16:01:37 <tuanta> #startmeeting 16:01:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 28 16:01:37 2014 UTC. The chair is tuanta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:57 <tuanta> #meetingname FAmSCo 2014-10-28 16:01:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_2014-10-28' 16:02:02 <tuanta> #topic Roll call 16:02:06 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 16:02:08 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 16:04:26 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 16:04:26 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@gmail.com> 16:04:53 <tuanta> ping masta robyduck 16:05:02 <cwickert> whoever is hosting this meeting, please make me chair 16:05:16 <tuanta> #chair cwickert 16:05:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert tuanta 16:05:27 <tuanta> just you and me today, cwickert 16:05:37 <cwickert> #info eischmann sent regrets, he forgot the time change and is still on his way home 16:05:55 <tuanta> yes, I just got his message on GTalk 16:06:47 <cwickert> is robyduck still traveling? 16:06:56 <tuanta> I think so 16:07:03 * cwickert to 16:07:18 <cwickert> #info robyduck is still traveling back from FUDCon LATAM 16:07:56 <tuanta> I don't see lbazan and y1nv 16:08:13 <tuanta> they may be too busy after FUDCon 16:08:22 <cwickert> ok, than it's just the two of us 16:08:30 <tuanta> yes 16:08:46 <tuanta> cwickert, have you got any urgent things to discuss? 16:09:00 <cwickert> yes, I have a question 16:09:14 <tuanta> new topic? 16:09:23 <cwickert> #topic FAmSCo/FOSCO representative for the Fedora Council 16:09:31 <cwickert> what was the ticket again? 16:09:52 * tuanta is looking for it 16:10:19 <cwickert> .famsco 371 16:10:20 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/371 16:11:01 <cwickert> tuanta: AFAIk you wanted to reach out to design and marketing if they were ok with us sending the first representative or nominate other candidates 16:11:06 <cwickert> did you get any feedback? 16:11:31 <tuanta> I got some questions to clarify things, and responded them 16:11:43 <tuanta> but no more nominations up to now 16:11:56 * cwickert reads.... 16:12:26 * masta is here 16:12:51 <tuanta> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2014-October/016626.html 16:13:39 <tuanta> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/design-team/2014-October/006984.html 16:13:50 <tuanta> there is no response from Design team 16:14:17 <cwickert> ok, it seems there were no nominations from design, but a lot of support for FOSCO, see https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2014-October/016732.html 16:14:32 <cwickert> s/design/marketing 16:14:59 <tuanta> yes, that's correct, cwickert 16:15:05 <cwickert> #info marketing supports the idea of a joined FOSCO but did not nominate any other candidates 16:16:18 <tuanta> hi masta sesivany 16:16:22 <cwickert> #chair sesivany 16:16:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert sesivany tuanta 16:16:23 <tuanta> #chair masta sesivany 16:16:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert masta sesivany tuanta 16:17:42 <cwickert> #info no feedback on FOSCO from design at all 16:17:51 <cwickert> ok, there is not much we can do 16:18:30 <tuanta> yes 16:18:38 <cwickert> as I am the one who got nominated, we (the board) agreed that I will get back to the two groups again. I will tell them to scream loud if they don't like me :) 16:18:59 <tuanta> :) 16:19:09 <cwickert> and otherwise, I would be considered as the first outreach representative until we come up with a better design to elect one 16:19:15 * sesivany is on phone, just reading. 16:19:55 <cwickert> #info cwickert to get in touch with marketing and design about him being the first outreach representative in the council and making a transition to somebody else later 16:20:02 <cwickert> ok, that's all that comes to my mind 16:20:19 <tuanta> I have no more ideas too 16:20:48 <cwickert> ok, I think we just end the meeting then 16:20:56 * cwickert is still at work and a bit busy 16:21:06 <tuanta> +1 16:21:17 <cwickert> sesivany: anything from your side? 16:21:19 <tuanta> let me do it and send the meeting logs over 16:21:25 <cwickert> ok, cool. 16:21:26 <tuanta> nothing today 16:21:42 <cwickert> tuanta: please don't forget to copy and paste the text summary as requested by mattdm 16:22:02 <tuanta> ok, will do that. 16:22:19 <tuanta> #endmeeting