22:56:21 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Latam Ambassadors Meeting 22:56:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Apr 30 22:56:21 2016 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:56:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:56:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'latam_ambassadors_meeting' 22:56:53 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 22:56:53 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 22:57:00 * echevemaster Venezuela, Colombia 22:57:35 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 22:57:35 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 22:57:40 * itamarjp Brazil 22:58:29 <potty> .hello potty 22:58:30 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 22:58:45 <echevemaster> Do you want chair potty? 22:58:54 <potty> please 22:59:06 <williamjmorenor> .fas williamjmorenor 22:59:06 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: williamjmorenor 'William Moreno' <williamjmorenor@gmail.com> 22:59:11 <williamjmorenor> Hello 22:59:19 <potty> chair william too 22:59:23 <potty> and neville 23:00:07 <xmrbrz> .fas xmrbrz 23:00:07 <zodbot> xmrbrz: xmrbrz 'Bruno Roberto Zanuzzo' <brunorobertozanuzzo@gmail.com> 23:00:29 * xmrbrz Brazil 23:00:31 <echevemaster> #chair potty 23:00:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster potty 23:00:47 * williamjmorenor on phone 23:00:55 <echevemaster> #chair potty williamjmorenor 23:00:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster potty williamjmorenor 23:01:11 <Kohane> Hi! 23:01:37 <wolnei_> .fas wolnei 23:01:37 <zodbot> wolnei_: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 23:01:41 <echevemaster> Any announcement? 23:01:41 <wolnei_> Brazil 23:02:13 <Kohane> .fas lailah 23:02:15 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 23:02:44 <Kohane> Announcement of what? 23:03:15 <echevemaster> ok, we will discuss the tickets of the trac 23:03:18 <potty> I got 23:03:33 <Kohane> okay 23:03:35 <potty> #info LATAM updated the required info on fedora-budget Pagure git 23:03:55 <potty> #info LATAM responded the question made by Council and Famsco related to FUDCon 23:04:11 <potty> That's all 23:04:15 <potty> Thank you echevemaster 23:04:25 <echevemaster> #topic Funding Request for Wolnei to FISL 17 23:04:37 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/334 23:05:18 <itamarjp> we filled a separated ticket for hotel/hostel 23:05:19 <echevemaster> wolnei_: wants sponsorship to going FISL 23:05:44 <Kohane> Yes... 23:05:46 <itamarjp> and a ticket for Material 23:06:07 <echevemaster> see the ticket and vote if you're agree 23:06:23 <potty> echevemaster: sorry but i thought we would finish the tickets related with FLISOL 23:06:26 <potty> prior the FISL tickets 23:06:48 <Kohane> I agree 23:06:52 <tatica> .hello tatica 23:06:53 <zodbot> tatica: tatica 'Maria Gracia Leandro Lombardo' <tatadbb@gmail.com> 23:07:04 <Kohane> FLISOL tickets should come first 23:07:06 <echevemaster> ok, what are the tickets potty ? 23:07:13 <Kohane> Hi Tatica! 23:07:19 <tatica> oi! 23:07:21 <potty> ticket #326 #331 #332 #337 #339 23:07:30 <potty> hi tatica Richzendy 23:07:51 <tonet666p> hi guys 23:07:59 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:08:00 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:08:00 <echevemaster> please potty if you want to bring something first to the meeting, please ping first. I'll change the topic 23:08:06 * tonet666p from Perú 23:08:07 <potty> #info FLISOL related tickets #325 #327 #328 #330 were already approved on previous meetings 23:08:22 <anamativi> .fas Mativi 23:08:22 <zodbot> anamativi: mativi 'Ana Clara Mativi de Souza' <acmativi@hotmail.com> 23:08:22 <tatica> we are currently uploading the bills for our ticket 23:08:24 <potty> echevemaster: that's why I mentioned it before the meeting started 23:08:31 <potty> but is ok 23:08:37 <potty> you are leading it 23:08:49 <williamjmorenor> There are events report for panama venezuela and argentina 23:09:00 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:09:00 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:09:05 * alexove = Peru 23:09:06 <williamjmorenor> We need a report per ticket 23:09:21 <echevemaster> changing topic 23:09:24 <Kohane> In Uruguay we didn't FLISOL, so no tickets nor reports 23:09:27 <echevemaster> #topic https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/326 23:09:50 <williamjmorenor> I will make a wiki page for take records for tickets aproveds events owners and reports 23:09:59 <echevemaster> we will discuss the FISL tickets aftert FLISOL tickets 23:10:06 <williamjmorenor> Ok 23:10:34 <echevemaster> potty: what we will discuss with this ticket? 23:10:36 <potty> #action williamjmorenor will create a wiki with FLISOL tickets approved and reports 23:11:00 <potty> Just review and vote if it will be reimbursed or not 23:11:05 <potty> As always 23:11:09 <echevemaster> potty: why don`t leave a message on the ticket 23:11:25 <itamarjp> echevemaster++ 23:11:31 * potty just want to finish FLISOL first after thinking on next events 23:12:02 <potty> #action potty will leave a message on the ticket asking for receipts and reports 23:12:04 <potty> next ticket 23:12:11 <potty> #undo 23:12:11 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by potty at 23:12:02 : potty will leave a message on the ticket asking for receipts and reports 23:12:18 <williamjmorenor> The wiki is all latam events 23:12:29 <potty> #action potty will leave a message on the ticket #326 asking for receipts and reports 23:12:41 <echevemaster> I don't refer to that. I'm referring to create a Wiki for that, if we can leave a message on the ticket? 23:12:51 <Kohane> I'm getting confused... 23:12:55 <potty> echevemaster: what are you talking about? 23:13:10 <potty> in spanish if needed 23:13:18 <echevemaster> I will make a wiki page for take records for tickets aproveds events owners and reports 23:13:30 <echevemaster> that is not needed 23:13:39 <echevemaster> we have the trac for it 23:13:40 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 23:13:41 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 23:13:48 * yn1v Nicaragua 23:13:50 <williamjmorenor> Yes 23:14:05 <Richzendy> .fas Richzendy 23:14:06 <zodbot> Richzendy: richzendy 'Edwind Richzendy Contreras Soto' <richzendy@gmail.com> 23:14:10 <potty> echevemaster: i think william wants to have all the info centralized and not looking ticket by ticket for information. in fact, the trac would be his source to make the wiki 23:14:13 <potty> am i wrong williamjmorenor ? 23:14:21 <williamjmorenor> But we need something visible 23:14:27 <potty> williamjmorenor: +1 23:14:46 <williamjmorenor> It is hard to go ticket by ticket in the track 23:15:10 <williamjmorenor> A resume will make things easy for all 23:15:13 <Kohane> Now that's true 23:15:49 <echevemaster> williamjmorenor: trac have SQL queries to create views to order the tickets. if you will create a page with links to the trac, that is OK, but is not needed duplicates the tickets and the information 23:15:56 <echevemaster> ok next ticket 23:16:11 <echevemaster> what is the link of the other ticket 23:16:13 <potty> #action williamjmorenor will make a wiki page resuming the FLISOL tickets and reports 23:16:26 <potty> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/327 23:16:37 <potty> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/327 23:16:44 <echevemaster> #topic https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/327 23:17:19 <echevemaster> Richzendy: what about the receipts? 23:18:19 <Richzendy> echevemaster, uploading now 23:18:48 <echevemaster> ok, thanks remember add the information for the reimbursent AKA Paypal taxes and so on 23:19:27 <echevemaster> potty: so what is the action in this one? 23:20:06 <potty> it is already approved so is wait for the receipts and reports and tell yn1v to reimburse 23:20:17 <echevemaster> ok got it. 23:20:24 <potty> #action Richzendy to upload receipts to be able yn1v to reimburse 23:20:29 <echevemaster> next ticket 328, right? 23:20:30 <potty> #undo 23:20:30 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by potty at 23:20:24 : Richzendy to upload receipts to be able yn1v to reimburse 23:20:36 <williamjmorenor> Next topic? 23:20:48 <potty> #action Richzendy to upload receipts on ticket #327 to be able yn1v to reimburse 23:20:58 <potty> next topic is #328 23:21:04 <potty> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/328 23:21:06 <echevemaster> #topic https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/328 23:21:13 <Kohane> Yes... 23:21:18 <williamjmorenor> Flisol? 23:21:24 <potty> It is already approved but don't know the status. On the description mention it was for flisol too 23:21:40 <echevemaster> We have the request to send some stickers to FLISOL in Honduras from a group thta is trying to form a Fedora Community in San Pedro Sula. 23:21:41 <potty> and for sharing Honduras FLISOL too 23:21:52 <echevemaster> so, this apply too. 23:22:29 <echevemaster> and yn1v doesn't need any reminder to upload receipts, jejeje 23:22:41 <echevemaster> so, this is tracked too- 23:22:52 <Kohane> :v 23:23:34 <echevemaster> #topic https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/330 23:23:45 <echevemaster> alexove: what about your receipts? 23:24:13 <Richzendy> echevemaster, ticket updated 23:24:22 <potty> #action alexove to upload receipts and reports for the ticket #330 23:24:36 <alexove> Hola a todos, no subire ninguno, tuvimos sponsors inesperados 23:24:43 <echevemaster> thanks Richzendy 23:24:52 <williamjmorenor> Ok 23:24:53 <Richzendy> gastamos menos de lo esperado 23:25:01 <echevemaster> alexove: please close the ticket with the information. 23:25:02 <alexove> los banners nos los donaron y no pudimos invitar los snacks a los asistentes por falta de tiempo 23:25:03 <alexove> :-/ 23:25:12 <potty> Richzendy: just saw that. good! 23:25:21 <potty> alexove: so you dont need reimbursement? 23:25:30 <potty> Richzendy++ 23:25:30 <zodbot> potty: Karma for richzendy changed to 5 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:25:53 <potty> #undo 23:25:53 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by potty at 23:24:22 : alexove to upload receipts and reports for the ticket #330 23:25:56 <alexove> Gracias a potty y villadalmine por la ayuda en el evento, llegaron casi 100 personas :-D, pondre la info en el ticket y lo cierro 23:26:04 <echevemaster> thanks alexove 23:26:18 <potty> #action alexove will update ticket #330 as they dont need reimbursement 23:26:22 <potty> next topic then 23:26:27 <echevemaster> another flisol ticket? 23:26:30 <Richzendy> tuvimos una asistencia inesperada, casi que no nos da el auditorio 23:26:49 <potty> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/331 23:26:50 <Richzendy> tuvimos 40 megas simetricos de ancho de banda para el flisol y dio hasta para hacer streaming 23:27:29 <echevemaster> #topic https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/331 23:27:45 <potty> missing receipts 23:27:53 <potty> and srkraken is not here 23:28:10 <Richzendy> y como nota curiosa, alguien hizo una charla sobre seguridad informatica, cuando empezo mando un sniffer a la red, y cuando termino la charla fue a revisar que había capturado y capturo montón de imágenes que la gente estaba mandando a redes sociales desde sus smarthphones y eso pasa la imagen de una muchacha que estaba en la audiencia desnuda y estaba con el novio al lado 23:28:16 <echevemaster> potty: I have a question, we will have a period of time (by default) to upload receipts? 23:28:36 <echevemaster> hahaha Richzendy ? 23:28:49 <Richzendy> sirvió para que la gente supiera que no deben conectarse a redes inseguras y mandar data sensible xD 23:28:52 <potty> echevemaster: no, but i really don't want delays on it 23:28:55 <Kohane> Richzendy LOL 23:29:08 <potty> echevemaster: we got an issue with a previous ticket and I don't want to be repeated 23:29:15 <Richzendy> echevemaster, si loco, paso la imagen en grande en el proyector a toda la sala, fue sin querer, estaba pasando todo lo que había capturado, jaja 23:29:15 <echevemaster> so, I recommend set up a deadline for it. 23:29:22 <potty> Next week is deadline 23:29:23 <echevemaster> hahhaha 23:29:27 <Kohane> Ok 23:29:32 <Kohane> LMAO 23:29:42 <Kohane> That was teally funny 23:29:49 <Kohane> really* 23:29:53 <echevemaster> ok, from now, we will have two weeks to upload receipts. Agree potty ? 23:30:12 <echevemaster> two weeks afert hold the event. 23:30:41 <Kohane> OK 23:30:43 <potty> #info May 7th is deadline for uploading receipts. After that, no reimbursement will be granted 23:30:54 <echevemaster> ok, got it. 23:31:18 <echevemaster> another else? 23:31:20 <Kohane> This is only for FLISOL or in general? 23:31:28 <potty> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/332 23:31:34 <potty> Kohane: FLISOL only 23:31:40 <Kohane> Ah, okay 23:31:42 <Kohane> Thanks 23:32:01 <echevemaster> #topic https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/332 23:32:09 <williamjmorenor> Are there more flisol tickets? 23:32:18 <echevemaster> itamarjp: already upload his tickets 23:32:20 <potty> yes 23:32:21 <yosef7> .yoseft7 23:32:23 <geek_cl> .fas lletelier 23:32:23 <zodbot> geek_cl: lletelier 'Larry Letelier' <geek@xofica.cl> 23:32:26 <echevemaster> receipts I mean 23:32:32 <echevemaster> thanks itamarjp 23:32:34 <potty> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/339 23:32:43 <potty> yosef7 is here 23:32:53 <yosef7> hi 23:32:58 <itamarjp> I will create a report for it. 23:33:04 <echevemaster> itamarjp: please add the taxes from paypal 23:33:32 <potty> btw echevemaster we should vote on ticket #332 23:33:35 <Kohane> Can I make a question? 23:33:48 <potty> Kohane: go ahead 23:33:57 <williamjmorenor> Of course 23:34:02 <echevemaster> potty: 332 was voted I think 23:34:21 <potty> it is not on ticket 23:34:44 <Kohane> I see money as $ What does it means? Dollars? Pesos? Something else? 23:34:51 <echevemaster> I'm sure that was discussed before, if I missing put the message there, sorry. 23:35:03 <Richzendy> Kohane, $ USD dollars 23:35:07 <potty> ok 23:35:08 <echevemaster> itamarjp: please. this was discussed, right? 23:35:25 <Kohane> Ah, okay, thanks Richzendy 23:35:39 <echevemaster> Kohane: we don't reimburse to anyone in different currencies to dollar 23:35:42 <williamjmorenor> Most od the times ticket are in USD 23:36:03 <potty> if this was discussed look for meeting logs. If there is not a approval, then it will be voted next meeting. 23:36:10 <itamarjp> echevemaster, yes, already approved in old meetings 23:36:13 <echevemaster> potty: I will look for the last meeting and put the message there. 23:36:18 <potty> thank you echevemaster 23:36:21 <Kohane> Perfect. Thanks Echevemaster, 23:36:23 <echevemaster> thanks itamarjp 23:36:29 <echevemaster> ok, 339? 23:36:34 <williamjmorenor> Thanjs echevemaster 23:36:38 <potty> #action echevemaster to include the approval of ticket #332 in its trac ticket 23:36:42 <potty> echevemaster: yes :) 23:36:53 <echevemaster> #topic https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/339 23:37:08 <yosef7> hi 23:37:15 <yosef7> .fas josereyesjdi 23:37:16 <zodbot> yosef7: josereyesjdi 'Jose Reyes' <josereyes.jdi@gmail.com> 23:37:18 * williamjmorenor sorry my phone spell chequer do not help 23:38:00 <echevemaster> ok, read the ticket and vote 23:38:16 <Kohane> I already read it long ago... 23:38:29 <potty> +1 23:38:33 <echevemaster> ok, then vote 23:38:40 <Kohane> +1 23:38:41 <echevemaster> +1 23:38:48 <itamarjp> please file tickets before events, not after 23:38:52 <itamarjp> +1 23:39:00 <potty> itamarjp: +1 23:39:07 <Richzendy> hay badge del flisol? 23:39:10 <Kohane> Yes, I'm doing that now 23:39:12 <alexove> +1 23:39:12 <Richzendy> +1 23:39:15 <potty> i would to apologize for that, he is new 23:39:16 <tatica> +1 23:39:17 <williamjmorenor> +1 23:39:22 <williamjmorenor> Va a haber 23:39:30 <potty> and i'm trying to train him on the good way 23:39:43 <williamjmorenor> Tengo que solicitarlo, el badge de flisol 23:39:48 <yosef7> Disculpen, estoy comenzando. Es mi primer evento 23:39:51 <potty> williamjmorenor: did you created the ticket? 23:39:58 <potty> on the badge trac? 23:40:18 <Kohane> yosef7: where are you from? 23:40:20 <williamjmorenor> Not alredy :( 23:40:40 <yosef7> Kohane, Panama 23:40:48 <echevemaster> #agreed ticket 339 23:40:57 <williamjmorenor> I will do it today and sent the link in telegram 23:41:03 <echevemaster> next ticket 23:41:06 <wolnei> +1 23:41:16 <Kohane> So nice. Welcome! 23:41:23 <Kohane> ok 23:41:24 <potty> :) 23:41:32 <yosef7> thnks 23:41:37 <potty> All FLISOL tickets were discussed. We can now move to FISL. 23:41:41 <echevemaster> first local people 23:41:46 <Kohane> Okay 23:42:01 <williamjmorenor> Good 23:42:08 <echevemaster> #topic Funding Request for Wolnei to FISL 17 23:42:57 <williamjmorenor> Should i request a badge for FISL? 23:42:59 <potty> link plese 23:43:02 <potty> williamjmorenor: i think so 23:43:16 <potty> #action @williamjmorenor to request a badge for FISL and FLISOL 23:43:21 <Kohane> Yeah, it would be nice a FISL badge 23:43:22 <williamjmorenor> I need the event logo 23:43:25 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/334 23:43:27 <itamarjp> #link http://softwarelivre.org/fisl17 23:43:35 <potty> thanks itamarjp echevemaster 23:43:58 * potty is ready to vote 23:44:03 <Kohane> Me too 23:44:38 <itamarjp> +1 for Wolnei, he is a very good speaker. 23:44:56 <echevemaster> +1 23:45:04 <anamativi> +1 23:45:05 <yosef7> +1 23:45:06 <xmrbrz> +1 23:45:08 <Kohane> +1 23:45:15 <echevemaster> he has been a good speaker always 23:45:26 <Richzendy> +1 23:45:29 <echevemaster> #agreed ticket 339 23:45:45 <echevemaster> #undo 23:45:45 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by echevemaster at 23:45:29 : ticket 339 23:45:46 <Kohane> Excellent 23:46:02 <echevemaster> #agreed ticket 334 23:46:20 <potty> +1 23:46:20 <itamarjp> we have a separated ticket for hotel, I will update the ticket. 23:46:24 <potty> :( late vote 23:47:03 <Kohane> Why separated? 23:47:05 <potty> itamarjp: please explain 23:47:07 <echevemaster> #topic Funding request to attend FISL 17 for xmrbrz 23:47:24 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/338 23:48:03 <echevemaster> please read the ticket and vote 23:48:05 <potty> +1 23:48:10 <itamarjp> Bruno helped fedora booth in old fisl's 23:48:12 <itamarjp> +1 23:48:18 <echevemaster> +1 23:48:23 <Kohane> +1 23:48:26 <yosef7> +1 23:48:27 <potty> but with the compromise of making bruno part of a fedora sub-project 23:48:33 <wolnei> +1 23:48:44 <potty> because he can't be attending the booth forever :) 23:48:51 <echevemaster> #agreed 338 23:49:16 <itamarjp> xmrbrz, did you saw that ? 23:49:18 <Kohane> potty: agree with you 23:49:26 <xmrbrz> yes, itamarjp, I understand 23:49:28 <echevemaster> #topic Funding Request for itamarjp to FISL 17 23:50:02 <williamjmorenor> I am here? 23:50:06 <echevemaster> yes 23:50:07 <potty> williamjmorenor: pong! 23:50:19 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/340 23:50:36 <anamativi> +1 23:50:53 <tonet666p> +1 23:50:57 <williamjmorenor> Thanks 23:50:59 <potty> +! 23:50:59 <wolnei> +1 23:51:00 <echevemaster> +1 23:51:01 <xmrbrz> +1 23:51:02 <potty> +1 23:51:11 <Richzendy> +1 23:51:11 <echevemaster> #agreed 340 23:51:13 <Kohane> +1 23:51:19 <williamjmorenor> Well I am +1 23:51:29 <potty> :) 23:51:53 <echevemaster> #topic Funding Request for FISL Montevideo - Porto Alegre 23:52:06 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/333 23:52:38 <potty> +1 23:52:53 <echevemaster> +1 23:52:55 <Kohane> +1 23:53:00 <anamativi> +1 23:53:09 <itamarjp> +1 23:53:13 * alexove 666 el numero del diablo, 333 medio diablo? :-D 23:53:15 <alexove> +1 23:53:17 <xmrbrz> +1 23:53:23 <potty> alexove: ba dum tss 23:53:30 <echevemaster> #agreed 333 23:53:32 <Richzendy> +1 23:53:39 <wolnei> +1 23:53:48 <potty> next ticket? 23:53:51 <x3mboy> +1 23:54:14 <itamarjp> #341 23:54:18 <echevemaster> #topic Funding request to attend FISL 17 for echevemaster 23:54:30 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/335 23:54:34 <Kohane> I know a guy who uses a shirt saying "333 half beast" 23:54:37 <Kohane> ok 23:54:55 <echevemaster> take into account that flight could be cheaper. ?? 23:55:14 <potty> may you update the price please echevemaster 23:55:23 <itamarjp> echevemaster +1 for the cheaper 23:55:39 <potty> cause this ticket plus the hotel and swag tickets is going to be above the 2000 estimated on the budget 23:56:03 <echevemaster> I'll do. 23:56:21 <itamarjp> potty, do you have the sum of all related fisl tickets ? 23:56:30 <potty> yes i do 23:57:10 <Richzendy> +1 23:57:17 <potty> Flights: 1132.45 23:58:04 <itamarjp> hotel $600 + Material $200 23:58:08 <potty> Hotel: 600 23:58:11 <potty> Swag: 200 23:58:22 <echevemaster> what is the complete budget? 23:58:29 <potty> 2000 is the budget 23:58:29 <itamarjp> $1932 23:58:34 <potty> total is 1932 23:58:35 <potty> we are good 23:58:39 <potty> +1 for echevemaster ticket 23:58:56 <Kohane> +1 23:59:09 <alexove> +1 23:59:19 <geek_cl> +1 23:59:19 <anamativi> +1 23:59:20 <x3mboy> +1 23:59:24 <xmrbrz> +1 23:59:37 <wolnei> +1 23:59:40 <tatica> +1 23:59:41 <echevemaster> thanks bro 23:59:41 <yosef7> +1 23:59:45 <williamjmorenor> +1 23:59:55 <Richzendy> +1 00:00:11 <echevemaster> #agreed 335 00:00:17 <echevemaster> thanks all 00:00:39 <Kohane> You're welcome 00:01:07 <echevemaster> #topic Funding Request for Hosting [Hotel] to FISL 17 00:01:07 <potty> hope you do a good job on the event 00:01:10 <williamjmorenor> All latam love echevemaster 00:01:19 <echevemaster> potty: I hope so. 00:01:31 <potty> remember to make reports and take photos and get new contributors or projects 00:01:33 <Kohane> LOL 00:01:36 <Kohane> So it seems 00:01:42 <potty> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/341 00:01:47 <potty> +1 00:01:54 <echevemaster> +1 00:02:05 <geek_cl> +1 00:02:10 <x3mboy> Where it will be the FUDCon Latam 2107??? 00:02:14 <potty> xopa geek_cl ! 00:02:15 <x3mboy> 2017* 00:02:16 <Kohane> +1 00:02:20 <potty> x3mboy: on Puno, Peru 00:02:24 * geek_cl ofi! 00:02:29 <wolnei> +1 00:02:30 <Kohane> ofi? 00:02:40 * geek_cl internal words 00:02:43 <Richzendy> +1 00:02:48 <tonet666p> prepare your coats for Puno guys 00:02:49 <echevemaster> #agreed 341 00:03:03 <echevemaster> tonet666p: when do you do call of papers 00:03:04 <itamarjp> x3mboy, fudcon 2016, in Puno Peru 00:03:05 <Richzendy> x3mboy, 2016 is in Puno Perú 00:03:06 <echevemaster> ? 00:03:10 <echevemaster> we have to send to the losy 00:03:15 <echevemaster> list* 00:03:15 <potty> echevemaster: maybe we could speak about it 00:03:19 <potty> after finishing FISL tickets 00:03:28 <Kohane> Losy... LMAO!!! 00:03:29 <potty> missing ticket #342 00:03:29 * potty https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/342 00:03:42 <x3mboy> I ask for 2017, but OK, 2016 in Puno 00:03:53 <echevemaster> #topic FISL 17 Material 00:04:07 <potty> x3mboy: next fudcon will be decided later... perhaps Panama.............. 00:04:11 <potty> +! 00:04:12 <potty> +1 00:04:13 <Kohane> 2017 it's not even sight! 00:04:19 <itamarjp> I am asking $200 to produce Material for fisl, swags, stickets, banners, etc... 00:04:23 <echevemaster> x3mboy: 2017 will be in Bogota 00:04:30 <geek_cl> potty, +1 00:04:40 <Kohane> I'm getting lost... 00:04:50 <echevemaster> Kohane: usually 00:04:55 <echevemaster> hehehehe 00:04:57 <x3mboy> LOL 00:05:08 <Richzendy> potty, or San Cristóbal xD 00:05:10 <Kohane> Yeah... I get lost easily 00:05:16 <x3mboy> Santiago! 00:05:26 <anamativi> +1 00:05:41 <echevemaster> #agreed 342 00:05:44 <wolnei> +1 00:06:05 <echevemaster> ok, we finish the tickets for today, right? 00:06:09 <yn1v> no 00:06:16 <echevemaster> what is the next ticket yn1v 00:06:17 <yn1v> 337 ? 00:06:18 <potty> missing a ticket 00:06:19 <echevemaster> ? 00:06:21 <potty> for stickers 00:06:22 <potty> yes 00:06:38 <potty> #topic Ticket #337: Stickers for Nicaragya 00:06:39 <potty> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/337 00:06:42 <echevemaster> this ticket was discussed yn1v ?? 00:06:42 * potty #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/337 00:06:48 <potty> echevemaster: no 00:07:03 <yn1v> no, is a new ticket, pretty much the same 00:07:06 <Kohane> No, it wasn't 00:07:11 <echevemaster> ok got it- yn1v 00:07:13 <echevemaster> thanks. 00:07:26 <echevemaster> please read and vote 00:07:30 <yn1v> last ticket was to porduce some fedora logo bubbles, 00:07:45 <potty> yn1v: but what is the diff between this ticket and #328 00:08:00 <potty> yn1v is reading my mind... as always 00:08:04 <yn1v> this is a sticket pack that is the same size as a dvd envelope, and you cut your stickers out of it 00:08:11 <Kohane> Good question... What are logo bubbles? 00:08:24 <potty> ok 00:08:42 <echevemaster> bubbles or bubbies? 00:08:46 <echevemaster> just kidding 00:08:48 <itamarjp> +1 00:08:53 <williamjmorenor> A sticker os the fedora logo Kohane 00:08:53 <echevemaster> +1 00:08:56 * geek_cl ( * )( * ) 00:09:02 <Kohane> LOL 00:09:19 <Kohane> Ah, okay, got it, thannks 00:09:28 <Kohane> I imagined something different 00:09:31 <potty> +1 for me, they still got budget for swag ($620) 00:09:38 <yn1v> i sjust the bubble without the word fedora 00:09:39 <Kohane> +1 00:09:40 <potty> ($620 is the total budget) 00:09:49 <anamativi> +1 00:09:54 <yn1v> this is a fedora bubble ... https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/49/150318739_27c32ca39a_m.jpg 00:10:08 <Kohane> Oh! I see 00:10:12 <echevemaster> anyone else for vote? 00:10:18 <williamjmorenor> +1 00:10:18 <yn1v> +1 00:10:23 <xmrbrz> +1 00:10:25 <Kohane> Done already 00:10:25 <williamjmorenor> ;) 00:10:32 <potty> it is agreed 00:10:35 <tonet666p> +1 00:10:38 <x3mboy> +1 00:11:02 <echevemaster> #agreed 337 00:11:05 <Richzendy> +1 00:11:10 <potty> who is lailah? 00:11:14 <potty> Kohane? 00:11:22 <Kohane> Yeah 00:11:25 <Kohane> That's me 00:11:29 <Kohane> Why? 00:11:31 <potty> ticket #343 and #344 are the same? 00:12:01 <Kohane> potty: I'm lailah, why do you ask? 00:12:41 <itamarjp> Kohane, please close one and update the other one. 00:12:41 <echevemaster> you are Kohane, Laylah, who anyone else are you? 00:13:01 <potty> itamarjp: +1 00:13:02 <echevemaster> you're the God of thousand faces? 00:13:15 <yosef7> :o 00:13:19 <tatica> GoT 00:13:21 <potty> Kohane: it is not clear if are the same or not... both are asking for the same... 00:13:21 <echevemaster> GOT 00:13:46 <Kohane> No, no. Lailah is my FAS account. Kohane is my IRC nick 00:14:07 <echevemaster> Kohane: please take care of the throne 00:14:18 <echevemaster> ok, anothet ticket? 00:14:37 <Kohane> Throne? 00:14:55 <Kohane> Maybe I can unite them in one? 00:14:56 <echevemaster> Kohane: see Game of thrones, it is a joke :) 00:15:03 <Kohane> Ah! 00:15:16 <Kohane> Oh, I see.. 00:15:20 <x3mboy> Winter is coming 00:15:22 <potty> #action Kohane (lailah) may close one ticket 00:15:28 <potty> echevemaster: no more tickets 00:15:28 <Kohane> OK 00:15:36 <echevemaster> ok, if there no tickets I'll close the meeting 00:15:37 <potty> echevemaster: we have finished all of thems 00:15:39 <echevemaster> agree? 00:15:40 <potty> echevemaster: no 00:15:43 <echevemaster> ok. 00:15:47 <potty> tonet666p 00:15:50 <potty> status of FUDCon? 00:15:52 <echevemaster> please bring your topic 00:15:52 <Kohane> I put DVD and media inside the other ticket then? 00:15:59 <potty> #topic FUDCon Puno updates 00:16:09 <potty> tonet666p: do you have any news related to FUDCon? 00:16:26 <potty> Kohane: put all the info on one ticket and close the other one 00:16:37 <tonet666p> well 00:16:58 <Kohane> Okay. Sorry, I never created a ticket before 00:17:06 <tonet666p> this week i went to my university 00:17:07 <potty> Kohane: it is ok. we are here to help 00:17:16 <Kohane> Thanks! 00:17:57 <echevemaster> tonet666p: plese give us your status in spanish 00:18:05 <potty> echevemaster: +1 00:18:09 <echevemaster> we need further information about the event 00:18:13 <tonet666p> ok 00:18:18 <potty> tonet666p: en español para que no te mates con el idioma 00:18:22 <potty> al final se traduce para los logs 00:18:37 <tonet666p> esta semana lleve el proyecto para solicitar el auditorio a la universidad 00:18:45 <tonet666p> el director de estudios se esta encargando de ello 00:19:11 <Kohane> Good 00:19:42 <echevemaster> ok, take into account we have to make the call of papers soon, we need to know what people is interested on going to the event. 00:19:47 <tonet666p> ahora, sobre la comida, creo que la universidad no ofrece comida vegetariana 00:20:06 <tonet666p> creo que tendremos que cambiar de opcion 00:20:14 <echevemaster> tonet666p: about food we can fix it in the meantime 00:20:20 <tonet666p> echevemaster, ok 00:20:38 <tonet666p> entonces apresuraremos lo del call for papers 00:20:41 <echevemaster> no 00:20:58 <echevemaster> I'm talkin about a date. 00:21:09 <echevemaster> exactly right now. not.- 00:21:20 <potty> echevemaster: use spanish too, it is ok 00:21:28 <tonet666p> ok, ya entendi 00:21:42 <x3mboy> Por ahora yo soy sólo usuario, pero de verdad me gustaría asistir al evento, aunque sea con mis propios medios 00:22:15 <Kohane> That's very nice 00:22:17 <echevemaster> potty: no problem man. 00:22:18 <tonet666p> el lunes vere como va el tema del auditorio en la universidad 00:22:25 <echevemaster> ok. 00:22:32 <potty> tonet666p: estadía? 00:22:36 <tonet666p> potty, prefiero que sea en ingles como para mejorar el spanglish 00:22:44 <potty> tonet666p: como gusten 00:23:01 <Richzendy> x3mboy, cualquiera puede asistir con sus propios medios o incluso con patrocinio parcial, eso si, si solitas fondos de fedora, deben ser justificados en algo, tal vez una charla 00:23:08 <echevemaster> tonet666p: You had opened the trac for these tickets? 00:23:29 <tonet666p> potty, aun no fui a hablar personalmente con el admin del hotel, lo que si confirmo es que tienen soporte para visa 00:23:33 <Richzendy> x3mboy, yo asistí a mi primer Fudcon, en panamá con fondos propios 00:23:39 <tonet666p> echevemaster, still no 00:23:47 <potty> tonet666p: ok 00:23:54 <echevemaster> ok, I'll add the tag then 00:24:24 <echevemaster> please tag all these things in the tickets in Fudcon trac 00:24:25 <Kohane> :-) 00:24:40 <x3mboy> Richzendy, si, igual yo (aunque era en Valencia, técnicamente yo era local) 00:25:00 <potty> #action tonet666p to add the updated status of the event on the FUDCon trac 00:25:09 <tonet666p> we were using trello, we will move it to trac sorry 00:25:21 <echevemaster> ok, tonet666p I'll help you with the trac? 00:25:35 <echevemaster> what about make the call of papers in three weeks?? 00:25:38 <echevemaster> ? 00:25:40 <Richzendy> x3mboy, ah, cierto que fuiste al de Valencia 00:25:40 <echevemaster> agreed? 00:25:47 <echevemaster> tonet666p: 00:26:35 <tonet666p> echevemaster, i was working a lot the last month, now i have more time 00:27:00 <echevemaster> ok, three weeks from now. 00:27:03 <tonet666p> this week i will do the fudcon things 00:27:19 <williamjmorenor> Any other topic 00:27:21 <potty> echevemaster: lets decide on that call of papers date on next meeting 00:27:22 <williamjmorenor> ??? 00:27:28 <tonet666p> i think three weeks are well 00:27:31 <potty> ok 00:27:34 <potty> then is agreed 00:27:41 <potty> #agreed Call of papers in 3 weeks from now 00:27:52 <potty> Thanks tonet666p for the update 00:27:56 <potty> Any other topic? 00:27:56 <echevemaster> will be sent to the list. 00:27:58 <echevemaster> thanks 00:28:34 <echevemaster> 15 00:28:36 <echevemaster> 14 00:28:37 <echevemaster> 13 00:28:40 <echevemaster> 12 00:28:42 <echevemaster> 11 00:28:44 <echevemaster> 10 00:28:46 <echevemaster> 9 00:28:48 <echevemaster> 8 00:28:50 <echevemaster> 7 00:28:52 <echevemaster> 6 00:28:53 <potty> x2 00:28:54 <echevemaster> 5 00:28:56 <echevemaster> 4 00:28:58 <echevemaster> 3 00:29:00 <echevemaster> 2 00:29:02 <echevemaster> 1 00:29:03 <potty> Thanks all for coming! 00:29:04 <echevemaster> thanks for attend 00:29:08 <tonet666p> thanks guys 00:29:10 <echevemaster> Winter has come 00:29:11 <potty> echevemaster++ 00:29:11 <zodbot> potty: Karma for echevemaster changed to 6 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:29:13 <potty> tonet666p++ 00:29:13 <Kohane> thanksm cheers 00:29:13 <zodbot> potty: Karma for tonet666p changed to 8 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:29:14 <tatica> :D 00:29:16 <echevemaster> #endmeeting