14:02:02 <mailga> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2016-02-24 14:02:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 24 14:02:02 2016 UTC. The chair is mailga. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_2016-02-24' 14:02:16 <mailga> #meetingname famsco 14:02:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 14:02:16 <decause> .hello decause 14:02:17 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 14:02:26 <potty> .hello potty 14:02:26 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 14:02:29 <mailga> @bar(input):button1#topic Roll Call 14:02:38 <mailga> #topic Roll Call 14:02:50 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 14:02:50 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 14:02:58 <mailga> .fas mailga 14:02:58 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 14:03:11 <mailga> hi decause nice to see you here. 14:03:53 <mailga> #chair gnokii potty 14:03:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: gnokii mailga potty 14:04:03 <decause> happy to be herr 14:04:20 <gnokii> herr == german for master 14:04:43 <decause> here* 14:04:46 <decause> lol 14:04:48 <mailga> gnokii: are you still german? :-D 14:05:02 <potty> lol 14:05:24 <gnokii> mailga: I dont know I had since september a german collegue but we didnt speak even we was in private german to each other 14:05:49 <mailga> gnokii: lol 14:06:04 <potty> gnokii: where are you currently at? 14:06:16 <gnokii> ok, lets do some business I dont expect the others 14:06:31 <gnokii> potty: in Phnom Penh 14:06:57 <mailga> gnokii: me too, don't think anyone will show up. 14:07:40 <potty> gnokii: interesting 14:07:45 <decause> :/ is it the time? 14:07:50 <potty> mailga: i agree 14:08:03 <gnokii> decause: no I dont think so 14:08:23 <mailga> I think we should resolve this situation since cwickert never showed up and tuanta only one time afaik. 14:08:23 <potty> decause: theorically no because it was a time 'available' for everyone 14:08:31 <gnokii> its more that some have not that interest in doing the job, otherwise they would at least answer to mails 14:08:37 <potty> mailga: lbazan one time too 14:09:10 <mailga> I agree with gnokii 14:09:15 <potty> gnokii: ++ 14:09:29 <gnokii> and for me is now deadline, I raise here officially the request to ask the last chair which is still sesivany, to release them from duty 14:10:52 <gnokii> we even have a new chair just because one person does not give his opinion via mail 14:11:06 <gnokii> havent 14:11:16 <mailga> gnokii +1 and is it the case to go ahead with the four people left or we should ask for new members? 14:11:51 <gnokii> mailga: we need an unequal number 14:12:05 <mailga> gnokii: right. 14:12:13 <gnokii> otherwise we could end anytime again in the situation we have now 14:12:16 <gnokii> 1:1 14:12:24 <potty> gnokii: +1 14:13:27 <mailga> well gnokii do you get in touch with jiri? 14:13:50 <gnokii> mailga: not yet, but I will write tomorrow if we agree on that 14:14:45 <mailga> gnokii: I agree, I strongly agree. There's a lot of work the Project asked us to d, and this situation isn't the best. 14:14:50 <potty> mailga: sorry to not know, but to contact him about what? 14:15:19 <mailga> about what gnokii said before: 14:15:20 <gnokii> potty you really should reconsider if you the right person for the chair 14:15:48 <mailga> I raise here officially the request to ask the last chair which is still sesivany, to 14:15:57 <mailga> release them from duty 14:16:11 <mailga> that's whats gnikiisaid. 14:16:26 <potty> True. 14:16:27 <mailga> s/gnikiisaid/gnokii said 14:16:50 <potty> Thanks 14:16:57 * potty 14:17:35 <mailga> potty: do you agree to let gnokii get in touch with sesivany for asking that? 14:17:53 <potty> Yes, of course. 14:17:55 * lbazan here 14:18:03 * lbazan late 14:18:05 <lbazan> morning 14:18:24 <potty> I do not relate sesivany as jiri 14:18:26 <potty> Thats all 14:18:35 <mailga> potty: np. 14:20:18 <lbazan> potty: topic? 14:20:37 <mailga> lbazan no topic. 14:20:44 <potty> No topic 14:20:51 <gnokii> lbazan: we talking about how to solve the problem with not participating and its not the time 14:20:53 <lbazan> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/388 14:21:08 <lbazan> gnokii: change the time 14:21:21 <lbazan> In Panamá 9am 14:21:31 <gnokii> thats perse bullshit as they dont participate via mail also 14:22:09 <gnokii> and for me is 9pm so where you want to change to 12 hrs opposite for me in the morning for you in the night? 14:22:13 <lbazan> gnokii: mmmm We have real lives 14:22:21 * mailga sent regrets when not able to attend.... other? 14:22:23 <gnokii> really? 14:22:31 <lbazan> gnokii: you work? you have family? 14:22:36 <lbazan> or others? 14:22:46 <gnokii> lbazan: you want to insult me? 14:22:56 <gnokii> of course I have work 14:23:24 <lbazan> < gnokii> thats perse bullshit as they dont participate via mail also 14:23:55 <gnokii> but opposite to others I do a job if I take it and if I have then no time because of job or family I make the conesquence and step back 14:24:29 <mailga> lbazan: I know that the project is a freetime job, but when people don't show up for several weeks, I think there's a problem. 14:24:42 <gnokii> exactly 14:25:03 <gnokii> and even more they have in that several weeks no time to write a mail 14:26:16 <potty> Lets not emphasize on problem but instead on solutions 14:26:22 <lbazan> potty: +1 14:26:36 <potty> How we can solve this, as a team? 14:26:54 <potty> Changing time is not feasible 14:27:09 <potty> Removing people, is that possible? 14:27:32 <mailga> potty: the first step is that one between you and giannisk did a step down for the chairing request. 14:27:39 <mailga> potty: it is. 14:27:56 <potty> Adding new people, how can we do that? 14:29:07 * mailga seeking the wiki page 14:29:42 <potty> Well, good. What do you think if i step down and i will be the vicechair and giannisk the chair? Of course, if we all members present agree 14:29:53 <potty> :) 14:30:09 * potty is trying to do my best to not have a stuck famsco :( 14:30:46 <mailga> potty: I agree it's the first step for getting out from this stuck situation. 14:31:13 <lbazan> I have no problem with that potty +1 14:31:26 <mailga> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_election_rules 14:31:49 <lbazan> gnokii: are you there? 14:32:05 <mailga> potty lets see the final paragraphs 14:32:28 <Southern_Gentlem> ? do we have the election results? if people are not serving ask the council to remove and contact the next people who ran for FAMSCO 14:33:45 <mailga> Southern_Gentlem: yes but there are three points in the Filling Vacant Seats section. 14:34:26 <mailga> lbazan: at home gnokii has a bad connection. 14:35:10 <lbazan> mailga: ok 14:35:19 * potty is reading 14:36:31 <mailga> ok, I think potty should sent a mail in ML for stepping down from the run for being the Famsco Chair. 14:36:46 <lbazan> mailga: ok 14:36:48 <potty> mailga: ok 14:36:53 <potty> Thats an action 14:37:17 <lbazan> ok I have one question 14:37:28 <lbazan> mailga potty where is cwickert and tuanta 14:37:47 <mailga> #action potty will send a mail in ML to announce he step down from the chair nomination. 14:37:57 <mailga> lbazan: that's the question 14:38:25 <mailga> lbazan: when we will have the chair he will ask to 14:38:44 <potty> And giannisk? Where is he today? 14:38:48 <lbazan> mailga: ok 14:38:49 <mailga> cwickert and tuanta to step down from famsc. 14:38:58 <lbazan> mailga: ok 14:39:02 <mailga> s/famsc./famsco 14:39:32 <lbazan> mailga: need two members 14:39:41 <mailga> so whe can decide what about the three point of the "filling vacant seats" section. 14:40:19 <potty> mailga: i read about it 14:40:36 <mailga> yes, if tuanta and cwickert will step down, we therorically need two members, but consider also we can go ahead as we are. 14:40:37 <lbazan> mailga: +1 14:41:00 <potty> mailga: +1 14:41:06 <lbazan> +1 14:41:09 <lbazan> okk 14:41:27 <Southern_Gentlem> mailga, i read that as step 1 2 3 in that order and 1 and 2 has not been done 14:42:28 <mailga> Southern_Gentlem: are those points sequential? 14:43:42 <Southern_Gentlem> thats the way i read it 14:44:09 * mailga is really evaluating to step down from famsco as well. 14:44:22 <gnokii> mailga: theortically we dont need 2 members 14:44:34 <gnokii> read it until end 14:46:45 <mailga> gnokii: was you online when potty declared he will step down from the chair nomination? 14:46:57 <mailga> s was/were 14:47:10 <gnokii> no at least I saw no messages 14:47:51 <mailga> well the action item is that potty will send a mail in list announcing that, so we will have a chair. 14:48:32 <gnokii> ok then its up to giannisk to do that not sesivany 14:48:43 <potty> gnokii: yes 14:48:44 <mailga> gnokii: exactly. 14:48:58 <gnokii> fine with me 14:50:07 <mailga> ok. I think that there's nothing more to do for now, until giannisk will ask for tuanta and cwickert if they will step down. 14:50:25 <potty> mailga: +1 14:50:51 <mailga> we've 10 minutes left. 14:51:10 <gnokii> so its the latam fudcon decission then 14:51:12 <potty> mailga: ! 14:51:38 <mailga> gnokii yes, but wait... 14:51:40 <potty> gnokii: that was discussed on Council latest meeting and they approved it 14:52:08 <mailga> gnokii: yes, it was on the council shoulders. 14:52:09 <gnokii> potty: thats fine but when I remember right its a little bit strange 14:52:29 <gnokii> because first famsco yes and later board not going ahead 14:52:42 <potty> Yes I know. 14:52:53 <potty> gnokii: there is a ticket here on famsco trac 14:52:59 <gnokii> so then dont say we havent to agree as we have to 14:53:04 <gnokii> I know 14:53:07 <potty> lbazan created the ticket 14:53:11 <lbazan> ok 14:53:19 <potty> And we wanted to discussed it on this meeting 14:53:39 <potty> lbazan: please share the link 14:53:48 <lbazan> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/388 14:53:58 <gnokii> really, why you tell then we dont have to do it as the council agreed on it? 14:54:17 <potty> gnokii: you asked about it 14:54:30 <gnokii> I did? 14:54:32 <potty> It is not my fault Council agreed on that before us 14:54:42 <potty> But thats not a problem 14:54:54 <gnokii> sure its not a problem 14:55:06 <potty> I just wanted to share that fudcon latam is going to be held at Puno, Peru 14:55:29 <potty> mailga: i sent the email 14:55:49 <mailga> potty: well done! 14:56:17 <gnokii> btw can somebody moderate my answer to the list its already there again since a week 14:57:25 <mailga> gnokii: cwickert and sesivany (if I recall correctly) are admin of the list. 14:57:39 <potty> mailga: +1 14:57:42 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 14:57:42 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 14:58:07 * giannisk apologizes for being late. 14:58:10 <potty> Hi giannisk 14:58:13 <potty> Welcome 14:58:48 <giannisk> Still during roll call? 14:59:02 <gnokii> sure we neede 1 hour for it 15:00:04 <mailga> giannisk: it was a hard roll call.... We discussed about presents and not present. 15:00:12 <giannisk> Can you fellas please give me an update? 15:00:31 <mailga> sorry I share a bit of italian on my phrase... 15:00:34 <mailga> :-D 15:00:53 <potty> giannisk: i stepped down as chair candidate (wanting to be vicechair if you like to) 15:01:25 <giannisk> potty: yes, I've just seen your e-mail on the FAmSco list 15:01:48 <potty> So you can, as chair, talk to tuanta and cwickert 15:01:52 <gnokii> giannisk: and you have a task as chair already 15:01:54 <potty> to step down 15:02:08 <giannisk> potty: yes, it is totally fine by me to appoint you as vice-chair 15:02:17 <potty> Because we are stuck as famsco 15:02:24 <giannisk> Does anyone object having potty as the vice-chair? 15:02:24 <potty> Thank you very much giannisk 15:03:11 <gnokii> nope 15:03:57 <giannisk> #info Potty steps down as FAmSCo chair candidate 15:04:17 <lbazan> giannisk: no problem for me! 15:04:21 <mailga> #chair lbazan giannisk 15:04:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: giannisk gnokii lbazan mailga potty 15:04:40 <giannisk> #agreed Giannisk appointed as new chair of FAmSCo 15:04:53 <giannisk> #agreed Potty appointed as vice-chair of FAmSCo 15:05:09 * potty :) 15:05:38 <jsmith> Congrats to both of you :-) 15:05:54 <giannisk> Okay. Tuanta and cwickert are the least active FAmSCo members as of now. 15:05:59 * giannisk nods to jsmith 15:06:23 <giannisk> I will send them an e-mail and try to re-activate them 15:06:51 <giannisk> Should that not be possible, then they current committee will kindly ask them to step down. 15:06:59 <giannisk> I think this is fair for everyone. 15:07:05 <giannisk> Does everyone agree with that 15:07:07 <giannisk> ? 15:07:15 <lbazan> +1 15:07:16 <giannisk> s/they/the 15:07:40 <gnokii> giannisk: we already agreed on that 15:07:44 <potty> +1 15:07:47 <mailga> +1 15:07:55 <giannisk> gnokii: sorry, I was not here earlier 15:08:08 <potty> giannisk: it is ok 15:08:17 <gnokii> but one thing is sure I dont want to hear empty excuses 15:09:01 <giannisk> #action giannisk inform tuanta and cwickert about their inactivity, try to re-activate them 15:09:25 <mailga> agree with gnokii a lot of work has to be done and we're wasting time. 15:09:55 <giannisk> We will put more efforts together as FAmSCo, be sure about that. 15:10:00 <potty> mailga: +1 15:10:19 <giannisk> Anything else that needs to be discussed today? 15:10:25 <lbazan> giannisk: nope 15:10:32 <potty> Nope 15:10:35 <lbazan> fudcon? close the ticket 15:10:35 <lbazan> ? 15:10:37 <giannisk> What is the state of the transition from FAmSCo to FOSCo? 15:10:38 <mailga> not from me 15:10:52 <giannisk> gnokii: do you need any help with that? 15:10:53 <potty> giannisk: we just mentioned that fudcon latam will be on Puno, Peru 15:10:56 <lbazan> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/388 15:10:58 <gnokii> giannisk: my mail with the answer is still in the queue since 2 weeks 15:11:15 <lbazan> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/388 15:11:32 <giannisk> gnokii: why is that? aren't you already part of the FAmSCo mailing list? 15:11:56 <mailga> gnokii: do you think we can ask puiterwijk to give us the admin powers on the famsco list? 15:12:12 <gnokii> giannisk: yeah I am but I just hit the button answer and it looks I am in it with the mail address i not normally use 15:12:24 <gnokii> mailga: sure he can 15:12:24 <giannisk> gnokii: I see 15:12:25 <puiterwijk> mailga: if one of the current admins give you ack, I can give you admin 15:12:41 <gnokii> puiterwijk: ++ 15:12:45 <potty> Thanks puiterwijk 15:12:51 <gnokii> puiterwijk++ 15:12:51 <zodbot> gnokii: Karma for puiterwijk changed to 34 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:12:57 <potty> puiterwijk++ 15:12:57 <zodbot> potty: Karma for puiterwijk changed to 35 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:13:04 <mailga> giannisk: can you ask to sesivany to give his ack? 15:13:05 <lbazan> gnokii++ 15:13:20 <giannisk> mailga: will do 15:13:25 <mailga> thank so much puiterwijk 15:13:35 <giannisk> mailga: either sesivany or cwickert 15:14:00 <gnokii> ok lets formulate something to FUDCon Puno 15:14:01 <potty> Thats an action to do too 15:14:04 <mailga> yes but cwickert is away from us, at the moment. 15:15:07 * mailga is on the phone.... job is calling. Please go ahead. 15:15:26 <giannisk> #action giannisk to ask sesivany to give ack for a new FAmSCo list admin 15:16:17 <gnokii> decause: still there? 15:16:31 <giannisk> Regarding the Fudcon LATAM: yes, it should be reviewed by the council 15:17:07 <potty> giannisk: it was already reviewed and approved by Council 15:17:19 <gnokii> giannisk: we have to review it also and normally before the board retrespective council 15:17:31 <potty> gnokii: thats correct 15:17:41 <giannisk> potty: yes, just noticed on the ticket 15:17:54 <potty> To sum up: Council approved the ticket but we dont have even discussed about it 15:22:59 <potty> Are we still hereV 15:23:12 <potty> s/hereV/here 15:23:12 <gnokii> ok can we say something and vote on it? 15:23:42 <giannisk> potty: go for it then 15:23:58 <giannisk> potty: please give us an update 15:23:58 <gnokii> make it formal 15:25:03 <potty> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Puno_2016 15:27:11 <potty> Here is the famsco ticket url 15:27:14 <potty> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/388 15:29:01 <gnokii> giannisk: ? 15:29:33 <giannisk> gnokii: I'm waiting for potty to comment 15:29:52 <gnokii> comment on what? 15:30:06 <giannisk> potty: is there any clear overview for the budget? I 15:30:43 <giannisk> gnokii: give FAmSCo and intro, maybe? posting a link is not sufficient, at least to me 15:30:52 <giannisk> s/and/an 15:32:01 <potty> potty: there is a section on the wiki page about it 15:32:09 <gnokii> the only concern I have, I see no cost breakdown 15:32:30 <giannisk> exactly, there is no budget breakdown 15:32:41 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Puno_2016_budget 15:32:46 <giannisk> also the above link is dead 15:32:57 <potty> Oh 15:33:00 <potty> I see 15:33:04 <potty> council mentioned that too 15:33:15 <potty> Let me talk to the organizers to solve this asap 15:33:41 <potty> They have the budget but dont know why is not reflected on the wiki 15:33:44 <lbazan> potty: I take this action 15:33:52 <potty> Thank you 15:34:04 <giannisk> The thing is, what do you need our approval for when there's no mention about the budget? 15:34:17 <lbazan> giannisk: the budget is 10k 15:34:32 <giannisk> I'm totally fine with the dates and place and everything else, but please give us a clear overview of the budget :) 15:34:36 <lbazan> giannisk: You need a breakdown 15:34:37 <lbazan> ? 15:34:44 <giannisk> lbazan: yes please 15:34:55 <gnokii> with that flight prices, can be interesting to achieve 15:34:59 <lbazan> giannisk: ok give some days 15:34:59 <potty> The breakdown is missing 15:35:05 <potty> But the 10K is true 15:35:07 <potty> See this link 15:35:15 <potty> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_budget_template 15:35:15 <gnokii> what link? 15:35:47 <potty> ^ 15:35:55 <potty> ESTE 15:35:57 <potty> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_budget_template 15:36:19 <giannisk> Fixed costs are 5k USD from what I see 15:36:32 <potty> Yes 15:36:37 <potty> But still lets wait for the breakdown 15:36:42 <potty> They should have this 15:36:52 <lbazan> give some days! please! 15:36:55 <lbazan> to solve this 15:37:06 <gnokii> yes, its post boned 15:37:20 <gnokii> and I am not interest in a template 15:37:23 <giannisk> So, would you need less than 5k USD to sponsor event attendees? 15:37:37 <giannisk> I'm thinking that 10k in total won't be enough 15:37:52 <giannisk> But yes, have a few more days and get back to us 15:38:22 <lbazan> ok 15:38:34 <potty> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Puno_2016#Budget 15:38:51 <potty> Sorry. Don't mean to paste it here. 15:39:11 <giannisk> #action lbazan potty to get back to FAmSCo w/ a budget breakdown for Fudcon LATAM 15:39:34 <giannisk> Anything else for today? 15:39:38 <lbazan> nope 15:39:41 <potty> Not from me 15:39:56 <gnokii> yapp 15:40:03 <giannisk> Ending this meeting in a minute then. 15:40:10 <gnokii> .fasinfo giannisk 15:40:11 <zodbot> gnokii: User: giannisk, Name: Giannis Konstantinidis, email: giannis@konstantinidis.cc, Creation: 2009-11-20, IRC Nick: giannisk, Timezone: Europe/Athens, Locale: en, GPG key ID: , Status: active 15:40:14 <zodbot> gnokii: Approved Groups: cla_fedora cla_done ambassadors cvsl10n campusambassadors cla_fpca 15:40:24 <gnokii> giannisk: i mean i have points 15:40:32 <giannisk> gnokii: please go ahead 15:40:49 <gnokii> you see what is missing, you not in famsco group yet ;) 15:41:24 <giannisk> gnokii: point made ;) 15:41:33 <giannisk> gnokii: haven't received any invitation 15:41:47 <giannisk> Is everyone else on the famsco group on FAS? 15:41:52 <gnokii> so can you take the action to bring order in the fas group to? 15:41:58 <lbazan> .fas lbazan 15:41:59 <zodbot> lbazan: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <bazanluis20@gmail.com> 15:42:05 <lbazan> .fasinfo lbazan 15:42:06 <zodbot> lbazan: User: lbazan, Name: Luis Enrique Bazán De León, email: bazanluis20@gmail.com, Creation: 2011-04-19, IRC Nick: LoKoMurdoK, Timezone: America/Panama, Locale: es, GPG key ID: 50ED87E8, Status: active 15:42:08 <potty> .fasinfo potty 15:42:09 <zodbot> lbazan: Approved Groups: @fedora-py cvsl10n bzrpython-fedora sysadmin-logs @fedora-pa sysadmin-noc bodhiadmin packager fedorabugs cla_fedora cla_done cla_fpca sysadmin campusambassadors freemedia gitfas docs docs-writers triagers famsco @fedora-icaro @fedora-mx +ambassadors @fedora-ec @fedora-ar @fudcon @fedora-cl 15:42:13 <zodbot> potty: User: potty, Name: Abdel G. Martínez L., email: abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com, Creation: 2010-03-27, IRC Nick: potty, Timezone: America/Panama, Locale: es, GPG key ID: , Status: active 15:42:14 * jflory7 has a suggestion for future FAmSCo meetings 15:42:15 <lbazan> yes 15:42:16 <zodbot> potty: Unapproved Groups: l10n-commits 15:42:19 <zodbot> potty: Approved Groups: web qa python-sig freemedia @fedora-pa cla_fedora cla_done ambassadors campusambassadors packager fedorabugs cla_fpca bzrpython-fedora @gitmarba3nf docs docs-writers gitfas 15:42:52 <potty> I am not included 15:43:09 <potty> jflory7: what is your suggestion? 15:43:10 <gnokii> yes all new are not and the old are still in 15:43:19 <potty> gnokii: ok 15:43:19 <giannisk> Newer FAmSco members have not been invited to the famsco group on FAS. Will see to it. 15:43:55 <giannisk> #action giannisk ask the infra team to include new famsco members to the famsco FAS group 15:44:03 <jflory7> It may be helpful for FAmSCo to plan the meeting agendas ahead of time to keep the meetings focused and centered around topics that need to be discussed. Obviously there are some internal issues that were addressed today, but the EMEA Ambassadors, CommOps, and soon to be Marketing use this format to good success. 15:44:07 <giannisk> gnokii: thanks for bringing this up 15:44:08 * jflory7 digs for links 15:44:18 <giannisk> gnokii++ 15:44:18 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for gnokii changed to 9 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:44:30 <jflory7> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Template:Ambassadors_meeting 15:44:37 <jflory7> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Template:CommOps_meeting 15:44:53 <gnokii> ^^ 15:44:55 <jflory7> And an example: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:CommOps_2016-02-23 15:45:00 <jflory7> Doesn't have to be as verbose 15:45:10 <jflory7> But having an agenda at least outlined in advance should help for planning 15:45:26 <potty> jflory7: i will suggest it on LATAM meetings too. Thanks 15:45:39 <giannisk> jflory7: for EMEA, we have stopped creating new wiki pages for each meeting, I'm now posting the agenda on the mailing list 15:45:52 <jflory7> giannisk: Ahh, I see, was not aware 15:46:16 * jflory7 likes the wiki template for list formatting and having others edit onto it as needed 15:47:17 <giannisk> FAmSCo, do you think we should maintain wiki pages w/ the agenda for each of our meetings? 15:47:50 <gnokii> nope 15:48:52 <giannisk> I can just post a meeting reminder w/ the agenda on the FAmSCo list, same thing I have been doing with the EMEA Ambassadors meetings lately. 15:48:54 <jflory7> Doesn't have to be wiki, but some kind of agenda planning in advance should be useful to FAmSCo 15:48:59 <jflory7> Yeah. 15:49:06 <giannisk> +1 15:49:24 <potty> Lets mantain it of the list 15:49:29 <gnokii> jflory7: just one note from me, we have an agenda 15:49:31 <potty> s/of/on 15:50:39 <gnokii> nope we stick with the agenda to the mailing list 15:51:29 <giannisk> lbazan: okay to have the agenda posted on the mailing list? 15:52:11 <gnokii> mailga: has done this 15:52:20 <lbazan> ok 15:52:24 <lbazan> giannisk: 15:52:29 <giannisk> gnokii: not yesterday for example 15:52:40 <giannisk> gnokii: there was just a reminder 15:53:15 <gnokii> giannisk: yes because it made no sense we had never a quorum and could not do anything 15:54:10 <giannisk> #agreed Meeting reminders w/ an agenda to be posted on the FAmSCo mailing list 15:54:33 <giannisk> gnokii: still, no agenda for the last meetings :) we're going to fix that 15:54:46 <jflory7> giannisk++ 15:54:48 <jflory7> gnokii++ 15:54:50 <gnokii> via mail in the invite is enough 15:55:31 <giannisk> Anything else to be discussed? 15:55:59 <potty> No 15:56:30 <lbazan> nope 15:57:06 <jflory7> That was all I had to suggest 15:57:21 <giannisk> Thank you all, ending the meeting in two minutes from now then. 15:59:32 <giannisk> #endmeeting