16:30:38 <dustymabe> #startmeeting fedora_coreos_meeting 16:30:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 26 16:30:38 2022 UTC. 16:30:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:30:39 <zodbot> The chair is dustymabe. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:30:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:30:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_coreos_meeting' 16:30:44 <dustymabe> #topic roll call 16:30:46 <dustymabe> .hi 16:30:47 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 16:31:18 <fifofonix> .hi 16:31:20 <lucab> .hi 16:31:20 <zodbot> fifofonix: fifofonix 'Fifo Phonics' <fifofonix@gmail.com> 16:31:23 <zodbot> lucab: lucab 'Luca BRUNO' <lucab@redhat.com> 16:31:56 <dustymabe> #chair fifofonix lucab jlebon 16:31:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe fifofonix jlebon lucab 16:31:57 <jlebon> .hello2 16:31:58 <zodbot> jlebon: jlebon 'None' <jonathan@jlebon.com> 16:32:07 <adamw> .hello adamwill 16:32:08 <zodbot> adamw: adamwill 'Adam Williamson' <awilliam@redhat.com> 16:32:10 <mnguyen> .hello mnguyen 16:32:11 <zodbot> mnguyen: mnguyen 'Michael Nguyen' <mnguyen@redhat.com> 16:32:32 <travier> .hello siosm 16:32:33 <zodbot> travier: siosm 'Timothée Ravier' <travier@redhat.com> 16:33:08 <dustymabe> #hcair adamw mnguyen travier 16:33:11 <dustymabe> sigh 16:33:14 <travier> :) 16:33:18 <dustymabe> #chair adamw mnguyen travier 16:33:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw dustymabe fifofonix jlebon lucab mnguyen travier 16:34:02 <dustymabe> ok let's get started here shortly 16:35:07 <gursewak> .hi 16:35:08 <zodbot> gursewak: gursewak 'Gursewak Singh' <gurssing@redhat.com> 16:35:12 <jbrooks> .hello jasonbrooks 16:35:13 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <jbrooks@redhat.com> 16:35:16 <dustymabe> #chair jbrooks gursewak 16:35:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw dustymabe fifofonix gursewak jbrooks jlebon lucab mnguyen travier 16:35:19 <dustymabe> #topic Action items from last meeting 16:35:27 <dustymabe> We had one action item: 16:35:33 <dustymabe> * bgilbert will follow up on https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/567 re. VMware 16:35:51 * dustymabe doesn't see bgilbert around today, i'll re-action 16:36:05 <dustymabe> #action bgilbert will follow up on https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/567 re. VMware 16:36:20 <dustymabe> next topic: 16:36:27 <dustymabe> #topic 20221101: CRITICAL OpenSSL vulnerability 16:36:41 <bgilbert> .hi 16:36:42 <zodbot> bgilbert: bgilbert 'Benjamin Gilbert' <bgilbert@backtick.net> 16:36:46 <dustymabe> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1329 16:36:49 <dustymabe> welcome bgilbert 16:36:54 <dustymabe> #chair bgilbert 16:36:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw bgilbert dustymabe fifofonix gursewak jbrooks jlebon lucab mnguyen travier 16:37:49 <dustymabe> ICYMI the OpenSSL team announced the discovery of a CRITICAL security vulnerability. The fix will be released next Tuesday 16:38:37 <dustymabe> which happens to coincide with when we would be switching our `testing` stream to F37 content (assuming F37 GA decision is "Go" on Thursday) 16:39:11 <travier> It's bad timing indeed 16:39:23 <dustymabe> the open question is how we want to deal with these two competing events for Fedora CoreOS 16:39:34 <travier> Normally I would have said that we should make sure to get a testing release with the fix in it the day it's released but that time it does not work 16:40:06 <dustymabe> we take security seriously, so obviously we want to add appropriate priority to the openssl bug (of which we don't know the exact details yet) 16:40:06 <travier> It kind of depends on what Fedora does 16:40:39 <bgilbert> we have additional constraints that the rest of Fedora doesn't, which are that if we ship a release on a stream, we force users to upgrade to it 16:40:42 <travier> s/does/decides for the release date 16:40:55 <travier> yep 16:40:57 <dustymabe> Regardless of what we decide here there are two things that will be a constant next week: `next` will continue to be on F37 content and `stable will continue to be on F36 content. 16:41:11 <bgilbert> so Fedora as a whole can decide to ship without the fix, and the only question is whether it affects Anaconda 16:41:27 <dustymabe> bgilbert: assuming they have automated updates enabled, yes (just wanted to qualify the "force" wording) 16:41:28 <adamw> anaconda or anything anyone might do on a live desktop. 16:41:34 <bgilbert> adamw: +1 16:42:02 <bgilbert> but for us, I think it's bad form to force users to update through a rebase with possibly unknown bugs, in order to get a critical security update 16:42:22 <bgilbert> so I think we need to consider slipping our rebase 16:42:31 <travier> critical untested security do indeed usually come with other bugs 16:42:35 <lucab> it looks like in any case we'd have to respin all of stable+testing+next 16:42:46 <travier> security releases* 16:42:48 <dustymabe> bgilbert: to counter that point: stable will continue to be on 36 so they could switch streams 16:43:03 <bgilbert> of course, it's possible that the bug doesn't affect us, e.g. if it only affects TLS servers 16:43:12 <adamw> ah, i see where you're coming from. the idea is you want a `testing` build that's 36 with the security fix, so people can use that if they don't want to go to 37 yet? 16:43:15 <bgilbert> dustymabe: correct. but we do try to keep all streams usable and secure 16:43:20 <bgilbert> adamw: right 16:43:26 <dustymabe> bgilbert: indeed 16:43:38 <bgilbert> that could be as simple as: ship the fix, then _immediately_ ship the 37 rebase 16:43:59 <dustymabe> this is one option ^^ 16:44:13 <aaradhak> .hi 16:44:14 <zodbot> aaradhak: aaradhak 'Aashish Radhakrishnan' <aaradhak@redhat.com> 16:44:33 <Nemric> hi 16:44:34 <bgilbert> lucab: and depending on the size of the fix, we may want it to bake a bit before shipping to `stable` 16:44:43 <dustymabe> #chair aaradhak Nemric 16:44:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: Nemric aaradhak adamw bgilbert dustymabe fifofonix gursewak jbrooks jlebon lucab mnguyen travier 16:44:58 <travier> yes, so that week after we can have 36 + openssl fixed in stable and the 37 in testing with the fix again? 16:45:16 <adamw> i'm assuming nobody is sitting on back channel info about the nature of the vuln? i know i'm not, unfortunately 16:45:38 <lucab> we can also do a very short rollout on testing, i.e. a few hours. So that we get both better signal for stable and a cleared path for the F37 rebase. 16:45:52 <dustymabe> adamw: I think we're on the same playing field, but I will point out that even if I did know I couldn't tell you :) 16:46:12 <adamw> officially, anyway 16:46:23 <travier> or I would have to kill you :) 16:46:33 <dustymabe> .fire adamw 16:46:34 <zodbot> adamw fires adamw 16:46:37 <bgilbert> hah 16:46:42 <travier> :D 16:46:45 <dustymabe> #recursion 16:47:21 <jlebon> haha 16:47:29 <bgilbert> adamw: I am not 16:47:35 <travier> anyway, if it's something that breaks TLS security for ignition then that's bad 16:47:49 <bgilbert> travier: Go crypto/tls isn't OpenSSL 16:47:50 <dustymabe> ok - let's clear one hurdle - does anyone think we should ship the 37 rebase on tuesday (before the announcement of the ssl fix and also assuming F37 is "Go") 16:48:13 <travier> isn't go using the openssl backend in Fedora. Maybe only in RHEL? 16:48:14 <bgilbert> dustymabe: let's qualify that 16:48:22 <travier> or only for fips? 16:48:29 <bgilbert> travier: wait, there's an openssl backend? 16:48:48 <travier> yes, the only wait to get FIPS in go AFAIK :) 16:48:53 * dustymabe is glad to have experts here to guide this discussion 16:48:53 <bgilbert> ahh 16:49:15 <bgilbert> does anyone think we should ship the 37 rebase before we know what's in the OpenSSL announcement? 16:49:25 <travier> https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2019/06/24/go-and-fips-140-2-on-red-hat-enterprise-linux 16:49:40 <travier> but well, we don't use FIPS in fcos so we likely don't care then 16:50:08 <travier> https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2022/05/31/your-go-application-fips-compliant 16:50:11 <bgilbert> ...ah 16:50:28 <travier> it's crazy but it's fips anyway so... 16:50:44 <bgilbert> right. yeah, we don't support FIPS in FCOS: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/302 16:51:54 <travier> https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2022/05/31/your-go-application-fips-compliant > this one seems to confirm that this is not the case on Fedora so we should be good for ignition 16:52:02 <dustymabe> ok - there is more to discuss on this topic but let's clear one decision so we can further the discussion 16:52:06 <travier> what else do we have in the boot logic using openssl? 16:52:39 <travier> if we have nothing directly at risk, then we can "just" follow the Fedora release schedule 16:52:40 <bgilbert> travier: I don't think boot vs. runtime really matters? FCOS doesn't use separate bootimages like RHCOS does 16:52:45 <dustymabe> we do support grabbing the `rootfs` from a remote 16:52:52 <bgilbert> +1 dustymabe 16:53:10 <travier> boot logic was a shortcut indeed 16:53:41 <bgilbert> but yeah, most of our network code is Go or Rust 16:53:49 <dustymabe> I think trying to thread the needle of if we want to ship this or not might cause us more grief than it's worth. I'm just assuming we're going to want to ship it. However I do think it's enlightening to go through the exercise of thinking about what uses OpenSSL. 16:54:18 <travier> we have some curl commands somewhere in dracut scripts maybe? 16:54:19 <lucab> I'd prefer shipping the openssl update first (whatever that is) and then doing the F37 rebase for testing 16:54:22 <bgilbert> interestingly, the rootfs fetch is written to not have to care about TLS integrity 16:54:23 <dustymabe> I'd hate to do the analysis and then be wrong about it 16:54:30 <dustymabe> bgilbert: good point 16:54:34 <bgilbert> (though RCE is obviously still relevant) 16:54:51 <dustymabe> anyway I'm going to throw out a proposal 16:54:52 <dustymabe> #proposed assuming F37 GA is Nov 1st we will hold the `testing` rebase to F37 content one week while we ship security updates for the recently announced OpenSSL CVE. 16:55:03 <travier> how would shipping the update + then the rebase work? 16:55:19 <bgilbert> users might potentially have a systemd service that curls something, so I think we have to prioritize any client-side fixes 16:55:21 <dustymabe> travier: ship the update next week, ship the rebase the following week (for `testing`) 16:55:22 <travier> lucab: ^^ 16:55:51 <travier> so we delay if fedora does not delay? 16:56:02 <lucab> travier: what part specifically? the timing of the rebase? 16:56:12 <bgilbert> gaming this out: worst case, there's a large code fix, we're affected, we decide to slip. we build next/testing as soon as the fix hits bodhi, 24 hour rollout, then we ship a stable update. throw in 24 hours for pipeline problems and we've used up the whole week. 16:56:17 <travier> yes, as dusty said I assume? 16:56:18 <dustymabe> travier: correct - as bgilbert mentioned we are in a bit more control of our users updates, so I think it can make sense to differ here 16:56:27 <bgilbert> intermediate case, we can ship to all channels at once. best case, we don't even have to care. 16:56:31 <bgilbert> s/channels/streams/ 16:56:53 <jlebon> bgilbert: +1 16:57:04 <travier> in general I agree that we should delay our rebase to 37 if the issue is significant enough 16:57:10 <dustymabe> the current proposal is for `testing` stream only - obviously once we make this decision we can talk about the other streams 16:58:03 <fifofonix> +1 for proposal. end users using ssh will use openssl right? 16:58:15 <jlebon> bgilbert: "we don't even have to care" -> can you clarify that? 16:58:43 <travier> fifofonix: not sure how much of openssl is used in openssh 16:59:03 <bgilbert> jlebon: the example I gave was that the bug is in TLS server-side code. arguably we're unaffected in that case 16:59:16 <lucab> as I said I think we will be forced to make updates on all streams with the openssl fix quite quickly, pretty much every user will be asking about that 16:59:16 <dustymabe> I think ssh has its own crypto, but I think it does support auth via certificates (but I'm definitely no expert here) 16:59:22 <bgilbert> fifofonix: yeah, depends where the problem is. crypto primitives yes, TLS no AFAIK 16:59:37 <fifofonix> fifofonix only uses certificates 17:00:04 <bgilbert> because of the potential for timing variations in a rushed three-channel staged release, I'm thinking if we decide we need to slip, we just slip by a full week 17:00:06 <jlebon> bgilbert: i meant schedule-wise. if it's best case, we ship it in next (because why not) and otherwise don't do an "async" release for testing/stable? 17:00:58 <bgilbert> but arguably we don't need to decide in advance that we _will_ slip the release. we can wait to see what the problem is 17:01:09 <dustymabe> the reason I'd like to assume the worst case here is because it allows us to take control of our schedule back, rather than relying on unknown information 17:01:23 <bgilbert> jlebon: we'd normally have triple builds already lined up for the Tuesday release, right? so we wouldn't ship in any streams 17:01:29 <bgilbert> on Tuesday 17:01:43 <bgilbert> *Tuesday rebase 17:01:53 <jlebon> bgilbert: ahh gotcha. so don't delay the rebase and don't fast-track it anywhere. 17:01:53 <bgilbert> dustymabe: true 17:02:04 <bgilbert> jlebon: we have that option, yeah 17:02:12 <travier> So, our stance would be to delay the rebase to 37 unless it's a minor enough issue 17:02:34 <dustymabe> travier: i'd prefer to not put off the decision on ^%^ 17:03:01 <travier> ahh gotcha. so don't delay the rebase and don't fast-track it anywhere. > ? 17:03:11 <dustymabe> we'll need to communicate this (change in rebase date) to our users anyway and I'd rather not be confusing and say "unless it's not bad" 17:03:34 <bgilbert> I don't feel 100% great about putting off a major scheduled release solely because some project made spooky Halloween noises 17:03:48 <bgilbert> but point taken about scheduling certainty 17:04:00 <jlebon> dustymabe: given that disclosure is tuesday, there's still room in the week to adapt, 17:04:01 <dustymabe> at least the release date isn't April 1st 17:04:31 <dustymabe> jlebon: yes, we *can* adapt, but do we want to? 17:04:31 <lucab> by the way https://twitter.com/mattdm/status/1585285318265262081 17:04:32 <jlebon> do we know if it's beginning of day or EOD? 17:04:56 <bgilbert> upstream announcement is due by 1 PM ET 17:05:04 <jlebon> dustymabe: i'm not saying we rush to get things out, but it should be enough time to do the rebase as we would've 17:05:25 <dustymabe> jlebon: there's more that goes into it than I'd like to sign up for 17:05:40 <bgilbert> dustymabe: how so? 17:06:18 <bgilbert> we could have builds for the triple ready to go, then have a go/no discussion, and possibly abandon them 17:06:22 <dustymabe> bgilbert: one example.. assuming we ship a newer f36 then we'd get newer packages in `next` too 17:06:25 <bgilbert> there'll be some delay while we're waiting for fixed packages anyway 17:06:56 <bgilbert> dustymabe: and? 17:07:17 <dustymabe> it's just a whole new cycle of possible test failures with new packages and investigations 17:07:41 <dustymabe> right now F37 content has been frozen for weeks 17:07:48 <bgilbert> dustymabe: but isn't that true whether or not we reserve the option to not slip? 17:07:50 <dustymabe> all of that new content is going to come in as soon as GA ships 17:07:59 <dustymabe> no 17:08:11 <dustymabe> if we don't slip then we ship mostly GA content on Tuesday 17:08:14 <bgilbert> lucab: +1, maybe the whole discussion ends up being irrelevant 17:08:29 <jlebon> dustymabe: we could hold content bumps until the rebase clears 17:08:29 <dustymabe> if we do slip I think we'd need to ship latest f37 content (all 0-day updates included) 17:09:06 <dustymabe> I think there are a lot of things we *can* do (our tooling is amazing). I think we should weigh cost vs benefit here 17:09:13 <bgilbert> strictly speaking we could choose not to promote `next` and treat this one as an OOB release, but leaving that aside 17:09:37 <dustymabe> bgilbert: indeed, that is an option. The content set gets so out of date at that point, though 17:09:42 <bgilbert> yeah 17:09:56 <dustymabe> package set has already been frozen multiple weeks as of today 17:10:05 <bgilbert> oh, is your point that if we know we're going to slip, we could pull 0-day updates into next-devel in advance? 17:10:48 <dustymabe> no, my point is that if we slip we will need to ship all the 0-day updates too, so let's give ourselves a week and not stress about juggling plates next week 17:10:58 <bgilbert> but that's true anyway 17:11:18 <bgilbert> if we slip, we will need to deal with 0-day updates 17:11:26 <bgilbert> if we do not slip, we're basically already ready to go 17:11:37 <dustymabe> right 17:11:37 <bgilbert> reserving the option of not slipping doesn't require much extra work 17:11:57 <dustymabe> except the proposed triple that we would throw away 17:12:03 <bgilbert> correct 17:12:08 <bgilbert> just some builds and some f-c-c reverts 17:12:18 <bgilbert> well, one 17:13:01 <dustymabe> i think i'm mostly saying that doing a major rebase is complicated enough already.. Let's not try to throw conditional logic ino it 17:13:23 <dustymabe> we have update barriers to consider and the promotion comes directly from `next` (not `testing-devel`) etc' 17:13:37 <jlebon> given lucab's link above, i'd suggest we pick this up again in #fedora-coreos and the tracker tomorrow after go/no go 17:13:57 <dustymabe> indeed - having that information would be useful 17:14:04 <travier> +1 17:14:06 <bgilbert> yeah, and I'm trying to trade that off against allowing OpenSSL to drive our narrative around Fedora rebases 17:14:15 <travier> let's make an ad-hoc meeting tomorrow? 17:14:17 <bgilbert> especially since this only matters in the case that Fedora decides not to allow that 17:14:23 <bgilbert> +1 17:15:02 <dustymabe> sounds good 17:15:21 <bgilbert> when's the Fedora Go/No Go? 17:15:28 <dustymabe> it will be late in the day that the meeting ends 17:15:35 <dustymabe> i think it starts around this time and can go for hours 17:15:42 <travier> I don't like it as well but I also don't like bundling a vuln fix with a significant rebase 17:15:43 <bgilbert> can't imagine why :-P 17:15:54 <dustymabe> hah 17:16:04 <travier> we already had this issues with kernel vuln and version rebases 17:16:12 <bgilbert> travier: yeah 17:16:41 <travier> so I'd prefer we slip one week to comfortably ship the fix and let the rebase happen after 17:16:45 <dustymabe> travier: hmm. I don't remember this exact problem coming up before. Usually once we find out about a vuln the fix is already available 17:17:13 <bgilbert> dustymabe: I think he meant having to backport a fix to a previous kernel stable series 17:17:15 <travier> one time we had a kernel vuln, but the fix was only in the package for the next kernel version 17:17:41 <travier> and there was a regression in the new kernel version 17:17:42 <dustymabe> #info we will meet again tomorrow once Fedora decides if F37 will ship next week to discuss the scenarios here. 17:17:52 <travier> thus there was no option for users hit be the regression 17:18:36 <dustymabe> travier: I think I see your point 17:18:41 <dustymabe> took me a moment 17:18:54 <dustymabe> move on to next topic? 17:18:55 <travier> if there is a regression in openssl and in F37 and we ship it at the same time as the 37 rebase, then there is no option for users to stay on F36 17:19:23 <travier> (with a fixed openssl) 17:19:29 <dustymabe> travier: not exactly.. users will have the option of `stable` (F36 content) and/or rollback 17:19:43 <travier> but without the openssl fix 17:20:04 <bgilbert> or layering. but those aren't usually in scope as preferred solutions 17:20:08 <dustymabe> travier: I imagine we'll be shipping the fix to stable soon enough as well, but yes, after some trivial amount of time in `testing` 17:20:40 <travier> I think we can decide already that we'll slip by a week 17:20:41 <dustymabe> bgilbert: agree.. at least users do have options though 17:20:49 <travier> minimum 17:21:01 <bgilbert> thanks for the discussion, all. these are the decisions that make us a distro rather than a pile of code <3 17:21:23 <dustymabe> travier: I think I agree, but we'll hash it out more tomorrow when we have the "Go/No Go" information 17:21:33 <travier> but let's see tomorrow. I think we should bring our discussion to the meeting tomorrow 17:21:34 <dustymabe> #topic including audit in Fedora CoreOS 17:21:40 <dustymabe> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/461 17:21:48 <travier> We are becoming an edition with F37 17:21:54 <travier> our opinion will matter in this meeting 17:22:05 <dustymabe> not sure if we have enough time to discuss this $topic properly 17:22:17 <travier> let's move it to next week 17:22:23 <dustymabe> +1 17:22:27 <dustymabe> #topic open floor 17:22:28 <travier> I'll remake a new ticket with the info and status 17:22:50 <dustymabe> anyone with anything for open floor? 17:23:13 <bgilbert> travier: hmm, that's an interesting angle. I'm not sure about blocking other editions because of our additional constraints though 17:23:26 <dustymabe> should we coordinate when to meet tomorrow? - should we just say to watch the other meeting (happens in IRC) and then convene in #fedora-coreos after decision has been made? 17:23:40 <travier> not saying we'll block editions, just saying that we'll share our perspective 17:23:45 <travier> other* 17:24:11 <dustymabe> i'm +1 to sharing perspective, but also educating people on the ability of our tooling and the power of our streams model 17:24:19 <bgilbert> dustymabe: once the decision comes down, let's give 30 or 60 minutes notice in #fedora-coreos before discussing? 17:24:35 <bgilbert> travier: yeah, indeed 17:24:51 <dustymabe> to let them know that it's not a big deal if they do decide to ship, our users still have options with `next` F37 and `stable` F36 17:25:02 <bgilbert> dustymabe: disagree 17:25:13 <dustymabe> bgilbert: +1 to 30 to 60 minute window (will try to make ti start on the half or turn of an hour 17:25:35 <bgilbert> let's not use the educational opportunity to be misleading about how to engage with the FCOS update model 17:26:03 <bgilbert> i.e., it's better to say that FCOS will slip if necessary than to say "here are the things you can do to work around our decisions" 17:26:58 <dustymabe> i.e. letting people know that "if you want f37 you can find it over here on the `next` stream and here are the implications of that" isn't something we should do? 17:27:11 <bgilbert> oh, that's what you mean by options 17:27:19 <travier> I'm approaching that from a different perspective: we'll share the risks we have to consider and then discussion we've had 17:27:29 <bgilbert> dustymabe: sorry, yeah, +1 17:27:46 <dustymabe> yeah, I mean at the end of the day if someone is unhappy that we'd slip a week we can just tell them you can already get what you want 17:27:51 <bgilbert> right 17:27:55 <bgilbert> travier: wfm 17:28:15 <dustymabe> As Ian McLeod would say: "I think we're all in violent agreement here". 17:28:30 <travier> I'm trying to find the time it's scheduled but I can not so far 17:28:36 <travier> :) 17:28:55 <dustymabe> Ben Cotton: usually puts out an email 17:29:04 <bgilbert> #link https://calendar.fedoraproject.org/Fedora%20release/#m10352 17:29:15 <bgilbert> #undo 17:29:15 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7ffba4fe00f0> 17:29:24 <dustymabe> last week it was at 1700 UTC in #fedora-meeting. 17:29:29 <bgilbert> #link https://calendar.fedoraproject.org/Fedora release/#m10352 17:29:33 <bgilbert> #undo 17:29:33 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7ffba502a908> 17:29:40 <bgilbert> argh. you'll have to paste it manually 17:29:47 <dustymabe> I assume it will be the same time this week 17:30:21 <dustymabe> bgilbert: that first link works for me 17:30:36 <bgilbert> weird, I'm getting a server-side error on the %20 17:31:11 <dustymabe> anything else for open floor ? 17:32:19 <dustymabe> #endmeeting