22:59:06 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora Latam Ambassadors meeting 22:59:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jul 2 22:59:06 2016 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:59:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:59:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors_meeting' 22:59:16 <athos> .fas athoscribeiro 22:59:17 <zodbot> athos: ribeiro 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> 22:59:23 * athos Brazil 22:59:25 <fredlima> .fas fredlima 22:59:26 <echevemaster> #topic Roll Call 22:59:28 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br> 22:59:30 <echevemaster> thanks linuxmodder 22:59:31 * fredlima Brazil 22:59:42 <em3rson_> .fas em3rson 22:59:42 <zodbot> em3rson_: em3rson 'Emerson Santos' <em3rson@linuxmail.org> 22:59:44 <em3rson_> Brazil 22:59:59 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 23:00:00 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 23:00:04 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 23:00:05 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 23:00:12 <linuxmodder> (from FamNA) 23:00:14 * echevemaster Venezuela - Colombia 23:01:17 <douglax> .fas douglax 23:01:17 <zodbot> douglax: aacosta 'Alejandro Acosta' <alxacostaa@gmail.com> 23:02:44 <echevemaster> Ticket #354 can not be discussed here athos 23:03:12 <echevemaster> We can give our opinion but we can not decide about the case 23:03:46 <echevemaster> also, people in the last meeting gave +1 about this one. 23:03:54 <athos> Oh, I see, I misunderstood last week comments on it then 23:04:07 <athos> I thought we would discuss it again today :) 23:04:11 <athos> ok 23:04:35 <echevemaster> itamarjp: Did you discuss this one with FAMNA? 23:05:33 <echevemaster> seems itamarjp is offline or busy. 23:05:34 <itamarjp> not yet 23:05:48 <echevemaster> athos: about this one? Report on Release Party Sao Paulo 23:05:56 <itamarjp> I am on cellphone using 3g 23:06:18 <echevemaster> who were the owner of the event 23:06:24 <echevemaster> athos: you.? 23:06:32 <athos> daniela morais and I :) 23:06:33 <athos> yes 23:06:44 <echevemaster> #topic Report on Release Party Sao Paulo 23:06:44 <athos> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F24_Sao_Paulo 23:06:58 <athos> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F24_Sao_Paulo 23:06:59 <echevemaster> please go ahead athos this is yours 23:07:04 <athos> ops, not a chair hehe 23:07:09 <athos> ok 23:07:11 <athos> so 23:07:21 <echevemaster> #chair athos 23:07:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: athos echevemaster 23:07:27 <athos> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F24_Sao_Paulo 23:07:37 <athos> The RP here was REALLY great! 23:08:08 <athos> we had 25 ppl over @ the Red Hat HQ in São Paulo 23:08:08 <potty> hello 23:08:33 <athos> the RP started around 10 am and ended at 3:30pm 23:09:11 <potty> ! 23:09:25 <athos> We opened with a introduction to the project, then we had a talk on flatpak 23:09:35 <athos> which was really great :) 23:10:09 <athos> then another talk on cloud computing with fedora which danielbruno participated (speaking) remotely 23:10:30 <athos> and then we closed with fedora + python 23:10:34 <athos> go ahead potty 23:10:41 <kovalevsky> Hello 23:10:44 <echevemaster> athos: where we can see the reports or blog notes about the event? 23:10:45 <kovalevsky> .fas sophiekovalevsky 23:10:45 <zodbot> kovalevsky: sophiekovalevsky 'Kiara Navarro' <kiarakovalevsky@gmail.com> 23:10:49 <kovalevsky> Panamá. 23:11:30 <echevemaster> potty: go ahead. 23:11:30 <athos> so, the event ended this afternoon, so I am still preparing the posts, I will add links to the wiki as soon as we have them (we also tooklots of pictures) 23:11:36 <srkraken> .fas srkraken 23:11:37 <zodbot> srkraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 23:11:52 <athos> s/to the wiki/in the wiki/ 23:11:57 <echevemaster> athos: remember add the link on the Fedora events page 23:12:05 <athos> Ok 23:12:06 * srkraken México 23:12:10 <potty> echevemaster: hi 23:12:29 <potty> #info Panama City had our Fedora 24 Release Party. Was a success. 23:12:32 <echevemaster> thanks for your report athos and for held the RP 23:12:58 <potty> EOF 23:13:01 * itamarjp_ happy to see non brazilians in this meeting 23:13:08 <echevemaster> that was surprisely short potty 23:13:23 <potty> echevemaster: jajajaja we must write reports and share them 23:13:24 <athos> Also, we planned the RP for 10-20 ppl and we had 36 ppl subscribing and 25 atendees, so we overspent a little. itamarjp_ told us we could try getting a refund for the full value and I want to hear from potty on that. If that isn't possible, it shall not be a major problem 23:13:58 <echevemaster> athos: how many? 23:13:58 <potty> How much do you spend? athos 23:13:59 <athos> ticket was for $50, we spent around $93 23:14:17 <echevemaster> ok we can discuss this on this moment 23:14:44 <echevemaster> potty: what is your opinion about this one? 23:14:49 <echevemaster> we can afford it? 23:14:59 <potty> may you detail the overspent athos ? 23:15:46 <itamarjp_> it was a long duration event 23:15:51 <itamarjp_> 5+ hours 23:16:13 <echevemaster> itamarjp_: please let athos give the details. 23:16:15 <athos> sure potty: as I said, the initial planning was holding the RP for at most 20 ppl, since the last RP in São Paulo had 7 atendees. We had 36 ppl subscribing to it and we did want them all to have lunch 23:16:46 <athos> we spent $93 on food AND Red Hat paid for the drinks 23:17:16 <potty> There is a rule that says we do not cover food, but with the years we omitted this. 23:17:33 <potty> To be clear: $93 for X people? 23:17:37 <potty> How many is X? 23:17:40 <athos> 25 23:17:48 <itamarjp_> the intl page says that food are ok 23:18:12 <potty> itamarjp_: we spoke about that before do not make this a show 23:18:23 <potty> athos: +1 for your doubt 23:18:25 <itamarjp_> latam page said not 23:18:33 <echevemaster> potty: we do not cover food for ourselves, in our Release parties we give to our participants cake or pizza. 23:18:44 <potty> echevemaster: correct 23:18:51 <potty> athos: what was the meal? 23:18:53 <potty> pizza? 23:19:01 <athos> Sandwiches 23:19:32 <itamarjp_> do this make difference about the kind of food ? 23:19:35 <echevemaster> potty: that is my point, pizza is not a food, sandwichs neither 23:19:38 <athos> vegan and non-vegan options since we had 5+ veggies/vegans 23:19:54 <echevemaster> food is a complete meal. 23:19:57 <itamarjp_> we eat all of them 23:20:07 <potty> As i mentioned before... athos go ahead 23:20:13 <potty> it is good 23:20:21 <echevemaster> ok 23:20:42 <potty> But next time, careful with overspent 23:20:50 <potty> Be strict with that. 23:20:58 <echevemaster> athos: 43 dollars right? 23:21:01 <potty> It is not an obligation to give meals to the attendees. 23:21:22 <echevemaster> yes, please define spends before the event. 23:21:23 <potty> So, we as ambassadors should measure that and look for other sponsors 23:21:31 * linuxmodder returns from sidetrack -- reads scroll 23:21:40 <athos> ok, thanks. As I said, we had more ppl than we estimated at 1st and I didn't want to tell them they could not attend. I will plan it better netx time 23:21:41 <potty> and not use the budget on that 23:21:49 <potty> athos: thank you 23:21:52 <potty> let's move on 23:21:57 <douglax> ? 23:22:02 <linuxmodder> echevemaster, what was needed for FAMNA ? 23:22:04 <athos> sure 23:22:24 <echevemaster> linuxmodder: itamarjp_ wants to be Ambassador mentor 23:22:34 <linuxmodder> echevemaster, for which region 23:22:42 <echevemaster> LATAM 23:22:45 <linuxmodder> .fasinfo itamarjp_ 23:22:46 <zodbot> linuxmodder: User "itamarjp_" doesn't exist 23:22:51 <linuxmodder> .fasinfo itamarjp 23:22:52 <zodbot> linuxmodder: User: itamarjp, Name: Itamar Reis Peixoto, email: itamar@ispbrasil.com.br, Creation: 2008-05-16, IRC Nick: itamarjp, Timezone: America/Sao_Paulo, Locale: en, GPG key ID: 9710F5D4, Status: active 23:22:55 <zodbot> linuxmodder: Unapproved Groups: cvssystem-config-lvm l10n-admin l10n-editor 23:22:58 <zodbot> linuxmodder: Approved Groups: campusambassadors letsencrypt fedorabugs cla_fedora cla_done freemedia packager ambassadors fedora-br cvsl10n l10n-commits proventesters cla_fpca 23:23:04 <echevemaster> the former mentor is not available for a while 23:23:05 <linuxmodder> does latam not have mentors atm ? 23:23:29 <echevemaster> we have some of them, but they are unavailable for a while. 23:23:45 <potty> linuxmodder: yes we have 23:23:59 <echevemaster> and itamarjp_ wants attend their region 23:24:01 <echevemaster> brazil 23:24:02 <linuxmodder> itamarjp_, refresh my memory is sao_paulo utc -5 or -6 ? 23:24:09 <athos> -3 23:24:10 <fredlima> -3 23:24:19 <potty> Daniel Bruno, Juan Rodriguez Moreno, Luis Bazán, María "tatica" Leandro, Matias Maceira 23:24:44 <itamarjp> ony Daniel Bruno is Brazilian 23:24:46 <echevemaster> the only available are Luis Bazan and Maceira. 23:24:59 <linuxmodder> itamarjp_, if you must ask famna (I'm form famna but not a mentor) look for those on EAST COAST they aer closest in TZ 23:25:16 <echevemaster> ok thanks linuxmodder 23:25:30 <echevemaster> we have other topics to discuss? 23:25:32 <linuxmodder> east coast is presently -4 23:25:42 <linuxmodder> let's move on didn't mean to hijack 23:25:44 <linuxmodder> sorry 23:26:26 <athos> I don't think so 23:26:28 <echevemaster> itamarjp: now you know what to do. 23:27:23 <echevemaster> #topic Open Floor 23:27:57 <athos> ! 23:28:00 <douglax> ! 23:28:08 <echevemaster> go ahead athos 23:29:01 <athos> Just to point out that I will keep sending emails with the meeting agenda to the list until I figure out sth to propose on the trac issue 23:29:26 <athos> I've been busy with RP and other stuff this week, so I did not work on that 23:30:26 <echevemaster> athos: we understand it. 23:30:37 <echevemaster> so, thanks for the collaboration 23:30:49 <echevemaster> douglax: 23:30:53 <echevemaster> go ahead 23:30:54 <douglax> Just to let you guys know that we also had a RP in Chihuahua, Mexico. About 40 people, everything was great, no report yet though 23:31:14 <douglax> EOF 23:31:54 <echevemaster> try to put reports in this week, we need visibility on all we do 23:32:17 <douglax> ok, I will. It happened just last thursday 23:32:44 <echevemaster> #info Fudcon Deadline will be at July 11th, please if you did a ticket, attend to the meeting 23:33:58 <echevemaster> there is any else to discuss? 23:34:34 <echevemaster> if not, May I finish this meeting? 23:34:49 <echevemaster> thanks all for attend. 23:35:02 <athos> thank you guys :) 23:35:06 <echevemaster> #endmeeting