16:30:21 <ravanelli> #startmeeting fedora_coreos_meeting 16:30:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 15 16:30:21 2023 UTC. 16:30:21 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:30:21 <zodbot> The chair is ravanelli. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:30:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:30:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_coreos_meeting' 16:31:07 <apiaseck> .hello c4rt0 16:31:09 <zodbot> apiaseck: c4rt0 'Adam Piasecki' <c4rt0gr4ph3r@gmail.com> 16:31:15 <davdunc[m> .hello davdunc 16:31:16 <zodbot> davdunc[m: davdunc 'David Duncan' <davdunc@amazon.com> 16:31:21 <ravanelli> #chair c4rt0 16:31:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: c4rt0 ravanelli 16:31:23 <jlebon> .hello2 16:31:24 <zodbot> jlebon: jlebon 'None' <jonathan@jlebon.com> 16:31:31 <dustymabe> .hi 16:31:32 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 16:31:49 <ravanelli> #chair davdunc jlebon dustymabe 16:31:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: c4rt0 davdunc dustymabe jlebon ravanelli 16:32:59 <spresti[m]> .hello spresti 16:33:00 <zodbot> spresti[m]: spresti 'Steven Presti' <spresti@redhat.com> 16:33:19 <ravanelli> #chair spresti 16:33:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: c4rt0 davdunc dustymabe jlebon ravanelli spresti 16:34:03 <ravanelli> Ok, let's start 16:34:12 <ravanelli> #topic roll call 16:34:38 <ravanelli> #topic Action items from last meeting 16:34:53 <ravanelli> #info there were no action items from last meeting 16:35:13 <ravanelli> Should we go over Fedora 38 changes considerations? 16:35:18 <jlebon> woohoo! 16:35:36 <dustymabe> ravanelli: +1 16:35:37 <jlebon> ravanelli: sounds good 16:35:46 <ravanelli> #topic tracker: Fedora 38 changes considerations 16:35:54 <ravanelli> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1357 16:36:19 <dustymabe> i think we have just a few items left here 16:36:28 <dustymabe> subtopic 127. z13 as the Baseline for IBM Z Hardware 16:36:29 <ravanelli> Where did we stop in the list? 16:36:42 <dustymabe> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/z13BaselineForIBMZ 16:37:37 <ravanelli> dustymabe: Do you have more info about it? 16:37:42 <jlebon> i think we can safely assume there's no immediate work necessary for this one 16:38:07 <dustymabe> ravanelli: not much more than what's in the change proposal 16:38:20 <dustymabe> jlebon: i'm wondering if we need to add any info to https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/platforms/#_s390x for Z 16:38:32 <dustymabe> or maybe we just leave it be 16:39:27 <ravanelli> Can we ask someone internally to take a look on it? And see what it may take? 16:39:36 <jlebon> dustymabe: good point. maybe? apparently z13 is obsolete so i'd be surprised if it were available in the cloud. 16:39:53 <dustymabe> #info nothing for us to do as this is just gcc and kernel compiler flags, which we'll pick up transparently. Hopefully our users aren't using anything older than z13. 16:40:14 <dustymabe> ravanelli: I don't think there is any work for us to do because we just pick up the RPMs (already compiled) 16:40:22 <jlebon> but yeah, users theoretically could be running FCOS on z13 today 16:40:31 <ravanelli> dustymabe: ok 16:40:37 <dustymabe> z13 == OK 16:40:42 <dustymabe> older than z13, not OK 16:40:44 <dustymabe> :) 16:40:51 <jlebon> oh right, thanks 16:41:06 <dustymabe> subtopic 128. Pcre Deprecation 16:41:15 <dustymabe> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PcreDeprecation 16:41:15 <jlebon> and "zEC12" is what is obsolete 16:42:08 <jlebon> we already inherited this change with pcre dropping out in f38 16:42:37 <jlebon> it's a pure library, no binaries 16:42:39 <dustymabe> this particular change says it's just deprecation, not retirement (which will come later) 16:43:13 <dustymabe> retirement is: Targeted release: Fedora Linux 41 16:43:24 <dustymabe> jlebon, but you say we already dropped out pcre? 16:43:47 <jlebon> https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1435#issuecomment-1458847358 16:43:52 <dustymabe> perfect! 16:44:03 <dustymabe> it was nice to be able to link to that wasn't it :) 16:44:27 <dustymabe> #info the pcre package was removed in f38 from FCOS; nothing further for us to do 16:44:43 <jlebon> i suppose, though PR comments can be linked too :) 16:44:49 <dustymabe> subtopic 129. X Server Prohibits Byte-swapped Clients 16:45:04 <dustymabe> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/XServerProhibitsByteSwappedClients 16:45:34 <jlebon> skiiiiiiiiip 16:46:11 <dustymabe> #info this shouldn't affect us, no X servers in FCOS 16:46:22 <dustymabe> subtopic 130. Unified Kernel Support Phase 1 16:46:30 <dustymabe> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Unified_Kernel_Support_Phase_1 16:47:24 <jlebon> no immediate action needed, but part of a larger discussion around confidential computing 16:47:42 <dustymabe> #info no immediate action needed, but part of a larger discussion around confidential computing 16:48:06 <dustymabe> interesting to read the plans for ppc64le and s390x there 16:48:09 <jlebon> optional RPMs and build tooling certainly would make it easier to play with 16:48:36 <jlebon> "s390x: no plans" 16:49:11 <jlebon> it's going to be even harder to keep track of the differences across arches 16:49:26 <dustymabe> jlebon: isn't that kind of what secex for s390x is trying to achieve, though? 16:50:14 <jlebon> dustymabe: indeed. but in a totally different way. ideally, there's things we can unify on but i'm not sure how feasible that is. 16:50:43 <dustymabe> +1 16:50:52 <dustymabe> ok that's all the changes that were outstanding I think 16:51:50 <jlebon> +1 16:51:54 <ravanelli> Is there anything else we should go through? 16:52:03 <dustymabe> ravanelli: there is one more `meeting` ticket 16:52:56 <ravanelli> dustymabe: which one? 16:53:11 <dustymabe> https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/labels/meeting 16:54:04 <ravanelli> #topic Fedora 38 Test Week 16:54:15 <ravanelli> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1440 16:54:59 <dustymabe> this was opened by SumantroMukherje 16:55:16 <dustymabe> I think last cycle jbrooks ran the test day for us (with help from miabbott) 16:55:57 <dustymabe> we're ready for this too, because we have a `next` release that went out yesterday. 16:56:16 <ravanelli> I can try to run it, with some help 16:56:27 <dustymabe> that would be amazing ravanelli! 16:56:33 <jlebon> timeline-wise, are we thinking next week? 16:56:36 <jlebon> ravanelli++ 16:56:45 <dustymabe> jlebon: let's look at the f38 schedule 16:57:01 <dustymabe> https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-38/f-38-key-tasks.html 16:57:12 <dustymabe> final freeze starts on April 4th 16:57:38 <dustymabe> so we could wait until say the 28th to run our test day if we wanted 16:58:03 <travier> .hi siosm 16:58:04 <zodbot> travier: Sorry, but user 'travier' does not exist 16:58:07 <dustymabe> but next week would be better, though there is work to do to prepare for test day 16:58:09 <travier> .heloo siosm 16:58:11 <travier> .hello siosm 16:58:12 <zodbot> travier: siosm 'Timothรฉe Ravier' <travier@redhat.com> 16:58:24 <ravanelli> #chair siosm 16:58:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: c4rt0 davdunc dustymabe jlebon ravanelli siosm spresti 16:58:29 <ravanelli> dustymabe: +1 16:58:36 <jlebon> if changes are needed in pkgs, we need to give time to maintainers 16:58:45 <dustymabe> so my proposal would be end of next week or early the following week 16:59:21 <jlebon> my vote is for next week 16:59:52 <dustymabe> WFM, but we'll have to get on the checklist in the ticket soon 17:00:09 <ravanelli> #proposed Start our Fedora 38 Test Week next week 17:00:28 <jlebon> dustymabe: end of next week, e.g. thursday or friday? 17:00:51 <dustymabe> ravanelli: let's try to target a day (we can always allow users to submit results anytime during the week, but we want to try to coordinate a critical time when we'll be around) 17:01:16 <dustymabe> jlebon: yeah, thursday or friday (though Friday's aren't great) 17:01:25 <ravanelli> thursday so 17:01:32 <jlebon> +1 17:02:06 <jlebon> hmm, if things need to be ready by monday though (to allow users to go through tests and report results), then it's tight 17:02:40 <dustymabe> it's usually a progression.. we don't have to make it a week 17:02:42 <dustymabe> we can make it a day 17:02:56 <dustymabe> i think we made it a week in the past to try to allow people more time and flexibility 17:03:07 <ravanelli> Monday maybe in this case 17:03:11 <dustymabe> but if our schedule is tight we can target a day 17:03:26 <jlebon> ok cool, that's better 17:03:51 <jlebon> maybe we can meet at some point this week just to go over what needs to get done 17:04:04 <ravanelli> jlebon: +1 17:04:25 <dustymabe> sounds good to me - tomorrow or friday morning? 17:04:48 <ravanelli> dustymabe: I think we said we would go over beaker on Friday 17:05:06 <dustymabe> oh yeah, the maintenance window thing we already scheduled 17:05:08 <dustymabe> good point :) 17:05:35 <ravanelli> tomorrow is 17:05:55 <jlebon> might be afk tmw, but definitely will be able to help with the things output from that meeting 17:06:50 <dustymabe> ravanelli: we'll just leave it up to you :) - use your best judgement (the pre-meeting isn't really super important as long as it happens at some point) 17:07:41 <ravanelli> #proposed We will meet tomorrow (03/16) to discuss the next steps about our Fedora 38 Test Week 17:08:05 <ravanelli> I will some guidance for how to do it, maybe we can also go over it tomorrow 17:08:18 <dustymabe> and.. tentatively the test day will happen on the 23rd (one week later) 17:08:22 <dustymabe> +1 17:08:25 <ravanelli> s/I will/ I will need 17:08:33 <dustymabe> ravanelli++ 17:08:33 <zodbot> dustymabe: Karma for ravanelli changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:08:40 <jlebon> +1 17:09:44 <ravanelli> #agreed We will meet tomorrow (03/16) to discuss the next steps about our Fedora 38 Test Week and tentatively the test day will happen on the 23rd (one week later) 17:09:59 <dustymabe> ๐ 17:10:16 <ravanelli> Should we go to Open Floor? 17:10:23 <dustymabe> ๐ 17:10:36 <ravanelli> #topic Open Floor 17:11:10 <dustymabe> so... I just hit what may be a (temporary) blocker for us rolling out the f38 update 17:11:26 <dustymabe> i went to pre-upgrade my AWS blog node and it didn't come back 17:11:45 <davdunc[m> :( 17:11:49 <dustymabe> grub complains - secondary boot entry works fine 17:11:57 <davdunc[m> :( 17:12:18 <jlebon> is this one of the known AWS issues? 17:12:20 <dustymabe> in kernel 6.2 they changed the format of the kernel for aarch64 17:12:27 <dustymabe> jlebon: not that I know of 17:12:42 <dustymabe> my node was initially provisioned with `34.20210904.2.0` 17:12:56 <dustymabe> i'm guessing that my bootloader is now too old to boot the new kernel/initrd 17:13:10 <dustymabe> but this does present a problem for automatically updating systems 17:13:22 <dustymabe> either way.. i've got some more investigation to do 17:13:35 <jlebon> ouch 17:13:58 <dustymabe> but... I would expect us to block on this until we at least understand the problem more and give our users some guidance (i.e. maybe have them actually use bootupd) 17:14:31 * dustymabe wonders if adamw has seen anything like this 17:14:40 <jlebon> if you don't have console access to rollback, the node is basically lost, right? 17:14:46 <davdunc[m> that's an interesting case dustymabe 17:14:48 <dustymabe> jlebon: correcto 17:15:04 * dustymabe plans to open an issue soon with more details and the actual error message 17:15:28 <dustymabe> how do I always find the bugs!! ๐ชฒ 17:15:29 <jlebon> ok yeah, let's do that. we also really need to beef up our upgrade testing story 17:15:33 <dustymabe> ๐ ๐ 17:15:48 <dustymabe> jlebon: right. this might not be specific to AWS TBH 17:15:54 <dustymabe> if i'm right, it probably isn't 17:16:00 <jlebon> right 17:16:14 * jlebon tries to find the issue he filed related to this 17:16:39 <dustymabe> that's all I had for open floor (sorry to dampen the mood) 17:16:43 <dustymabe> anyone with anything else? 17:17:27 <jlebon> https://github.com/coreos/coreos-assembler/issues/2519 17:18:20 <jlebon> and we really should figure out what's left to do to get bootupd enabled by default 17:19:06 <dustymabe> +1 17:20:46 <jlebon> dustymabe: thanks for doing the f38 rebase release! 17:21:12 <dustymabe> jlebon: np :) 17:21:30 <jlebon> ravanelli: if there's nothing else, I think we can close this meeting :) 17:21:36 <ravanelli> #endmeeting