15:02:24 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM & AArch64 Status Meeting
15:02:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 15 15:02:24 2015 UTC.  The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:02:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:02:24 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen bconoboy pbrobinson dgilmore hrw jsmith dmarlin ahs3 yselkowitz zsun
15:02:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: ahs3 bconoboy dgilmore dmarlin hrw jsmith pbrobinson pwhalen yselkowitz zsun
15:02:37 <hrw> o/
15:02:38 * pbrobinson is here
15:02:38 <pwhalen> thx hrw
15:03:30 <pwhalen> anyone else here?
15:03:55 <pbrobinson> jsmith said he might be a bit late, dgilmore is on a plane
15:04:27 <pwhalen> ok, lets get started
15:04:38 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Package Status & Issues  ====
15:05:05 <pwhalen> how we doing this week?
15:05:19 <pbrobinson> there are no real issues that are core blockers
15:05:45 <pbrobinson> eclipse is mostly bootstrapped and there, one or two stragglers
15:06:00 <pbrobinson> hrw and I have cleaned up a bunch of edge cases
15:06:15 <pbrobinson> slowly getting the golang stuff to a point of usefulness
15:06:41 <pbrobinson> a issue with a ADA package, that's how edge case we're getting now
15:07:11 <pbrobinson> we're of course frozen for Beta so nothing is really flowing to F-23 currently
15:07:24 <hrw> or crazy scientific software where even gcc fails
15:07:26 <pbrobinson> but they're queuing up in updates-testing ready for the flood gates
15:07:37 <pbrobinson> hrw: yup!
15:07:42 <davidlt> hrw: could you elaborate?
15:08:01 <hrw> HepMC shown that gcc 5.1/5.2 fails tests when -fexpensive-optimisations are set (part of -O2)
15:08:19 <pwhalen> #info eclipse is mostly bootstrapped, one or two stragglers
15:08:20 <davidlt> hrw: ah, I remember that, still have it on TODO item to have bugzilla ticket
15:08:21 <pbrobinson> hrw: do you have an upstream BZ for that?
15:08:22 <hrw> davidlt: it is what we discussed week ago
15:08:47 <hrw> pbrobinson: davidlt digged deeper and told he will take care
15:08:47 <davidlt> hrw: I will give a final look before or during Linaro Connect
15:09:08 <pbrobinson> davidlt: feel free to add me as cc: on any bugs
15:09:24 <davidlt> pbrobinson: of course
15:10:23 <pwhalen> #info No major blockers.
15:10:23 <pbrobinson> so as far as I'm concerned we currently have nothing of real importance blocking either F-23 or rawhide
15:10:34 <pwhalen> excellent.
15:10:45 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ====
15:11:30 <pbrobinson> so I think 4.2.0 is looking quite good for Beta
15:11:49 <pbrobinson> all major issues that I'm aware of are fixed
15:12:11 <pbrobinson> I've not seen any reports of any issue so that means either everyone is happy or no one is testing
15:12:12 <pwhalen> agreed, i didnt see anything when testing yesterday. on to 4.3
15:12:31 <pbrobinson> and 4.3 is now RC1 which means most of the core bits should be there
15:12:35 <pbrobinson> please also test it
15:12:41 <hrw> for AArch64 we have kernel issue - firmware/kernel does not set boot_vga so xserver does not use gfx card it finds. Mark Salter has fix (based on powerpc one) and will write unified version and send upstream.
15:12:42 <pbrobinson> I've tested on BBB and Jetson to date
15:12:57 <hrw> 4.3-rc1 fails to boot on mustang. Mark Salter checks why
15:13:12 <hrw> panand did debugging today
15:13:15 <pwhalen> #info Latest - kernel-4.3.0-0.rc1.git1.1.fc24
15:13:27 <pwhalen> #link http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=685161
15:13:32 <pbrobinson> hrw: yes, but that's on a APM which doesn't have GPU out of the box so doesn't try to init via the firmware, I don't really see that as a bug as it's a Server SoC
15:14:07 <hrw> pbrobinson: 'fixing' it gives us graphical installer out of box
15:14:08 <pbrobinson> hrw: you have the same X issues with random PCI cards on power and other arches too
15:14:19 <hrw> pbrobinson: powerpc has it sorted
15:14:44 <pbrobinson> hrw: only if you have specific cards
15:15:07 <hrw> maybe. ppc is not my area of expertise
15:15:26 <msalter> if card advertises right class
15:15:38 <pbrobinson> hrw: anyway, I don't see it as any form of blocker as it's not what the APM mustang is designed for
15:15:44 <msalter> generic code fails because firmware doesn't enable the card
15:16:27 <hrw> pbrobinson: neither do I. just mentione
15:16:30 <hrw> d
15:17:58 <pbrobinson> msalter: do you know why we have general issues on mustang with 4.3
15:18:51 <msalter> gicv2 implementation
15:19:10 <msalter> commit 0b996fd35957a30568 breaks on mustang only
15:19:24 <msalter> seattle boots fine
15:20:00 <msalter> I've asked APM to comment on it
15:20:47 <pbrobinson> msalter: cool, thanks
15:21:40 <pwhalen> #info Issue with mustang on 4.3 related to gicv2 implementation (commit 0b996fd35957a30568 breaks on mustang only, seattle boots fine)
15:21:47 <pwhalen> thanks msalter
15:22:12 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== F23 - Beta for AArch64 ====
15:22:36 <pbrobinson> so RC1 for primary is just in the last bits of finishing up
15:22:54 <pbrobinson> once that's done I'll do RC1 for secondaries so expect that later this evening
15:23:11 <pbrobinson> so for ARMv7 and aarch64 lots of testing please
15:23:20 <pwhalen> #info RC1 for primary is just in the last bits of finishing up
15:23:52 <pwhalen> #info Once completed secondaries will follow.
15:25:17 * hrw will test aarch64 on mustang. scratch hdd waits
15:25:54 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== F23 Beta TC5 for ARM ====
15:25:54 <pwhalen> #info Testing so far: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_23_Beta_TC5_Summary
15:26:22 <pwhalen> no new issues there
15:26:36 <pwhalen> not sure if any other testing was completed
15:27:48 <pwhalen> #topic 5) == Open Floor ==
15:28:26 <pwhalen> anything else for today?
15:28:32 <pbrobinson> so the only thing I have for open floor is it looks like we won't have a ARM test day as masta it seems just hasn't bothered to organise it
15:31:12 <pwhalen> #endmeeting