16:00:28 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 16:00:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 19 16:00:28 2023 UTC. 16:00:28 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:28 <zodbot> The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:00:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 16:00:28 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 16:00:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 16:00:28 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 16:00:42 <tibbs> Hey. 16:00:53 <geppetto> Hey 16:00:55 <geppetto> #chair tibbs 16:00:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto tibbs 16:01:25 <decathorpe> .hi 16:01:26 <zodbot> decathorpe: Something blew up, please try again 16:01:29 <decathorpe> hello o/ 16:01:30 <zodbot> decathorpe: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 16:01:47 <decathorpe> 🥲️ 16:02:22 <geppetto> #chair decathorpe 16:02:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: decathorpe geppetto tibbs 16:02:32 <geppetto> decathorpe: always breaking things 16:03:30 <decathorpe> despite my best efforts :) 16:08:58 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 16:09:04 <geppetto> Anybody have anything this week? 16:09:21 <decathorpe> I would appreciate feedback on the Rust Packaging Guidelines refresh, but other than that, no 16:10:17 <geppetto> https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/pull-request/1310 16:11:29 <geppetto> 👀 … that's big 16:11:57 <geppetto> I don't suppose you have a tl;dr for parts of it? 16:12:02 <tibbs> Yeah, it's huge. 16:12:04 <decathorpe> yeah :( Rust is being used in more and more use cases, and they aren't covered by the current guidelines at all 16:12:53 <decathorpe> TL;DR would probably be ... use rust2rpm to generate your spec files, it's designed to produce packages that comply with packaging guidelines 16:13:12 <geppetto> +1 then :) 16:16:59 <geppetto> Had a quick look through and it seems +1 … was a little confused by: 16:17:05 <geppetto> https://hackmd.io/@decathorpe/FedoraRustPackagingGuidelines#Subpackages-for-crate-features 16:17:50 <geppetto> Do you have an example of what that is? 16:18:50 <decathorpe> for example, some crates are used internally to the Rust standard library, and have "feature flags" for this use case. these flags are useless (and broken) when building them outside this context, so they should not be exposed 16:19:26 <geppetto> 👀 rust-zip* … So this is for libraries only? 16:20:02 <decathorpe> please elaborate? 16:21:00 <geppetto> These create feature subpackages will always end in -devel? 16:21:06 <decathorpe> yes 16:21:18 <decathorpe> they are rust-$crate+$feature-devel 16:21:24 * geppetto nods 16:21:36 <geppetto> I'm pretty much +1 then 16:23:30 <decathorpe> fwiw, almost everything from the current guidelines is also in the new ones, just structured differently. I tried to not introduce any new rules (or drop existing ones) 16:23:38 * geppetto nods 16:24:19 <tibbs> Really the only way to make it easy to review was to reorganize without changes and then build changes on top of that. Which is quite a pain. 16:24:45 <tibbs> Are the examples just gone completely? 16:24:50 <geppetto> Or add the new stuff and then reorganize … which is even more painful. 16:25:07 <decathorpe> yeah. the examples are gone. nobody remembered to update them 16:25:28 <tibbs> As is often the fate of examples. 16:26:00 <decathorpe> in this case, they are also not really worth much. they're almost verbatim what you get when you run "rust2rpm" for these projects 16:26:19 <decathorpe> (or at least, they *were*, for an ancient version of rust2rpm) 16:34:13 <geppetto> Can rust2rpm take a url? 16:34:58 <geppetto> Maybe worth having a "for an example run: rust2rpm url-known-good-crate"? 16:35:25 <geppetto> Either way, unless anyone has anything else I'll end it for this week 16:36:50 <tibbs> Did we have anything else to say about the Go naming issue? 16:37:19 <geppetto> I had nothing to add to the comments, or what we said last week 16:37:30 <tibbs> Yeah, and I don't think there was any update. 16:38:06 <geppetto> #endmeeting