16:00:59 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM & AArch64 Status Meeting 16:00:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 3 16:00:59 2015 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:59 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen bconoboy pbrobinson dgilmore hrw jsmith dmarlin ahs3 yselkowitz zsun 16:00:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: ahs3 bconoboy dgilmore dmarlin hrw jsmith pbrobinson pwhalen yselkowitz zsun 16:01:08 <pwhalen> good morning folks 16:01:11 * pbrobinson is here 16:01:12 * jsmith waves from the cheap seats 16:01:13 <pwhalen> whos here? 16:01:19 * pwhalen waves back 16:01:46 <dgilmore> hiya 16:02:37 <pwhalen> alright, thanks for joining 16:02:40 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== 16:03:02 <pbrobinson> nothing of real note, rawhide is looking very good, we're tracking pretty close to primary 16:03:05 * pwhalen waits for good news 16:03:07 <pwhalen> nice 16:03:23 <pwhalen> no news is good news.. anyone else? 16:04:21 <pwhalen> #info No current Blockers. 16:04:28 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== 16:04:28 <pwhalen> #info kernel-4.3.0-1.fc24 is the latest! 16:04:59 <pbrobinson> for those that are able/interested please test 4.3 16:05:22 <pbrobinson> I think (need to test further myself) that jetson will need the latest u-boot to match 16:06:57 <pwhalen> ive started testing on 32 bit devices, will mustang and seattle today 16:07:09 <pwhalen> nothing to report yet 16:07:35 <pwhalen> but, please test, this should arrive in f23 soon 16:07:36 <pbrobinson> I've tested on a bunch of devices, only issues I've seen is an issue with the omap_wdt driver, same issue in 4.2, I've sent a patch upstream to fix 16:08:01 <pbrobinson> we'll likely see 4.3 when 4.3.2 lands in around 2 weeks 16:08:41 <pwhalen> #info 4.3 likely to arrive in f23 in aprx 2 weeks. Please test and report issues to the list. 16:08:55 <pwhalen> anything else? 16:09:15 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== F23 for ARM & AArch64 Available Now! ==== 16:09:29 <pwhalen> #link https://arm.fedoraproject.org/ 16:09:44 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/F23/Installation 16:09:48 <pbrobinson> yes, primary release announcement has gone out, I'll send out the aarch64 announcement shortly 16:10:00 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/AArch64/F23/Installation 16:10:16 <bconoboy> I'll update fb and g+ once pbrobinson sends out the announcement. Would anybody else like to have access to do this in the future? 16:11:11 <pwhalen> ive done a first pass on the docs, would be very helpful for people to go over it, likely typos etc 16:11:35 <pwhalen> virt commands are simplified a bit, but ill be going through it and making some adjs 16:12:16 <pbrobinson> excellent, thanks pwhalen, jsmith is pretty good and might have some cycles to proof the docs 16:13:23 <pwhalen> for our docs, we need the support hw list to be updated, this is the same for beta so things could have changed. ive started to go through it as well.. please assist 16:13:44 <pbrobinson> I'll add my notes for devices I've tested 16:14:15 <pwhalen> thanks! 16:14:27 <pwhalen> any thoughts, feedback, etc? 16:14:51 <pwhalen> ive also not had time to try out the guide jdisnard did for the chromebook, has anyone else? 16:15:14 <pwhalen> be good to get that updated, referenced 16:15:50 <pbrobinson> no, I've not, been focused on the core release and devices 16:16:09 <pbrobinson> although I've charged mine up ready 16:16:39 <pwhalen> same, ok, will try it this week.. 16:16:51 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== F23 Retrospective ==== 16:17:10 <pwhalen> what did we do well? what did work so well? 16:17:15 <pwhalen> didnt 16:18:18 <pwhalen> nice, it was perfect! 16:18:19 <pbrobinson> might be worthwhile sending this out to the list 16:18:40 <pbrobinson> obviously Alpha was a low point from an ARMv7 PoV 16:18:42 <pwhalen> yea, ill put together a page, but i feel i spend more time asking and putting it togethr than i get feedback 16:19:20 <dmarlin> maybe just an email to get a thread started (nothing too detailed) 16:19:20 <pbrobinson> post Alpha I'm quite happy, I never got as much done as I would have liked but sadly that is the case every release! 16:19:30 <pbrobinson> dmarlin++ 16:19:30 <zodbot> pbrobinson: Karma for dmarlin changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:20:20 <pwhalen> heh.. ok, will do 16:20:35 <pwhalen> #topic 5) ==== F24 Feature Requests/Ideas ==== 16:20:50 <pwhalen> so, with our perfect f23 release.. where do we go from here? 16:21:36 <pbrobinson> _MOAR_ PI 16:21:52 <pbrobinson> aka better support for one Pi in particular 16:22:09 <pwhalen> +1 .. we need to look at that one pi 16:22:10 <pbrobinson> accelerated graphics for at least tegra K1 16:22:36 <pbrobinson> better u-boot console support (that's on my todo) 16:22:46 <pbrobinson> support for the C.H.I.P. 16:23:09 <pwhalen> #info Support for the Raspberry Pi 2, C.H.I.P. 16:23:44 <pwhalen> #info Accelerated graphics, Jetson TK1 and others. 16:23:49 <hrw> sorry for being too late 16:24:00 <pwhalen> howdy Marcin! 16:24:10 <pbrobinson> hrw: no issues, we just assigned everything for you to do ;-) 16:24:24 <pwhalen> :) 16:24:26 <hrw> pbrobinson: like usual, got used to ;D 16:24:38 <bconoboy> One way or another we need moonshot m400 support in f24 16:24:46 <hrw> for F24 I would like to see armv8-on-aarch64 guest-vm 16:24:55 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: yes, I've already got that in motion 16:25:20 <bconoboy> Likewise 32-on-64 guests booting in way that fedora infrastructure finds acceptable 16:25:23 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: with around 4 different options and paths and fallbacks 16:25:34 <bconoboy> That might simply mean having a useful uboot 16:26:29 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: yes, that should be listed as a target even though it's almost mostly there, and it's on my todo list 16:26:57 <bconoboy> pbrobinson: Do you need external support for these or is it exclusively down to having time to devote? 16:27:03 <dmarlin> bconoboy: does that not predicate largely on apm getting some patches upstream 16:27:27 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: possibly but I'll pull the people in as needed or scream appropriately 16:27:28 <bconoboy> dmarlin: Ideally, yes- but if we have to carry a couple isolated patches I think that is acceptable. 16:27:43 <bconoboy> pbrobinson: OK, so, uh, if we can make it so you have more free time please let us know how 16:27:50 * dmarlin does not see parking protocol as 'a couple isolated patches' 16:28:10 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: my focus the last few weeks has been the F-23 GA, I'm now switching focus to 3 core priorities 16:28:33 <bconoboy> Anyway, those are the 2 on my list: m400 support, 32-on-64 support 16:29:12 <pbrobinson> yep, and this meeting isn't a location for detailed discussion of patches 16:29:28 <hrw> what about 96borads support? 16:29:58 <pbrobinson> hrw: depends which ones 16:29:59 <hrw> I know that they may stink but for many it would be their aarch64 hardware 16:30:03 <dmarlin> we have a test f23 based rootfs (that needs updating to final) for dragonboard 16:30:22 <bconoboy> #info Moonshot m400 support 16:30:25 <dmarlin> and I think jperrin is working on one for hikey 16:30:26 <pbrobinson> hrw: we already support the enterprise one in F-23 GA when ever it finally starts shipping 16:30:27 <pwhalen> dmarlin, were you able to post that anywhere? 16:30:27 <bconoboy> #info 32-on-64 support 16:30:40 <pwhalen> thx bconoboy 16:30:41 <dmarlin> pwhalen: unofficially, yes, on my people page 16:30:55 <hrw> pbrobinson: I would be suprised it would not be working being copy of seattle 16:31:46 <pbrobinson> hrw: I need to look at the Hikey closer now I have a working UART etc, now just need some time 16:32:24 <hrw> cool 16:32:54 <pbrobinson> from a aarch64 PoV 16:33:14 <pbrobinson> I plan to get better support for both cloud images, and docker images. 16:35:01 <pwhalen> we'll revisit this again next week, everyone think about this some more, perhaps some more ideas on how to make it all happen 16:35:37 <pwhalen> #topic 6) == Open Floor == 16:35:55 <dmarlin> anyone interested in f23 on dragonboard, please see https://dmarlin.fedorapeople.org/fedora-arm/aarch64/README.Linaro-F23-remix-lxde 16:36:05 <dmarlin> feedback is always welcome 16:36:10 <pbrobinson> thanks dmarlin 16:36:14 <dmarlin> np 16:36:48 <hrw> someone want rpmfusion for aarch64/rawhide? 16:36:49 <dmarlin> I'll post one base on F23 final before next week 16:36:57 <pwhalen> #info Those interested in f23 on dragonboard, please see https://dmarlin.fedorapeople.org/fedora-arm/aarch64/README.Linaro-F23-remix-lxde 16:36:59 <dmarlin> (this one was made from beta) 16:37:17 <pwhalen> hrw, that might be useful for dmarlins image 16:37:22 <hrw> http://malenstwo.juszkiewicz.com.pl/~hrw/test/rpmfusion-aarch64/ is few days old status 16:37:39 <hrw> most of 'free' part builds 16:37:59 <pwhalen> #info rpmfusion for AArch64 provided by hrw - http://malenstwo.juszkiewicz.com.pl/~hrw/test/rpmfusion-aarch64/ 16:39:09 <hrw> rpmfusion switched to git now so it is easier to grab sources and provide patches 16:39:50 <pwhalen> thanks hrw 16:39:56 <pwhalen> anything else for open floor? 16:40:52 <hrw> Am I right saying that db410c firmwares are not distribuable? 16:41:22 <hrw> "(ii) Redistributable Binary Code may not be distributed on a stand alone basis but may be redistributed in conjunction with and as a part of a software application created by you" == you will not make package for distribution 16:42:17 <dmarlin> hrw: right, but somehow Linaro has the right to package it 16:42:35 <dmarlin> hrw: they have .deb firmware packages 16:42:52 <hrw> dmarlin: hmm... 16:43:08 <dmarlin> hrw: probably some agreement with qualcomm 16:43:30 <hrw> thanks for info dmarlin 16:43:59 <dmarlin> hrw: I did not package the firmware but just included it in the image I built (remix image) 16:44:15 <hrw> dmarlin: this way is fine 16:44:19 <dmarlin> (downloaded the tarball from qcom and extracted on the image) 16:44:31 <hrw> dmarlin: but blocks db410c from being fedora supported imho 16:44:40 <dmarlin> *nod* 16:44:48 <dmarlin> only as a remix, from that perspective 16:45:19 <dmarlin> unless we can get it added to the firmware package (officially) 16:45:30 <hrw> r/pi2 remix, db410c remix... both not fedora possible so far 16:45:45 <hrw> dmarlin: maybe one day ;D 16:45:51 <dmarlin> perhaps 16:46:11 <pwhalen> thanks for coming all! 16:46:17 <dmarlin> thank you pwhalen 16:46:20 <pbrobinson> thanks pwhalen and others 16:46:24 <pwhalen> #endmeeting