16:00:27 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting 16:00:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 19 16:00:27 2016 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_arm_and_aarch64_status_meeting' 16:00:27 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen bconoboy pbrobinson dgilmore hrw jsmith dmarlin 16:00:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: bconoboy dgilmore dmarlin hrw jsmith pbrobinson pwhalen 16:00:36 * pbrobinson waves 16:00:37 <pwhalen> good morning folks, whos here today? 16:00:40 * jsmith waves 16:00:59 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 16:01:00 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 16:01:07 <sgallagh> oops, wrong channel. 16:02:07 <pwhalen> heh :) bye sgallagh ...welcome anytime! 16:02:26 <pwhalen> hrw mentioned he might be a little late 16:02:28 <sgallagh> (running a meeting in #f-m-1) 16:02:35 <pwhalen> alright, shall we get started? 16:02:42 <pwhalen> sgallagh, oh i know :) 16:03:07 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== 16:03:24 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, how does aarch64 look? 16:03:47 <pbrobinson> we're looking OK, a little behind, need to work out which packages are blocking, not entirely obvious ATM, but over all not looking bad 16:05:06 <pwhalen> cool, yea as we discussed, we're missing some kernel builds.. 16:05:21 * kushal is here now 16:05:27 <dgilmore> hola 16:05:58 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: yes, that'll be due to some other thing blocking, will try to get to the bottom by EOW 16:05:59 <pwhalen> #info New binutils expected this week to resolve - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1271387 16:07:00 <pwhalen> ok, thanks.. anything else ? 16:07:28 <pbrobinson> not that comes to mind from my side 16:07:33 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel & Uboot Status ==== 16:07:52 <pwhalen> i should have broken this up a little. 16:08:01 <pbrobinson> so I fixed an issue with 4.4/4.5 on rawhide kernels on TI devices today 16:08:09 <pbrobinson> so that should be fix with the next kernel build 16:08:11 <pwhalen> excellent 16:08:27 <pbrobinson> u-boot 2016.01 GA is now built too 16:08:39 <pwhalen> #info Issue with TI devices on 4.4/4.5 should be resolved next kernel build 16:09:02 <pbrobinson> the upstream team for u-boot indicated they're going to trial a 2 month release cycle so we should have at least 2016.03 before we start to lock down F-24 16:09:54 <pbrobinson> 4.5 is obviously well under way, with some interesting bits like etnaviv DRM landing (still needs libdrm/mesa support to land before it'll really be useful though) 16:10:06 <dgilmore> as soon as the clearfog dtb patches make it to linusĀ“s tree rawhide will work just fine on it 16:10:08 <pwhalen> cool.. ive tested it on the bpi, bbbm wandboard.. looking pretty good.. small issue with wandboard variable name 16:10:35 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: I'll try and look at that bug tomorrow 16:10:42 <dgilmore> I have done some minor testing of the etnaviv bits. still a bit buggy but showing promise 16:11:18 <pwhalen> there is an issue with 4.5 ive found, chrony doesnt set the time. will monitor and file when the kernel reaches rc1 16:11:41 <pwhalen> its also not arm specific 16:12:05 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: was that the thread on one of the lists (test or devel I don't remember) 16:12:41 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, seemed related, but not specific 16:13:35 <pwhalen> anything else for our kernel/uboot? 16:14:06 <pwhalen> #info uboot-tools-2016.01-1.fc24 is available now! 16:14:13 <pwhalen> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=710796 16:14:14 <pbrobinson> I suspect 4.4 won't land until the end of Jan in stable 16:14:21 <pbrobinson> and that's it from me 16:14:50 <herw> Greets from Faraday's cage 16:15:21 <pwhalen> hi herw :) 16:15:31 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Rawhide Status ==== 16:16:10 <pwhalen> the schedule has slipped for f24, as most of you know 16:16:21 <pbrobinson> and there will be a mass rebuild coming in shortly 16:16:37 <pwhalen> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/24/Schedule 16:16:39 <pbrobinson> before that expect a bunch of side tags to land 16:16:54 <pbrobinson> nodejs4 might even land today or tomorrow 16:17:07 <pwhalen> #info Mass rebuild scheduled for 2016-01-26 (one week today) 16:17:31 <pwhalen> #info Alpha TC1 is expected on Feb 16th 16:18:13 <pwhalen> aarch64 to start, asap after? 16:18:37 <pbrobinson> between now and then we'll be moving to pungi4 too 16:18:59 <pbrobinson> it depends on the state of the mass rebuild, signing etc 16:19:22 <dgilmore> pwhalen: alpha TC1 will not be the 16th it will likely be the 24th 16:19:30 <dgilmore> pwhalen: the schedule is not correct 16:19:33 <pwhalen> oh.. ok 16:19:38 <pwhalen> #undo 16:19:38 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by pwhalen at 16:17:31 : Alpha TC1 is expected on Feb 16th 16:19:54 <pwhalen> #info Alpha TC1 is expected on Feb 24th 16:19:55 <dgilmore> the mass rebuild will not be starting until the week of the 2nd 16:20:01 <pwhalen> thanks dgilmore 16:20:07 <dgilmore> TC never comes on branching day 16:20:15 <dgilmore> it will be the day after at the earliest 16:20:21 <pbrobinson> as much as QA would like it to ;-) 16:20:38 <pwhalen> #info Correction! mass rebuild will not be starting until the week of the 2nd 16:20:54 <pbrobinson> (thank god!) 16:21:48 <pwhalen> anything else for rawhide? 16:22:43 <pbrobinson> not really, just that branching is coming up quickly 16:23:18 <pwhalen> #topic 4) == Open Floor == 16:24:03 * jsmith has nothing to add to today's meeting 16:24:10 <pwhalen> anything else for today folks? 16:24:56 <pwhalen> #endmeeting