15:01:25 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM & AArch64 Status Meeting 15:01:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 13 15:01:25 2015 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:26 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen bconoboy pbrobinson dgilmore hrw jsmith dmarlin ahs3 yselkowitz zsun 15:01:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: ahs3 bconoboy dgilmore dmarlin hrw jsmith pbrobinson pwhalen yselkowitz zsun 15:01:36 <pwhalen> good morning 15:01:44 <hrw> o/ 15:01:55 * pbrobinson is here 15:02:31 * jsmith is here (from a conference) 15:03:01 <dgilmore> hola 15:03:43 <pwhalen> thanks for coming all, lets get started 15:03:52 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== 15:04:00 <pbrobinson> no packaging issue 15:04:20 <hrw> no issues from me as well 15:04:24 <pbrobinson> it's looking REALLY good.... I'm awaiting something terrible as a result 15:04:30 <hrw> ;D 15:04:34 <pwhalen> awesome, do we have some current stats to post for the logs? 15:04:37 <jsmith> terribly good, I hope :-) 15:04:56 <pwhalen> if not handy, no worries 15:04:58 <hrw> during Friday I went through depcheck list and most of them just needs builds 15:05:41 <pbrobinson> give me a sec 15:05:53 <pwhalen> #info hrw went through depcheck, most packages just need new builds 15:06:18 <pbrobinson> f23: statistics: {'older': 46, 'local_only': 0, 'remote_only': 293, 'same': 16758, 'newer': 1, 'total_missing_builds': 86} 15:06:18 <pbrobinson> f24: statistics: {'older': 101, 'local_only': 0, 'remote_only': 312, 'same': 16845, 'newer': 0, 'total_missing_builds': 110} 15:06:34 <pwhalen> #info f23: statistics: {'older': 46, 'local_only': 0, 'remote_only': 293, 'same': 16758, 'newer': 1, 'total_missing_builds': 86} 15:06:35 <hrw> outstanding! 15:06:38 <pbrobinson> rawhide is up a bit as it's just started a new run 15:06:42 <pwhalen> #info f24: statistics: {'older': 101, 'local_only': 0, 'remote_only': 312, 'same': 16845, 'newer': 0, 'total_missing_builds': 110} 15:07:03 <pwhalen> w00 15:07:18 <hrw> 200 builds to be up-to-date (not counting those which get added) 15:08:05 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== 15:08:26 <pbrobinson> it's looking pretty good for both 4.2.x on F-23 and 4.3 15:08:32 <pbrobinson> not aware of any issues 15:09:08 <hrw> works fine on mustang 15:09:29 <hrw> Linux pinkiepie.local 4.3.0-0.rc4.git0.1.fc24.aarch64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 6 12:55:02 UTC 2015 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux 15:09:30 <pwhalen> ive not found any issues in f23, 4.3 had some issues on imx6 last week, will check current this week 15:09:38 <hrw> over 6 days uptime 15:10:25 <pwhalen> kernel sounds like its in good shape too.. anything else worth mentioning? 15:11:18 <hrw> looks like we got into quite boring point. kernel works, nearly up-to-date with packages... 15:11:35 <pwhalen> good place to be 15:11:39 <pwhalen> alright.. moving on 15:11:43 <dgilmore> hrw: boring is good 15:11:51 <hrw> dgilmore: yep 15:11:54 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== F23 TC6 for ARM ==== 15:11:55 <pwhalen> #info Testing so far: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Summary 15:11:55 <pwhalen> #info F23 Blockers/FE's - https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/23/final/buglist 15:12:35 <pwhalen> tc6 was posted over the weekend, ive just pulled it down. there were some issues with the server repo, but images, workstation looks to be okay 15:14:00 <pwhalen> pbrobinson tested the minimal image without issue, anyone else have a chance to look? 15:14:36 <pwhalen> it Thanksgiving here yesterday, so I was out.. will get results posted shortly 15:16:20 * jonmasters apologies for being late 15:17:00 <pwhalen> jonmasters, howdy.. no worries. seems we're in good shape, no real issues in the kernel, packages.. very boring so far 15:17:39 <dgilmore> pwhalen: tc6 is busted 15:17:47 <dgilmore> I am fixing compose issues 15:18:24 <pbrobinson> dgilmore: wasn't that mostly server edition? 15:18:26 <pwhalen> right, do we expect a new tc with the server compose fixed? 15:18:32 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: no 15:18:42 <dgilmore> install tree is missing from all arches 15:18:56 <dgilmore> and all variants 15:19:58 <pwhalen> workstation was okay for armhfp 15:20:14 <pwhalen> or its there.. but i can wait, are we expecting a new tc shortly? 15:20:16 <dgilmore> pwhalen: did you test the disk image or installer> 15:20:28 <dgilmore> I have a TC8 running now 15:20:42 <dgilmore> not that it was requested 15:20:49 <pwhalen> i just pulled it down.. okay..may as well wait then, or look at the changes 15:21:21 <pbrobinson> I've just tried minimal image 15:22:06 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== F23 for AArch64 ==== 15:23:17 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, anything to add here? afaik we're looking to do an rc tomorrow? still the plan? 15:23:54 <pbrobinson> depends on mainline 15:24:28 <pbrobinson> and hence QA 15:24:53 <dgilmore> pwhalen: RC can come anytime now 15:25:01 <pwhalen> ok, so perhaps delayed, but shortly after PA 15:26:27 <pwhalen> #info F23 AArch64 RC expected shortly after primary, no current issues. 15:26:38 <pwhalen> #topic 5) == Open Floor == 15:27:06 <pwhalen> anything else for today? 15:27:28 <hrw> how we are with r/pi2? 15:27:39 <hrw> hikey? dragonboard 410c? 15:29:01 <pwhalen> i dont know that anyone is looking at the hikey.. dragonboard, dmarlin is looking, but it doesnt sound great 15:30:02 <dmarlin> one of the big issues is firmware (wireless, graphics)... not freely distributable 15:30:26 <dmarlin> and there are lots of qcom kernel patches not upstream yet 15:30:29 <hrw> 96borads... 15:30:36 <dmarlin> dragonboard 15:31:19 <dmarlin> we're talking with linaro about the firmware 15:32:25 <dmarlin> with dragonboard there is also the bootloader issue (no UEFI, just aboot/fastboot) 15:33:09 <pwhalen> right :( 15:33:34 <hrw> right, hikey got something uefi 15:33:53 <jonmasters> there's a second supplier for HiKey now - LeMaker 15:34:02 <pwhalen> it does.. and likely progressed to something usable? 15:34:03 <jonmasters> can get immediate shipping boards via Lenovator 15:34:25 <hrw> jonmasters: yes, both are now more or less available so prefered to ask before people buy and start asking on #fedora-arm 15:34:43 <jonmasters> right 15:35:05 <hrw> will have to check is kidney enough to get any of them shipped to Poland 15:35:28 <pwhalen> heh, and a 2Gb version coming 15:35:35 <jonmasters> hrw: you've got two kidneys, right? 15:35:48 <dmarlin> IIUC while hikey does have uefi available, there is no ACPI support, and the kernel is woefully out of date (3.19) 15:36:11 <hrw> jonmasters: yes, but two 96borads boards 15:36:34 <jonmasters> upstream kernels should boot (without graphics - Mali), figuring out UEFI status 15:36:48 <dmarlin> hrw: ain't worth it... wait for the seattle based enterprise edition 15:36:59 <dmarlin> save the kidneys 15:37:01 <dmarlin> :) 15:37:22 <hrw> dmarlin: long time since I had board to complain about ;( 15:37:41 <hrw> dmarlin: may lose some of blog readers ;D 15:38:16 <dmarlin> hrw: then get jcm to send you a hikey... quick 15:38:48 <hrw> jonmasters: have spare? :D 15:39:01 <pwhalen> alright, lets wrap this up... anything else for today? 15:39:23 <yselkowitz> any plans for aarch64 in copr or epel7? 15:39:52 <jonmasters> hrw: I have a few hikeys in flight from China - will distribute 15:40:06 <pbrobinson> no, we don't currently have the resources, maybe in the new year 15:40:24 <yselkowitz> armv7 is also missing in copr 15:40:34 <pbrobinson> jonmasters: what about the 96board ent editions? 15:40:58 <jonmasters> pbrobinson: bringup scheduled for end of this month, production further delayed into end of next month 15:41:19 <jonmasters> it's gonna be the hot toy for the holidays! 15:41:27 <jonmasters> all the kids will want one 15:41:42 <davidlt> I want a few! 15:41:52 * dmarlin will settle for one 15:42:06 <pbrobinson> jonmasters: I've heard that for.... well I forget it was so long ago.... 15:42:29 <dmarlin> but this time is for real... honest! :) 15:42:35 <jonmasters> pbrobinson: right, understood. the supplier in question has screwed up 15:42:50 <jonmasters> (this is why there is now a second source for hikey also) 15:43:08 <dmarlin> second (and third) sources is always good 15:43:23 <pbrobinson> jonmasters: understatement of the year I think, btw you have outstanding lots of other thing you owe me 15:43:32 <jonmasters> ideally Linaro wouldn't have to sideline in driving the making of low cost boards and ARM themselves would have bankrolled+developed+driven this whole thing years ago...but I give up there 15:44:12 <jonmasters> pbrobinson: I'll ping you in the next couple days to sync. You're on AUS time, right? 15:44:50 <pbrobinson> jonmasters: ideally Linaro in 96boards would concentrate on the core things they promise, like fully upstream which they're yet to deliver on a single board for the basic func like boot/network/usb etc 15:45:28 <pbrobinson> jonmasters: yes, but it depends, ping me and I'll provide details 15:45:31 <jonmasters> it's a sh*t show because they rely on silicon vendors to do the right thing that is promised... 15:46:38 <jonmasters> I was at AMD last week and checked on status of the Enterprise board. The kernel is obviously in good shape driver wise. The firmware is mostly ok. There's a couple of pieces that use licensed IP in the UEFI so there might be a couple of modules that aren't open on day 1. We discussed that, along with a plan to get those opened, communicate the plan, etc. 15:46:40 <pbrobinson> like it was always going to be..... their motto should be "Promising shit we could never possibly deliver because we have no fucking control over anything in the process" 15:47:25 <pbrobinson> jonmasters: what's the state of the vfat driver in uEFI btw for virt firmware? 15:47:30 <jonmasters> minimally for Huskey (Enterprise board) you'll be able to rebuild UEFI from source, but you might need to link against a couple of modules they provide until the code is refactored 15:47:55 <davidlt> this was discussed in Connect, they cannot force people from different companies working on things would favour one specific company, thus you have to rely on company making the right thing 15:47:57 <jonmasters> pbrobinson: I am told that there is "something in the works" and we should probably ping some internal folks 15:48:24 <pbrobinson> jonmasters: there's been something in the works for 2+ years now! 15:48:35 <jonmasters> understood 15:48:52 <pbrobinson> jonmasters: sadly no exaggeration, it's blocking a LOT 15:49:49 <jonmasters> I know. I brought it up recently and was told "watch this space" 15:50:01 <jonmasters> suggest pinging virt folks in RH 15:50:42 <pwhalen> shall we move this over to #fedora-arm ? 15:52:22 <pwhalen> #endmeeting