16:05:03 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2015-01-20 16:05:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 20 16:05:03 2015 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:05:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:05:08 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 16:05:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 16:05:15 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 16:05:18 <lbazan> .fas lbazan 16:05:19 <zodbot> lbazan: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <bazanluis20@gmail.com> 16:05:19 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 16:05:22 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 16:06:05 <tuanta_> .fas tuanta 16:06:07 <zodbot> tuanta_: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 16:06:56 <sesivany> #info sesivany asked the Council to approve the mandate extension of current FAmSCo members. 16:07:09 <lbazan> sesivany: ok 16:07:17 <lbazan> sesivany: I was a little busy, excuse my absence at previous meetings. 16:07:24 <sesivany> #info the discussion on what FOSCo should look like has been started. 16:07:39 <tuanta_> And it has been approved, hasn't it? 16:07:41 <sesivany> lbazan: no problem, I've missed a couple of meetings too. 16:07:59 <sesivany> tuanta_: let me check... 16:08:53 <sesivany> tuanta_: we got 4 votes from council members, not sure if it's enough and what the procedure is. 16:09:03 <tuanta_> ok 16:09:05 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/20 16:10:00 <sesivany> anyway, we've got one ticket to discuss today... 16:10:31 <sesivany> our favorite one :) 16:10:39 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/375 16:10:54 <tuanta_> :) 16:11:00 <lbazan> xD 16:11:01 <sesivany> it's related to India, but I don't want to solve this just for India. 16:11:25 <sesivany> have we ever executed the script to make inactive ambassadors inactive? 16:11:43 <sesivany> I'd like to know how it would solve the problem in India. 16:12:07 <sesivany> how many ambassadors identified by kushal would be caught by the script. 16:12:42 <tuanta_> kushal got this list by running the same script, I think 16:12:52 <sesivany> maybe robyduck would know more? 16:13:10 <tuanta_> yes, we miss him :) 16:13:26 <sesivany> ok, then we need to find an owner for the task to run the script regularly. 16:13:53 <sesivany> because it's been ratified, the wiki has been changed in accordance, but it's still not in action. 16:14:06 <lbazan> if so only 2011 2012 2013 inactive 16:14:48 <tuanta_> robyduck is in charge I think, he is a volunteer 16:15:12 <lbazan> sesivany: I can take this action 16:15:19 <lbazan> with robyduck 16:15:35 <sesivany> ok 16:16:30 <sesivany> #action lbazan, robyduck to find a way to run the script to mark inactive ambassadors as inactive asap. 16:17:16 <sesivany> lbazan: I'm not much familiar with our infra, so I don't know what it takes to make it happen. 16:17:56 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 16:17:57 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 16:17:59 <sesivany> but I guess you need to run it under an account who has admin rights in the ambassadors FAS group- 16:18:13 * robyduck on the train 16:18:38 <lbazan> I'll talk to robyduck for ask about the script 16:18:42 <lbazan> robyduck: ok 16:19:05 <tuanta_> if it needs a admin right, please tell me, I can involve 16:19:16 <robyduck> yes,no rights needed.It's just a query against fas cache and fedmsg 16:19:56 <lbazan> robyduck: ok 16:21:39 <sesivany> robyduck: but that's just for identifying the ambassadors? 16:21:53 <sesivany> robyduck: then you need rights to make them inactive in FAS, right? 16:23:48 <robyduck> yes but first I'll send out an email to those who were inactive 16:24:07 <sesivany> robyduck: ok 16:24:15 <lbazan> robyduck: only have rights to erase the user 16:24:21 <lbazan> robyduck: +1 16:24:44 <robyduck> and IIRC there should be an infra sop to do a bulk action to set them inactive 16:24:48 <sesivany> robyduck: the thing is that we got a request from India to do it for Indian ambassadors, but I'd like to finally make it happen for all, because the task is long overdue. 16:25:01 <robyduck> I saw it 16:25:26 <robyduck> I'm ok with kushal, he knows better than anyone else what's going on in India actually 16:26:00 <tuanta_> I can also mark them inactive manually 16:26:02 <robyduck> but I'd match his query with the amba script 16:26:18 <tuanta_> but first, follow the process to make sure that we need to do it 16:26:19 <robyduck> tuanta_: a lot of work 16:26:38 <tuanta_> processing 34 users, it is not a lot :) 16:26:41 <robyduck> we will have about 150 accounts at the end of the process I guess 16:27:12 * robyduck is lazy,likes bulk actions :) 16:27:17 <sesivany> robyduck: but we decided to stick with the script and don't rely on personal decisions, that's why I'd rather execute the script which will solve it for kushal too. 16:27:28 <tuanta_> the problem is manual edit could lead a mistake :) 16:27:39 <tuanta_> so +1 for bulk auto process 16:27:43 <robyduck> sesivany: agree, good point 16:27:54 <lbazan> tuanta_: +1 16:28:58 <sesivany> robyduck: I don't want to get into a situation when people would accuse each other of personal attacks or unfair treating, the script has clear conditions. 16:30:55 <robyduck> yes 16:31:05 <robyduck> I'll run it later 16:31:53 <robyduck> hopefully it still works,we had some changes lately in FAS, but I'll have it running 16:33:03 <sesivany> ok, that's all from me today, will have to end earlier, anything else to discuss? 16:33:32 <lbazan> sesivany: nope 16:33:49 * robyduck updated the budget for pythin.it 16:34:04 <tuanta_> no more from me 16:34:06 <lbazan> FUDCon bids period was extended until tomorrow. 16:34:08 <lbazan> in latam 16:34:15 <lbazan> Latam actually only have one bid (good bid) 16:34:20 <lbazan> Argentina 16:34:26 <lbazan> FYI 16:34:29 <lbazan> :-) 16:34:48 <robyduck> sesivany: when we need to set the budget deadline? 16:34:50 <sesivany> lbazan: same place that already made a bid last year? 16:34:52 <tuanta_> ah, one thing 16:34:59 <sesivany> #topic Open floor 16:35:28 <tuanta_> sesivany, I sent reminder to Matthew twice for FUDCon APAC 2015 16:35:30 <lbazan> if this year is its improved version. 16:35:36 <lbazan> tomorrow we will know if there is a second bid 16:35:40 <sesivany> #info FUDCon 2015 LATAM call for bids has been extended, so far one bid (from Argentina). 16:35:42 <tuanta_> but he has not responded yet 16:36:27 <tuanta_> what should I do more now to make him pay more a attention to? 16:38:30 <robyduck> just wait. 16:38:35 <lbazan> robyduck: +1 16:39:22 * robyduck not really happy with the communication about what was agreed here,without quorum but anyway 16:39:23 <sesivany> tuanta_: keep nagging 16:39:30 <robyduck> :) 16:39:52 <robyduck> ok anything else? 16:39:55 <tuanta_> ok :) 16:39:59 <sesivany> tuanta_: Matthew seems to be a bit behind the task roll after Christmas. 16:40:10 <sesivany> there is a lot for him to do nowadays. 16:40:11 <tuanta_> ýe, I sê 16:40:26 <robyduck> budget deadline? 16:40:41 <tuanta_> I will also try to look for him on IRC 16:41:13 <tuanta_> actually, I have no idea about the deadline 16:42:26 <tuanta_> ok, no more stuff today 16:43:53 <sesivany> robyduck: you mean budget for FY2016? 16:44:13 * sesivany is at two meetings at the same time, sorry for lags... 16:44:55 <robyduck> yes I mean that 16:45:08 <robyduck> sorry connection comes and goes.... 16:46:20 <sesivany> robyduck: the end of January 16:46:59 <sesivany> robyduck: I already have a draft for EMEA: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Budget:2016 16:48:15 <robyduck> yeah O know,kust wondered about deadline 16:48:18 <robyduck> thanks 16:48:38 <robyduck> all for me today 16:48:39 <lbazan> sesivany: I'll talk to aeperezt for more information about budget 16:49:07 <sesivany> robyduck: it's still open, but I'd like to finalize it within a week, there will be a chance to sneak something in until we approve it in FAmSCo. 16:49:18 <lbazan> all for me too 16:50:47 <robyduck> +1 to finish it asap 16:51:07 <robyduck> then see tou next week 16:53:24 <tuanta_> sesivany, could you end the meeting please 16:53:39 <sesivany> tuanta_: sorry 16:53:43 <sesivany> #endmeeting