16:29:42 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Mobility SIG 16:29:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 12 16:29:42 2022 UTC. 16:29:42 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:29:42 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:29:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:29:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mobility_sig' 16:29:42 <nirik> #meeting_name fedora_mobility_sig 16:29:42 <nirik> #chair torbuntu pbrobinson _Yoda_ 16:29:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: _Yoda_ nirik pbrobinson torbuntu 16:29:42 <nirik> #topic init process 16:29:55 <nirik> morning everyone, who's around for a mobility sig meeting? 16:30:31 <Yoda[m]> \o 16:32:01 <nirik> morning. 16:32:22 <nirik> #topic status / issues / plans 16:32:35 <nirik> any news / plans / notes from the remix lately? 16:33:22 <Yoda[m]> all time spend on fixing copr issues after the encryption update 16:33:22 <nirik> is the hope after we get the spin up in Fedora that we would use that for userspace on the remix too (and just replace the kernel)? or is that gonna be far away? 16:33:33 <nirik> ah yeah. ;( anoying 16:34:19 <Yoda[m]> That is the idea, that we do that --- will make it a lot easier for us 16:34:37 <nirik> yeah. 16:34:49 <Yoda[m]> what do we need to do, to get the the Phosh builds to happen ? 16:34:56 <torsh[m]> Anyone aware of missing packages still for phosh de? 16:35:04 <nirik> lets move on to: 16:35:06 <nirik> #topic fedora mainline plans 16:35:57 <Yoda[m]> lang-packs. Its not possible to change language 16:36:00 <nirik> so, the phosh spin was approved by fesco... 16:36:03 <nirik> https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2896 16:36:31 <torsh[m]> Awesome! What are next steps? 16:36:34 <nirik> we need to: add kickstarts to spins-kickstarts that makes it, and then add it to pungi-fedora to actually make it. 16:37:05 <nirik> I'm happy to do those steps and we can iterate from there? shouldn't be too hard 16:37:30 <torsh[m]> Sounds good to me 👍 16:37:31 <Yoda[m]> great 16:37:43 <nirik> then we should see them appear in rawhide. 16:37:57 <nirik> I assume we want x86_64 and aarch64 and nothing else right? 16:38:15 <Yoda[m]> yes 16:38:15 <torsh[m]> I can't think of anything else to test on myself 16:38:57 <nirik> yeah, I doubt too many uses on ppc64le or s390x 16:39:48 <nirik> so, I have heard there's some more upstreaming going on for both pp and ppp... but thats an ongoing thing 16:40:27 <torsh[m]> That's good to know. Glad there is any movement :) 16:41:04 <nirik> yeah, it's soooo slow sometimes. 16:41:27 <nirik> The display for the ppp will hopefully land upstream before too long 16:42:00 <torsh[m]> That'll be nice! I still struggle to keep it charged though 16:42:13 <Yoda[m]> yeah, I think megi just fixed the last timing issues with that 16:42:18 <nirik> I need to get mine back updated... 16:43:05 <Yoda[m]> I think megi also recently fixed some of the issues with charging + the keyboard 16:43:25 <torsh[m]> Ah that would be awesome. I can never get that charged right 16:43:40 <Yoda[m]> I finally got a new mobo for my keyboard - just haven't had time to replace it yet 16:44:09 <nirik> yeah, he had a blog with a bunch of updates recently... 16:44:56 <torsh[m]> So in regards to mobility copr, should I start migrating those packages over from the custom one we use now? 16:45:11 <torsh[m]> (Including updating megi kernel) 16:45:23 <nirik> how many things are in there? kernel for sure, but whats left in userspace? 16:45:46 <nirik> we should probibly try and get the remaining userspace stuff just landed in fedora if we can at all. 16:46:11 <Yoda[m]> We should agree on the name for the project in the new copr 16:46:17 <torsh[m]> I think just carbons? 16:46:59 <torsh[m]> Maybe the eg25 manager but that requires a different kernel then. 16:47:01 <Yoda[m]> I have 4 kernels :-) + some Plamo packages 16:47:49 <Yoda[m]> and there is the lightdm-greeter - well and a lot more 16:48:28 <torsh[m]> You're still using that in your images? 16:49:01 <nirik> so yeah, a bit of organization might be good... under https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/groups/g/mobility/coprs/ 16:49:03 <Yoda[m]> yes, because I want to be ableeeee to switch phosh/plamo 16:49:20 <Yoda[m]> s/ableeeee/able/ 16:49:54 <nirik> imho, we should try and get any userspace thing we can reviewed and in fedora proper and use the copr for remix kernels + anything userspace that cannot be in fedora for some technical reason. 16:50:53 <torsh[m]> I was only aware of the kernel, uboot and the "helpers" 16:50:53 <Yoda[m]> sure 16:51:01 <torsh[m]> I'll look into carbons though. 16:51:42 <nirik> I don't know how we want to do the subprojects... megi-kernel ... ? 16:52:24 <Yoda[m]> can't we just make a pinephones project - and put all related packages in there ? 16:52:50 <Yoda[m]> That way, there can be other projects for other mobile devices 16:53:37 <torsh[m]> So hardware specific project bases? 16:54:00 <Yoda[m]> yeah, that was the idea 16:54:30 <nirik> sure 16:54:43 <nirik> perhaps a pinephone and pinephonepro projects? 16:55:25 <Yoda[m]> some of the files would be common 16:55:29 <nirik> or I guess just one... since there is some overlap 16:55:41 * nirik nods 16:56:08 <nirik> ok, any other topics to go over / things to note? 16:56:22 <Yoda[m]> lets just start with the one - we can always make more if needed 16:56:57 <torsh[m]> I've been poking at the Librem5 lately. It is a pretty big difference from pinephone 16:57:05 <nirik> Sounds good. 16:57:37 <torsh[m]> Tried doing a phosh image on my rpi and it worked well on the 4 and 400 but the 3 always crashes after starting any application 16:57:38 <nirik> oh? kernel wise I am sure. 16:57:55 <torsh[m]> Kernel and perceived performance 16:58:34 <torsh[m]> I kind of cheat and copied the kernels over from my L5 to an sd card fedora image heh 16:59:03 <nirik> seems like a simple way to test things to me. ;) 16:59:25 <nirik> So how much non upstream kernel stuff is there for the liberm5? 16:59:28 <torsh[m]> Yeah the folks over in the community matrix channel were extremely helpful 17:00:05 <torsh[m]> nirik: I'd have to go look/ask. I know they've been pushing upstream as they can but I forget what is still missing. I know wifi for sure 17:00:38 <nirik> pushing things upstream is hard... justly so, but still... 17:01:01 <Yoda[m]> btw, i guess we could put all the OOT drivers on rpmfusion - that might be a way of getting closer to use a Fedora kernel 17:01:34 <nirik> if they can be kmods... some things can't. ;( 17:01:53 <nirik> oh, so... one more quick topic: 17:01:54 <Yoda[m]> well, I was hoping for that 17:01:57 <nirik> #topic meeting time 17:02:24 <nirik> when do we want to meet in jan? 17:02:53 <Yoda[m]> usual time fits me 17:03:06 <torsh[m]> What was the final result of that poll? 17:03:11 <Yoda[m]> if at correct UTC time ;-) 17:03:23 <nirik> well, 15:30utc (which is the past time) is 7:30am for me... I can do it, just... might be groggy 17:04:06 <nirik> wed at 21UTC was the winner of the poll. 17:04:09 <Yoda[m]> then there is a chance you don't have another meeting :-D 17:04:17 <nirik> but fedora-meeting-1 has a meeting then 17:04:30 <nirik> but there's #fedora-meeting-2 too. ;) 17:05:16 <nirik> so, how about #fedora-meeting-2 at 21UTC on wed the 11th? 17:05:29 <torsh[m]> That would be perfect for me. 17:05:31 <nirik> if that doesn't work we can do 15:30utc on mon the 9th 17:05:54 <torsh[m]> I can't always guarantee a lunch break to join the 15:30utc heh 17:06:14 <Yoda[m]> I can't on 11 - I'm not @home 17:07:05 <nirik> Yoda[m]: would later in the month work for wed at 21utc? 17:08:12 <nirik> like the 18th? 17:08:37 <Yoda[m]> It could be possible - I'm on sking holiday from 14-28 17:09:10 <Yoda[m]> just requires some life in my pinetab :-) 17:09:25 <nirik> :) 17:09:46 <nirik> ok, I guess we can also discuss more in the ticket too. ;) 17:09:52 <nirik> ok, shall we call it a meeting? 17:10:53 <Yoda[m]> 👍 17:11:04 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone. 17:11:07 <nirik> #endmeeting