14:02:52 <cwickert> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2015-04-13 14:02:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 13 14:02:52 2016 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_2015-04-13' 14:03:03 <cwickert> #meetingname FAmSCo 14:03:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 14:03:04 <decause> .hello decause 14:03:05 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 14:03:47 <cwickert> .hello cwickert 14:03:48 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@gmail.com> 14:04:03 * cwickert is trying to reach tuanta over hangouts 14:04:47 <cwickert> sent him a message 14:05:21 <cwickert> #chair cwickert decause 14:05:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause 14:05:42 <cwickert> chair gnokii 14:05:45 <cwickert> #chair gnokii 14:05:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause gnokii 14:06:19 <cwickert> #chair potty 14:06:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause gnokii potty 14:06:25 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 14:06:25 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 14:07:15 <potty> .hello potty 14:07:16 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 14:07:19 <cwickert> #chair mailga 14:07:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause gnokii mailga potty 14:07:24 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 14:07:24 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 14:07:26 * giannisk is having another meeting at the same time. Will try to participate, ping in case you need to make decisions. 14:07:29 <cwickert> #chair giannisk 14:07:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause giannisk gnokii mailga potty 14:07:42 <cwickert> #chair tuanta 14:07:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause giannisk gnokii mailga potty tuanta 14:07:42 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 14:07:43 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 14:08:02 <cwickert> cool, only lbazan is missing 14:08:36 <cwickert> #info We have a quorum (6/7) :yay: 14:08:59 <cwickert> #info lbazan is missing, maybe he will join later, sent no regrets 14:09:09 <cwickert> ok, potty, do you want to take over? 14:09:34 <potty> No, please continue you leading this meeting 14:09:46 <cwickert> potty: ok 14:10:03 <cwickert> frankly speaking I'm not really prepared 14:10:08 * cwickert looks at trac 14:10:38 <cwickert> #info potty was elected as chair and appointed cwickert as vice-chair 14:11:19 <cwickert> #info our sponsor has announced the Fedora budget for FY17. The total is USD 195.000 14:11:26 <cwickert> decause: correct? 14:11:34 <cwickert> more on budget later in this meeting 14:12:30 <decause> that is the "big number" yes, but we're working out how it will be distributed over this week and next 14:12:31 <tuanta> great to know 14:13:15 <cwickert> ok, let's move on then 14:13:34 <cwickert> .famsco 390 14:13:34 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/390 14:14:01 <cwickert> Ok, all except gnokii agreed we want to switch to lazy consensus 14:14:44 <cwickert> gnokii: anything from your side before we make this a guideline? what cases do you want to have clarified? Do you have any improvements on the wording? 14:14:56 <gnokii> see my mail 14:15:05 <cwickert> gnokii: when did you send it? 14:15:42 <gnokii> I want still clariefied, when lazy consensu is used and what doing on a block 14:15:58 <cwickert> gnokii: AFAICS I did respond to your mail 14:16:00 <gnokii> this morning before the busride 14:16:12 <decause> , 14:16:16 * cwickert doesn't see a mail on famsco list 14:16:29 <cwickert> gnokii: seems the mail did not make it 14:17:40 <gnokii> yeah 14:17:51 <cwickert> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/famsco@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/GE3D2AHO3ILV6GK5PVAXLTHZR2QEF36E/ 14:17:51 <potty> cwickert: i think not. I did not received the email eithrr 14:18:05 <cwickert> potty: it's not in the archive, so it did not make it 14:19:00 <cwickert> gnokii: to answer your questions: 14:19:10 <cwickert> 1. lazy consensus should be used anyway 14:19:18 <cwickert> s/anyway/everywhere 14:19:35 <gnokii> anyway anywhere? aha 14:19:58 <cwickert> 1. lazy consensus should be used everywhere 14:20:05 <cwickert> is that clearer now? 14:20:44 <cwickert> We could say for everything but votes on people such as the chair, but I don't know if we need to document this exception 14:21:12 <cwickert> This is a guideline, not a rule 14:22:26 <cwickert> 2. When somebody speaks up, he has time until the end of the 7 days to outline his concerns and make a counter proposal. If he doesn't, the majority of FAmSco will just move on. 14:22:45 <cwickert> does anybody disagree? 14:23:04 <potty> I agree 14:24:08 <cwickert> giannisk gnokii mailga tuanta what about you? 14:24:38 * cwickert wonders if mailga is idle. Did he .hello earlier? 14:24:54 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 14:26:36 <giannisk> cwickert: hold, on let me check 14:27:31 <giannisk> I'm not sure if it's considered "safe" to implement lazy consensus everywhere. 14:28:00 <giannisk> It would be ideal to act as a fail-safe, just in cases where we cannot reach quorum. 14:29:07 <cwickert> giannisk: well, that's what it is by definition. in a perfect world, we'd have a quorum in every meeting and ticket, so we'd never need lazy consensus 14:30:13 <cwickert> but unfortunately we are not living in a perfect world, so we need lazy consensus more often than we'd like. 14:30:21 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 14:30:48 <potty> +1 cwickert 14:31:02 <potty> In fact we are having quorum on the latest meetings 14:31:10 <cwickert> seems we cannot even reach a quorum of actually *present* people in this meeting 14:31:30 <cwickert> we really should switch to more async communication and do stuff in trac 14:31:33 <cwickert> anyway 14:31:56 <cwickert> giannisk: do you want any clarifications on where to use lazy consensus? 14:32:46 <cwickert> gnokii: what about you? Did I answer your questions or do you still have questions? do you have suggestions what to improve? 14:33:57 <gnokii> well the only thing i find strange is that cwickert said in a famsco ticket to giannisk that lazy consens will not work that way and only when we have no consens in a meeting 14:34:47 <cwickert> gnokii: I think I said exactly that. the only difference is that I said it does not matter if we have a quorum in a meeting or in trac 14:36:24 <cwickert> gnokii: the only time I said something to giannisk in that trac ticket was at https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/390#comment:19 so what do you think is different now? and how exactly? 14:38:40 <gnokii> yes its very slow right now 14:40:14 <gnokii> mmh hello? 14:40:20 <cwickert> gnokii: hello 14:40:27 <gnokii> i see it 14:40:46 <potty> Hello 14:40:53 <cwickert> gnokii: did you see my last sentence? 14:40:55 <cwickert> (16:34:47) cwickert: gnokii: I think I said exactly that. the only difference is that I said it does not matter if we have a quorum in a meeting or in trac 14:41:05 <cwickert> hello potty :) 14:41:13 <gnokii> nope 14:42:16 <gnokii> nope cwickert you actually had a comment on one of the tickets marked from giannisk as agreed next meeting through lazy consensus, that this would not be the case 14:42:56 * giannisk is back, connection issues. 14:43:03 * giannisk apologizes. 14:43:26 <giannisk> Where are we at? 14:43:44 <cwickert> gnokii: right. that was the comment I linked above. We never ratified lazy consensus, so that was a chicken and egg problem. but this has nothing do to with lazy consensus itself but more with the old voting 14:44:04 <cwickert> giannisk: you are not the only one with connection problems. we are still at lazy consensus 14:44:36 <cwickert> gnokii: I suggest you add your questions to the ticket and we move on to the next topic. Please make sure to add them today. 14:45:13 <cwickert> all: Should I draft something for the wiki to explain how lazy consensus works or should we just rely on everybody knowing that? 14:45:37 * giannisk wrote a few lines earlier, did you get those? 14:45:50 <cwickert> giannisk: yes, and I answered 14:46:11 <giannisk> cwickert: Didn't get those answers, sorry. 14:46:16 <cwickert> (16:29:07) cwickert: giannisk: well, that's what it is by definition. in a perfect world, we'd have a quorum in every meeting and ticket, so we'd never need lazy consensus 14:46:16 <cwickert> (16:30:13) cwickert: but unfortunately we are not living in a perfect world, so we need lazy consensus more often than we'd like. 14:46:16 <cwickert> (16:30:21) tuanta: +1 cwickert 14:46:16 <cwickert> (16:30:48) potty: +1 cwickert 14:46:33 <gnokii> no I did not get them 14:46:44 <cwickert> wow, this is really bad bad bad 14:47:11 <giannisk> cwickert: Would we still need lazy consensus even If we can easily reach quorum? :) 14:47:28 <cwickert> giannisk: frankly speaking I think so 14:47:48 <cwickert> or let me put it differently 14:48:32 <cwickert> we don't necessarily need lazy consensus if we have a quorum in a meeting, but we should give those not present in the meeting time to speak up 14:48:52 <giannisk> What I fear about is that several decisions might be "blocked" due to lazy consensus, even though the majority of the committee would say otherwise. 14:49:02 <giannisk> cwickert: what you said just above makes sense to me 14:49:04 <cwickert> maybe they have good reasons that make people present change their vote 14:50:26 <gnokii> there is no problem, if there is shown a way out of a block 14:50:31 <cwickert> giannisk: yes, giving people a week to speak up –just like you do with lazy consensus– might delay a decision, but only by one week. It will not really *block* anything. 14:51:15 <giannisk> cwickert: What happens if a minority still has a negative stance about a decision? 14:51:31 <gnokii> it gets on hold 14:51:35 <potty> ! 14:51:41 <cwickert> gnokii: nope 14:51:47 <cwickert> gnokii: only for one week 14:51:53 <giannisk> Do we need proposals to be put on hold? 14:51:55 <gnokii> is written where? 14:52:04 <giannisk> cwickert: Right, so there's an one week deadline? 14:52:19 <giannisk> gnokii: I don't think it's mentioned anywhere, at least yet. 14:52:24 <cwickert> giannisk: yes, one week to speak up and outline your concerns 14:52:59 <gnokii> looks more you dont get it, its outlined and then? 14:53:02 <cwickert> gnokii: it's written in the word "lazy" 14:53:03 <giannisk> cwickert: Views and concerns might be subjective and still valid from a different point of view. 14:54:18 <cwickert> lazy consensus means we don't need a quorum if people are too lazy to vote. But if they speak up, they are no longer lazy, so we have a good old vote again and the majority decides 14:54:40 <cwickert> giannisk: right, that's why I want everybody to have a chance to speak up 14:54:50 <gnokii> lazy consensus as described means also that one can block it, with an minus one 14:55:03 <giannisk> ^what gnokii said above 14:55:19 <giannisk> We need to make clarifications. 14:55:50 <cwickert> gnokii: you can only block it for a week. You have to outline your reasons for saying no and if they are not convincing the others, they simply ignore your concerns and outvote you 14:56:23 <cwickert> ok, how about I'll write an explanation in the ticket and we vote on exactly that propsal then? 14:56:34 <giannisk> cwickert: please do, thanks 14:56:48 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 14:56:52 <giannisk> cwickert++ 14:57:03 <potty> Let me put an example (and correct me if I am wrong): let's say we have two tickets that we are discussing on a meeting. Also let's assume 5/7 participate on the meeting. On the first ticket, if all the presents vote +1, the ticket is approved but the others can still vote on the lazy consensus style. If someone of the 2 non present vote -1, should explain 14:57:03 <potty> his concerns and the ticket is on hold. 14:57:14 <gnokii> cwickert that is written until yet nowhere 14:57:50 <cwickert> gnokii: it's already included in the word "lazy", but if you want it spelled out, I can do that for you 14:58:00 <potty> The ticket is on hold for a week (deadline we decided). If nobody changes their votes, the ticket would be still approved after the week. 14:58:28 <cwickert> potty: right 14:58:28 <giannisk> potty: +1 14:58:40 <potty> In the second ticket. All the present vote +1 and the non-present vote +1 on Trac. The ticket is approved immediately. 14:58:44 <tuanta> this way is also good after decision made; the minority point of view is noted and it may be revisited later (some cases, after some time, that idea maybe the right one) 14:59:47 <cwickert> potty: right. And on a third ticket, the people not present don't bother to vote in trac and the ticket is automatically approved after one week 15:00:02 <potty> cwickert: thank you 15:00:20 <cwickert> ok, seems we really should write this down somewhere 15:00:30 <potty> On the ticket perhaps 15:00:38 <potty> And if all agree 15:00:41 <potty> On a wiki 15:00:50 <potty> I could do that task 15:00:54 <cwickert> potty: amen 15:00:54 <gnokii> I agree only to something which is written 15:01:09 <potty> gnokii: it will be my friend 15:01:15 <cwickert> potty: let me do it, I already have the action item 15:01:20 <gnokii> ok fine after written 15:01:21 <potty> Better to have it on black and white 15:01:23 <cwickert> gnokii: you are so german :) 15:01:28 <potty> cwickert: go ahead! 15:01:33 * giannisk will be afk for the next 10 minutes. He's +1 to the lazy consensus proposal, things have been clarified. 15:01:48 <cwickert> gnokii: we are a community of volunteers, not laywers. It's a guideline and not a law 15:01:54 <cwickert> but anyway, I will try to make this bullet-proof 15:01:59 <cwickert> let's move on then 15:02:11 <cwickert> everybody fine with moving on? 15:02:13 <potty> +1 15:02:30 * cwickert really thinks we need to hurry up 15:02:41 <tuanta> +1 cwickert 15:02:46 <tuanta> we are running out of time 15:03:36 <cwickert> #topic FUDCON PhnomPenh 2016 15:03:54 <cwickert> gnokii: mattdm also noted some concerns about the budget 15:04:33 <cwickert> and we agreed that we need everything in trac. therefor I really would like you to respond to my and his questions there. 15:05:05 <gnokii> to which question of yours? 15:05:10 <cwickert> gnokii: please don't get me wrong: I don't want to block your event, I'm convinced you do your best and will make the event awesome. It's just that I have some questions. 15:05:22 <gnokii> first of all its not my event 15:05:33 <cwickert> .famsco 389 15:05:33 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/389 15:07:16 <cwickert> gnokii: still there? 15:07:20 <gnokii> so whats the question I dont see one of you 15:07:51 <cwickert> gnokii: ok, the question was on the list, but I said I'm having a problem with USD 6000 for 12 people. 15:09:36 <gnokii> ok lets put it straight, its an international event and expirience shows you have to calculate 500$ a person and we also said very often before we calculated with a base of houndred and every cent we dont need from the other parts we can use for travelling later on 15:11:47 <cwickert> gnokii: do you think there will be money left from other items in the budget? Given that we are already over the budget we would propably do a -10% haircut on all items anyway. 15:13:16 * potty will be back in 7 mins 15:14:18 <gnokii> as I said we talked about that solution already, we can cut down everything to 50 and then its more for travel budget 15:14:28 <cwickert> ok, cool 15:15:00 <cwickert> gnokii: how many people, do you think do we need to fly in? especially speakers 15:15:27 <tuanta> gnokii, what did you mean in "cut down everything to 50"? 15:15:37 <gnokii> cwickert: let me ask a question how much must be flown in to Puno? 15:15:58 <cwickert> gnokii: I don't know, that's why I ask these questions 15:16:28 <gnokii> cwickert: did see you asked that for LATAM 15:17:21 <gnokii> it is a bit funny to ask, of course there will be only the cambodians not flown in, its the same for Vietnam or any other country in APAC 15:17:24 <cwickert> gnokii: well, their travel budget is significantly higher than the APAC one 15:18:28 <cwickert> gnokii: I know we had these problems before with other events and I wonder how we solved them there. 15:18:34 <cwickert> tuanta, all: Does anybody have another budget from APAC so we can compare? 15:19:00 <cwickert> gnokii: but just saying "we have these problems elsewhere, too", will not make them disappear. 15:19:22 <gnokii> well, we did care of this problems as we had no regularly fudcons in apac 15:19:35 <gnokii> and why didnt we have because its discussed to dead 15:19:45 * potty is back 15:20:27 <tuanta> cwickert, we can ask Pune team for budget information 15:20:46 <gnokii> tuanta: you kidding 15:21:02 <gnokii> why you not tell cwickert clearly that Pune calculated with 25k 15:21:06 <gnokii> WHY 15:21:12 <tuanta> IIRC, they had to find some other sponsors 15:21:23 <cwickert> tuanta: we can, but PUNE is actaully a bad example. They have a big Red Hat office there. 15:21:36 <gnokii> they took 15k Fedora money and 10k from RH office Pune 15:21:45 <cwickert> and they were competitors, so they might be biased 15:21:54 <tuanta> I see. so KL maybe more similar 15:21:58 <gnokii> and before the budget was 15k and not 10k 15:22:13 <cwickert> tuanta: and frankly speaking, I think this is a foulplay. 15:22:20 <gnokii> wow 15:22:25 <cwickert> gnokii: it's still 15k 15:22:32 <gnokii> cwickert: +1 15:22:51 <gnokii> its not for the 15k 15:23:15 <gnokii> actually its 10k because Ruth shortened it after Flock Prague 15:23:27 <gnokii> and its never raised again 15:23:29 <cwickert> first time I hear of this. 15:24:01 <gnokii> decause: can tell ya this 15:24:17 <cwickert> decause: ? 15:24:30 <cwickert> brb 15:25:13 <cwickert> re 15:25:15 <potty> Hi. The estimation of FUDCon Puno's flights (which is the highest thing there) was based on the pre-registration list. We have clear the maximum budget we have available for doing FUDCon and we deal the rest with sponsorships. Other thing, not all the people of the pre-registration list are able to come. Finally, the people chosen to go to FUDCon LATAM are 15:25:16 <potty> based on community voting at fudcon-planning meetings. To conclude, thats just an estimation, we know our limits, we choose the flights based on a voting system on fudcon-planning meetings and if we took the approved budget as our limit, if we exceed we have to look for other sponsors contributions. 15:25:50 <cwickert> potty: thanks for the explanation 15:25:53 <gnokii> potty you dont have to defend you budget plan its just about why its handeled in so different ways 15:26:12 <gnokii> potty I am sure its good for the region to do it where are less contributors 15:26:13 <potty> gnokii: it was never a fight... 15:26:28 * decause reads backlog 15:26:31 <gnokii> I have to go now 15:26:33 <potty> gnokii: yes 15:26:47 <decause> Council approved the budget of FUDCon Puno at 10K 15:26:56 <cwickert> decause: question was: what is the limit for an APAC FUDCon? 15:27:04 <potty> decause: yes I know that 15:27:06 <decause> someone changed the wiki to 15K+ after the fact 15:27:14 <decause> mattdm updated the ticket yesterday 15:27:32 <cwickert> wow, this is messed up 15:27:33 <gnokii> decause: somebody? wiki has history 15:27:45 <decause> gnokii: I didn't look specifically 15:27:49 <decause> but yeah, we could find out 15:30:18 <cwickert> decause: and for APAC? 15:31:20 <decause> the council has not approved the APAC bid yet officially, AFAIK 15:31:29 <decause> the ambassadors have 15:31:34 <decause> has famsco? 15:31:51 <cwickert> decause: nope 15:32:08 <cwickert> decause: my question was, what is the limit for APC? 15:32:10 <cwickert> APAC* 15:32:13 <potty> I gtg. See you guys virtually around 15:32:27 <cwickert> I think 10k is unrealistic for both APAC and LATAM 15:32:43 <cwickert> in the past it was 15k for both regions and 25k in NA and EMEA 15:32:47 <cwickert> why that cut? 15:33:55 <decause> it is not *just* my place to say, but right now in my 'adjusted' budget calculations for the coucil, I'm using 15K as the potential number (that does not mean that we've approved 15K, that's just the upper limit, and there is a chance that if a FUDCon goes above 10K, that that budget may come out of the region.) It is too early for me to see what the Fedora Events Budget is yet 15:34:36 <cwickert> ok, thanks decause 15:34:58 <decause> I'm hoping to have all the budget "scenarios" pushed to the pagure repo by late this evening EST 15:35:00 <cwickert> I think we need to clarify this before we can approve both FUDCons 15:35:58 <decause> the only one I know for sure is that LATAM is at 10K (if they go over that, it comes from regional budget) and that Flock is 75K 15:36:33 <cwickert> gnokii: ok, let's continue in trac. I'll ask some questions there, not only to you but also to decause/mattdm. And then we can move on if you answer the questions there, also the one from mattdm about sponsoring 15:37:36 <cwickert> decause: what is this 10k limit based on? historical budgets from LATAM FUDCons or the budget in the bid? 15:39:35 <cwickert> it seems the questions with the budget now become more general 15:39:43 <cwickert> and hardly anyone is still present 15:39:49 <cwickert> therefor I change the subject to 15:40:19 <cwickert> we discussed the budget in the council on Monday 15:40:58 <cwickert> #info general information about the FY17 budget is at https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/TML72C4572A6FVK6UJDFCMUN56T4PKJ4/ 15:41:23 <cwickert> #info meeting log of the council discussing the budget is at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-04-11/council.2016-04-11-18.00.html 15:41:27 <decause> cwickert: the 10K limit for FUDCon Puno was based on their bid, which we approved, not on a policy 15:41:49 <cwickert> long story short, decause needs all regions to submit their budgets ASAP 15:42:00 <cwickert> in particular LATAM and APAC 15:42:00 <decause> and their delegation selections also 15:42:20 <decause> cwickert: I found a /mostly/ complete APAC budget hidden in the wiki yesterday with mattdm 15:42:36 <decause> but it is not tallied, and could be updated 15:42:36 <cwickert> decause: can you give us a status overview? what do you have and what not? who did you talk to and where? 15:42:41 <decause> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015/Events?rd=Ambassadors/APAC/Budget:2016-2017 15:43:09 <decause> my mailing list post to ambassador list is still mostly correct, with the exception of this new APAC proposal 15:43:24 * decause digs for it 15:44:23 <cwickert> decause: I't like to know a) what delegats, story tellers etc do we have, what budgets do you have and where are these drafts? 15:46:01 <decause> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/GQTDW23QIJYYSDMJEX7GLN5WAZ5SEMWU/ 15:46:24 <decause> cwickert: in the email, I have a breakdown, but I'll repeat it here too: 15:46:36 <cwickert> decause: thanks, that's just what I was looking for. 15:46:44 <decause> I had to find it to make sure 15:46:45 <decause> so 15:46:57 <cwickert> decause: can you update https://budget.fedoraproject.org/ or some other place so we have at least some information? 15:47:16 <decause> APAC - I have a report (not tallied), a proposal (not tallied), and am missing the delegation selections 15:47:34 <decause> cwickert: the pagure repo is where I'm keeping this information, and I would like the regions to update it, as I requested 15:47:58 <cwickert> decause: and how exactly does one find that repo? 15:48:09 <decause> NA - I have a list of expenses being made into a report, a very rough proposal, and a full list of delegations 15:48:20 <decause> #link http://pagure.io/fedora-budget 15:48:24 <decause> also listed in the email 15:48:51 <cwickert> decause: when I say "find" I mean how to get there if one is searching for that info. 15:48:57 <decause> LATAM - I have a report tallied, a proposal not tallied, but I am missing delegations 15:48:57 <cwickert> and does not have the link 15:50:09 <decause> cwickert: I understand what you are getting at, but I am telling you that I need the information from ambassadors, so that I can update http://budget.fedoraproject.org, whichis the "production" place 15:51:08 <cwickert> decause: and in order to give people action items, I need to know exactly what you have and what you lack. ideally, who you have been talking to to get that information. 15:51:18 <decause> EMEA - I have a proposal tallied, a report tallied, and 2 of 3 delegates selected 15:51:57 <decause> cwickert: the pagure repo has folders designated for each region, where these documents are supposed to live 15:52:13 <decause> if you want to point at them, we can link to the specific folders on the repo? 15:52:53 <cwickert> decause: I would like to give out action items to FAmSCo members 15:53:43 <cwickert> tell potty and lbazan to look after the LATAM budget and provide the info you need. 15:53:50 <cwickert> same for APAC and tuanta 15:54:22 <decause> here are the links in the email: 15:54:26 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/LATAM/Budget:2016 15:54:45 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/LATAM/Budget:2017 15:55:08 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget:2016 15:55:45 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015/Events?rd=Ambassadors/APAC/Budget:2016-2017 15:55:49 <decause> cwickert: ^ 15:56:10 <cwickert> thanks, but that was not really my question 15:56:13 <cwickert> anyway, let me try 15:56:26 <decause> the delegation selections can be referenced here: https://budget.fedoraproject.org/#delegates 15:56:35 <decause> ok, what is your question then? 15:56:37 <decause> I'm trying :P 15:57:32 <cwickert> so am I 15:58:09 <cwickert> decause: when you say you need delegates from a region, does that mean there are none? 15:58:21 <decause> yes, APAC has not given me any 15:58:25 <decause> names 15:58:28 <decause> email addresses 15:58:28 <cwickert> and LATAM? 15:58:41 <decause> and LATAM is needed as well, yes 15:58:45 <cwickert> emea? 15:58:46 <decause> I have 3 for NA 15:58:50 <decause> and 2 for EMEA 15:58:56 <decause> EMEA has to choose a storyteller still 15:59:16 <cwickert> just curious: can you look up the logistican? 15:59:50 <potty> We had the 3 roles but the storyteller declined last week 15:59:54 <potty> So we have to chose one 16:00:19 <tuanta> APAC budget proposal for FY2017 here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015/Events 16:00:34 <tuanta> it has been made in FAD Singapore 2015 16:00:36 <cwickert> ok, two hours into this meeting 16:00:42 <cwickert> we need to end this 16:01:11 <tuanta> regarding to delegations, we will discuss on in this week meeting (this Friday) 16:01:23 <decause> tuanta: awesome :) 16:01:26 <decause> thank you 16:01:42 <tuanta> decause, you are welcome 16:01:45 <cwickert> #action potty and lbazan to provide decause the names of the story teller, treasurer, logistican for LATAM 16:01:45 <decause> potty: there is a .yaml file int he budget repo that can be updated with data 16:01:53 <cwickert> #action tuanta to provide decause the names of the story teller, treasurer, logistican for APAC 16:02:09 <decause> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-budget/blob/master/f/FY17/delegations 16:02:15 <decause> potty: ^ 16:02:17 <decause> tuanta: ^ 16:02:24 <potty> Thanks 16:02:28 <tuanta> :) 16:02:43 <cwickert> decause: It would be totally awesome if could find that information in the wiki and not a git repo 16:02:44 <cwickert> anyway 16:03:06 <cwickert> decause: still missing any regional budgets? 16:03:27 <cwickert> #action cwickert to provide decause the names of the story teller for EMEA 16:03:49 <tuanta> decause, actually, your final request have been sent out on 1 April 2016. Maybe an April-fool :) 16:04:19 <decause> cwickert: this is the place where the data is going to go. Treating the budget like we do infrastructure is part of the strategy for improving the process 16:04:29 <decause> if it also goes into the wiki, aweosme :) 16:04:46 <decause> tuanta: lolol 16:04:46 <decause> :P 16:04:54 <decause> maybe that explains it :P 16:05:05 <cwickert> decause: forgive my blunt speak, but atm that does not look like an improvement at all. 16:05:20 <decause> cwickert: that data is what goes into http://budget.fedoraproject.org 16:05:39 <decause> cwickert: it is already an improvement in that more people can contribute that before, so I'm goign to disaggree 16:05:44 <cwickert> hahaha 16:05:59 <decause> this is an 'additional' place 16:06:04 <decause> the wiki can still be upated 16:06:24 <cwickert> decause: I really would like to discuss this with you, but let's first end this meeting. 16:06:36 <decause> using a repo to track simple information, that uses webhooks (eventually) to update the production website is an improvement over manually updating everythign in a wiki 16:06:43 <cwickert> decause: is there anything you still need and has not yet an action item? 16:06:57 <decause> cwickert: that covers it I reckon 16:07:15 <cwickert> all regional budgets there? 16:07:44 <decause> the ones I'm missing I listed here 16:08:01 <cwickert> I mean including the ones we just mentioned 16:09:03 <decause> yes 16:09:07 <cwickert> ok then 16:09:14 <cwickert> let's end this meeting 16:09:27 * cwickert will close the meeting in 3 minutes if nobody has anything more 16:09:37 <cwickert> decause: do you still have time? 16:09:53 <decause> cwickert: I'll be around for a minute, sure 16:09:58 <decause> #fedora-council? 16:09:58 <potty> cwickert++ 16:10:10 <cwickert> decause: ok, give me 10 minutes for a break 16:10:19 <decause> cwickert: kk 16:12:41 <decause> so, should we #endmeeting here then? 16:12:55 * decause is not a chair 16:14:48 <cwickert> #endmeeting