18:31:08 <darknao> #startmeeting docs 18:31:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 29 18:31:08 2023 UTC. 18:31:08 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:31:08 <zodbot> The chair is darknao. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 18:31:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:31:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs' 18:31:16 <darknao> #topic Roll call 18:31:18 <darknao> #chair pboy darknao pbokoc py0xc3[m] 18:31:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: darknao pbokoc pboy py0xc3[m] 18:31:26 <pboy> .ho 18:31:30 <pboy> .hi 18:31:31 <zodbot> pboy: pboy 'Peter Boy' <pboy@uni-bremen.de> 18:31:36 <darknao> hello everyone o/ 18:34:25 <darknao> seems like this is going to be only the two of us 18:34:28 <darknao> let's start then 18:34:33 <darknao> #topic Agenda 18:34:39 <darknao> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/docs-meeting-agenda-2023-03-29/80161 18:34:41 <darknao> #info Announcements 18:34:44 <darknao> #info Global ticket review 18:34:46 <darknao> #info Quick docs update 18:34:48 <darknao> #info Open Floor 18:34:49 <darknao> #topic Announcements 18:34:52 <darknao> #info F38 is planned for next month (2023-04-18) 18:34:55 <darknao> #info We use GitLab to track work: https://gitlab.com/groups/fedora/docs/-/boards 18:35:04 <darknao> anything to add to that list? 18:35:10 <pboy> nope 18:35:17 <darknao> #topic Tickets review 18:35:47 <darknao> #link https://gitlab.com/groups/fedora/docs/-/issues/?sort=updated_asc&state=opened&first_page_size=20 18:36:26 <darknao> so, where were we? 18:36:41 <darknao> I think this one: 18:36:47 <pboy> ...reading 18:36:50 <darknao> #link https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/docs-website/ui-bundle/-/issues/4 18:38:07 <darknao> I opened that one, and it'll be most likely me to fix it (when I have the time to do so) 18:38:38 <darknao> so nothing to add here 18:38:47 <darknao> next one 18:38:49 <pboy> Then I think you should assign it and add a comment it is work in progress. 18:39:20 <darknao> I've not started anything, and anyone can still work on it if they want to 18:39:33 <pboy> OK. 18:39:34 <darknao> I'll take assignment only when I'm ready to work on it 18:40:04 <darknao> #link https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/docs-website/pages/-/issues/16 18:40:29 <darknao> This one is not related to documentation 18:40:35 <darknao> I think we should just close it 18:40:53 <darknao> as you already mentioned that should be reported on bugzilla instead 18:40:54 <pboy> Probably we can advise what to do instead? 18:41:08 <pboy> e.g. open a bug in bugzilla (wit a link?) 18:41:23 <darknao> you already mentioned that in the ticket 18:41:34 <darknao> so I'm not sure we can do anything more here? 18:41:41 <pboy> OH. yes I see :-) 18:42:05 <pboy> OK, then just close it as not document related. 18:43:24 <darknao> #link https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/docs-website/pages/-/issues/19 18:44:09 <darknao> I'm not sure, but it seems to be fixed now ? 18:44:27 <darknao> I don't see the install-guide on rawhide 18:45:17 <pboy> Yes, seems fixed. I can't see an installation guide, too 18:46:00 <darknao> #link https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/docs-website/ui-bundle/-/issues/6 18:46:43 <pboy> That's a suggestion from me 18:47:36 <darknao> yes, I think that should be easy to implement 18:47:41 <pboy> IIf I remember correctly, you asked for a proposal 'once upon a time' 18:48:20 <darknao> yeah, and yours seems fine. We can try that 18:48:29 <pboy> OK 18:50:44 <darknao> I also added the 'good first issue' as it's quite simple to implement, that can make a good issue for new contributors 18:51:12 <darknao> #link https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/docs-website/pages/-/issues/20 18:51:26 <darknao> I have no idea what this is 18:51:39 <darknao> since there is no comment or description, I suggest to just close it 18:51:51 <pboy> Agreed. 18:53:10 <pboy> Do you know about that confidential thing? 18:53:32 <darknao> that's just a box you can tick when you open a ticket 18:53:53 <darknao> which make it non-public (only team members can see it) 18:54:04 <pboy> No specific handling? e.g. hide the descriptions? 18:54:22 <pboy> OK, then we should see it anyway. 18:54:32 <darknao> no, for us, there is no differences 18:55:00 <darknao> it's mainly used for security matter or private concerns 18:55:25 <darknao> #link https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/fedora-linux-documentation/fedora-linux-sysadmin-guide/-/issues/7 18:56:32 <pboy> I see, I made a comment. Unfortunately, can't remember the details 18:57:33 <pboy> The original comment is a bit "weird" 18:57:51 <pboy> and exaggerated 18:58:11 <darknao> there is some valid statements here I thik 18:58:48 <darknao> I think I've fixed the `indexterm` showing from time to time 18:59:34 <darknao> I also agree that the mouse cursor seems to indicate the left part of the search results are clickable, and it's not 19:00:07 <darknao> so yeah, there is a few things that can be fixed on the search results 19:00:47 <pboy> Well, I thing, I remember there were some repetitions in the listing and some graphical mistakes. That's fixed. 19:00:53 <darknao> I'm not sure if we can do anything about the results being relevant or not 19:01:21 <pboy> Regarding relevant, that's a common issue 19:01:46 <pboy> so, no I think you can't 19:02:47 <darknao> we can keep it in the backlog, at least until we try to fix the styling of the results 19:02:53 <pboy> And the longer I look at it, I find it very clearly and sensibly sorted and grouped. 19:03:24 <pboy> Yeah, backlog with low priority 19:04:17 <pboy> I think that's one of the smallest problems we have. 19:04:26 <darknao> agree :) 19:04:41 <darknao> ok last one for today 19:04:45 <darknao> #link https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/templates/fedora-docs-template/-/issues/7 19:05:19 <pboy> Yeah, the mac 19:05:37 <pboy> I'm just trying to resolve this. 19:05:51 <pboy> So, it's backlog for me 19:05:55 <darknao> ok 19:06:14 <pboy> I'm waiting for my new Mac with Apple silicon 19:06:40 <darknao> alright, quick docs time then 19:06:43 <darknao> #info Quick docs update 19:06:55 <darknao> .undo 19:06:56 <zodbot> darknao: (undo <nick>) -- Removes the latest note you sent to <nick>. 19:07:05 <darknao> #undo 19:07:05 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by darknao at 19:06:43 : Quick docs update 19:07:14 <darknao> #topic Quick docs update 19:07:35 <darknao> anything to report? tickets or MR to review? 19:07:36 <pboy> Well, I'm working on various articles. 19:08:01 <pboy> No visible and "announcable" results yet. 19:08:10 <pboy> But a question: 19:08:30 <pboy> 'Is there an address which shows the current categories and tags used? 19:09:10 <darknao> like a list of all categories/tags? 19:09:19 <pboy> Yes. 19:09:29 <darknao> no, we don't have that yet 19:10:14 <pboy> I suppose, we have to wait until we use the new overview page? 19:10:49 <darknao> you can search for "category", then you'll get all the category pages in the result 19:11:07 <pboy> wait, I try ... 19:11:11 <darknao> but yeah, we'll need a page for that at some point 19:12:36 <pboy> Well, it's half solution. 19:13:49 <pboy> I think, I'll monitor how many articles are categorized. And when we have about 50% or so, we might switch to a new landing page, but retain the navigation as long as we are not complete. 19:14:03 <darknao> seems fair 19:14:39 <pboy> Well, that all from me at he moment 19:15:03 <darknao> #topic Open Floor 19:15:23 <darknao> anything for open floor? 19:15:40 <pboy> not from me at the moment 19:16:02 <darknao> nothing from me either 19:16:22 <pboy> So we are done. :-) 19:16:30 <darknao> I think so :) 19:16:39 <darknao> thanks for today 19:16:51 <pboy> thanks to you 19:16:52 <darknao> and see you next week ;) 19:17:08 <darknao> #endmeeting