22:00:06 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Mobility SIG 22:00:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 24 22:00:06 2023 UTC. 22:00:06 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 22:00:06 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 22:00:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mobility_sig' 22:00:11 <nirik> #meeting_name fedora_mobility_sig 22:00:16 <nirik> #chair torbuntu pbrobinson Yoda 22:00:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: Yoda nirik pbrobinson torbuntu 22:00:21 <nirik> #topic init process 22:00:25 <nirik> (allow time for people to arrive) 22:00:30 <nirik> so, lets allow. ;) 22:00:42 <torsh[m]> 👋🏻 22:01:18 <nirik> 👋 22:02:41 <nirik> alrighty... 22:02:45 <nirik> #topic remix status / issues / plans 22:03:25 <nirik> Anything exciting to report? I guess all the oneplus6t work is pretty cool (IMHO) 22:03:51 <torsh[m]> Been trying to assemble all the pieces needed to build a custom remix from the current phosh kickstarts with modifications. Haven't gotten very far (had some events blocking my time too much) 22:04:09 <torsh[m]> Needing to learn how image factory and kickstarts work. 22:04:53 <torsh[m]> On top of needing to make package requests still for a few things heh (phosh mobile settings for example) 22:05:06 <nirik> cool. Happy to help as my time permits... I've also been swamped of late. 22:05:36 <nirik> I can try and do reviews. Just cc me or mention it to me 22:06:30 <torsh[m]> I was also supposed to put together a pull request for the comps but forgot entirely what that was supposed to be for heh. 22:06:32 <nirik> going back and forth on getting a battery replaced in my laptop has drained a lot of my extra weekend time. ;( 22:06:35 <torsh[m]> Been a crazy month. 22:06:41 <nirik> yeah 22:06:57 <nirik> I... don't recall either. ;) 22:07:21 <torsh[m]> Hah cool :) 22:07:37 <nirik> I can probibly find it somewhere in logs... can try and do that. 22:07:49 <nirik> #topic fedora mainline plans 22:07:50 <torsh[m]> I think a top priority for my list is getting a working script or kickstarts or whichever to replace the very outdated njha scripts 22:08:05 <nirik> yeah, makes sense. 22:08:08 <torsh[m]> I think that repo is causing some confusion now. 22:08:26 <nirik> So, I think fedora uboot on ppp wasn't working recently? I wish I had tried... 22:08:49 <torsh[m]> Correct. It prints version and then everything is dark. No other output. 22:08:53 <torsh[m]> (Over serial) 22:09:04 <torsh[m]> There is a lot going on in that right now I'm told though 22:09:11 <torsh[m]> Some exciting things 22:09:14 <nirik> ok. we should file a bug on it... and/or talk to pbrobinson on it. 22:09:35 <nirik> yeah, always. 22:09:38 <torsh[m]> Yeah we had a brief chat about it. 22:10:09 <nirik> do you know how much hardware enablement isn't upstream for openplus6t? I'm suspect a lot, but haven't looked. 22:10:35 <nirik> (I know they are using a 3rd party kernel, just wondering) 22:10:40 <torsh[m]> Ah I haven't even checked. I've not been too involved outside of some pi's and pinephones 22:11:03 <nirik> ok, fair. me either, but thats a much more appealing platform... faster, etc. 22:12:21 <nirik> but so it goes. ;) 22:12:29 <nirik> I really didn't have much else today... 22:13:12 <nirik> #topic all other business 22:13:37 <torsh[m]> Love to see the progress. Faster devices would be nice indeed heh. 22:14:00 <torsh[m]> I've said all I can remember at the moment. 22:14:03 <nirik> a oneplus3t was my daily driver for years. 22:14:27 <torsh[m]> Ah awesome :) 22:15:30 <nirik> alrighty. I hope to have more next time... more time anyhow. :) 22:15:33 <nirik> #endmeeting