15:00:24 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2014-11-18 15:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 18 15:00:24 2014 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:06 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 15:01:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 15:01:13 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 15:01:25 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 15:01:26 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 15:01:40 <sesivany> masta: ping 15:01:45 <sesivany> robyduck: ping 15:01:55 <sesivany> anyone here today? :) 15:02:01 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 15:02:03 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 15:02:49 <robyduck> lbazan: around? 15:03:43 <sesivany> eh, another meeting cancelled? :-( 15:03:50 <sesivany> let's give it a bit more time. 15:06:40 <robyduck> yes 15:07:31 <sesivany> looks like the new time doesn't work for people either :-( 15:07:51 <robyduck> sesivany: yup, was writing the same in this moment 15:07:59 <robyduck> :( 15:08:32 <robyduck> do we have any urgent topics for today? 15:08:59 <sesivany> we may want to revisit the idea of FOSCo. 15:09:17 <sesivany> FAmSCo doesn't seem to be very active lately. 15:09:20 * robyduck nods 15:10:13 <robyduck> sesivany: we should at least start the ambassadors cleanup, but we still are waiting to sort the wiki page out. 15:10:51 <robyduck> I don't know if cwickert reached kital for this, maybe we can talk a bit during FAD about it 15:11:12 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 15:11:13 <sesivany> robyduck: yes, we can bring it up at the FAD. 15:11:13 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 15:11:13 <robyduck> sesivany: btw I'll come too 15:11:18 <tuanta> sorry, I am late 15:11:26 <robyduck> hi tuanta 15:11:57 <robyduck> we are still under quorum :( 15:12:21 <sesivany> robyduck: I really am busy to do any of this stuff now. Moving from one position to another :-/ 15:12:42 <sesivany> any specific topic to discuss? 15:12:50 * tuanta has just arrived home :) 15:12:51 <sesivany> tuanta: what about the F21 media? 15:12:53 <robyduck> I know 15:13:21 <tuanta> sesivany, we discussed much in FAD but we have not decided yet 15:13:31 <tuanta> can we do that in this weekend meeting? 15:14:05 <sesivany> tuanta: ok, I'll wait for you till Monday. 15:14:14 <tuanta> thank you 15:14:19 <sesivany> but I'll have to order it on Monday. 15:14:37 <tuanta> ok. I will let you know just after the meeting on Saturday 15:14:47 <tuanta> latest, on Monday morning 15:15:01 <sesivany> #topic Open Floor 15:15:18 <sesivany> we should send out a call for release events. 15:15:27 <sesivany> I will work on it after the meeting. 15:15:50 <sesivany> #action sesivany to send out call for F21 release events 15:16:49 <robyduck> sesivany: we have also the badge again, same procedure as last year 15:17:20 <sesivany> anyone volunteering to file a ticket? :) 15:17:55 <robyduck> for Release Parties? 15:18:12 <sesivany> for the badge 15:18:19 <sesivany> in design team trac 15:18:31 <robyduck> sesivany: I filed it already, and it's approved and design done 15:18:43 <sesivany> robyduck: great 15:19:08 <sesivany> tuanta: any hightlights from the FAD? 15:19:45 <robyduck> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/318 15:20:20 * masta is here 15:20:22 <robyduck> https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/lets-have-a-party-fedora-21 15:20:27 <masta> hello 15:20:32 <robyduck> hi masta 15:20:34 <tuanta> sesivany, we have done a really nice job. Hopefully, next year, we will have a much better plan 15:21:16 <tuanta> we will have more reports next a few days 15:23:36 <sesivany> anything else to discuss today? There is not much to talk about if there are just 3/7 of us. 15:24:06 <robyduck> we are 4 15:24:42 <robyduck> so we have also a quorum 15:25:58 <sesivany> ok, so anything you want to discuss? :) 15:26:09 <sesivany> any opinions on FOSCo? 15:26:24 <sesivany> when do you think the transition should happen? 15:26:37 <sesivany> #topic FOSCo 15:27:22 <tuanta> the election is often after release date, right? 15:27:41 <sesivany> I think we should make the change as soon as possible. Ideally with the next elections, but it does require some work. 15:27:55 <robyduck> I think FAmSCo already transfered most of the power to the single Regions and that is fine, so maybe we should make it happening asap, probably at the end of this release cycle 15:29:09 <sesivany> ok, let's discuss it with Matt then. 15:29:27 <robyduck> sesivany: do you have any ideas about what we need to make it happen? 15:30:39 <robyduck> I mean, which priorities we have we can work on already 15:30:40 <sesivany> robyduck: I don't think there are any immediate changes in governance needed. FOSCo can just take over all roles of FAmSCo and we will see how it will work and make changes eventually. 15:30:58 <tuanta> +1 sesivany 15:31:14 * robyduck agrees 15:31:24 <sesivany> so it's more about figuring out how FOSCo should look, make changes on wiki FAmSCo->FOSCo, organize elections,... 15:32:03 <sesivany> for example my idea was to have a representative from each regions instead of general elections among ambassadors. 15:32:30 <sesivany> that would assure we always have representatives from all regions. 15:32:31 <robyduck> as alternative we could follow the same elections process as for FAmSCo 15:33:05 <tuanta> sesivany, if we do that, will have more elections (inside regions), right? 15:33:14 <robyduck> but we can't force anyone to candidate 15:34:06 <sesivany> tuanta: it doesn't have to be formal elections, they can just appoint someone and it's up to the region how they pick the person. 15:34:49 <robyduck> yes, that can be done during a regional meeting 15:34:49 <tuanta> what's happen if there are more than one candidates in a region? 15:34:54 <sesivany> most people in the new Council are not elected either. 15:36:00 <sesivany> tuanta: the region needs to come up with one person. That process of choosing one person from several candidates could be their business. 15:36:18 <sesivany> I think the decision making in regions has been working quite well. 15:36:58 <tuanta> not sure here. in APAC, there are a few ambassadors joining into meetings 15:36:59 <sesivany> we can have 4 members appointed by regions and 3 elected in elections. 15:37:11 <tuanta> but, I am ok with it 15:37:20 <tuanta> we should try then improve 15:37:24 <sesivany> it's just an idea. 15:37:41 <robyduck> sesivany: I like this kind of process 15:37:53 <robyduck> 4 appointed and 3 elected 15:38:02 * tuanta agrees 15:38:11 <tuanta> it may work 15:38:41 <tuanta> and other groups would have chances 15:39:15 <tuanta> but what if other Outreach groups have no representative in FOSCo? 15:39:16 <sesivany> #info We agree that it's probably a good idea to proceed with FOSCo change ASAP. 15:39:57 <sesivany> tuanta: that's a question, the elections would definitely be open to them as well as to ambassadors. 15:40:33 <robyduck> tuanta: then they wouldn't have any representative, it's the way these kind of things work IMHO 15:41:11 <robyduck> I mean, if they have a good candidate, it will be probably elected. 15:41:42 <tuanta> I definitely think, at least, e.g. Marketing team, shouldhave a representative 15:42:23 <robyduck> tuanta: I would not divide groups 15:42:53 <robyduck> most marketing guys are also ambassadors, I don't see this as a really problem 15:43:41 <robyduck> same for docs or even websites 15:43:54 <tuanta> robyduck, we would not do that, of course 15:44:18 <sesivany> representatives of regions are not necessarily representatives of ambassadors. 15:44:51 <tuanta> but we need to think about a fair enough way to make each group more chances to have representative 15:44:52 <sesivany> having them on FOSCo makes sure the committee also has some local insight. 15:45:11 <robyduck> sesivany: +1 15:47:27 <sesivany> #info Idea to discuss: FOSCo would have 4 members appointed by regions and 3 elected members. 15:47:44 <tuanta> +1 sesivany 15:48:12 <sesivany> tuanta: the representatives of regions don't necessarily have to be ambassadors. They could also be members of the marketing or design groups. 15:49:30 <tuanta> sesivany, AFAIK, ambassadors group is the only one divided into regions 15:49:41 <tuanta> others do not do that 15:49:51 <robyduck> most likely representatives are _also_ ambassadors and not _only_ ambassadors 15:50:28 <sesivany> tuanta: yeah, they will most likely be ambassadors, but I would not put it as hard requirements. 15:51:27 <sesivany> anyway I don't think groups are the same thing as regions and need to have assured members in the committee. 15:51:42 <tuanta> ok 15:52:44 * sesivany will have to leave soon, anything else? 15:53:14 <tuanta> so am I 15:53:17 <robyduck> no, but it was good to start talking about FOSCo 15:53:26 <tuanta> +1 robyduck 15:53:33 <sesivany> ok, see you next week then! 15:53:48 <tuanta> should we send a message to ml to discuss more? 15:53:49 <robyduck> thx sesivany 15:54:06 <robyduck> see you all next week 15:54:13 <sesivany> #endmeeting