17:00:08 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2013-05-13 17:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 13 17:00:08 2013 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:12 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 17:00:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:00:20 <sesivany> #topic Roll call 17:00:24 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 17:00:25 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com> 17:00:26 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:00:29 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:00:57 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 17:00:57 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 17:01:02 <sesivany> aeperezt, nb: ping 17:01:26 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:01:27 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:02:14 <sesivany> great, we have a quorum today. 17:02:59 <sesivany> ok, let's start with announcements... 17:03:06 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 17:03:13 <sesivany> anyone any announcement? 17:04:06 <sesivany> I don't have anything specific to announce. 17:04:21 * cwickert neither 17:04:37 <sesivany> ok, let's move on the next topic then 17:04:59 <sesivany> #topic FAmSCo representative in Flock organization 17:05:12 <sesivany> cwickert: you wanted to take that, right? 17:05:34 <cwickert> yes 17:05:41 <cwickert> and tuanta would be there, too 17:06:08 <sesivany> I have no problem with that. 17:06:11 <tuanta> yes, I can attend too 17:06:16 <sesivany> does anyone object? 17:06:31 <cwickert> 3 17:06:31 <cwickert> 2 17:06:32 <cwickert> 1 17:06:37 <cwickert> no objections :) 17:06:41 <sesivany> :) 17:06:45 <tuanta> :) 17:06:49 <cwickert> #info cwickert and tuanta will attend FLOCK IRC meetings to represent FAmSCo 17:07:04 <sesivany> #chair sesivany cwickert tuanta aeperezt 17:07:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt cwickert sesivany tuanta 17:07:37 <sesivany> ok, that's one topic down... 17:07:44 <cwickert> do I need to redo the #info thing? 17:08:13 <nb> hi 17:08:16 <tuanta> why? I see it's good. 17:08:20 <sesivany> cwickert: does it get to the minutes if I chaired you after that? 17:08:35 <cwickert> #info cwickert and tuanta will attend FLOCK IRC meetings to represent FAmSCo 17:08:42 <cwickert> lets make sure it ends up in the minutes 17:08:46 <cwickert> go on 17:08:48 <sesivany> ok 17:09:09 <sesivany> #topic FY14 Budget&Spendings 17:09:17 <sesivany> I spoke with Ruth today... 17:09:39 <sesivany> I've only spent $8k out of allocated $27k so far. 17:09:57 <sesivany> I know a lot of payments are delayed... 17:10:23 <sesivany> but still make sure you're on track with spending, it'd be really bad if we didn't spend up our budget. 17:10:44 <sesivany> in EMEA, we're on track, just a lot of expenses will land in the next quarter. 17:10:57 <sesivany> I hope the same situation is in other regions. 17:11:11 <tuanta> the same in APAC 17:11:12 <sesivany> and you're not having problems to spend what you planned. 17:12:01 <aeperezt> sesivany, we have same situation on Latam 17:12:03 <sesivany> nb: do you have any idea about FAmNA? 17:12:20 <tuanta> wait, budget would be accounted quarterly or annually? 17:12:22 <nb> sesivany, sorry no 17:12:22 <cwickert> ! 17:12:29 <nb> sesivany, inode0 is our money person 17:12:31 <sesivany> cwickert: go ahead 17:12:52 <cwickert> what about reimbursements from previous quarters? 17:13:11 <cwickert> like, I have stuff didn't yet ask for reimbursement yet 17:13:27 <sesivany> cwickert: it's related to tuanta's question. 17:13:27 <cwickert> if one misses the quarter, is the window closed? 17:13:34 <cwickert> or even the year 17:13:40 <tuanta> yes, related 17:13:50 <sesivany> cwickert: I believe it doesn't work this way. 17:14:07 <cwickert> sesivany: you mean I can still ask for reimbursement? 17:14:16 <sesivany> cwickert: we've been promised that we are budgeted annually, not quarterly. 17:14:39 <tuanta> good :) 17:14:43 <cwickert> ok, but what if somebody misses the year? 17:14:47 <tuanta> clearer 17:14:51 <sesivany> cwickert: yes, but please don't take unnecessarily long. 17:15:03 <cwickert> ok 17:15:15 <cwickert> I guess kital will not be happy but pay it 17:15:21 <cwickert> given that kital has money 17:15:37 * herlo apologizes for being late 17:15:40 <cwickert> AFAIK he is out of money on his credit card 17:15:48 <sesivany> cwickert: well, OSAS is budgeted on quarterly basis, so if they miss the quarter, they lose the money, but I've told them several times, it's impossible to do it the same way with Fedora. 17:16:12 <sesivany> cwickert: so they need to maintain so kind of reserve to balance it. 17:16:22 <cwickert> ok, lets hope it works 17:16:30 <cwickert> anything on the credit card situation? 17:16:45 <cwickert> like, raising the limit 17:16:49 <sesivany> we should try to make as many expenses in the same quarter we planned them in though. 17:16:51 <tuanta> there is still no CC holder in APAC now 17:17:05 <tuanta> kital has to support both EMEA and APAC 17:17:34 <sesivany> cwickert: I don't think there is anything new with credit cards. 17:18:09 <sesivany> cwickert: I've pretty much given up the community credit card for me. 17:18:20 <cwickert> I see 17:18:58 <cwickert> but Ruth said she wanted to take care of kital's limit 17:19:03 <sesivany> cwickert: but ruth told me kital hadnt been such a bottleneck. People sometimes take too long to provide receipts, we should work on that, too. 17:19:13 <cwickert> tuanta: as for apac, can you get in contact with Ankur and ask him if he is willing to handle it? 17:19:27 <cwickert> sesivany: kital is out of money almost every quarter 17:19:40 <cwickert> and he was even before he started taking over APAC 17:19:48 <aeperezt> sesivany, right that is sometime delaying reports for expenses 17:19:57 <tuanta> yes, I see 17:20:21 <tuanta> I will ask Ankur 17:21:07 <sesivany> herlo: do you have any info about budget spendings in NA? 17:21:32 <sesivany> herlo: ruth told me today we'd spent only $8k out of $27 so far this quarter. 17:21:56 <nb> when does this quarter end? 17:22:09 <sesivany> herlo: a lot of expenses are delayed by reimbursement process, but I'd like to make sure we're all on track with spending. 17:22:32 <tuanta> nb: 30th of May 17:22:37 <sesivany> nb: the end of May, but deadline for expenses is usually around the 20th. 17:22:55 <cwickert> that makes it hard 17:23:02 <cwickert> I mean, think of LinuxTag 17:23:08 <sesivany> nb: all expenses done by community credit cards end in RHT accounting in the next month, so for them, it's already late. 17:23:11 <cwickert> a major event just at the end of the month 17:23:24 <herlo> sesivany: the person to ask for budget is jbwillia and inode0. They seem to be the most involved there. 17:23:34 <herlo> sesivany: nb may know more than I as well. 17:23:48 <sesivany> cwickert: I spoke about that with Ruth. She has a good picture what's going to land in this and next quarter. 17:24:21 <sesivany> cwickert: as I said, in our community it's close to impossible to work the same way as cost centers in Red Hat work. 17:24:42 <sesivany> herlo: ok, I'll talk to them. 17:25:04 <herlo> sesivany: we could invite them here regularly 17:25:14 <herlo> since it seems that budget stuff comes up quite often 17:25:33 <tuanta> +1 herlo 17:25:46 <nb> +1 17:26:06 <sesivany> herlo: that's not a bad idea, what about some regular quarterly budget heads-up meeting? 17:26:33 <herlo> sesivany: I think we can just set aside the first week in each quarter. 17:26:49 <cwickert> +1, sounds good 17:26:52 <sesivany> +1 17:27:13 <aeperezt> + 17:27:15 <aeperezt> +1 17:27:18 <tuanta> +1 17:28:25 <nb> +1 17:31:54 <cwickert> sesivany dropped out 17:32:05 <cwickert> he just messaged me on G+ 17:32:14 <cwickert> so, anything more on budget? 17:32:36 * cwickert wonders if he is still online 17:32:38 <cwickert> ping 17:33:16 <aeperezt> cwickert, pong 17:33:20 <cwickert> ah 17:33:23 <cwickert> ok 17:33:30 <cwickert> the others still here? 17:33:37 <tuanta> yes :) 17:33:43 <cwickert> cool 17:33:50 <cwickert> then it's only sesivany 17:33:58 <cwickert> so, anything on budget 17:34:18 <cwickert> #topic RH Community Credit Card holder for APAC 17:34:19 <aeperezt> cwickert, on latam we plan to use all budget one month before the quarter close 17:34:20 <cwickert> .famsco 333 17:34:20 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/333 17:34:46 <aeperezt> as this quater was first one on budget that did not happend 17:34:55 <cwickert> tuanta: can you please get in touch with the all 4 candidates and have them decide? 17:35:14 <cwickert> aeperezt: hold on, please 17:35:22 <tuanta> yes, I will take care of this in APAC 17:35:33 <cwickert> tuanta: Izhar is willing to do it, but he is afraid of becoming a bottle neck 17:35:44 <cwickert> he prefers two CC holders 17:35:47 <tuanta> good 17:35:49 <cwickert> but that's not going to happen 17:35:58 <tuanta> yes, I see 17:36:02 <cwickert> so let him and Ankur figure it out who is best 17:36:08 <cwickert> or ask all four 17:36:20 <cwickert> my favorites are Ankur and Izhar 17:36:32 <tuanta> I will ask all candidates by priority 17:36:43 <cwickert> #action tuanta to get in touch with the candidates from #333 17:36:52 <cwickert> ok, thanks tuanta 17:37:13 <tuanta> ok, let me follow this 17:37:20 <cwickert> #topic FY14 Budget&Spendings (Pt. 2) 17:37:27 <cwickert> aeperezt: now it's your turn 17:38:15 <aeperezt> since latam pay all expenses with credit card 17:38:45 <aeperezt> we are working to spend all budget one month before the quarter ends 17:38:58 <aeperezt> that way it get into the reports on time 17:39:06 <cwickert> do you have an overview how you are doing? 17:39:50 <cwickert> I mean, are you spending more or less or are you good? 17:39:52 <aeperezt> we have all expenses planned so the idea is work with the responsables so they ask with time 17:40:28 <cwickert> ok 17:40:35 <aeperezt> cwickert, we are good so far, but last quarter there are expenses that passed to to this one because delays on reimburses and such 17:40:48 <cwickert> I think both APAC and LATAM are in learning mode, so it will get better over time 17:40:57 <aeperezt> the idea is to work on that so it does not happend 17:41:05 <cwickert> is Neville taking care of expenses in a timely manner? 17:41:11 <aeperezt> cwickert, right 17:41:29 <cwickert> ok, I think you are good then 17:41:38 <aeperezt> cwickert, right 17:41:40 <cwickert> anything else on budget? 17:42:07 <aeperezt> cwickert, but we are thinking it good be great if there is another credit card holder specially on brasil 17:42:18 <cwickert> this won't happen, sorry 17:42:25 <aeperezt> cwickert, we know 17:42:28 <cwickert> I mean, you can ask Ruth 17:42:32 <aeperezt> cwickert, we can only wish 17:42:34 <cwickert> but I doubt it will happen 17:42:37 <cwickert> ask them 17:42:46 <cwickert> we could use another CC holder here in EMEA, too 17:43:40 <tuanta> now we wish there is only one in APAC :) 17:43:42 <cwickert> #info we really should have 2 credit card holders in each region to avoid bottle necks. however it's unlikely to happen 17:43:45 <cwickert> :) 17:43:54 <cwickert> anything else? 17:44:01 * cwickert thinks herlo dropped out 17:44:13 <aeperezt> not on my side 17:44:17 <cwickert> #topic T-shirt for each F19 release party organizer 17:44:39 <cwickert> so, this is something that sesivany asked me to bring up 17:44:43 <cwickert> we have a design 17:44:52 <cwickert> and he is going to ask for a quote tomorrow 17:45:03 <cwickert> but the shirts need to happen in this quarter 17:45:21 <cwickert> so there is not much room for changing the design or discussing this in great length 17:45:38 <cwickert> does everybody agree to the general idea and to sesivany handling this? 17:45:38 <aeperezt> cwickert, the design looks good to me 17:46:04 <tuanta> it looks good 17:46:07 <aeperezt> +1 17:46:10 <cwickert> or let me put this different: does anybody object? 17:46:26 <cwickert> it's easier, the disconnected people will not object. ;-) 17:46:33 <cwickert> just kidding 17:46:45 <cwickert> this was already approved, I just wanted to give a status update 17:46:46 <aeperezt> lol 17:46:56 <cwickert> and make sure everybody knows we need to hurry up 17:47:06 <nb> +1 17:47:19 <cwickert> #info sesivany is going to ask for a quote for the release party t-shirts tomorrow 17:47:37 <cwickert> ok, let's have a look at the schedule 17:48:04 <cwickert> #topic F19 FAmSCo and ambassadors schedules 17:48:32 <cwickert> http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-ambassadors-tasks.html 17:48:59 <cwickert> looks good overall 17:49:13 <cwickert> I recall having seen some test days reminders 17:49:32 <cwickert> release events are mostly taken care of 17:49:44 <sesivany> I'm back 17:49:45 <cwickert> anything else we need to do? 17:49:48 <cwickert> #chair sesivany 17:49:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt cwickert sesivany tuanta 17:49:51 <cwickert> wb, sesivany 17:50:01 <sesivany> did I miss much? 17:50:06 <cwickert> yes, everything :) 17:50:23 <cwickert> we discussed the t-shirts and the LATAM budget 17:50:31 <cwickert> and the CC for APAC 17:50:56 <cwickert> IIRC that's all, we all agree and you can catch up in the meeting minutes later 17:50:59 <sesivany> ok, great, I'll read minutes to not hold you. 17:51:11 <cwickert> ok, anything else on the schedule? 17:51:53 <cwickert> #topic F19 Release events 17:51:55 <cwickert> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F19_release_events 17:52:09 <cwickert> did we ever call for release events? 17:52:11 <cwickert> I mean, we discussed the shirts thing in great length 17:52:20 <cwickert> but we don't have much release events yet 17:52:29 <cwickert> that means we won't need any shirts :( 17:52:38 <sesivany> cwickert: not yet 17:52:54 <sesivany> I think it's planned around May 30th. 17:52:56 <cwickert> oh, right 17:52:59 <cwickert> my bad 17:53:15 <nb> when is f19 scheduled? 17:53:18 <cwickert> should we already make a call now? 17:53:20 * nb might need to get a media po going soon 17:56:15 <cwickert> nb: July 2nd 17:56:16 <cwickert> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule 17:56:16 <cwickert> I thought it was earlier 17:56:16 <cwickert> that gives us more time 17:56:16 <sesivany> cwickert: yeah, why not? I don't see a reason to delay it. 17:56:17 <sesivany> nb: I should do the same for EMEA, thank you for reminding me ;) 17:56:30 <cwickert> I think we are good then 17:56:33 <sesivany> ok, I'll take care of the call. 17:56:34 <cwickert> anything else? 17:56:35 <sesivany> #action sesivany to make a call for F19 release parties. 17:56:49 <cwickert> #action sesivany to call for release events. the sooner, the better 17:56:56 <cwickert> #undo 17:56:56 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x2767ad10> 17:56:57 <sesivany> not from me 17:57:01 <cwickert> one is enough... 17:57:09 <cwickert> ok, one last thing 17:57:25 <cwickert> #topic Events calendar in fedocal 17:57:36 <cwickert> I requested an 'events' calendar 17:58:08 <cwickert> here it is 17:58:09 <cwickert> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/Events/ 17:58:21 <cwickert> #info we now have a calendar for events at https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/Events/ 17:59:01 <sesivany> cwickert, who has rights to add events? 17:59:20 <cwickert> every contributor can add an event 17:59:24 * cwickert wonders why the topic was changed 17:59:26 <cwickert> #topic Events calendar in fedocal 17:59:46 <cwickert> every event has one or more organizers 17:59:50 <cwickert> and they can edit it 18:00:03 <sesivany> cwickert, ok 18:00:13 <cwickert> so make sure to add more then one organizer, so we don't run into bootle necks 18:00:53 <cwickert> #info all contributors can add events to the calendar, but only organizers can edit them. please use more then one organizer if possible 18:01:29 <cwickert> #info the calendar will not completely replace the events wiki page. we still need it and we need individual wiki pages for every event 18:02:07 <cwickert> before we announce the calendar on the mailing list(s), I would like us to play around with it 18:02:11 <cwickert> does this make sense? 18:02:39 <sesivany> cwickert: ok, I'll take a look at it, haven't found time yet. 18:02:49 <cwickert> ok 18:03:01 <tuanta> ok 18:03:13 <herlo> well, netsplits are keeping me from participating. Sorry folks. 18:03:36 <cwickert> #action all FAmSco members to have a look at https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/Events/ and the documentation at http://fedocal.readthedocs.org/en/latest/usage.html 18:03:52 <cwickert> herlo: yeah, bad internet 'weather' today 18:03:59 <cwickert> ok, that's all from my side 18:04:06 * cwickert needs to leave now 18:04:12 <cwickert> anything else? 18:04:15 <sesivany> no 18:04:36 <cwickert> tuanta, aeperezt, herlo, nb: anything from your side? 18:04:49 <aeperezt> no 18:04:51 <tuanta> nope 18:04:56 <cwickert> ok then 18:04:59 <cwickert> #endmeeting