19:12:12 <cwickert> #startmeeting Spins SIG meeting 2011-03-14 19:12:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 14 19:12:12 2011 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:12:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:12:27 <cwickert> #chair rdieter nirik brunowolff 19:12:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: brunowolff cwickert nirik rdieter 19:12:37 * nirik is sorta around. busy with dayjob. 19:12:47 <rdieter> here (1/2) 19:13:38 * brunowolff is here 19:14:33 <brunowolff> Are we switching the UTC start time this week? I was expecting this meeting to start in a bit less than an hour. 19:14:49 <brunowolff> If so, I should update the meeting wiki page. 19:16:15 <cwickert> ok, let's make it quick 19:16:15 <cwickert> #topic F15 spins 19:16:15 <cwickert> hmm, what's wrong with meetbot? 19:16:45 <cwickert> brunowolff: we can wait it if is better for the others 19:16:53 <cwickert> wow, meetbot is slow today 19:17:29 <brunowolff> Either way, I am going to get random distractions ate work at either time. 19:17:42 <cwickert> I'll try to make it quick 19:17:51 <cwickert> we have some spins ready for SIG now 19:17:57 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Spins_Ready_For_SIG 19:18:29 <cwickert> first up is the games spin 19:18:37 <cwickert> #topic Games Spin F15 19:18:45 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Games_Spin 19:18:53 <cwickert> any objections to this spin? 19:20:17 <cwickert> +1 from my side 19:20:28 <brunowolff> +1 19:21:16 <cwickert> nirik, rdieter: what about you? 19:21:27 <nirik> seems fine for me, +1 19:21:35 <rdieter> +1 ok with me 19:21:36 <cwickert> #agreed Games Spin is approved for F15 19:21:59 <cwickert> #topic LXDE Spin F15 19:22:03 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LXDE_Spin 19:22:20 <cwickert> +1 obviously :) 19:22:52 <nirik> ha. 19:23:04 <cwickert> the spin still needs a lot of work for F15 however, I'll do this once I have finished Xfce 19:23:07 <brunowolff> I don't follow the other spins as carefully, but I don't remember any commits that would be a problem. 19:23:10 <brunowolff> So +1. 19:23:33 <nirik> +1 here, although if lxdm isn't going to work for xfce spin, wonder how well it will work for lxde spin. 19:23:36 <cwickert> ATM the artwork in this spin is broken, but this can be fixed easily, just requires an update of the lxde-common package 19:24:18 <cwickert> nirik: valid concern. however I found out that GDM doesn't do policykit properly either, you can shutdown when somebody is logged in 19:24:36 <cwickert> so I think LXDM is not mmore broken than GDM is ATM 19:25:24 <cwickert> rdieter: anything from your side? 19:25:34 <rdieter> +1 19:25:35 <cwickert> rdieter: does the KDE spin have a wiki page? 19:25:49 <cwickert> #agreed LXDE Spin is approved for F15 19:26:06 <cwickert> #topic QA Test Day Spin F15 19:26:17 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA_Test_Day_Spin 19:26:25 <cwickert> this is more a template then actually a spin 19:26:31 <cwickert> it has proven to work in the past 19:26:37 <cwickert> so no objections from my side 19:26:38 <cwickert> +1 19:26:38 <rdieter> cwickert: probably should make a formal one, I think all we've got are the collection of links @ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE#Fedora_KDE_Spin 19:27:09 <brunowolff> +1 19:28:04 <cwickert> rdieter: I think this is best 19:31:48 <cwickert> nirik, rdieter: what about you? 19:32:21 <nirik> sure, seems ok. 19:32:22 <nirik> Do they use this much anymore? 19:32:37 * nirik has not seen any test days that pointed to it... 19:33:00 <cwickert> nirik: at least brunowolff updated it recently 19:33:41 <nirik> ok 19:34:04 <brunowolff> Karpal was sick for a while and that might have impacted its use. 19:34:04 <cwickert> I take this as +1 19:34:30 <cwickert> #agreed QA Test Day Spin is approved for F15 19:34:49 <cwickert> #topic Security Lab F15 19:34:59 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Security_Lab 19:35:11 <cwickert> now that we have sqlninja, it's even better 19:35:18 <cwickert> so we should definitely do it :) 19:35:33 <cwickert> +1 from me 19:36:03 <brunowolff> +1 19:36:06 <nirik> sure, +1 19:36:33 <cwickert> #agreed Security Lab is approved for F15 19:36:54 <cwickert> #topic Xfce Spin F15 19:36:58 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Xfce_Spin 19:37:16 <cwickert> +1 from me and I guess from nirik too :) 19:37:18 <nirik> +1 in my opinion. 19:37:26 <brunowolff> +1 for xfce 19:37:46 <cwickert> #agreed Xfce Spin is approved for F15 19:37:55 <cwickert> ok, that's all from this categiry 19:38:04 <cwickert> categ*o*ry 19:38:17 <cwickert> #topic Biarch Spin 19:38:32 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Biarch_Spin 19:38:44 <cwickert> there was some progress and the ks look much better now 19:39:00 <cwickert> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Biarch_Spin 19:39:15 <cwickert> however it seems this is a very personal package selection rather than a spin 19:39:40 <cwickert> if something is called "Biarch Spin" it should IMHO be based on the default spin 19:39:53 <cwickert> this means a biarch version of the desktop spin 19:40:30 <cwickert> as everybody seems to be busy ATM and the spin owner is not here, I suggest to bring this up on the mailing list and revisit it next week 19:40:33 <cwickert> makes sense? 19:41:09 <brunowolff> I'd be worried about producing an ISO for this one, without some QA to test that it works as advertised. 19:41:29 <brunowolff> Also I agree it should be a biarch version of a standard (the Desktop) spin. 19:41:48 <brunowolff> I think the idea is a good one though. 19:41:55 <cwickert> +1 19:41:58 <nirik> revisit seems fine. 19:42:06 <brunowolff> Revisiting makes sense 19:42:07 <cwickert> bit I think we should focus on the tool rather than the spin 19:42:11 <cwickert> s/bit/but 19:42:27 <cwickert> once the tool works correctly, we can every spin we like biarch 19:42:45 <cwickert> atm the name of the iso and the fs-label are hardcoded in the script 19:42:53 <cwickert> this seems to be a no-go for me 19:42:55 <brunowolff> Getting the tool into livecd-tools seems like a good idea, but is a slightly different group (with some overlap). 19:43:02 <cwickert> indeed 19:44:17 <cwickert> #agreed The spins SIG doubts that the current spin is really a spin and should be made as ISO without having a test day. However we see the great possibilities and want the biarch tools to be improved. we will revisit this topic next week with the spin owner 19:44:29 <cwickert> ok, it think that's all for today 19:44:35 <cwickert> #topic Open Floor 19:44:46 <brunowolff> What UTC time should I set for next week's meeting? 19:45:23 <brunowolff> Should I add placeholder entries to the spin release page for the alternate ks files for desktop and KDE? 19:45:27 <cwickert> I think nirik and rdieter would like to see it an hour later, so I propose 20:00 UTC 19:45:43 <brunowolff> That's easy. 19:46:09 * nirik notes he may be running an epel meeting at 19:30 or 20:30 depending... so not great for me, but I can try and be in serveral places at once. 19:46:29 <cwickert> nirik: so you want to stick with the current time? 19:46:54 <cwickert> either way works for me 19:47:11 <nirik> I don't know yet. I guess do whatever works for other people and I will try and make it work. 19:47:56 <cwickert> ok, then I suggest to go with 20:00 UTC to make things easier for rdieter 19:48:19 <brunowolff> Keep it in meeting-2 to avoid run over issues? 19:48:39 <cwickert> #agreed Meeting should take place at 20:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting-2. If you cannot make it, please speak up on the mailing list 19:49:03 <cwickert> #action rdieter and the KDE SIG to make a formal spins page for the KDE spin 19:49:20 <cwickert> note: I haven#t heared back from the netbook spin, but I can poke him again 19:49:27 <cwickert> ok, anything else? 19:49:52 * cwickert will close the meeting in 3 minutes 19:49:54 <brunowolff> Should I add placeholder entries to the spin release page for the alternate ks files for desktop and KDE? 19:50:06 <cwickert> brunowolff: please do 19:50:12 <brunowolff> I will. 19:50:24 <cwickert> btw: a big thankt for working on the spin release page 19:50:33 <cwickert> for the protocol 19:50:35 <brunowolff> For the future we should talk about prelink. 19:50:48 <nirik> oh yeah. 19:50:54 * nirik is +1 for running prelink 19:51:07 <nirik> unless we drop it entirely from the distro, which would be fine with me too. ;) 19:51:12 <brunowolff> I think so too. 19:51:21 <cwickert> #info brunowolff created a wiki page for the F15 spins at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/15/Spins 19:51:32 <cwickert> #topic prelink on the spins 19:51:39 <cwickert> +1 for prelink 19:52:05 <cwickert> ok, as nirik and brunowolff already voted +1 too, we 19:52:06 <nirik> I guess it would need to be in the base kses? 19:52:07 <brunowolff> Handling after the build is tricky. We don't it running on live images (after the build), but do after an install. 19:52:28 <nirik> brunowolff: just do it in post... then no need to run it install... 19:52:37 <nirik> and if it runs from cron it won't change anything because stuff is already done. 19:52:51 <cwickert> #agreed to run prelink in %post on the spins. need to figure our exactly into what kickstart it goes 19:53:02 <cwickert> #undo 19:53:02 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Agreed object at 0x2b025baf5310> 19:53:05 <brunowolff> But we don't want it running in cron if the image is running live. 19:53:29 <nirik> well, ideally it would be good to disable it, but it shouldn't be as bad as now if it runs. 19:53:39 <cwickert> brunowolff: as I understand it we just need to run it once in %post 19:54:20 <cwickert> hi jankratochvil 19:54:27 <jankratochvil> hi cwickert 19:54:51 <cwickert> #agreed to run prelink in %post on the spins. need to figure out exactly into what kickstart it goes 19:55:14 <cwickert> jankratochvil: we already discussed the biarch spin and we are about to close the meeting now 19:55:30 <jankratochvil> But it is 19:56 UTC now... 19:55:48 <jankratochvil> OK, I will read the log which is IIRC posted. 19:56:04 <cwickert> sorry, I thought we were to meet at 20:00 MEZ 19:56:13 <cwickert> or 19:00 UTC 19:56:24 <cwickert> from next week on, we'll meet at 20:00 UTC 19:56:36 <cwickert> everything else is in the meeting minutes 19:56:38 <jankratochvil> On http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting_channel and in the mail was 20:00 UTC. 19:56:46 <cwickert> sorry, my bad 19:56:48 <jankratochvil> OK, thanks. 19:56:55 <jankratochvil> (to the minutes :-) ) 19:57:08 <cwickert> ok, I'm going to close the meeting now. I'll be around if you have questions 19:57:10 <cwickert> #endmeetig 19:57:15 <cwickert> #endmeeting