14:01:12 <giannisk> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2016-03-23 14:01:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 23 14:01:12 2016 UTC. The chair is giannisk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_2016-03-23' 14:01:17 <giannisk> #meetingname famsco 14:01:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 14:01:22 <giannisk> #topic Roll Call 14:01:24 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 14:01:25 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 14:01:27 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 14:01:28 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 14:01:29 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 14:01:32 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@gmail.com> 14:01:47 <potty> .hello potty 14:01:48 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 14:01:48 <giannisk> Hello everyone and welcome. 14:02:15 <cwickert> #info we have a quorum (4/7) 14:02:28 <cwickert> should we wait for others? 14:02:38 <tuanta> yes, great to see we got quorum today 14:02:45 <potty> lbazan cant attend 14:02:45 <cwickert> AFAICS nopbody sent regrets 14:02:46 <giannisk> Has anyone from the others notified about their absense? 14:02:53 <giannisk> cwickert: yes 14:03:04 <giannisk> cwickert: about the nobody sent regrets thing 14:03:49 <giannisk> Okay, let's move on. 14:03:55 <potty> In fact he said he will connect in 10 minutes 14:04:05 <giannisk> #topic Final appointment of chair 14:04:14 <cwickert> ! 14:04:21 <giannisk> Okay, its has been agreed that we are going to conduct another round of elections. 14:04:28 <giannisk> cwickert: please go ahead 14:04:38 <cwickert> As we have only 4 people here, I suggest we do this in trac 14:04:52 <cwickert> both nominations and voting 14:04:55 <potty> +1 14:05:24 <tuanta> +1. However, today, we should decide the deadlines for both nomination and voting 14:05:29 <giannisk> cwickert: agreed, I guess we have also agreed that all votings will take place on trac from now on 14:05:31 <tuanta> is that ok? 14:05:33 <cwickert> tuanta: +1 14:05:44 <cwickert> giannisk: +1 14:06:23 <giannisk> who is available to open up a ticket for this? 14:06:30 * cwickert can do it 14:06:32 <tuanta> I propose we set a week for nomination (from today) and another week for voting 14:06:37 <giannisk> thanks cwickert 14:06:39 <cwickert> tuanta: ⁺+ 14:06:49 <giannisk> #agreed re-elections to take place on trac 14:07:05 <cwickert> is everybody ok with the timeframe tuanta suggested? 14:07:09 <giannisk> #action cwickert to create a new ticket regarding the elections 14:07:35 <giannisk> tuanta: +1, sounds fair 14:08:02 <potty> +1 14:08:19 <tuanta> should we have a specific time? 14:08:32 <giannisk> #agreed timeframe set to 1 week for nominations and another week for voting 14:08:42 <giannisk> tuanta: we should start -today- I guess 14:08:49 <cwickert> tuanta: I'll create the ticket during this meeting, so the time will end at 15:59:59 UTC 14:08:58 <cwickert> sounds fine? 14:09:04 <giannisk> cwickert: go ahead, +1 14:09:12 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 14:10:02 <tuanta> so deadline for nomination is after next week meeting (end of Wednesday) - just for clarification 14:10:07 <tuanta> is that right? 14:10:13 <cwickert> right 14:10:47 <giannisk> 15:59:59 UTC - March 30th 14:10:53 <cwickert> ack 14:11:01 <tuanta> cool :) 14:11:14 <giannisk> #info Deadline for nominations is 15:59:59 UTC, on March 30th 14:11:33 <giannisk> Everything set for now? Any questions? Anything to add? 14:11:51 * lbazan here 14:12:01 * lbazan morning! 14:12:01 * giannisk waves at lbazan 14:12:07 <cwickert> hi lbazan 14:12:19 <lbazan> saludos! 14:13:05 <giannisk> Okay, let's move on. 14:13:20 <giannisk> #topic Lazy consensus proposal 14:13:27 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/390 14:13:56 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/391 14:14:05 <giannisk> Will be closing #391 in favour of #390 14:14:37 <giannisk> #info Will be closing #391, discussion to be continued under #390 14:14:54 <giannisk> The majority agrees with lazy consensus 14:14:54 <cwickert> cool, thanks 14:14:59 <giannisk> We need to settle on a timeframe 14:15:04 <lbazan> ok 14:15:20 <cwickert> Hold on 14:15:27 <giannisk> It's going to be 1 week or 5 days, from what I have seen. 14:15:44 <cwickert> as we have no lazy consensus yet and Sirko was opposed, I think we should have a vote, just for the record 14:16:01 <cwickert> we can quickly vote here, we are five people, so we can overpower anybody anway 14:16:17 <giannisk> cwickert: we're definitely going to have a vote, yes 14:16:29 <cwickert> I just want to have this #agreed in the meeting logs for the record 14:16:35 <giannisk> I'm +1 to lazy consensus, timeframe to be determined shortly afterwards 14:16:39 <cwickert> +1 14:16:42 <giannisk> cwickert: yeap 14:17:02 <cwickert> lbazan, tuanta, potty: cast your votes 14:17:17 <lbazan> +1 14:17:36 <tuanta> +1 14:17:46 <tuanta> ping potty 14:18:24 <lbazan> potty 14:18:34 * potty waves 14:18:51 <potty> +1 cwickert 14:19:01 <giannisk> Perfect, 5 out of 7 is even better. 14:19:02 <cwickert> #agreed FAmSCO will switch to lazy consensus (+5) 14:19:16 <giannisk> #agreed to make decisions based on lazy consensus, timeframe to be determined shortly afterwards 14:19:17 <cwickert> ok, now for the timeframe 14:19:38 <cwickert> I still think it should be 7 days, I cannot imagine anything so ultra-urgent 14:19:52 <giannisk> Most of us agree that 3 days would be too short, so that's not considered. 14:19:56 <cwickert> +1 14:20:01 <giannisk> So it's either 5 days or 7 days. 14:20:52 <cwickert> please all state your preference 14:20:52 <tuanta> I propose we set 7 days in almost normal cases and 5 days for urgent ones 14:20:53 <giannisk> I'm fine with 7 days, although the meetings happen every week so I'm not very sure how that would be very efficient. 14:21:00 <cwickert> 7 14:21:11 <cwickert> we can still shorten it later if it turns out too long 14:21:12 <tuanta> 7 14:21:20 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 14:21:33 <giannisk> cwickert: true, we can change that 14:21:44 <potty> +1 5 days 14:21:59 <cwickert> lbazan: yopur vote please 14:22:07 <giannisk> 7 then, because we need to get things done and we shouldn't hold this even longer. We can change that later. 14:22:33 <giannisk> Provided that 7 days would be proven too long, of course. 14:22:35 * potty is sorry. Got bad connection 14:23:25 <tuanta> ping lbazan 14:24:07 <giannisk> So far we have 3 people for 7d, 1 person for 5d 14:24:54 <potty> Yup 14:25:05 <giannisk> ping lbazan 14:25:49 <lbazan> +1 14:25:51 <lbazan> sorry 14:25:51 * giannisk is tapping his fingers on the desk. 14:25:52 <lbazan> late 14:26:07 <giannisk> lbazan: +1 for which one? 5d or 7d? 14:26:09 <cwickert> lbazan: don't +1, say 5 or 7 days please 14:26:34 <lbazan> +1 to 5 14:26:39 <lbazan> sorry 14:26:39 <cwickert> :( 14:26:48 <cwickert> means we have no majority yet 14:27:02 <giannisk> cwickert: true, it's 3:2 14:27:26 <tuanta> so we need more votes from absent ones 14:27:35 <cwickert> giannisk: IIRC maliga voted for 5 days in trac, so it's actually 3:3 14:27:47 <lbazan> ok 14:27:50 <lbazan> ! 14:27:57 <potty> ! 14:28:03 <lbazan> I change my vote +1 7 14:28:04 <lbazan> ok 14:28:08 <potty> Changing my vote, to 7days 14:28:23 <giannisk> cwickert: actually he said 7 days 14:28:36 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/390#comment:7 14:28:38 <tuanta> mailga voted for 7 14:28:42 <cwickert> giannisk: +5, -1 and 0 then? 14:28:51 <cwickert> 0 is Sirko, he didn't say anything 14:28:56 <giannisk> cwickert: Exactly 14:28:58 <potty> Yeah 14:28:59 <cwickert> ok 14:29:09 <tuanta> +5, cwickert 14:29:16 <cwickert> #agreed The timeframe for lazy consensus will be 7 days. We can make it shorter later, if necessary (+5, -1, 0) 14:29:16 <tuanta> +6, sorry 14:29:27 <giannisk> Perfect, thanks everyone. 14:29:36 <cwickert> we have a run today ;) 14:29:40 <tuanta> cwickert: lbazan and potty have just changed their votes 14:29:43 <giannisk> Woah, now I feel that we are doing some progress. :) 14:29:52 <tuanta> no "-1" 14:30:07 <cwickert> tuanta: the -1 is giannisk because he preferred 5 days 14:30:16 <cwickert> right, giannisk? 14:30:26 <giannisk> cwickert: That's not correct, I said above that I'm fine with 7d 14:30:32 <cwickert> #undo 14:30:39 <giannisk> cwickert: considering that we should not hold this even longer 14:30:54 <cwickert> #agreed The timeframe for lazy consensus will be 7 days. We can make it shorter later, if necessary (+6, -0, +-0) 14:31:03 <giannisk> and also based on the fact that we can change the timeframe later, if necessary 14:31:04 <cwickert> now it should be correct 14:31:06 <potty> Thank you 14:31:10 <potty> Yes 14:31:15 <cwickert> cool 14:31:22 <giannisk> cwickert: Yes, I missed potty's +1 back there. 14:31:29 <giannisk> Thanks again everyone. 14:31:31 <potty> Lets move on 14:31:34 <potty> :) 14:31:37 <cwickert> giannisk: can you continue with the agenda while I prepare the ticket? 14:31:50 <giannisk> cwickert: certainly 14:32:20 <giannisk> #topic Mentor nominations / cleaning-up inactive mentors 14:32:31 <giannisk> There have been several discussions recently. 14:32:48 <giannisk> Considering whether we should change the nomination process for mentors. 14:33:10 <tuanta> ! 14:33:19 <giannisk> We also have a few mentors throughout the regions that are not active anymore, and they are likely not interested in mentoring new ambassadors anymore. 14:33:22 <giannisk> tuanta: please 14:33:35 <tuanta> we should be back to past when Mentors program setup 14:33:51 <tuanta> to understand the context/situation 14:34:03 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_Join_choose_a_mentor#Regional_Ambassador_Mentors 14:34:14 <giannisk> ^Here is the list of current mentors, both available and unavailable 14:34:58 <tuanta> and remember that Mentor is not a title; it is just for experienced people to support newbies 14:35:08 <tuanta> anyone can do help others as much as they can 14:35:39 <tuanta> they do not need to have that "official" title to do help others 14:35:39 <giannisk> yes, helping and mentoring are different things 14:36:09 <potty> giannisk: indeed 14:36:13 <giannisk> tuanta: But you know, the thing is that some people who hold that "title" are not mentoring others anymore. 14:36:30 <giannisk> And on the other hand we have some very experienced people who we should consider as new mentors. 14:36:32 <tuanta> yes, they are different, but not much 14:36:36 <potty> ! 14:36:49 <giannisk> potty: please 14:36:55 <potty> How do we measure inactivity? 14:37:08 <potty> Is there any rule to remove mentor title to someone? 14:37:09 <tuanta> can I finish my comments first? 14:37:22 <potty> Sorry tuanta :( 14:37:38 <tuanta> it's ok, just try to ask for permission :) 14:37:46 <giannisk> tuanta: I though you were done speaking, sorry. 14:37:53 <giannisk> s/though/thought 14:38:44 <tuanta> the biggest difference is a Mentor can approve a new ambassador 14:38:58 <tuanta> most others are the same 14:39:19 <tuanta> for that work, it is not necessary to have a lot of people 14:39:24 <tuanta> eof. 14:40:14 <giannisk> From what I have noticed, some mentors have a passive role. They are sitting there, waiting for people to e-mail them in order to be mentored. This is not necessarily a bad thing. 14:40:25 <giannisk> For me, it would be ideal if more mentors had an active role. 14:40:36 <cwickert> I think this would be abig change 14:40:36 <giannisk> We need more community building efforts throughout the regions. 14:40:47 <cwickert> and we should discuss it with FAMA first 14:40:59 <giannisk> We need mentors and experienced people to speak at conferences, inspire new potential contributors to join our project. 14:41:00 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 14:41:06 <giannisk> That's what mentorship should also be about. 14:41:39 <giannisk> It could be not just sitting behind a desk, waiting to answer e-mails from people. Which, I say again, is not a bad thing. 14:41:46 <potty> +1 cwickert but we should propose something to FAMA 14:41:49 <giannisk> But I imagine we can do better at that. 14:42:54 <giannisk> I can also reach out to the ambassadors ML with some thoughts. 14:43:17 <cwickert> giannisk: I have a lot of ideas for changing the mentoring process, but in the past, the mentors did not want change 14:43:45 <cwickert> therefor I'm very careful proposing too much change 14:44:06 <giannisk> cwickert: I see 14:44:21 <cwickert> brb 14:45:00 <tuanta> agree giannisk. in fact, AFAIK, almost mentors do that way (active mode) to take candidates on the right way; after those initial setup, candidates should be more active to do their work and contact mentors once they need 14:45:11 <giannisk> We could start a new ticket, proposing some changes. We can all agree on a model and then reach out to fellow mentors and ambassadors, seeking feedback. 14:45:16 <tuanta> remember that they are candidates of Fedora Ambassadors 14:45:35 <tuanta> they should be active to promote the Fedora project 14:46:26 <cwickert> re 14:46:44 <giannisk> tuanta: Agreed. But unfortunately this is not happening all the times. 14:46:54 <tuanta> sorry, cwickert, what do you mean? 14:46:56 <giannisk> tuanta: It differs from mentor to mentor. 14:47:34 <lbazan> I need to withdraw from the meeting 14:47:35 <lbazan> soryr 14:47:37 <lbazan> sorry 14:47:57 <lbazan> I must leave 14:48:00 <tuanta> ok, thank lbazan for your attendance. See you next times :) 14:48:21 <lbazan> tuanta cwickert giannisk potty see ya 14:48:26 <giannisk> Also, I think we have an "issue" in EMEA. Unfortunately, half of the mentors on that list are inactive and have not been mentoring new ambassadors for quite some time. 14:48:32 <giannisk> lbazan: thanks for being here, take care 14:49:27 <giannisk> What do you propose that we should do? 14:50:00 <cwickert> ! 14:50:00 <giannisk> I disagree that "mentor" is a permanent title that one should keep forever, regardless if he/she is active and mentoring people or not. 14:50:03 <giannisk> cwickert: please 14:50:31 <cwickert> 1. I suggest we don't change too much now. We have to talk to the mentors/FAMA anyway. 14:50:46 <potty> ! 14:50:48 <giannisk> To me, entors should have some "responsibilities" and push efforts in their regions. 14:50:59 <giannisk> s/entors/mentors 14:51:01 <cwickert> can I finish first? 14:51:09 <giannisk> cwickert: sure 14:51:42 <cwickert> 2. We had long discussions about inactive ambassadors. We agreed to not revoke anybody's gropu membership but simply mark them as inactive in FAS 14:52:12 <cwickert> this is an automated process if people have shown no activity such as logging in, sending mails to a list etc. 14:52:26 <cwickert> and I suggest we do something similar with the mentors 14:53:00 <cwickert> we should reach out to them and ask them if they are still available and still interested in mentoring 14:53:13 <cwickert> if they are not available, they are marked as unavailable in the wiki 14:53:35 <cwickert> and if they have no more interest in mentoring at all, they get removed from the group 14:53:49 <cwickert> but I don't want to kick anybody out of the group 14:53:50 <cwickert> eof 14:54:00 <potty> ! 14:54:14 <giannisk> potty: go ahead 14:54:19 <potty> I understand that mentors work 'differently'? how do we measure inactivity? Is there a way to make them inactive (as cwickert mention)? 14:54:56 <potty> How do we standarize what mentors do? 14:55:27 <cwickert> potty: we don't have a technical way to figure out if mentors are still active, although it could probably be implemented in fedmsg. But I don't want a definition but simply ask. 14:55:57 <potty> And finally I like cwickert idea. Reach each mentor and ask them about their interest of being mentor. If not interested remove from the mentor group. If do not responde, make them inactive. 14:56:08 <potty> and set a rule to make inactive automatically. 14:56:14 <giannisk> potty: there has never been a standardization 14:56:25 <giannisk> potty: yes, what cwickert said about reaching out to them is fair 14:56:46 <potty> So I think 14:56:47 <cwickert> potty: right, there might even be cases where we HAVE TO mark people inactive, e.g. if they don't do anything and don't respond to our mail 14:57:11 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 14:57:26 <potty> cwickert: thats the point. First a manual inactive marking. After the purge, set an automatic inactive marking. 14:57:39 <cwickert> I think we should start with a 'human' rather than a technical solution first, and that I simply contacting them. 14:57:44 <potty> But first standarize mentor's tasks 14:57:52 <potty> cwickert: +1 14:57:54 <potty> EOF 14:58:00 <giannisk> cwickert:^If that's case the case, we should also considering removing them from the list. As it will be clearly a notice that they're not interested/available to contribute anymore. 14:58:11 <cwickert> potty: standardization is a BIG BIG topic, be careful. ;) 14:58:47 <cwickert> giannisk: we might do this if somebody is inactive on a technical and human level 14:58:51 <tuanta> potty, and for this BIG topic, we must discuss inside mentors group firstly 14:59:05 <cwickert> AFAIR inactive technically means "not logging in to FAS for one year" 14:59:22 <cwickert> and "not writing mails to a list for a year" 14:59:32 <cwickert> so that is clearly inactive :) 14:59:33 <giannisk> I propose we first settle on a few "proposals", write them down and present them to mentors for further discussion/feedback. 14:59:33 <cwickert> AWOL 14:59:41 <cwickert> giannisk: +1 14:59:52 <potty> giannisk: +1 14:59:56 <tuanta> no mails, no IRC, no FAS login, no wiki, etc for a year 15:00:00 <cwickert> add the proposals to the ticket? 15:00:01 <giannisk> I'm willing to open up a ticket on trac and initiate the discussion between us. 15:00:40 <cwickert> giannisk: why not continue in #359? 15:00:40 <potty> Thanks 15:01:10 <giannisk> cwickert: true, we can do that as well 15:01:13 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/359 15:01:40 <cwickert> ok, I'll add my poropsal there then 15:01:43 <giannisk> It was meant to "revoke mentor status", here we're discussing a somewgatdifferent thing, but fine. 15:01:53 <giannisk> s/somewgat/somewhat 15:02:01 <tuanta> everybody, we are running out of time soon 15:02:08 <cwickert> giannisk: we might even end up at revoking, let's see 15:02:50 <giannisk> #info discussion to be continued under #359 15:03:07 <giannisk> There has also been a nomination for me to become a mentor for quite some time now. 15:03:19 <giannisk> Can we please review the ticket? 15:03:28 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/379 15:03:29 <cwickert> ok, but I need to hurry 15:03:36 <giannisk> Some of you have already agreed on that. 15:03:48 <giannisk> With a new FAmSCo, this hasn't been brought up for discussion yet. 15:04:17 <giannisk> I have been doing several efforts in the Balkans area in EMEA, and not being a mentor has been holding me back for quite some time. 15:04:19 * cwickert already agreed as part of the old FAmSCo 15:04:42 <cwickert> giannisk: we already have +4 from current famsco members 15:04:45 <giannisk> Seeing as I have mentored several people, but in the end I handed them over to be approved by other mentors. 15:04:53 <cwickert> or at least +3 if I don't count you 15:05:06 <cwickert> that is mailga, tuanta and me 15:05:23 <giannisk> Yes, that would be +3, not myself included. 15:05:31 <cwickert> giannisk: I suggest we use lazy consensus 15:05:51 <cwickert> if the others don't oppose within a week, you are mentor :) 15:06:04 <cwickert> that's actually the spirit of the guideline 15:06:15 <giannisk> Yes, makes sense. 15:06:17 <giannisk> I will bring it up to the list then. 15:06:17 <cwickert> FAmSCo is only to *confirm* mentors, not vote 15:06:20 * potty got to go 15:06:28 <giannisk> cwickert: Exactly. 15:06:40 * potty is sorry. But client is demanding time. 15:06:46 <cwickert> giannisk: so just set a deadline of 7 days and we are done with this 15:07:03 <potty> Bye giannisk tuanta cwickert. Sorry for leaving earlier. 15:07:09 <giannisk> #action giannisk to bring nomination for giannisk up for discussion 15:07:10 <cwickert> and send this to the list 15:07:18 <cwickert> bye potty 15:07:21 <giannisk> potty: thanks for being here today, take care 15:07:42 <giannisk> Anything else for this topic? 15:07:55 <cwickert> no, but something for leadership 15:08:29 <cwickert> #topic Open Floor 15:08:38 <giannisk> cwickert: please go ahead 15:08:49 <cwickert> #info the ticket for electing the new FamSCo chair is at https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/393 15:08:51 <cwickert> eof 15:09:12 <giannisk> cwickert: you have opened a ticket, great, thanks 15:09:19 <cwickert> np, giannisk 15:09:27 <tuanta> +1 cwickert :) 15:09:32 <cwickert> I'll also send out a reminder to the list 15:10:30 <giannisk> Anything else for today? 15:10:45 <giannisk> Transition to FOSCo is a hot topic, but gnokii is not around. 15:11:42 <cwickert> giannisk: let me respond to his points on the list first 15:11:53 <giannisk> cwickert: certainly 15:12:19 <giannisk> If there isn't anything else in particular for today, I will be ending this meeting in three (3) minutes from now. 15:12:40 <giannisk> Seeing as we have agreed on lazy consensus, it will be a lot easier to make decisions from now own. :) 15:12:54 <cwickert> +1 15:12:56 <cwickert> :) 15:13:05 <tuanta> +1 :) 15:14:15 <giannisk> Thanks and congratulations to all, I feel we have all made some good progress today. :) 15:14:55 <giannisk> See you around. 15:15:03 <cwickert> yes, thanks a lot for pushing everbody! 15:15:11 <cwickert> have fun, bye! 15:15:24 <giannisk> #endmeeting