15:04:38 <davdunc> #startmeeting fedora_cloud_meeting 15:04:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 29 15:04:38 2022 UTC. 15:04:38 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:04:38 <zodbot> The chair is davdunc. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 15:04:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:04:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_meeting' 15:04:44 <davdunc> .hello davdunc 15:04:48 <zodbot> davdunc: davdunc 'David Duncan' <davdunc@amazon.com> 15:05:04 <jdoss> .hi 15:05:05 <zodbot> jdoss: jdoss 'Joe Doss' <joe@solidadmin.com> 15:05:16 <davdunc> #chair jdoss 15:05:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: davdunc jdoss 15:05:26 <jdoss> Whats up davdunc 15:05:26 <davdunc> #topic roll call 15:05:39 <mhayden> .hi 15:05:40 <zodbot> mhayden: mhayden 'Major Hayden' <mhayden@redhat.com> 15:05:49 <davdunc> #chair mhayden 15:05:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: davdunc jdoss mhayden 15:06:08 <davdunc> #info mhayden will chair our next cloud meeting 15:06:16 <mhayden> 🪑 15:06:19 <davdunc> :D 15:06:22 <erolkskn> hi there 15:06:32 <davdunc> #chair erolkskn 15:06:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: davdunc erolkskn jdoss mhayden 15:06:38 <davdunc> hi erolkskn 15:07:48 <davdunc> one more minute and I will switch over. 15:07:49 * mhayden has a hard stop at the top of the hour 15:07:54 <dustymabe> .hi 15:07:55 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 15:08:07 * davdunc the packaging group wants us to stop at the top of the hour. :) 15:08:07 * jdoss waves at dustymabe 15:08:16 <davdunc> #chair dustymabe 15:08:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: davdunc dustymabe erolkskn jdoss mhayden 15:08:16 <dustymabe> 👋 jdoss 15:08:24 <dduffey> o/ 15:08:34 <davdunc> #chair dduffey 15:08:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: davdunc dduffey dustymabe erolkskn jdoss mhayden 15:08:39 <dustymabe> jdoss: I need to bug you about running a DigitalOcean test for the FCOS test day :) - https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/143 15:08:48 <jdoss> that will cost you 15:08:53 * davdunc haha. 15:09:02 <davdunc> okay. 15:09:03 <erolkskn> zodbot: stop giving me chair you machine, i'm just a spectator :) 15:09:16 <jdoss> you are one of us now erolkskn 15:09:16 * davdunc is not a machine 15:09:33 <erolkskn> lol 15:09:35 <davdunc> well, some have called me a machine. 15:09:59 <erolkskn> i thought that was automatic :P 15:10:02 <davdunc> #topic Action items from last meeting 15:10:36 <davdunc> #info kickstart for the azure marketplace 15:11:02 <davdunc> i believe that cjp256 completed the work for the kickstart 15:11:26 <davdunc> #link https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2849 is still active however. 15:11:49 <davdunc> #link https://github.com/Azure/WALinuxAgent/pull/2661 15:12:03 <davdunc> is still active, but out of date. 15:12:19 <cjp256> .hi 15:12:20 <zodbot> cjp256: cjp256 'Chris Patterson' <cjp256@gmail.com> 15:12:31 * davdunc should that be a different action item? 15:12:35 <mhayden> i think that PR satisfies sgallagh's original issues with that one (agent running someplace it shouldn't) 15:12:48 <davdunc> mhayden: yes. i think it does as well. 15:13:02 <davdunc> dduffey: how can we get it merged? 15:13:02 <jdoss> Should we get some attention from the code owners to move this along? 15:13:02 <mhayden> cjp256: you'd get a +1 fesco vote from me with that change in there 15:13:17 * mhayden runs to twitter to yell 🤣 15:13:25 <mhayden> just kidding 15:13:29 * davdunc I believe it's referenced and sgallagh +1'ed the commit, so there's that. 15:13:30 <jdoss> I can LGTM and at them in the issue. 15:13:40 <jdoss> (they'll be like who is this clown???) 15:13:46 <davdunc> jdoss: we sould appreciate it! 15:14:02 <davdunc> jdoss: we'll inform them that you are _very_ important. 15:14:20 <jdoss> I wouldn't go that far. 15:14:46 <davdunc> :D in certain circles it's very true. we just don't have to mention which oness. 15:14:47 <cjp256> To clarify, add CondtionVirtualization to Fedora packaging? 15:14:52 <jdoss> haha 15:15:15 <mhayden> cjp256: i've done that before -- add a patch to the package spec, link it to the upstream PR and say it's on the way 15:15:19 <mhayden> then remove the patch after merge 15:15:33 <davdunc> mhayden: +1 do it all the time with the awscli package. 15:16:09 <davdunc> well limb does it, but I would if she didn't do it better. :) 15:16:25 <mhayden> limb is super fast 15:16:28 <mhayden> limb++ 15:16:30 <zodbot> mhayden: Karma for limb changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:16:47 <GwynCieslasheher> Aw, shucks, thanks guys. </blush> 15:17:15 <davdunc> Thanks limb you do great work! 15:17:22 <GwynCieslasheher> My kids insist I'm 4500 lines of cleverly written Python but I'll never tell. 15:17:38 <jdoss> I wish my kids thought I was half that amount of Python 15:17:46 <davdunc> exactly jdoss ! 15:18:56 <davdunc> okay. So the action here is to update the rpm to include the patch? is that reasonable? 15:19:10 <jdoss> +1 15:19:23 <mhayden> 1) patch package 2) merge PR 3) get fesco to re-review 4) ... 5) profit! 15:19:48 <mhayden> but i think fesco can have another look once the patch is in (PRs sometimes take a while) 15:20:11 <davdunc> #action request updates to the waagent rpm to include the patch for ConditionVirtualization 15:20:39 <davdunc> that's reasonable. 15:20:45 * davdunc who wants to own the action? 15:21:36 <davdunc> beuller? 15:22:08 <davdunc> #action davdunc track and ensure updates to the waagent rpm to include the patch for ConditionVirtualization 15:22:19 <davdunc> okay. Now I know who to blame. 15:22:29 <jdoss> you are the best davdunc 15:22:37 <davdunc> :) 15:22:46 <davdunc> in certain circles. let's not mention which ones. 15:23:01 <GwynCieslasheher> And the odd ellipse. 15:23:13 * davdunc That's our only action item from last meeting. precisely! 15:23:30 * davdunc limb you are too right! 15:23:50 <davdunc> okay. 15:24:07 <davdunc> #topic Cloud Edition Status 15:24:11 <sgallagh> Sorry, was in another meeting 15:24:27 <sgallagh> But yes, I reviewed the PR about a month ago and it accomplished what I was asking for. 15:24:31 <davdunc> #chair sgallagh 15:24:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: davdunc dduffey dustymabe erolkskn jdoss mhayden sgallagh 15:24:45 <davdunc> thanks sgallagh for chiming in on that. 15:24:47 <mhayden> sgallagh++ 15:25:08 <davdunc> #info We are RED for the current release cycle. 15:25:31 <davdunc> According to the schedule as 15:25:31 <davdunc> outlined by the release cycle, we missed the date for ON_QA 15:25:31 <davdunc> Fedora Cloud Bug needs Fesco Evaluation - 15:25:51 <davdunc> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2096419 15:26:26 <davdunc> sorry everyone, but now we need a council review. 15:26:37 <jdoss> Where is Neal? 15:27:05 <davdunc> probably busy with KDE stuff this week. 15:27:16 <davdunc> he's in Spain. 15:27:16 <jdoss> We can always offer up dustymabe to FESCO as tribute. See if they take the bait. 15:27:27 <davdunc> or mhayden 15:27:36 <mhayden> hah, looks like ben's last update on the ticket said we don't need approval? 15:27:45 <dustymabe> They'll chew me up and spit me out - tough meat 15:27:47 <mhayden> he wrote: _If you're on track for getting everything lined up (particularly the website) for F37 GA, then there's nothing that needs to go to FESCo or Council at this point._ 15:28:02 <jdoss> Great. Fake it until we make it folks. 15:28:33 <sgallagh> Sorry, FESCo no longer accepts human sacrifices. Health inspectors were getting annoyed. 15:28:36 <mhayden> what parts are we missing? 15:28:37 <davdunc> ah. Awesome. 15:29:04 <davdunc> mhayden: we were missing updates to the PRD and mission, but we took care of that. 15:29:19 <davdunc> now we need blog posts and release details 15:29:31 <sgallagh> What's the status of the website update? Is that ready? 15:29:59 <davdunc> sgallagh: I am waiting for more detail, but have offered up time and effort. 15:30:26 <davdunc> sgallagh: I am working on fixing the imagefactory script to include the aarch64 images 15:31:22 <davdunc> i don't knwo what else we are tasked with. I may have missed an update somewhere though. 15:31:57 <davdunc> If someone else has a requirement that I missed, do let me know. 15:32:24 <mhayden> davdunc: i'm happy to work on a blog post (we need an outline of what we want to tell people) 15:32:56 <jdoss> FEDORA CLOUD IS BACK BABYYYYYYYYY 15:33:11 <jdoss> maybe some finger guns in the blog post 15:33:13 <davdunc> jdoss: There it is! our title.! 15:33:40 <davdunc> mhayden: jdoss is writing the outline in realtime! 15:33:59 <mhayden> lots of these? 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 15:34:02 <jdoss> I am just trying to live my best life. 15:34:11 <jdoss> yes more rockets 15:34:15 <davdunc> jdoss: we are right there! 15:35:02 * davdunc okay then! If there is more to do on the website, let's smash it. dustymabe do you know of anything that we need to complete there? 15:35:36 <dustymabe> honestly not sure. I probably need to do some looking at something in this space for CoreOS too 15:35:53 * dustymabe has been swamped :( 15:36:00 <davdunc> I keep hitting the command key and it "slash me's" all my commands. 15:36:27 <davdunc> dustymabe: I feel you there. summit connect and ansiblefest preparations are smashing me. 15:37:14 <jdoss> lol I figured you just wanted to /me most of your thoughts 15:37:36 <dustymabe> davdunc tends to think out loud 15:37:56 <davdunc> okay, well as I hear of things we need to complete for the website, I'll share them with you dustymabe so we don't lose track of anything that might affect both cloud and coreos 15:38:07 <themayor> dammit, i knew i was in the wrong room 15:38:14 <davdunc> #chair themayor 15:38:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: davdunc dduffey dustymabe erolkskn jdoss mhayden sgallagh themayor 15:38:24 <davdunc> themayor! 15:38:50 <davdunc> but the mayor of the other room. 15:38:57 <themayor> exactly, lol 15:39:12 <davdunc> okay is there anything we need to do on this topic right now. 15:39:32 <davdunc> #action davdunc to come up with an outline (on the ML so we can all participate) 15:39:50 <davdunc> #action mhayden to write a blog based on the outline from the ML 15:39:58 <mhayden> 👏🏻 15:39:59 <davdunc> sound good mhayden ? 15:40:07 <davdunc> awesome! 15:40:19 <davdunc> okay. 15:40:34 <davdunc> #topic #386 Guidelines for changing Fedora cloud images 15:40:49 <davdunc> #link https://pagure.io/cloud-sig/pull-request/386 15:41:20 <davdunc> has everyone had a chance to review this change proposal? 15:41:29 <davdunc> dustymabe: have you seen this? 15:41:40 <davdunc> mhayden: do you want to summarize? 15:41:46 <mhayden> i reviewed it and thought the author did a good job 😜 15:41:55 * Eighth_Doctor is kinda here 15:42:00 <Eighth_Doctor> .hello ngompa 15:42:01 <zodbot> Eighth_Doctor: ngompa 'Neal Gompa' <ngompa13@gmail.com> 15:42:07 <davdunc> #chair ngompa 15:42:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: davdunc dduffey dustymabe erolkskn jdoss mhayden ngompa sgallagh themayor 15:42:13 <mhayden> goal of the doc is to propose some guidelines around what proposers of image changes should consider 15:42:40 <mhayden> i'm not sure how often proposals for image changes happen for fedora 15:43:26 <jdoss> Just steal whatever FCOS has. 15:43:31 <davdunc> mhayden: I think this is a really important document and one that should be a critical part of helping our public cloud contributors to better understand the criterion for adding features/actions to the cloud experience. 15:43:48 <mhayden> thanks, davdunc 15:44:04 <jdoss> yay Neal 15:44:04 <erolkskn> well as i can see from this meeting, this team look really fun to work with. have you guys any issues for novices like me ? 15:44:09 <mhayden> to be honest, we need something similar for rhel's images and i thought "well shoot, fedora needs this too" 15:44:53 <davdunc> erolkskn: welcome! Ask question and help us clarify how we work so that people like you feel excited to participate! 15:45:11 <davdunc> we are really happy to have you here erolkskn 15:46:19 <davdunc> mhayden I think it should be first in Fedora and then we can hopefully inform the RHEL teams on how they create their own documents both like and unlike ours. 15:46:22 <dustymabe> erolkskn__ 15:46:27 <dustymabe> ha 15:46:29 <dustymabe> erolkskn++ 15:46:31 <zodbot> dustymabe: Karma for erolkeskin changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:46:35 <Eighth_Doctor> my main concern is that once we have layered cloud image products, I don't think the whole document will be valid philosophically 15:46:46 <mhayden> davdunc: yeah, i'd much rather hammer something out that is useful upstream and then bring that inside to adapt a little for rhel 15:46:46 <erolkskn> oh thanks :) 15:47:09 <Eighth_Doctor> for example, I'm thinking very carefully of adding a Cloud Desktop as a partnership between Fedora KDE and Fedora Cloud 15:47:12 <mhayden> Eighth_Doctor: i hope this becomes a living document 😉 15:47:27 <jdoss> Cloud Desktop? Oh no. 15:47:30 <davdunc> exactly! 15:47:36 <mhayden> THE CLOUDTOP 15:47:40 <jdoss> oh no! 15:47:44 <Eighth_Doctor> Yaaaaas 15:48:01 <Eighth_Doctor> I think as long as this is exclusively targeting server stuff, it seems mostly fine 15:48:06 <davdunc> jdoss: we need that! we have a lot big images for doing work for Media and Entertainment and Visualization stuff. 15:48:09 <mhayden> Eighth_Doctor: at the moment, that's the scope 15:48:17 <Eighth_Doctor> but I think some of it (like the minimalism thing) isn't going to work as we branch out 15:48:46 <Eighth_Doctor> the only other issue is that I see some formatting issues (missing newlines stuff) 15:48:48 <davdunc> agreed there Eighth_Doctor. 15:49:14 <erolkskn> i'm guessing that i could pick an unassigned issue from here: https://pagure.io/cloud-sig/issues and start working on it, am i right ? 15:49:20 <erolkskn> or does it work differently 15:49:24 <davdunc> but then, I would like to propose that we merge this and then we have a series of updates to include as a result of necessary changes. 15:49:34 <Eighth_Doctor> sure 15:49:45 <davdunc> erolkskn: yes. you can work on whatever you like. We are happy for the help! 15:49:48 <Eighth_Doctor> I'm fine with that as long as we acknowledge that those tenants are not likely to stay long-term 15:50:06 <erolkskn> davdunc: that's great :) 15:50:08 <davdunc> Eighth_Doctor: agreed on that! 15:50:39 <Eighth_Doctor> (or really even mid-term, but I just want to get our Azure stuff done first) 15:50:39 <davdunc> erolkskn just let us know what you need in terms of assistance in #fedora-cloud 15:51:43 <davdunc> Eighth_Doctor: exactly. I would like to be complete on the agent in time for the release and actually, as soon as we have the agent, I'd like us to get an image in the Azure marketplace asap. 15:52:02 <mhayden> davdunc: i've gotta go run off and prep for a customer meeting 15:52:08 <jdoss> I have 9 minutes until I am offered as a blood sacrifice in another meeting and I need to get ready for it too. 15:52:11 <davdunc> mhayden: just a sec. 15:52:12 <jdoss> byeeeeeeeeee 15:52:26 <erolkskn> davdunc: alright, i will do it after reading through the docs and skimming through open issues 15:52:38 <davdunc> #propose Merge the Guidelines for changing Fedora cloud images 15:52:39 <erolkskn> davdunc: thanks for the great welcoming :) 15:52:46 <davdunc> erolkskn: thanks for being here. 15:52:57 <davdunc> do we agree here? 15:53:21 <davdunc> and did I do this vote right? dustymabe jdoss mhayden 15:53:55 <mhayden> haha, i am not a meeting bot expert 😉 15:54:27 <davdunc> mhayden: I am going to add you as +1 anyway. 15:54:33 <davdunc> +1 to the merge 15:54:33 <Eighth_Doctor> davdunc: +1 15:54:37 <mhayden> haha okay 15:54:41 <mhayden> thanks y'all 15:54:41 <dustymabe> I'm +0 - sorry haven't had a chance to review, but I trust you all :) 15:55:17 <davdunc> okay ... I'll just make the merge based on this semi-agreement with the expectation that we will all update it with our questions or comments. 15:55:43 <davdunc> #agreed Merge guidelines for changing Fedora cloud images 15:55:57 <davdunc> #topic Open Floor 15:56:03 <davdunc> we have 3 minutes. 15:56:24 <dustymabe> davdunc: can I have some Money!!! 15:56:42 <davdunc> propose dustymabe gets a million dollars. 15:56:44 <davdunc> :) 15:56:44 <dustymabe> got a mob boss after me for community cloud AWS account 15:56:54 <davdunc> ohh! 15:57:07 <davdunc> make a charge on the account. I'm ready. 15:57:16 <dustymabe> davdunc: +1 - will do and send you the invoice 15:57:28 <davdunc> dduffey: yes, It's still in progress. :) 15:57:54 <davdunc> if you didn't know dustymabe dduffey is the one who helped me set up the payment system. 15:58:01 <jdoss> +1 15:58:11 <jdoss> dusty is a gem and he should get paid 15:58:18 <dustymabe> dduffey++ 15:58:18 <zodbot> dustymabe: Karma for dduffey changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:58:38 <davdunc> jdoss: no doubt! 15:58:42 <davdunc> oh 15:58:55 <Eighth_Doctor> dduffey++ 15:58:55 <zodbot> Eighth_Doctor: Karma for dduffey changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:59:01 <davdunc> #info 37-beta images are available in GCP, so go test them. 15:59:16 <davdunc> alright... we are at the top of the hour. 15:59:30 <davdunc> #endmeeting