#fedora-meeting-2: FAmSCo 2013-11-04
Meeting started by sesivany at 17:00:01 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (sesivany, 17:00:08)
- Robert sent regrets, he is on holidays
- Ticket #352 - EMEA Mentor Nomination: Keiran Smith [affix] (sesivany, 17:06:11)
- AGREED: FAmSCo agrees
to the EMEA mentor nomination for Keiran Smith (sesivany,
- Swag for APAC (sesivany, 17:16:28)
- ACTION: cwickert to
figure out where to send the pins for LATAM (cwickert,
- "10 years of Fedora" t-shirts (sesivany, 17:21:03)
- https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1309518/10%20years%20fedora.pdf
- ACTION: sesivany to
write Ruth and ask her about NA spendings and plans for
Q3-Q4. (sesivany,
- Openfloor (sesivany, 17:47:48)
Meeting ended at 17:57:04 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- cwickert to figure out where to send the pins for LATAM
- sesivany to write Ruth and ask her about NA spendings and plans for Q3-Q4.
Action items, by person
- cwickert
- cwickert to figure out where to send the pins for LATAM
- sesivany
- sesivany to write Ruth and ask her about NA spendings and plans for Q3-Q4.
People present (lines said)
- sesivany (78)
- cwickert (69)
- aeperezt (28)
- tuanta (22)
- zodbot (13)
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