place) 16:59:42 <dustymabe> now the question is what registry/org and what to name them 17:00:17 <dustymabe> should we just say we'll put them wherever fedora puts its containers (if it stays reg.fp.o then we put them there, if it moves to quay, we move with the rest?) 17:00:49 <dustymabe> retyping for bgilbert 17:00:51 <dustymabe> should we just say we'll put them wherever fedora puts its containers (if it stays reg.fp.o then we put them there, if it moves to quay, we move with the rest?) 17:01:02 <bgilbert> +1 17:01:57 <jlebon> +1 17:02:27 <dustymabe> i'm not sure what level of control or flexibility we'll have by doing that, but we can at least find out and also find out what the strategy for 4. is 17:02:43 <dustymabe> any opposed? 17:02:51 <bgilbert> I think there's value for ?branding? reasons, even if we lose some control 17:03:15 <dustymabe> +1 17:03:22 <dustymabe> ok now - naming 17:03:33 <dustymabe> one is for kubevirt (any other possible uses?) 17:03:47 <dustymabe> and one is for layering/other utilities? 17:05:12 <dustymabe> registry.example.com/fedora-coreos-containerdisk 17:05:14 <dustymabe> registry.example.com/fedora-coreos-ostree 17:05:16 <dustymabe> ? 17:05:21 <dustymabe> oops let me fix that up 17:05:51 <dustymabe> well i guess it depends on the registry - if it's reg.fp.o it would look something like ^^ 17:05:57 <dustymabe> if quay then something like: 17:06:06 <jlebon> i think i'd want 'kubevirt' in the name -- `fedora-coreos-kubevirt`? 17:06:08 <bgilbert> s/containerdisk/kubevirt/. we name images by the platform, not the file format. 17:06:10 <bgilbert> +1 17:06:25 <dustymabe> quay.io/fedora/fedora-coreos-containerdisk 17:06:27 <dustymabe> quay.io/fedora/fedora-coreos-ostree 17:06:45 <dustymabe> bgilbert: good point 17:06:51 <jlebon> not sure we need the -ostree prefix 17:07:23 <dustymabe> IOW if there was a new platform that used a containerdisk format and we pushed to the registry we'd need a separate containerdisk (platform might have specific behavior) 17:07:36 <jlebon> it's a regular container as is that you can play with 17:07:41 <bgilbert> dustymabe: even if it didn't have specific behavior, we'd burn in a separate platform ID 17:07:56 <bgilbert> into the disk image 17:08:01 <bgilbert> kargs 17:08:17 <dustymabe> bgilbert: +1 17:08:46 <dustymabe> so fedora-coreos-kubevirt - and we shouldn't need to make that arch specific because we can use manifest lists 17:08:57 <bgilbert> yup 17:09:38 <dustymabe> ok and for the other one 17:09:51 <dustymabe> `fedora-coreos-ostree` - not sure if we need the `ostree` prefix 17:10:06 <dustymabe> I think I agreed originally - but now am not so sure 17:10:43 <dustymabe> i guess with `fedora-coreos-kubevirt` being specific then one probably wouldn't confuse that with `fedora-coreos` 17:10:51 <dustymabe> so I'm ok with that if that's what we want 17:11:42 <dustymabe> ok so here's what we would probably end up with 17:11:45 <dustymabe> either: 17:11:51 <dustymabe> registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora-coreos-kubevirt 17:11:53 <dustymabe> registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora-coreos 17:11:55 <dustymabe> or: 17:11:58 <dustymabe> quay.io/fedora/fedora-coreos-kubevirt 17:12:00 <dustymabe> quay.io/fedora/fedora-coreos-ostree 17:12:02 <dustymabe> oops 17:12:09 <dustymabe> quay.io/fedora/fedora-coreos 17:12:37 <dustymabe> does that match the discussion? 17:12:54 <jlebon> +1 that sounds good to me! 17:13:25 <jaimelm> +1 17:14:06 <jlebon> re. -ostree, i can see that if it were the format used by RHCOS currently (archive repo in a container). i.e. it's just a fancy wrapper around an ostree commit, but the new container format is a valid container in its own right 17:14:25 <bgilbert> dustymabe: +1 17:15:05 <dustymabe> #proposed We have decided that we'll punt on long term strategy for coreos-assembler container location. We'll reach out to Fedora infra/releng to investigate long term strategy for what registry Fedora containers will be hosted in. For the kubevirt and ostree containers we'll host them wherever Fedora officially hosts its containers and name them `fedora-coreos-kubevirt` and 17:15:07 <dustymabe> `fedora-coreos`. 17:15:49 <jlebon> ack 17:16:28 <dustymabe> any nays ? 17:17:03 <bgilbert> ack 17:17:08 <dustymabe> #agreed We have decided that we'll punt on long term strategy for coreos-assembler container location. We'll reach out to Fedora infra/releng to investigate long term strategy for what registry Fedora containers will be hosted in. For the kubevirt and ostree containers we'll host them wherever Fedora officially hosts its containers and name them `fedora-coreos-kubevirt` and 17:17:10 <dustymabe> `fedora-coreos`. 17:17:30 <jlebon> cool, thanks for driving this dustymabe! 17:17:38 <jlebon> let's move on 17:18:10 <jlebon> dustymabe: did you want to talk about https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1154 again or should we untag it? 17:18:19 <jlebon> ahh we're past CfP anyway :) 17:18:53 <jlebon> that takes us to 17:18:55 <jlebon> #topic Open Floor 17:19:05 <dustymabe> jlebon: actually the CFP got extended 17:19:12 <walters> (sorry, got pulled away) I just do want to strongly agree in dropping the `-ostree` suffix; a big part of the goal of this effort is to move ostree more into the background and not be something everyone needs to understand. The goal is you boot a container, you upgrade to a new container - there's some ostree stuff in the background. 17:19:44 <jlebon> dustymabe: we can chat about it in open floor I guess :) 17:20:03 <jlebon> walters: +1 17:20:05 <dustymabe> jlebon: agreed 17:20:17 <dustymabe> i submitted a generic FCOS intro/current state talk 17:20:22 <dustymabe> skunkerk submitted a lab session 17:20:26 <jlebon> looks like CfP deadline is today 17:20:39 <dustymabe> would be interesting to submit a talk on coreos-layering 17:20:43 <jlebon> nice dustymabe++ skunkerk++ 17:21:56 <jlebon> i likely won't be able to attend those dates, so didn't submit anything 17:22:00 <dustymabe> I guess we could try to find someone to pick up the torch on the container registry discussion we just had and interface with fedora infra/releng on their plans 17:22:49 <dustymabe> anybody interested in learning some inner workings of Fedora and meeting the releng/infra teams? 17:23:02 * jaimelm throws in his hat 17:23:12 <jaimelm> I'm back to be able to attend meetings. 17:23:23 <jaimelm> jettisoned other responsibliities. 17:23:27 <dustymabe> also ICYMI: this was pretty cool: minishift automation on top of FCOS: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/automated-fedora-coreos-35-for-raspberry-pi-4-b-400/38359/4 17:23:35 <dustymabe> jaimelm: sweet 17:24:08 <dustymabe> #action jaimelm and dustymabe to meet with the releng/infra team to talk about containers and where everything fits 17:24:20 * jaimelm thumbs up 17:24:25 <jlebon> +1 thanks! 17:24:39 <dustymabe> the guy from that minishift post is willing come give a demo at one of our meetings 17:25:07 <dustymabe> anybody want to volunteer to organize a video meeting (come up with an agenda) for May 4th? 17:25:14 <jaimelm> Is there a video meeting May 4th? 17:25:18 <jaimelm> ahh 17:25:36 <dustymabe> jaimelm: we try to have them first wednesday of the month, but there isn' 17:25:40 <jlebon> dustymabe: super cool 17:25:45 <dustymabe> isn't always someone who can organize it 17:25:49 <jaimelm> right 17:26:42 <jlebon> maybe aaradhak would be interested? 17:27:36 <jlebon> or gursewak? 17:27:47 <aaradhak[m]> yes I can. 17:28:11 <gursewak> I can take next one then:) 17:28:51 <dustymabe> +1 - you can both learn the steps this time.. aaradhak[m] can you set up some time later this week for us to organize it? 17:28:58 <dustymabe> invite gursewak and myself 17:29:33 <aaradhak[m]> sure will set up a meeting 17:29:40 <jlebon> cool, thanks all! :) 17:29:49 <jlebon> anything else before I close the meeting? 17:30:03 <jlebon> (closing in 30s otherwise) 17:30:33 <jlebon> #endmeeting