17:02:31 <decause> #startmeeting CommOps 17:02:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Dec 8 17:02:31 2015 UTC. The chair is decause. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:02:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'commops' 17:03:02 <decause> #chairs jflory7 threebean lmacken nb danofsatx bee2502 keekri mattdm 17:03:13 <danofsatx> .hello dmossor 17:03:14 <zodbot> danofsatx: dmossor 'Dan Mossor' <danofsatx@gmail.com> 17:03:19 <decause> #chair jflory7 threebean lmacken nb danofsatx bee2502 keekri mattdm 17:03:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: bee2502 danofsatx decause jflory7 keekri lmacken mattdm nb threebean 17:03:30 <decause> #topic RollCall 17:03:30 <nb_> hi 17:03:34 <nb_> .hello nb 17:03:35 <zodbot> nb_: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 17:03:37 <decause> .hello decause 17:03:38 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 17:03:45 <bee2502> .hello bee2502 17:03:46 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 17:03:47 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 17:03:49 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 17:04:11 <danofsatx> well, since it's officially role call now, I guess I really am here 17:04:23 <decause> #info decause, UTC-5, CommOps, Council, Ambassadors, Fedmsg 17:04:33 <jflory7> #info Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; CommOps / Marketing (Magazine) / Join / Ambassadors / and more 17:04:58 <decause> #info decause, UTC-5, all-the-things 17:05:01 <bee2502> #info bee2502 UTC+5.30 CommOps/Metrics/Badges/Elections 17:05:01 <decause> actually 17:06:00 <decause> awesome 17:06:00 <nb_> #info nb UTC-6 packaging, infrastructure, ambassadors, marketing, docs, etc 17:06:01 <danofsatx> #info danofsatx, Dan Mossor, UTC-6, CommOps, Ambassadors, QA, Server, KDE 17:06:20 * decause gives another 2 mins for folks to show up 17:07:52 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:CommOps_2015-12-08 17:07:57 <decause> stragglers can intro themselves as they arrive 17:08:01 <decause> #topic Agenda 17:08:06 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:CommOps_2015-12-08 17:08:09 <decause> :) 17:08:22 <decause> 1) Tickets 17:08:27 <decause> 2) WikiGardening 17:08:33 <decause> 3) CommBlog 17:08:36 <decause> 4) 5tftw 17:08:43 <decause> 5) Metrics (*) 17:08:47 <decause> 6) Plumbing 17:08:56 <decause> 7) Hubs 17:09:00 <decause> 8) Outreachy 17:09:03 <decause> 9) Open Floor 17:09:07 <decause> whoo 17:09:12 <decause> good list of things today 17:09:17 <decause> so then, let us begin 17:09:20 <decause> #topic Tickets 17:09:34 <jflory7> #info === Ticket #5 [ https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/5 ] === 17:09:38 <jflory7> #info * Writing a beginner's guide for Trac 17:09:50 <jflory7> This one is a work in progress, and will likely be for later in 2016. 17:10:04 <jflory7> Not a high priority item right now, so I don't think there's too much to add about that. 17:10:14 <decause> jflory7: nod nod nod, good to keep on the radar 17:10:27 <jflory7> #info Will come later in 2016 17:10:29 <jflory7> #info === Ticket #7 [ https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/7 ] === 17:10:42 <jflory7> #info * Fedora Elections coverage 17:10:52 <jflory7> The Interviews should be all wrapped up now. 17:11:03 <decause> nice work everyone on the commblog interviews! 17:11:06 <decause> candidates included 17:11:36 <decause> having a template was *super* helpful to getting contributions to the blog, even mandatory-ish ones like election interviews 17:11:48 <bee2502> woo hoo! 17:11:58 <decause> this was a great showing for the team, and I'm really proud of the work everyone did together :) 17:12:07 <jflory7> Agreed! 17:12:07 <jflory7> CommOps++ 17:12:12 <jflory7> So my big question is now, do we want to try to bring more exposure to the Elections a little bit more this week? 17:13:01 <decause> jflory7: yeah, bkp told me today in the OSAS allhands that the Fedora twitter has "gotten quiet" so we should check and make sure magazine is still posting there too, in addition to promoting commblog electioneering related content there 17:13:05 <danofsatx> I was going to suggest emails to the announce lists, as well as to -dev, -users, and -kde (the three busiest lists IMHO) 17:13:24 <decause> #action jflory/decause reach out to magazine to make sure the twitter/jetpack is still hooked up properly 17:13:40 <decause> danofsatx: that is a rilly good idea 17:13:40 <danofsatx> and yes, Fedora hasn't tweeted in awhile. the meeting word clouds stopped in October. 17:13:43 <bee2502> perhaps we could have an article with details about the after polling/some stats to know more about the nominees 17:13:55 <jflory7> decause: Yeah, automating the Magazine articles would definitely help, I know it's all manual right now. 17:14:04 <decause> danofsatx: that was the "fedobot" account, which is a PoC running locally on my laptop ;) 17:14:13 <decause> deploying that somewhere is def on the to-do list though :P 17:14:28 <danofsatx> roger ball 17:14:31 <jflory7> danofsatx: I think an email to the announce list would be justified, with links to all of the candidate interviews. 17:14:31 <decause> #action decause look into really deploying wordcloudbot somewhere (ping infra team) 17:14:41 <jflory7> bee2502: I think that would be awesome! 17:15:04 <decause> jflory7: a "wrap-up" post on commblog that is just like "Here is your 2015 Candidate Pool for Fedora" 17:15:25 <decause> with links to each commblog interview, by seat/race 17:15:38 <jflory7> I could get that done after the meeting 17:15:40 <decause> something short, sweet, and useful 17:15:50 <decause> jflory7: I'll crank with you on that too 17:15:57 <jflory7> #action jflory7 / decause Write quick summary of Elections and where to find all interviews 17:16:15 <decause> good 17:16:18 <danofsatx> I must go speak with someone regarding a paycheck, I'll be afk for a bit 17:16:19 <bee2502> decause++ 17:16:20 <decause> that prolly covers that ticket in spades 17:16:31 <decause> danofsatx: nod nod 17:16:37 <decause> we'll ship notes to the list after 17:16:39 <decause> danofsatx: GL 17:17:04 <jflory7> I think so. I think we can aim to conclude the official Elections coverage at the end of the voting period and after results are published. 17:17:37 <jflory7> I will add info to the ticket. 17:17:45 <decause> jflory7: agreed. it'd be cool for us to annouce the electeds too :) 17:18:00 <decause> Magazine will probably run something too I'm sure 17:18:04 <decause> (*maybe*) 17:18:05 <decause> :P 17:18:10 <decause> lbazan++ 17:18:12 <zodbot> decause: Karma for lbazan changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:18:15 <jflory7> Agreed. 17:18:41 <danofsatx> well, that was convenient - both people I needed to see just happened to be in the hallway when I walked out ;) 17:18:54 <jflory7> danofsatx: All the better! 17:18:56 <decause> next up 17:19:00 <decause> #info === Ticket #8 [ https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/8 17:19:10 <decause> #info * Community Blog + Flock bids: Getting word out on social media 17:19:25 <decause> #info Recent discussion on the mailing list: Is this still worth pursuing? 17:19:34 <decause> the short answer is def yes 17:19:40 <decause> we're still needing viable EMEA bids 17:20:10 <decause> I have it on my plate to reach out to the Vienna bidders and see if they'll complete their bid and if they are serious serious about it 17:20:29 <decause> #action decause ping Vienaa bidders for FLOCK 2016 bid updates 17:20:36 <jflory7> Still realistic to pursue social media posting for the article? 17:20:43 <jflory7> I'm confused on when the "deadline" is. 17:21:10 <decause> jflory7: yes, but Paul's point was well taken about guidance about why former bids didn't work. 17:21:28 <jflory7> Right. 17:21:34 <decause> I think I responded to that thread with some suggestions 17:22:08 <decause> I think danofsatx's suggestion of hitting the mail-lists is a good idea too 17:22:23 <decause> we should see about posting to Announce at the very least 17:22:40 <decause> #action commops update the "last call for flock bids" post with more suggestions 17:22:55 <decause> #action commops promote updated "last call" post on social media 17:23:06 <decause> #action commops promote updated "last call" post on Fedora Mail Lists 17:23:22 <jflory7> Cool. Probably is good to add context for why the current bids are problematic to the article. 17:23:45 <decause> jflory7: yeah, it was mostly because they were over budget 17:24:05 <jflory7> Mhmm, right. 17:24:09 <decause> but the other non-budget strengthening tips are in that reply too 17:24:13 <decause> it's not just about the dollar figure 17:24:18 <decause> or, Euro figure, as it were :) 17:24:39 <jflory7> I'll add the mailing list archive link to the ticket for reference when updating the article. 17:24:42 <decause> jflory7: the "deadline" is basically "first viable bid" 17:24:52 * jflory7 nods 17:24:55 <decause> more or less 17:25:06 <decause> hopefully we get one last round of multiple bids, and we can pick between a few 17:25:45 <jflory7> Sounds like that ticket should be covered. 17:25:49 <decause> agreed 17:25:56 <jflory7> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2015-December/018499.html 17:25:58 <decause> good 17:26:06 <decause> #info === Ticket #9 [ https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/9 17:26:16 <decause> #info * Improve "What can I do for Fedora?" site - CommOps has a spot! 17:26:19 <decause> #info * Improve "What can I do for Fedora?" site - CommOps has a spot! 17:26:34 <decause> #info jflory7 is awesome 17:26:39 <decause> jflory7 nice work on this 17:26:53 <decause> if anyone wants to help add, issue a PR on the repo, and we'll look into merging 17:26:54 <jflory7> Anyone is welcome to add more to it, I just threw some of the basics on there! 17:26:56 <jflory7> ^^ 17:26:59 <decause> :P 17:27:12 <jflory7> #link https://github.com/fedora-infra/asknot-ng 17:27:23 <decause> #info === Ticket #10 [ https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/10 17:27:49 <decause> #info * CommOps vFAD 2016 17:28:25 <decause> This is a forthcoming event for 2016, not sure when it will land on the calendar yet, but we'll be thoughtful about it 17:28:43 * jflory7 nods 17:29:00 <decause> #action decause talk to jkurik and maxamillion about when a vFAD would be most helpful in release cycle 17:29:28 <maxamillion> someone rang? 17:29:34 <decause> maxamillion: :) 17:30:04 <decause> yeah, we're looking to do a vFAD in 2016 at somepoint, and wanted to see if there was a period during release cycle that would be most beneficial 17:30:12 <decause> we can talk off meeting about this more 17:30:17 <maxamillion> rgr 17:30:28 <decause> maxamillion: sidenote: the PDC stuff threebean is hacking on is looking great! 17:30:43 <decause> maxamillion++ 17:30:54 <decause> #info === Ticket #11 [ https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/11 17:31:05 <decause> #info * Budgeting Site: Infra + Website collaboration 17:31:10 <maxamillion> decause: that's all threebean, he's a ninja 17:31:24 <decause> #agreed threebean is a ninja 17:32:00 <decause> the Budget.Next thread has gone stable, and February/March is going to come sooner than later 17:32:23 * jflory7 nods 17:32:26 <decause> putting up a simple static website with budget info is a goal for early 2016 17:32:59 <decause> updating the ticket with info from Budget.Next particulars on reporting/process will help when we reach out to websites team 17:33:20 * decause has not made requests from websites team before, so perhaps will ask robyduck first about SOP for doing so 17:33:33 <jflory7> Sounds like a good plan of action. 17:33:42 <decause> #action decause ping robyduck about posting to websites list/trac 17:33:59 <decause> #action decause ping fedora-infra about getting a pointer for http://budget.fedoraproject.org 17:34:34 <decause> kk, next ticket 17:34:38 <decause> #info === Ticket #14 [ https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/14 17:34:51 <decause> #info * Redefining our "official" definition and purpose 17:34:55 <decause> jflory7: don't remember this one 17:35:10 <jflory7> I can talk to that super fast 17:35:17 <jflory7> So, I was looking at our wiki page last night after going through the Election interviews when several people linked to our page. 17:35:35 <jflory7> I think it would be a good idea to be more clear and precise with defining what we do within the Project and what some of the work we do is 17:35:59 <decause> we have taken on a few Fedora Specific recurring tasks, so yeah 17:36:00 <jflory7> I think at first glance, it can be somewhat unclear from the top 17:36:01 <decause> jflory7: good call 17:36:20 <decause> we should def add "electioneering and assisting Fedora Release Manager" 17:36:26 <decause> as well as "Release Notes" 17:36:51 <decause> and "Running CommBlog" pointing to your info on how to write for it (if not there already) 17:37:00 * jflory7 nods 17:37:13 <decause> jflory7: good call 17:37:23 <jflory7> I think I can pull together a rough rewording and share with the list today 17:37:31 <decause> the "What is CommOps" description is abstract, but we can def point to concrete things now :) 17:37:41 <jflory7> Agreed. 17:37:52 <jflory7> Mainly just wanted to put that on everyone's radar to think about. :) 17:37:56 <decause> nod nod 17:38:06 <jflory7> Outside of that, I think we can migrate that discussion to the mailing list. 17:38:11 <decause> jflory7: agreed 17:38:27 <decause> any other tickets? 17:38:29 <decause> going once 17:38:30 <jflory7> Nope! 17:38:31 <decause> going twice 17:38:33 <decause> going thrice 17:38:41 <decause> #topic WikiGardening 17:38:53 <decause> #info new members please add yourself to the commops wiki page :) 17:38:54 <jflory7> #info CommOps wiki page received a small makeover; please review at your leisure 17:39:02 <jflory7> #info CommBlog now has a wiki presence [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommunityBlog ] 17:39:07 <jflory7> #info CommBlog now has a wiki presence [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommunityBlog ] 17:39:12 <decause> whoa 17:39:15 <decause> cool :) 17:39:42 <decause> jflory7: we should add a simple screenshot maybe (even though those can age quickly) 17:39:53 <jflory7> #action jflory7 add screenshot to wiki article 17:39:53 * danofsatx missed that page, goes on an editing spree 17:39:58 <decause> danofsatx++ 17:40:01 <jflory7> danofsatx: It's fairly new :) 17:40:06 <decause> nice work 17:40:14 <jflory7> If you want to add the screenshot, that would be appreciated! 17:40:22 <decause> I think it's worth mentioning that jflory has started to add the meeting agendas and notes to the wiki as well 17:40:30 <decause> those can be found in the Meeting: namespace 17:40:45 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Meetings:CommOps:2015&action=edit&redlink=1 17:40:55 <decause> :P 17:41:00 <bee2502> nice work jflory7 17:41:12 <jflory7> #undo 17:41:12 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x3ae28250> 17:41:13 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Meetings:CommOps:2015 17:41:48 <jflory7> Outside of that, I think Wiki Gardening should be covered. 17:42:04 <decause> nod nod 17:42:10 <jflory7> Mind if I fly through the CommBlog super fast? 17:42:21 <decause> jflory7: have at it :) 17:42:37 <jflory7> #topic Community Blog 17:42:37 <jflory7> #info === This Week in CommBlog === 17:42:37 <jflory7> #info * Election interviews, interviews, and more interviews! 17:42:52 <jflory7> Interviews are now closed; new push to encourage voting (discussed with Ticket #7) 17:43:01 <jflory7> #info === Coming Up in CommBlog === 17:43:04 <jflory7> #info === Coming Up in CommBlog === 17:43:09 <jflory7> #info * Year in Review introduction 17:43:20 <jflory7> #link ** https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/share-your-year-in-review-with-fedora/ 17:43:21 <jflory7> Still in progress; publish after Elections cycle (Dec. 15th)? 17:43:35 <decause> yes, agreed, maybe just before the shutdown 17:43:42 * jflory7 nods 17:43:46 <decause> well, actually 17:43:47 <bee2502> Any updates on the Comm Blog badge ? Perhaps start a ML discussion ? jflory7 decause 17:43:55 <decause> this is a "call" for year in review content, right? 17:44:02 <decause> not an actual, year in review post? 17:44:12 <jflory7> decause: Correct, aiming to hopefully publish articles in January / February. 17:44:26 <jflory7> bee2502: I think the Badge queue has been piling up for a while. 17:44:38 <decause> jflory7: that works for me. we could try to ship before January, but that is gonna be a bit rough, sure 17:44:49 <decause> I think having it posted before Jan 29th (FOSDEM) would be good 17:45:00 <jflory7> If anyone is ready, we can ship any time, but I figured January might be a more likely assumption. :) 17:45:14 <decause> there'll be a strong Fedora presence at like 3 conferences there, and that would be good fuel for us to talk about at booths etc... 17:45:32 <jflory7> Good info for the article to mention 17:45:37 <decause> jflory7: perhaps we can also post that call to announce list, mabye get magazine to cross-post too 17:46:02 <jflory7> #action jflory7 remember to include info about FOSDEM, Fedora presence, and talking fuel 17:46:04 <decause> jflory7: getting a bullet list from team leads could work too 17:46:19 <jflory7> decause: I think getting exposure to as many contributors as possible would help for the Year In Review, definitely 17:46:37 <jflory7> Magazine would be good because many contributors actively check there for Fedora contributor news too. 17:46:40 <decause> "What has Fedora been up to?" is def a question that folks have often in person 17:46:58 <jflory7> Agreed. 17:47:03 <decause> I would point to mizmo's Design Team update as a good example 17:47:45 <decause> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/the-state-of-fedoras-design-team/ 17:47:50 <jflory7> mizmo++ 17:48:03 <jflory7> That was an awesome article, will definitely make a good reference 17:48:08 <decause> this is actually super detailed, because mizmo is a champion 17:48:15 <jflory7> Once I have a draft up (this week), I will post to the list. 17:48:18 <decause> we can help to gussy-up basic info as we get it from leads 17:48:25 * jflory7 nods 17:48:28 * jflory7 also notices time 17:48:47 <jflory7> Last things on the CommBlog were just about future articles 17:48:50 <decause> we don't want folks thinking that the bar is set so high that they can't contribute unless it is super detailed 17:49:02 <jflory7> I will follow up with ryanlerch / stickster about their articles on the list 17:49:06 <jflory7> Curious about FOSDEM 2016 Distro Devroom: Call for Participation? 17:49:06 <decause> jflory7: nod ndo 17:49:10 <jflory7> Is that ready to ship? 17:49:13 <decause> jflory7: that closes in 2 days 17:49:34 <jflory7> So, ship ASAP, maybe even today? 17:49:38 <decause> it has been posted to the mail lists and social media. WE'll start reviewing the proposals next week 17:49:45 <decause> jflory7: yes def 17:49:59 <decause> shipit 17:50:01 <jflory7> #action jflory7 / decause ship FOSDEM Devroom call article ASAP 17:50:18 <jflory7> Outside of that, in interest of time, CommBlog coverage should be good. 17:50:26 <decause> bstinson posted yesterday to the places, so we're not going ot completely saturate posting today 17:50:31 <decause> jflory7: nod nod 17:51:01 <decause> ok 17:51:17 <decause> #topic 5tftw 17:51:31 <decause> #info New 5tftw article went out on 2015-12-04 17:51:47 <decause> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/5tftw-2015-12-04 17:52:04 <jflory7> #link https://www.piratepad.ca/p/5tftw 17:52:31 <decause> #help More content needed, fill up the pad with more "5 Things in Fedora This Week" content: https://www.piratepad.ca/p/5tftw 17:52:32 <jflory7> mattdm definitely exhausted the list. :) 17:52:40 <jflory7> We'll have to get back to that for sure 17:52:45 <jflory7> Lots to report about with Elections going on 17:53:02 <decause> jflory7: yeah, truth 17:53:04 <jflory7> #action jflory7 5tftw: Remember LetsEncrypt news 17:53:07 <decause> nice! 17:53:26 <decause> #topic Metrics 17:53:33 * danofsatx notes that piratepad.ca has an expired SSL certificate. 17:53:38 <bee2502> Should we do metrics for upcoming election related post ("know more about the nominees" stats) ? 17:53:42 <jflory7> danofsatx: Yeah, I noticed that too. :( 17:54:01 <decause> #link https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-stats-tools 17:54:13 <jflory7> bee2502: So like metrics of candidates' contributions to Fedora? 17:54:16 <decause> this repo has been getting some activity from me this past week 17:54:25 <jflory7> Or a different measurement? 17:54:48 <jflory7> MailingListStats++ 17:54:57 <decause> we /could/ do a &user=$candidate_name query on datagrepper to get fedmsg activity 17:55:10 <bee2502> jflory7 : Fedmsg activity / ML activity - I started working a bit in that direction 17:55:20 <bee2502> decause : did that :) 17:55:29 <decause> bee2502: ofcourse you did :) 17:55:36 <jflory7> bee2502: I see. fedmsg may be a poor representation of FAmSCo and Council, but could be useful for FESCo. 17:55:44 <decause> jflory7: agreed 17:55:53 <bee2502> agreed. 17:55:58 <decause> I mean, we have to be "responsible" about electioneering here 17:56:18 * jflory7 nods 17:56:29 <bee2502> Agreed. 17:57:22 <decause> I don't want to make it entirely about "who has the most fedmsgs" because that doesn't capture *all* the kinds of contributions that folks make to Fedora 17:57:31 <jflory7> So my two questions are: (1) post metrics of FESCo nominees' contributions during cycle? and (2) maybe big wrap-up post-Elections? 17:57:43 <decause> again, we can be responsible, and report in the aggregate, and do other cool stats stuff 17:57:45 * jflory7 imagines the metrics from post-Election participation must be interesting 17:57:51 * jflory7 nods 17:58:06 <jflory7> So it might be good to hold off on the fedmsg metrics for the time being 17:58:22 * lbazan decause saludos! 17:58:28 <jflory7> *? 17:58:54 <bee2502> jflory7 : I am in favor of post-Election participation metrics too :) 17:59:02 <decause> jflory7: let's see what it looks like as a draft 17:59:31 <bee2502> decause : aggregate ? 17:59:45 <jflory7> Cool. So I hear a +1 for post-Elections metrics, and then maybe a rough draft for FESCo contributor metrics? 17:59:50 <decause> once Hubs is a thing, tese stats should be constantly available too 18:00:33 <decause> bee: "all candidates together published N fedmsgs" stuff like that 18:01:01 <jflory7> #link http://threebean.org/fedora-mlstats-2015-12-08.txt 18:01:03 <decause> one more awesp 18:01:14 <decause> awesome metrics 18:01:34 <decause> its raw 18:01:46 <decause> but its very deep 18:01:51 <bee2502> That would be better :) 18:02:14 <decause> will be great for our own YiR post 18:02:22 <bee2502> mailing list metrics++ by decause and threebean 18:02:39 <jflory7> #agreed Pull together a post-Elections metrics wrap-up 18:03:06 <bee2502> metrics for YiR and not for call for YiR , right ? 18:03:12 <decause> the fedora-stats-tools repo has a bunch of other graphs and raw data too 18:03:36 <jflory7> bee2502: I think so. Might be good to make mention of it as something available for those wanting to utilize it. 18:03:55 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Year in Review: Mention fedora-stats-tools 18:04:06 <decause> bee2502: yes 18:04:25 <jflory7> #undo 18:04:25 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by jflory7 at 18:03:55 : jflory7 Year in Review: Mention fedora-stats-tools 18:04:31 <jflory7> I see now 18:04:58 <jflory7> #info fedora-stats-tools: will use for our own metrics 18:04:59 * jflory7 notes time 18:05:01 <jflory7> Is Metrics a wrap? 18:05:07 <bee2502> Yes 18:05:08 <decause> wrap 18:05:13 <jflory7> #topic Plumbing 18:05:19 <jflory7> Quick announcement, nothing much else 18:05:26 <jflory7> #info * Hooking up email posting to CommBlog 18:05:36 <jflory7> Going to move this to a ticket because it's been on the agenda for a few weeks. :) 18:05:45 <jflory7> Also thinking we drop Plumbing from future agendas in interest of tickets. 18:05:49 <jflory7> Seems like some overlap there. 18:06:01 <decause> jflory7++ 18:06:20 <jflory7> Other than that, not much else to say - to Outreachy. 18:06:21 <jflory7> #topic Outreachy 18:06:29 <jflory7> #info any outreachy applicants from this cycle who want to solidify a mentor plan should email decause ** 18:07:05 <decause> i will be available today in IRC for some time, but thats nothing new ;) 18:07:07 <danofsatx> outreachy sounds....interesting. Is there an info page? 18:07:11 <bee2502> hopefully, email==IRC ping ? 18:07:37 <decause> both work bee2502 18:07:48 <jflory7> danofsatx: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Outreachy/2015 18:08:18 <jflory7> danofsatx: For a variety of reasons, there were some complications with Fedora's involvement and upstream requirements with GNOME. 18:08:35 <bee2502> danofsatx : https://www.gnome.org/outreachy/ Program page 18:08:41 <jflory7> As far as I know, it's in the books for next cycle though, and should be a much more smooth process. 18:08:45 <jflory7> bee2502++ 18:08:48 <danofsatx> hmmm.....I'm presently working on a grant proposal to build a framework of getting women and minorities into cyber security. I could use this.... 18:09:11 <jflory7> danofsatx: Might want to check out #fedora-outreachy and check out the mailing list for Outreachy too :) 18:09:22 <danofsatx> on it ;) 18:09:23 <jflory7> Any other announcements about Outreachy? 18:09:34 <decause> danofsatx: you should subscribe to outreachy lisf 18:09:49 <decause> nope, good 18:10:01 <jflory7> #topic Hubs 18:10:06 <jflory7> Where are we with Hubs? Anything CommOps can help with? 18:11:09 <decause> we (me/threebean) are going to be available in irc to help bootstrap on hubs today (and on campus at rit) 18:11:16 * jflory7 nods 18:11:31 <jflory7> So, since we're over time, looks like no time for Open Floor today. 18:11:49 <decause> we are way over. next time we'll start earlier on official biz 18:11:54 <jflory7> #info decause / threebean available in IRC to help bootstrap for Fedora Hubs (and on campus @ RIT) 18:12:15 <jflory7> Thanks for coming out today all! And staying a little bit longer. :) 18:12:17 <jflory7> #endmeeting