16:00:24 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2014-03-24 16:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 24 16:00:24 2015 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:26 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 16:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 16:00:30 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 16:00:38 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 16:00:40 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 16:00:50 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 16:00:51 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 16:01:58 <robyduck> I cannot see any others around, neither in other channels. And Tuan sent regrets 16:02:41 <sesivany> robyduck: ok, maybe we will have to cancel the meeting, let's wait a couple of more minutes. 16:03:40 <sesivany> robyduck: btw I got an invitation to a fosco kickoff 16:03:50 <sesivany> robyduck: it should be at 10pm tonight. 16:04:04 <sesivany> decause: do you know anything about it? 16:04:31 <robyduck> nice 16:04:48 <decause> sesivany: 5pm est tonight 16:05:08 <decause> 10pm cet iirc 16:05:14 <sesivany> decause: yes 16:07:48 <decause> pintomatic has the rough agenda 16:08:21 <sesivany> decause: how was the librefest or whatever the event you were going to is called? 16:09:13 <decause> amaze 16:09:30 <decause> so much freedom :) 16:10:02 <decause> FSF conference with lots of active upstream projects 16:12:46 <sesivany> decause: nice, was RMS present? :) 16:12:55 <decause> yep 16:13:09 <decause> he gave the opening keynote 16:16:58 <sesivany> robyduck: ok, let's cancel the meeting, no other member has showed up today. 16:17:20 <robyduck> ok, I've sent out the mail to inactive ambassadors 16:17:31 <robyduck> next week I'll run the script again 16:17:45 <sesivany> decause: this is why we need new blood and new committee, our activity and attendance has been low in the last months :-/ 16:18:06 <decause> sesivany: nod nod 16:18:18 <sesivany> #endmeeting