15:00:03 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM & AArch64 Status Meeting 15:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 12 15:00:03 2015 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:03 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen bconoboy pbrobinson dgilmore hrw jsmith kyle dmarlin 15:00:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: bconoboy dgilmore dmarlin hrw jsmith kyle pbrobinson pwhalen 15:00:07 <pwhalen> good morning all 15:00:11 * pbrobinson is here 15:00:33 <bconoboy> howdy 15:01:42 <pwhalen> who else is with us today? 15:02:38 <pwhalen> good morning kylem 15:03:15 <pwhalen> alright, seems have enough, lets get started 15:03:21 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== 15:03:38 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, how're we lookign this week? 15:04:01 <pbrobinson> not bad 15:04:34 <pbrobinson> there's some issues with rawhide koji-shadow is acting weird 15:04:44 <pbrobinson> strace issue is currently looking OK 15:04:47 <pwhalen> ugh, for all secondaries? 15:05:01 <pbrobinson> not sure TBH, I need to investigate more 15:05:04 <hrw> sorry for late 15:05:22 <pwhalen> #info Currently an issue with koji-shadow on rawhide for aarch64. 15:05:29 * jsmith won't be ableto join today 15:05:51 <pwhalen> #info Strace issue is currently looking OK 15:06:14 <pwhalen> anything blocking, or not able to tell until shadow is working again? 15:06:59 <pbrobinson> not sure TBH, need to look at it closer 15:07:44 <pwhalen> we'll revisit next week after youve had some time with it... 15:07:54 <pwhalen> anyone else aware of any package issues? 15:08:44 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== 15:09:10 <pbrobinson> so I think the kernel for F-22 is now pretty much done and dustted 15:09:21 <pbrobinson> anyone know of any pressing issues that might block release? 15:09:41 <pbrobinson> with the new APM firmware I think everything on aarch64 is looking pretty decent as well. 15:10:03 <pbrobinson> in rawhide sphere we're up to 4.1rc3 now so things starting to settle there too 15:11:29 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, any feedback thus far? issues? 15:11:50 <ahs3> is it the assumption that final 4.1 will be the f22 kernel? 15:12:13 <hrw> ahs3: 4.0 is f22 kernel afaik 15:12:43 <pwhalen> right, with 4.1 as an update 15:12:46 <pbrobinson> ahs3: nope, 4.0.x will be 15:12:46 <pwhalen> iiuc 15:13:02 <ahs3> ah, ok. i had just lost track :( 15:13:20 <pbrobinson> ahs3: at the moment it's 4.0.2 unless there's something that comes in that's a blocker/FE 15:14:15 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, i know you have been busy working on the raspberry pi2 kernel, anything worth mentioning there? other hw enablement? 15:14:22 <pbrobinson> nope 15:14:25 <pbrobinson> need more time 15:15:03 <pwhalen> ok, thanks for looking at it 15:15:18 <pwhalen> anyone else have anything worth mentioning for our kernel? testing done? feedback? 15:16:22 <hrw> graphics cards fail to work but I forgot when last time it was working 15:16:44 <hrw> have one day do clean mainline build, check and report 15:16:49 <pbrobinson> hrw: TBH we're not really currently looking to support that on the currently supported HW 15:16:52 <pwhalen> hrw, this is for the mustang..i think you might be the only one testing it 15:17:01 <hrw> pbrobinson: I know. 15:17:18 <hrw> pwhalen: asked about ;anything; 15:17:50 <pwhalen> sure., thanks :) do let us know if you make progress 15:18:18 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== F22 armhfp - TC3 ==== 15:18:27 <pwhalen> #info === Please help test, add results to the wiki 15:18:28 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Summary 15:19:04 <pbrobinson> I'm going to be trying to rebuild a bunch of my devices this week with TC3 15:19:04 <pwhalen> we have some issues still outstanding 15:19:09 <pbrobinson> got a list? 15:19:15 <pwhalen> #info == Identified Issues so far (from previous TC's) == 15:19:20 <pwhalen> #info Firefox segfaults on armhfp 15:19:20 <pwhalen> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1211660 15:20:10 <pwhalen> doubt its changed, but i havent tested it again 15:21:02 <pbrobinson> I can likely test on the Jetson later and try and get some useful info 15:21:11 <pwhalen> ah right, i need to test the latest here, should be included in TC3 15:21:29 <pwhalen> if someone does test, please update the bz 15:22:02 <pwhalen> #info GDB fails with Cannot parse expression `.L1055 4@r4' 15:22:02 <pwhalen> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1196181 15:22:41 <pwhalen> has anyone had a chance to look at this? 15:23:42 <pbrobinson> kylem was going to last week 15:25:01 <pwhalen> kylem, if you did , could you update the bz when you get a chance. many thanks! 15:25:12 <pwhalen> #info F22 Beta RC1 progress bar does not update 15:25:12 <pwhalen> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1210042 15:25:14 <kylem> haven't really had a chance yet, will do so today 15:25:22 <pwhalen> thanks kylem 15:26:07 <pwhalen> #info text not GUI initial-setup runs on Xfce install 15:26:07 <pwhalen> #info note - not limited to Xfce 15:26:07 <pwhalen> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1185447 15:26:12 <pbrobinson> kylem: thanks 15:26:37 <pbrobinson> I dropped the ball on initial-setup, let me update the bug today and deal with the work around 15:27:19 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, thanks. its an accepted FE, so we can still get it fixed 15:27:29 <pwhalen> thats all i had. 15:27:49 <kylem> did we ever get any progress on the console= issue with encrypted root? 15:28:00 <pwhalen> of those, i think the ff issue is the most visible issue 15:28:08 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: my workaround is kickstart based so I just need to push it before we go RC cycle 15:28:09 <pwhalen> kylem, we did not. 15:28:18 <kylem> ok. i'll add that and firefox back to my queue. 15:28:19 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, even easier 15:28:27 <pbrobinson> kylem I think msalter was looking at it 15:28:41 <kylem> i haven't seen him mention it in a while. 15:29:28 <pwhalen> kylem, do we have a priority for those issues? ie which will you tackle first? 15:29:30 <pbrobinson> it was mentioned last week from memory 15:29:41 <pwhalen> yes, msalter was for sure looking at it, 15:29:48 <kylem> whatever you think is more important 15:30:11 <pwhalen> im not sure, perhaps gdb? pbrobinson? blc? 15:30:17 <pwhalen> bconoboy, ^ 15:30:29 <pbrobinson> I think gdb is more important 15:30:41 <pbrobinson> the console issue has a documented work around 15:31:36 <pwhalen> right 15:32:14 <kylem> k, i have some other junk to wrap up today, but i'll circle back to those in that order asap. 15:32:30 <kylem> (thanks for the raspberry pi stuff, i shouldn't've bit that off too.) 15:33:15 <pbrobinson> kylem: I'm slowly getting through the RPi stuff 15:34:51 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== F22 AArch64 - TC1 ==== 15:34:53 <pwhalen> #link http://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/compose/22_TC1/ 15:34:55 <pwhalen> #info === Please help test, add results to the wiki === 15:34:57 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/AArch64/QA/22_TC1 15:34:59 <pwhalen> hot off the presses! 15:37:06 <pwhalen> #topic 4) == Open Floor == 15:37:14 <pwhalen> #undo 15:37:14 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0xa831310> 15:37:19 <pwhalen> #topic 5) == Open Floor == 15:37:37 <pwhalen> thats all i had for today? doesn anyone have anything else? 15:37:53 <pbrobinson> when do we want to start F-23 planning? 15:38:04 <pwhalen> Froolap, we're working on the raspberry pi2 and hope to have some level of support for f22 15:38:08 <hrw> CentOS/AArch64 got alpha release - installation is as boring as f22 one 15:38:08 <pbrobinson> do we need any F-23 features for either ARM arch 15:38:20 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, anytime youd like .. yesterday! :) 15:38:20 <hrw> mono4? 15:38:26 <pbrobinson> hrw: off topic, not Fedora related 15:38:54 <Froolap> If there is something that I can do to help with rpi2, I'm willing, but I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. not sure what I could do. 15:39:05 <pbrobinson> mono4 won't happen on aarch64, there's some bullshit happening upstream which means aarch64 support hasn't landed and likely won't for some time 15:39:21 <hrw> shit 15:39:27 <pwhalen> Froolap, we'll definitely need all the help we can get, thanks for offering! 15:39:31 <pbrobinson> Froolap: can we take that to the #fedora-arm channel post meeting 15:39:36 <bconoboy> Remember to vote for arm topics at Flock 15:40:04 <hrw> already voted 15:40:08 <bconoboy> #link Flock voting is open, support ARM topics! https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting/about/flock-2015 15:40:09 <pbrobinson> Froolap: there we can work out what skills you've got and where you might be able to help 15:40:12 <Froolap> If nothing else, if I could find the rpi2 images that used to be on digitaldreams, I would be happy to toss them on an ftp server. 15:40:36 <Froolap> Ok, I'll stand down. thanks. 15:43:12 <pwhalen> anything else? 15:45:01 <pwhalen> thanks for coming all! "Goodnight, and good luck." 15:45:05 <pwhalen> #endmeeting