15:05:08 <davdunc> #startmeeting fedora_cloud_meeting 15:05:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 10 15:05:08 2023 UTC. 15:05:08 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:05:08 <zodbot> The chair is davdunc. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 15:05:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:05:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_meeting' 15:05:30 * davdunc there we go! Thanks for the bootstrap! 15:05:43 <davdunc> #topic roll call 15:07:17 <davdunc> #topic actions from last meeting 15:08:04 <davdunc> Conan Kudo and davdunc to schedule a fedora-cloud hackfest for kiwi and Azure image 15:08:25 * davdunc As a result of COVID - this was postponed. 15:10:21 <davdunc> #action davdunc and others (presumably eighth_doctor) will schedule a fedora-cloud hackfest for kiwi and Azure images. 15:11:00 <davdunc> @davdunc[m to prototype the Ansible upload for Azure and the delete for images 15:11:12 <davdunc> That will happen in the hackfest. 15:12:15 <davdunc> * locate credentials for testing and OCI images. 15:12:30 * davdunc dustymabe: do we have credentials for OCI uploads? 15:13:34 <davdunc> #action davdunc to locate credentials for Oracle cloud uploads and validations testing 15:16:34 <davdunc> #link https://pagure.io/cloud-sig/issue/400 15:18:08 <davdunc> #topic Azure Marketplace images 15:18:37 * davdunc Date slipped due to illness and complications related to scheduling. 15:19:41 <davdunc> need to reschedule this week. Will shoot for Monday, August 14th for avialability. 15:20:15 * davdunc #action upload and test images for Azure Marketplace by August 14th EOD Pacific time. 15:20:23 <davdunc> #action upload and test images for Azure Marketplace by August 14th EOD Pacific time. 15:22:35 <davdunc> #info, we need to be completed with image upload work no later than August 15 15:23:03 <davdunc> #topic open floor 15:23:52 * davdunc there are some other things to cover, but I think that we are missing enough key folks that they should wait until the next meeting time. 15:24:21 <davdunc> Going to call it in 3. . . 15:24:26 <davdunc> 2 . . . 15:24:31 <davdunc> 1 . . . 15:24:36 <davdunc> #endmeeting