16:01:09 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2015-01-06 16:01:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 6 16:01:09 2015 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:11 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 16:01:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 16:01:13 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 16:01:27 <sesivany> robyduck: ping 16:01:33 <sesivany> masta: ping 16:01:36 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 16:01:36 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 16:03:06 <sesivany> i haven't seen any regrets. 16:03:16 <sesivany> so theoretically everyone should be here :) 16:03:23 <tuanta> :) 16:04:37 <tuanta> I am also in another meeting (Server WG) 16:04:48 <sesivany> tuanta: I heard the DVDs arrived to Beijing, any updates on the packages to Singapore? 16:05:06 <tuanta> yes, nice. I heard that too. Thanks 16:05:17 <tuanta> no more updates from Singapore 16:06:30 <sesivany> tuanta: btw it's time to start planning budgets for FY2016, we should come up with something in 2 weeks. 16:07:43 <tuanta> sesivany, yes, we had a nice FAD in PP and we have done a draft already 16:07:53 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014/events 16:08:07 <tuanta> that is the first FAD in APAC for budget planning 16:08:23 <sesivany> aeperezt: are you also already working on the FY16 budget for LATAM? 16:08:55 <aeperezt> sesivany, yes 16:09:30 <aeperezt> happy new year famsco 16:10:07 <tuanta> thanks aeperezt :) 16:10:11 <tuanta> same to you 16:10:42 <sesivany> aeperezt: to you too! 16:11:09 <sesivany> aeperezt: how about FUDCon LATAM 2015? Any potential bids? 16:12:01 <aeperezt> sesivany, not sure who will submit but hear intentions from Argentina, Mexico and Ecuador 16:13:38 <tuanta> APAC regional community voted to support Pune, India to held APAC FUDCon 2015 16:13:41 <tuanta> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/famsco/2014-December/001647.html 16:13:42 <sesivany> aeperezt: all the countries sound good! 16:13:57 <aeperezt> sesivany, yes 16:14:06 <tuanta> +1 sesivany. quite potential 16:14:07 * masta is here 16:14:24 <sesivany> #topic FUDCon APAC 2015 16:14:41 * sesivany is reading it... 16:16:22 <tuanta> Pune did a great preparation 16:17:38 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Pune_2015 16:18:02 <sesivany> tuanta: can you please sum up the reasons why you chose Pune over Cambodia? 16:18:30 <sesivany> tuanta: I don't want to object that, just would like to know the reasons. 16:19:01 <tuanta> yes, sesivany 16:19:56 <tuanta> one reason is there is a big Fedora community in Pune and that bid is supported by Red Hat Pune as well 16:20:49 <tuanta> while Cambodian team would have to face a big problem with money (spend first then get reimbursement) 16:20:50 <sesivany> tuanta: Red Hat India will provide additional budget, too, if I read correctly. 16:20:59 <tuanta> yes, correct 16:21:31 <tuanta> Cambodian team is growing but too small now (especially compared to Pune one) 16:21:56 <tuanta> we had a big problem with money for the last Phnom Penh FAD 16:22:35 <tuanta> siddesh and myself had to bring cash there to pay for almost stuffs 16:22:53 <sesivany> tuanta: I see 16:23:08 <tuanta> they got difficulties to prepare enough money 16:23:28 <tuanta> and also PayPal could not be used in Cambodia 16:23:44 <sesivany> tuanta: I also told gnokii that it'd be better for them to wait one more year, get ready, and prepare a great FUDCon in FY2016. 16:24:07 <tuanta> yes, APAC community agreed with that 16:24:59 <tuanta> it's best to hold other events first to build up the community 16:25:03 <tuanta> in PP 16:26:12 <tuanta> if they are active in 2015, they can do a lot of things and make more chances for themselves for their next FUDCon bids 16:26:17 <sesivany> I don't really have any objections to the Pune bid. They have a strong community, the bid seems to be well done, they have support of Red Hat India,... 16:26:46 <tuanta> yes, so do I 16:27:10 <sesivany> the only downside I see is that FUDCon has already been in India several times, but that's really the only minus and if we have the strongest community in APAC there, why not. 16:27:10 <tuanta> I voted for them during the regional meeting 16:27:26 <tuanta> yes, I think so 16:27:41 <tuanta> until other parts of APAC are ready enough 16:28:14 <tuanta> I myself want to have FUDCon in Vietnam, but it is impossible at this moment since the community here is not strong enough 16:29:48 <tuanta> APAC need nice annual FUDCon to grow up ourselves more and more 16:30:10 <sesivany> tuanta: it's just two of us, but I think it's not any kind of legal decision, so I think we can say that FAmSCo has reviewed the bid and agrees with the choice. Or should we wait till the next meeting? 16:30:32 <tuanta> yes, I think we can 16:30:58 <tuanta> it has been sent over the FAmSCo mailing list for weeks 16:31:10 <sesivany> ok 16:31:11 <tuanta> and there is no objection 16:31:42 <tuanta> the final decision is up to FPL 16:31:57 <sesivany> #info FAmSCo has reviewed the FUDCon Pune bid and agrees with the choice. 16:32:04 * masta has to go now 16:32:04 <tuanta> and another important stuff is OSAS as they decide budget 16:32:07 <masta> bye 16:32:30 <tuanta> I hope FPL and OSAS will support us 16:32:34 <sesivany> masta: bye 16:32:41 <tuanta> bye masta 16:34:12 <tuanta> next topic, I would like to discuss about how we can manage transaction fees for reimbursements 16:34:32 <tuanta> it has been also posted onto the list 16:34:33 <sesivany> #topic Transaction fees for reimbursements 16:34:41 <tuanta> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/famsco/2015-January/001654.html 16:34:56 <tuanta> it is bigger and bigger in APAC now 16:35:42 <tuanta> I myself lost hundreds bucks in that :( 16:36:12 <tuanta> so it is a hot topic in recent regional meetings 16:36:25 <sesivany> the problem is that the rule for credit card holders is: no receipt, no reimbursement. They can't reimburse more than it's on the receipt. 16:36:38 <tuanta> yes, correct 16:36:43 <sesivany> what is a transaction fee in APAC? 16:36:50 <sesivany> percentage or fix? 16:37:21 <tuanta> for PayPal, it is in percentage 16:37:33 <robyduck> hi, sorry 16:37:40 <tuanta> + a small fix amount 16:37:44 <sesivany> how much? 1%, 5%? 16:37:46 <tuanta> hi robyduck :) 16:38:14 * tuanta is double checking 16:38:31 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/167 16:38:37 * robyduck reads backlog 16:39:02 <tuanta> it is different among countries 16:39:12 <tuanta> but usually, it is about 4-5% 16:39:58 <tuanta> just PayPal fee 16:40:22 <sesivany> my opinion is that we cover all travel and lodging expenses for someone to go to an event, I don't think it's such a big issue to contribute <5 % from his pocket. Many projects have 80:20 rule. They support people only up to 80 % of total costs. We (ideally) support people up to 100%. Of course, if someone needs to pay expenses for some event, e.g. FAD from his pocket, the expenses are not really related to him, it's a different 16:40:24 <sesivany> question. 16:41:40 <tuanta> yes, it is reasonable enough, but it could not applied to all people in all cases 16:42:45 <sesivany> tuanta: so if for example you need to pay expenses for FAD in cash, it's legitimate to reimburse you 100%, but if someone is flown to FUDCon to attend and Fedora pays his airfare and hotel, I think he/she could cover the transation fees. 16:43:09 <tuanta> sesivany, it is make sense 16:43:14 <sesivany> tuanta: that's why I think it's probably better to accumulate the fees and ask for reimbursement in a separate ticket. 16:43:39 <sesivany> where he/she can explain why transaction fees should be reimbursed. 16:43:48 <tuanta> yes, that way is fair enough 16:44:01 <tuanta> we can decide case by case 16:44:22 <tuanta> we can pre-define almost cases in advance 16:44:34 <sesivany> but we have to consult it with credit card holders. 16:44:42 <tuanta> write onto a wiki for reference 16:44:45 <tuanta> yes, sesivany 16:44:50 <tuanta> also, another lost is currency exchange difference between PayPal and the real world 16:45:55 <sesivany> hmm... those are kind of hidden costs that are very difficult to legally reimburse :/ 16:46:11 <robyduck> tuanta: you are not obliged to change dollars 16:46:28 <tuanta> for example, when I exchanged vnd to usd to bring to FAD PP it is about 21500 vnd/usd but when I withdraw it from PayPal (after got reimbursement) it is just about 20500 vnd/usd 16:46:29 <robyduck> I think that's not something we can reimburse 16:47:33 <tuanta> it is also a big different, maybe equal to transaction fees 16:47:53 <sesivany> even I as a Red Hat employee don't get reimbursed for exchange differences. If I go to a business trip, I exchange money in an exchange office where I get the "BUY" rate, but when I make an expense report in Red Hat, I'm reimbursed in "MIDDLE" rate :-( 16:48:15 <tuanta> :) 16:48:21 <tuanta> that is just an excample 16:48:28 <tuanta> s/example 16:48:30 <robyduck> sesivany: tuanta: I think that's correct, how would you handle this otherwise? 16:49:01 <tuanta> "middle" rate would be a good way too 16:50:04 <tuanta> in my case, I lost over $50 after FAD PP, just for a total amount of $550 16:50:20 <tuanta> it is a big lost. Do you think so? 16:50:40 <tuanta> about 10% 16:50:47 <sesivany> tuanta: I understand it's an important issue and it's bad if people have to pay such things from their pockets, but it's really difficult legally. Even community credit cards as they are now is a big compromise for RH financials and legal. I think we should gather all relevant people for discussion at Flock. It's not an issue we will solve in 2 months. 16:51:16 <tuanta> yes, sesivany 16:51:42 <sesivany> frankly, I don't know what is legally possible and what is not. 16:52:42 <tuanta> it is also available in EMEA, right? 16:52:46 <sesivany> the best way is to have a redhatter with a corporate credit card, when we had a FAD in Rheinland, I paid everything with my corporate credit card and no reimbursement was needed. 16:52:47 <tuanta> similar? 16:53:09 <tuanta> it is a good solution too 16:53:31 <sesivany> I didn't lose any money on exchange rare because Red Hat was charged directly. 16:53:35 <tuanta> in the past, it was fine enough when Harish did his job to support us 16:54:06 <tuanta> but now, Izhar is not a RedHatter :( 16:54:09 <sesivany> I only had to create an expanse report and have it transferred to OSAS cost center. 16:54:35 <tuanta> it is an ideal case :) 16:54:44 <sesivany> can credit card holders pay directly or only reimburse via PayPal? 16:55:03 <sesivany> because I think they can work the same way I do. 16:55:05 <tuanta> most of the times, he does reimburse 16:55:26 <sesivany> it's a credit card issued on behalf of Red Hat after all. 16:55:52 <tuanta> one thing is because he could not available at the time we need to spend money 16:55:59 <tuanta> on the other hand, 16:56:12 <tuanta> people in APAC usually use cash 16:56:51 <tuanta> cc is more and more popular, but in most cases, we can pay in cash only 16:57:02 <sesivany> and they cannot withdraw cash from ATM, right? 16:57:07 <sesivany> at least I can't. 16:57:08 <tuanta> yes 16:57:12 <tuanta> he can not 16:57:40 <tuanta> Izhar can not do that with his cc 16:57:51 <tuanta> I can do it with my personal cc 16:58:01 <tuanta> but it is not a community card :) 16:58:11 <sesivany> but as I said, about this we need to talk to credit card holders and Ruth. I'm trying to help kital in EMEA as much as possible, but don't know much about community cc specifics. 16:58:25 <robyduck> +1 sesivany 16:58:40 <tuanta> kital got a simialr problem, I think 16:58:49 <tuanta> he did support APAC for a while 16:59:03 <tuanta> and the problem is also there 16:59:18 <tuanta> at his side 16:59:29 <tuanta> even he is more strict than izhar :) 17:00:24 <tuanta> we have not talked about Western Union yet 17:00:31 <tuanta> it is much much worse 17:00:49 <sesivany> I guess they charge much more than PayPal. 17:01:21 <tuanta> we had to use that way a few times to reimburse for Cambodian team 17:01:31 <tuanta> let me say that: 17:01:31 <robyduck> and for this reason we should avoid WU 17:02:36 <tuanta> 1. izhar had to sent money (as in the receipt) to his PayPal; 2. he withdraw it to his bank; 3. he withdrew from the bank. and 4. send it to Cambodia over WU 17:03:29 <tuanta> aster the whole process, it lost about 20-25% or more 17:04:21 <tuanta> that's also why I can not vote for Cambodian bid 17:04:43 <tuanta> they will have to face a really big problem when holding the FUDCon 17:04:56 <tuanta> :) 17:05:03 <robyduck> I think we cannot discuss every single operation, it's up to CC holders and Ruth, IMHO. 17:05:18 <tuanta> yes, robyduck 17:05:24 <tuanta> time is up today too 17:05:42 <tuanta> hope you can feel the actual situation 17:05:54 <tuanta> after my "speech" 17:05:56 <sesivany> ok, thank you for coming, it was a productive meeting discussion-wise in the end. 17:05:57 <tuanta> :) 17:06:19 <robyduck> but did you vote about FUDCon? 17:06:25 <tuanta> thanks sesivany robyduck 17:06:29 <sesivany> robyduck: yes, we did. 17:06:33 <tuanta> yes robyduck 17:06:39 <sesivany> robyduck: we just reviewed it. 17:06:48 <sesivany> robyduck: FPL decides. 17:06:51 <tuanta> "we" agreed to support Pune 17:07:01 <robyduck> Pune again? 17:07:08 <tuanta> yes 17:07:25 <robyduck> tuanta: "we" you mean you had a quorum? 17:07:49 <tuanta> no, robyduck just two of us, before you attend 17:08:13 <tuanta> I think it has been sent over the list for weeks 17:08:20 <robyduck> we should first vote all on this, before passing it to FPL 17:08:24 <robyduck> nope 17:08:37 <tuanta> and there is no objection 17:08:43 <tuanta> we can not vote is this meeting 17:08:54 <robyduck> but we can vote on ML 17:09:04 <robyduck> or an official ticket 17:09:05 <tuanta> yes, we can do that 17:09:15 <sesivany> robyduck: it's not about voting, it's about reviewing the bid, we're not to make a decision. 17:09:53 <tuanta> it is best if we can make a consensus 17:10:03 <robyduck> I know, but I don't understand why we don't give a chance to other communities 17:10:25 <tuanta> robyduck, you meant PP team? 17:10:26 <robyduck> there were 4 FUDCons and 2 of them were in India 17:10:35 <tuanta> or which communities? 17:10:39 <robyduck> it's not about PP, it's about every local community 17:10:56 <tuanta> ah, yes. it make sense to me 17:11:05 <robyduck> I next year we have Vietnam, or Indonesia, and again India, what will happen? 17:11:14 <tuanta> back to our discussion before you came 17:11:20 <tuanta> I told sesivany that 17:11:28 <robyduck> We should try to get other communitites and countries involved, that's my opinion 17:11:31 <sesivany> robyduck: there were two bids, and we spent 30 minutes discussing how difficult it is to get money to Cambodia just to organize a FAD. 17:11:36 <tuanta> "I myself want to have FUDCon in Vietnam, but it is impossible at this moment since the community here is not strong enough" 17:12:17 <robyduck> tuanta: if you co-host the event (as PP) it is a great thing, we saw this last year in Beijing 17:12:21 <tuanta> +1 sesivany. it is one of the biggest problems for PP team 17:12:46 <sesivany> robyduck: yes, we should get other countries involved, but it's a task for 2016, now it's too late to get countries involved, we have two bids and we have to choose one of them because the event is just a few months away. 17:13:13 <tuanta> China team is much more active and bigger than Cambodian one 17:13:20 <robyduck> it's 5 or 9 months away 17:13:40 <sesivany> tuanta explained why he didn't propose a Vietnamese bid. 17:13:41 <robyduck> ok, then I'll add a +1 to PP from my side, for the record. Sorry for attending late today 17:14:45 <sesivany> anything else today? 17:14:57 <tuanta> nope from me 17:15:14 <robyduck> no, see ya next week 17:15:20 <sesivany> ok, see you! 17:15:22 <tuanta> yes, see you 17:15:25 <sesivany> #endmeeting