15:00:36 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM & AArch64 Status Meeting 15:00:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 14 15:00:36 2015 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:52 <pwhalen> good morning, whos joining us today? 15:01:11 <hrw> o/ 15:01:17 <pwhalen> welcome back! 15:01:18 * bconoboy waves 15:02:08 <pwhalen> pbrobinson should be joining shortly 15:02:43 <pwhalen> lets give it a minute for others to join as well. 15:04:50 <pwhalen> ok, lets get started 15:05:00 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== 15:05:42 <pwhalen> hrw, you might be able to fill in for Peter here, you aware of our current issues? i think he asked about apt this morning? 15:06:03 <hrw> I pushed fixes for apt and fawkes today. 15:06:14 <hrw> not familiar with recent blockers yet 15:06:49 <pwhalen> #info hrw pushed fixes for apt and fawkes today. 15:07:39 <hrw> we are still a bit behind primary from what I see 15:08:28 * masta looks in 15:08:32 <masta> hey folks =) 15:08:48 <pwhalen> Peter is the only one with access to the koji-shadow logs, so perhaps we should come back to this when he joins. 15:09:04 <bconoboy> <pbrobinson> statistics: {'older': 5373, 'local_only': 0, 'remote_only': 277, 'same': 11255, 'newer': 2, 'total_missing_builds': 6643} 15:09:07 <bconoboy> that's from yesterday 15:09:21 <hrw> thx 15:09:22 <bconoboy> we're slowly catching up 15:09:47 <pwhalen> #info AArch64 Rawhide stats (as of yesterday): {'older': 5373, 'local_only': 0, 'remote_only': 277, 'same': 11255, 'newer': 2, 'total_missing_builds': 6643} 15:09:48 <bconoboy> Current rate is about 500 packages per day 15:09:54 <bconoboy> (of catchup) 15:10:00 * pbrobinson is here 15:10:00 <hrw> speaking of devil... 15:10:08 <pwhalen> \o/ :) 15:10:37 <hrw> pbrobinson: any blockers? 15:11:12 <pbrobinson> postsgresql is the biggest, should be fixed soon (today) 15:11:31 <pbrobinson> it's breaking php and a few others with knock on effects 15:11:40 <pbrobinson> I need to boostrap eclipse 15:11:50 <pbrobinson> and that's it I think in terms of major ones 15:11:58 <pwhalen> #info postsgresql currently blocking, should be fixed RSN. 15:12:24 <pbrobinson> #info postgresql BZ is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1242873 15:12:42 <pwhalen> anyone have anything else? 15:13:07 <pbrobinson> there's also an issue with libvirt but that's a problem on mainline too 15:13:20 <pbrobinson> that should be fixed shortly as well 15:13:51 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== 15:14:11 <pwhalen> #info latest - kernel-4.2.0-0.rc2.git0.1.fc23 15:14:26 <pbrobinson> please test 15:14:27 * jsmith shows up late, as usual 15:14:37 <hrw> running 4.2-rc1.git3 here 15:14:48 <pbrobinson> I'm aware of an issue with ethernet on the Cubietruck, started looking at that 15:15:10 <pbrobinson> I should have a Seattle rev B tomorrow to start testing on 15:15:13 <pwhalen> mustang booting with usb, network. seattle boots, no network. 15:15:51 <hrw> mustang works with usb, pcie, network, radeon graphics 15:15:51 <pwhalen> #info Mustang booting with usb, network. Seattle boots, no network. 15:16:21 <pwhalen> seattle boot - http://paste.fedoraproject.org/244202/14368834/ 15:16:39 <pwhalen> i am running 74E, not sure if there is a newer fw for it 15:16:54 <pbrobinson> or if anyone has tested a newer FW 15:18:02 <pwhalen> #info armhfp testing in progress, will complete today. 15:18:07 <msalter> seattle A0 phy/eth driver needed some tweaking for 4.2 15:19:06 <pbrobinson> anyone else with anything? 15:19:11 <msalter> B0 driver combined phy and eth and so A0 phy driver wouldn;t build due to removed Kconfig option 15:19:27 <msalter> fedorahosted kernel has updated A0 patches 15:20:09 <pbrobinson> msalter: can you provide a standalone patch? Or the appropriate commits so I can pull it 15:20:29 <msalter> yes 15:20:35 <msalter> will send mail 15:20:39 <pwhalen> nice, thanks msalter 15:21:12 <pbrobinson> msalter: thanks, I suspected it was something along those lines 15:21:14 <pwhalen> #info msalter to provide patch for seattle A0 ethernet. 15:22:41 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== F23 Planning ==== 15:22:58 <pwhalen> im not sure we had anything to discuss here, but tossed it in 15:24:14 <pbrobinson> a little 15:24:21 <pwhalen> a note about the host migration we discussed last week, its scheduled to ship on July 23rd for arrival on the 27th. 15:25:05 <pbrobinson> yes, that will make alpha pretty tight but that's mostly my problem, with a little for pwhalen thrown in 15:26:15 <pbrobinson> on the "features" front all the userspace bits have landed for accelerated wayland on tegra K1+ so it's just kernel/firmware which are all under review. Might have some nice ARM based workstation HW RSN 15:27:12 <hrw> pbrobinson: jetson based? 15:27:27 <pbrobinson> hrw: yep 15:28:01 <pbrobinson> hrw: maybe even chromebook once we sort out the u-boot bits which are slowly coming together 15:28:35 <hrw> pbrobinson: during flock I may get 1.8V spi programmer and get my chromebook back into live 15:29:01 <pbrobinson> I'm also hoping to get some time to get a RPi2 image for F-22 done, and hopefully support in rawhide for it. I just need more time!!! 15:29:13 <pbrobinson> hrw: OK, it's an exynos based CB? 15:29:16 <hrw> yes 15:29:38 <pbrobinson> hrw: that would be good, masta has been promising me kernel config patches for ages but I've given up waiting for him 15:29:42 <masta> I'd like to get mine going too, I've been poking at mine off/on the past few weeks. 15:29:44 <hrw> ;) 15:30:05 <pbrobinson> masta: I've been hearing that for like EVAH ;-) 15:30:06 <masta> no promises, but I've been making progress that I hope to share. 15:30:30 <hrw> too bad that no aarch64 chromebooks. would prefer to buy US version rather than UK one 15:30:45 <masta> which is why I don't make any promises pbrobinson ;-) 15:31:01 <masta> I'm actually hoping to get a few more chromebooks, the rockchip one 15:31:06 <pbrobinson> I also discovered the other day that the MMC bits for Hikey secretly got past me and into mainline so we might even have that booting although not much use without usb (wifi might work as we have a driver) 15:31:53 <pwhalen> interesting, pain without serial though 15:31:55 <pbrobinson> masta: I think rockchip could be better supported with uboot 2015.10 as all that support should land upstream and will be reusable with their new 64 bit part 15:32:23 <masta> pbrobinson: that is encouraging 15:32:51 <pbrobinson> so any work on rockchip 3288 etc is completely reusable there because most of the other IP is allegedly the same 15:33:06 <masta> yeah, supposedly 15:33:28 <hrw> now, how to convince myself into buying another arm32 chromebook... ;D 15:33:40 <masta> pbrobinson: was there ever a Tegra based chromebook? I think we chatted once about it? 15:33:52 <pbrobinson> masta: and the rockchips has a nice hidden feature... one of the usb ports doubles as a serial TTL http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ports.arm.rockchip/715 15:34:13 <pbrobinson> masta: yep, I have it, Acer CB5 15:34:15 <hrw> masta: CB5-311 from Acer 15:34:20 <masta> thanks. 15:34:49 <pbrobinson> and I believe there's a HP one too, I think there's now 3-4 tegra K1 chromebooks 15:35:45 <pbrobinson> is anyone interested in picking up and running a test day for ARM? masta how about you? 15:36:01 <pwhalen> #info F23 schedule - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/23/Schedule 15:36:15 <hrw> masta: 14" HP, 11/13" Acer 15:36:36 <pwhalen> #info Alpha Release 2015-08-11 15:36:56 <pbrobinson> or hrw and masta (hrw and I cover EU time) masta US time? 15:37:20 <masta> pbrobinson: I'm interested in a test day, something I can blockout my calendar for that day.... and so I could credibly ignore any other things that day. 15:37:39 <pwhalen> id love to do a test day myself, but that requires a little buy in from folks. with hardware. 15:38:04 <hrw> pbrobinson: when and what it involve? 15:38:18 <pbrobinson> masta: yep, and if you could put the proposal in and be point of contact, we'll obviously all be here helping but someone to do the setup would be awesome 15:38:39 <hrw> arm32 hw here is old or long time not used (often both) 15:39:00 <pbrobinson> hrw: for you, we do a day that covers both v7 and aarch64 15:39:17 <pbrobinson> if we do it later in the cycle (Sept timeframe) we might even have people with 96boards Ent Edition 15:39:25 <masta> pbrobinson: oh alright, I can send out the email, and take point. I've really enjoyed past test days. 15:39:59 <hrw> pbrobinson: ok, I am in 15:40:09 <pbrobinson> masta: details in adamw's blog https://www.happyassassin.net/2015/07/10/fedora-23-call-for-test-days/ 15:40:26 <pbrobinson> awesome! 15:40:30 <masta> I think in the past we have some wiki page where interested folks would list their hardware, and volunteer their time to test a matrix? is that still the SOP ? 15:40:46 <masta> cool! 15:40:58 <masta> pbrobinson: I'll open that page and read after the meeting 15:41:10 * hrw too 15:41:16 <pbrobinson> masta: even just have a thread on the mailing list to start 15:42:24 <masta> yeah, that seems the logical start 15:42:48 <pbrobinson> #info masta and hrw to organise and co-ordinate a test day for ARMv7 and aarch64 in late(ish) September 15:43:09 <pwhalen> masta, hrw - this was my previous attempt - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2014-09-18_ARM 15:43:50 <pwhalen> anything else for f23 planning? 15:43:56 <hrw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2014-09-18_ARM 15:44:27 <pwhalen> #topic 4) == Open Floor == 15:45:18 <bconoboy> Anybody up for an arm dinner or somesuch thing at flock? 15:45:27 <hrw> bconoboy: o/ 15:45:30 <pbrobinson> of course 15:45:43 <pwhalen> absolutely! 15:45:49 <hrw> bconoboy: instead of asking just organize such. 15:46:00 <bconoboy> Yep, I'll organize something 15:46:09 * masta still has not even registered flock (it has bad timing with my daughter's first day of kinder garden), but I'll probably go... and heck yeah diner! 15:46:19 <bconoboy> if anybody has dietary restrictions or a preferred day to do it/not do it let me know 15:46:28 <pwhalen> nice, make sure it was robbed by Bonnie and Clyde to keep with tradition 15:46:30 <masta> bconoboy: I only eat bacon 15:46:39 * masta jokes 15:46:52 <bconoboy> ;-) 15:46:57 <hrw> bconoboy: meat from animals with legs is my diet 15:47:03 <bconoboy> #info bconoboy will organize fedora-arm dinner 15:47:43 <pwhalen> anything else for open floor? 15:48:06 <masta> pwhalen: hopefully the diner this time will be a bit less ... expensive. ;-) 15:49:05 <masta> thanks pwhalen =) 15:49:08 * masta wonders off 15:49:30 <pwhalen> #endmeeting