#fedora-meeting-2: CommOps
Meeting started by jflory7 at 17:02:47 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (jflory7, 17:03:10)
- Name; Timezone; Subprojects/Interest
Areas (jflory7,
- Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; CommOps / Marketing /
Fedora Join / Ambassadors / etc. (jflory7,
- decause; UTC-5; CommOps, Council, Ambassadors,
* (decause,
- aikidouke (aikidouke,
- Tickets (jflory7, 17:06:08)
- === Ticket #8 -
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/8 === (jflory7,
- * CommBlog Article: Flock Call for Bids
- ACTION: jflory7 /
decause: Make sure people with the social media powers are
subscribed to the social-media mailing list (jflory7,
- === Ticket #15 -
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/15 === (jflory7,
- * Hook up email posting functionality for
CommBlog (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7 Ask
puiterwijk about this, see if ticket should be filed in Fedora Infra
Trac (jflory7,
- AGREED: Assign
puiterwijk Ticket #15 in CommOps Trac (jflory7,
- === Ticket #17 -
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/17 === (jflory7,
- * Interview Fedora's Diversity and Inclusion
Advisor, tatica (jflory7,
- ACTION: decause/jflory ping tatica, invite her to commops
list (decause,
- https://opensource.com/how-conduct-interview-opensourcecom
- AGREED: Contact
tatica_ about the plans to conduct the interview, begin the process
of bringing everything together (cc her on Trac ticket) (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7 CC
tatica on Ticket #17 (jflory7,
- === #Ticket #20 -
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/20 === (jflory7,
- * Year in Review - CommOps Retrospective
- http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-commops-yir-2015
- ACTION: jflory7 Raise
Ticket #20 priority (jflory7,
- AGREED: Finish
outline for CommOps YiR article today, begin porting to a CommBlog
article today / tomorrow, get feedback in channel while working on
this and on mailing list once finished (jflory7,
- ACTION: decause/jflory7 post request for YiR input to
announce list (decause,
- https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/share-your-year-in-review-with-fedora/
- EoW = End of Week (decause,
- ACTION: mailga ping
mktg list again on retrospective to be completed by end of
week (decause,
- === Ticket #22 -
https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-commops/ticket/22 === (jflory7,
- * Publishing graphics tools / resources via
Fedora Magazine Images Repo (jflory7,
- https://fedoramagazine.org/creating-a-featured-image-for-a-fedora-magazine-article/
- https://unsplash.com/license
- https://unsplash.com/ (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7 Add
Unsplash.com as a resource for finding images to "Writing for
CommBlog" page (jflory7,
- AGREED: Fedora
Magazine Images repo in CommOps toolbox, to be mentioned / added to
"Writing for CommBlog" - still an ongoing discussion, details will
be added to ticket for further discussion (jflory7,
- Wiki Gardening (jflory7, 17:38:26)
- ACTION: NewMembers
Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ] (jflory7,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Community_Leader
- ACTION: commops
create a ticket to create a wiki page for Release Manager, RelEng
Lead, and Diversity and Inclusion Advisor (among any other new
Fedora Leadership postions not on the wiki yet) (decause,
- ACTION: jflory7 Add
clarification about Magazine vs. CommBlog to our toolbox, add
section to Community Blog wiki page about CommBlog vs. Magazine
specifically (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7 Open
ticket on Trac about starting initiative / movement to encourage
subgroups to merge related wiki pages (reducing clutter)
- ACTION: jflory7 /
mailga: Create and discuss a ticket about the Marketing
retrospective and its usefulness for the Year in Review article as
well (jflory7,
- Community Blog (jflory7, 17:54:21)
- === This Week in CommBlog === (jflory7,
- * “Top Badgers” of 2015: Robbie Harwood
(rharwood) (jflory7,
- https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/top-badgers-of-2015-robbie-harwood-rharwood/
- Total Views (Jan. 7 - 11): 30 (jflory7,
- ACTION: bee2502 file
a ticket on Commops to update Fedora women wiki page asap
- === Coming Up in CommBlog === (jflory7,
- More "Top Badgers" articles scheduled
- CommOps Year in Review - already discussed in
Ticket #20 (jflory7,
- Women in Computing article - discussed
earlier (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7 /
decause Add "Top Badger" article to bkp email about
social-media (jflory7,
- "Year in Review" articles for CommOps and other
subgroups is top priority on the CommBlog for the next few
weeks (jflory7,
- http://threebean.org/videos/fedmsg2gource/webm/
- http://threebean.org/videos/fedmsg2gource/webm/
- ACTION: decause find
out if there is a place for Fedora Videos like YouTube or
Vimdeo (decause,
- Flock (jflory7, 18:00:17)
- CommOps will be playing a larger role in Flock
Planning this year (jflory7,
- Flock-planning meeting call tomorrow at 19:00
UTC. Will report back to list, cc commops list (jflory7,
- bex will be doing a site visit in Krakow this
weekend, will report back with more financial details next
week (decause,
- Open Floor (jflory7, 18:01:55)
- ACTION: jflory7 /
decause Follow up with bkp about if Fedora has a YouTube
Meeting ended at 18:05:18 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jflory7 / decause: Make sure people with the social media powers are subscribed to the social-media mailing list
- jflory7 Ask puiterwijk about this, see if ticket should be filed in Fedora Infra Trac
- decause/jflory ping tatica, invite her to commops list
- jflory7 CC tatica on Ticket #17
- jflory7 Raise Ticket #20 priority
- decause/jflory7 post request for YiR input to announce list
- mailga ping mktg list again on retrospective to be completed by end of week
- jflory7 Add Unsplash.com as a resource for finding images to "Writing for CommBlog" page
- NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ]
- commops create a ticket to create a wiki page for Release Manager, RelEng Lead, and Diversity and Inclusion Advisor (among any other new Fedora Leadership postions not on the wiki yet)
- jflory7 Add clarification about Magazine vs. CommBlog to our toolbox, add section to Community Blog wiki page about CommBlog vs. Magazine specifically
- jflory7 Open ticket on Trac about starting initiative / movement to encourage subgroups to merge related wiki pages (reducing clutter)
- jflory7 / mailga: Create and discuss a ticket about the Marketing retrospective and its usefulness for the Year in Review article as well
- bee2502 file a ticket on Commops to update Fedora women wiki page asap
- jflory7 / decause Add "Top Badger" article to bkp email about social-media
- decause find out if there is a place for Fedora Videos like YouTube or Vimdeo
- jflory7 / decause Follow up with bkp about if Fedora has a YouTube
Action items, by person
- bee2502
- bee2502 file a ticket on Commops to update Fedora women wiki page asap
- decause
- jflory7 / decause: Make sure people with the social media powers are subscribed to the social-media mailing list
- decause/jflory ping tatica, invite her to commops list
- decause/jflory7 post request for YiR input to announce list
- jflory7 / decause Add "Top Badger" article to bkp email about social-media
- decause find out if there is a place for Fedora Videos like YouTube or Vimdeo
- jflory7 / decause Follow up with bkp about if Fedora has a YouTube
- jflory7
- jflory7 / decause: Make sure people with the social media powers are subscribed to the social-media mailing list
- jflory7 Ask puiterwijk about this, see if ticket should be filed in Fedora Infra Trac
- jflory7 CC tatica on Ticket #17
- jflory7 Raise Ticket #20 priority
- decause/jflory7 post request for YiR input to announce list
- jflory7 Add Unsplash.com as a resource for finding images to "Writing for CommBlog" page
- jflory7 Add clarification about Magazine vs. CommBlog to our toolbox, add section to Community Blog wiki page about CommBlog vs. Magazine specifically
- jflory7 Open ticket on Trac about starting initiative / movement to encourage subgroups to merge related wiki pages (reducing clutter)
- jflory7 / mailga: Create and discuss a ticket about the Marketing retrospective and its usefulness for the Year in Review article as well
- jflory7 / decause Add "Top Badger" article to bkp email about social-media
- jflory7 / decause Follow up with bkp about if Fedora has a YouTube
- mailga
- mailga ping mktg list again on retrospective to be completed by end of week
- jflory7 / mailga: Create and discuss a ticket about the Marketing retrospective and its usefulness for the Year in Review article as well
- puiterwijk
- jflory7 Ask puiterwijk about this, see if ticket should be filed in Fedora Infra Trac
- NewMembers Add your timezone / interests on CommOps Wiki [ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps ]
- commops create a ticket to create a wiki page for Release Manager, RelEng Lead, and Diversity and Inclusion Advisor (among any other new Fedora Leadership postions not on the wiki yet)
People present (lines said)
- jflory7 (210)
- decause (177)
- mailga (25)
- linuxmodder (23)
- bee2502_ (20)
- zodbot (15)
- aikidouke (14)
- puiterwijk (7)
- threebean (2)
- danofsatx (1)
- dgilmore (1)
- bee2502 (0)
- lmacken (0)
- cproffit (0)
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